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Sero watched from a broken window as another being trespassed upon his sanctuary. His dull grey eyes watching without even the hint of a soul behind them. As if the grave was watching the one who stepped within its realm. There was little in the way of life here. The mist coated the ground like a blanket and swirled with each step. The hour was hard to tell as a fog bank surrounded the island. All that could be said was that it was day. Time seemed to be irrelevant here. As if hours were weeks and weeks were mere minutes. Having only been here a moment could feel like an eternity. This was Sero's abode. However it was hard to say if that was just the nature of the island or if that feeling was due to Sero's very presence. Still his curiosity tingled somewhere within his depths. He held no pity for those who came to his home out of bravery or foolishness. But he did wonder which brought the boy forth. It was curious to see someone willingly enter into such a place and not be on their guard. He would need to inquire of this further.

In utter silence Sero turned. His robes swayed in the motion but only slightly. His fast paces carried him towards the door passed an arsenal of varied weaponry. From Bastard swords to Odachi' to whip swords and even a kunai launcher. Kunai lined a couple of tables of two different qualities and Shuriken hung from the walls. However Sero simply grabbed a single Katana into his left hand. Pale fingers clutching it by the scabbard tightly as he exited his room. Door long since obliterated from its shattered hinges. His pace took him down the long hall along the top floor. Old lights covered in cobwebs and windows so covered in dust that if they were not broken they were impossible to see through. His booted feet padded along the floor along the same path he always took. Evidence of it in the foot prints left in the layer of dust on the floor. It was dark inside. Hardly any light filtered through from the outside. Broken windows seemed to provide beams of light. Of which glinted off of the Kirigakure headband he was wearing over his windpipe. Hardly considered armor but decent enough for some protection. The floor creaked a little as an echo through the dark manor.

Soon Sero made it to the entry way. The door was already open still and the intruder had taken to sitting on the steps. By now the intruder would be able to feel Sero. Even three floors up overlooking him it would feel as if there was something inhuman there. This was something Sero always let out. Even if he tried to hold it back it would do little good. It was as if there was something out there. It didn't tell what direction but there was something dark, hungry and vicious somewhere on the island and it was watching. The fog seemed to creep in like thin wispy claws slowly dragging itself through the open door and blanketing the old wooden floor in a white coat. As if the mist itself wished to gain entry to the manor. In silence and slipping through the darkness Sero jumped from the third floor and silently slipped down to the first floor. With only a moments notice upon touching down in almost complete silence he let out a breath. Filling the entry way with a much thicker mist which seemed to creep out. Filling the space between him and the intruder. The location suited him because it carried a bit of an echo. This mist seemed to reach out and block sight entirely. Like a wall of white, cold to the touch, that seemed to block further entry. As if stepping into it uninvited meant losing ones soul. It was then that a voice echoed. Cold and starting loud but growing quieter each time.

"Why do you trespass? Speak your business intruder."


190/200 chakra:



Sero listened to the man speak. Or boy rather. He was very opinionated about Sero's home. His fathers home. Sero wasn't one to care usually. But the staff had been to afraid of him that by the time he could walk and understand the fear they had all deserted him. It had been years now since they left basically an infant alone in the mansion. But he had survived without others for a good deal of time. Even when foolish individuals thought to claim the mansion as a base...scouts for some Bells figure or another, He had left their bodies under the bridge tied to rocks to feed the fish. He preferred his fish nice an fat for when he ate them. For a time the island had been considered haunted as a great deal of people seem to have forgotten he existed. Even as the son of a well loved Kage over time lurking in the shadows your name fades from their minds. Still his grey eyes stared in the direction of the voice. Judging distance and height. The boys voice echoed a little as well but he only concentrated on the source. Merely a few meters away slightly down from him. Five steps down still. He hadn't moved other then to stand up.

Sero moved forward as the man finished assessing the situation and judging the place he had intruded upon. As sero approached the position suddenly his Katana could be heard drawing a lot closer then he had been before. His presence was like a dull growl like a creature baring its fangs within the young mans face. The second the katana could be heard drawing the mist seemed to part as it was swung from the sheath in one motion. The tip of it barely five inches away as it swung. The mist seemed to conceal most of Sero still. But as he stopped the swing expertly mere inches from the boys face the sword pointed at his eye. A mere twitch from plunging into the eye and ending him. The blade itself was rusted and dulled but this close the rust mixed with the smell of blood. There had been so much blood on this blade it had rusted. The blade led back towards the mist to reveal a pale hand gripping the hilt. The mist seemed to cling to it as if the surface of water being disturbed. Beyond that even as close as Sero was it wasn't possible to see into the mist. There was no expression to see what would happen next. Just a hand and a Katana that smelled of slain foes. And then a cold voice spoke out. Closer now so it echoed less but somehow it reminded of the grave. Cold and without any life behind it.

"Lose your temper with me and I will pluck out your eyes and send you back to them blind. Slowly pull out your orders and hold them out at arms length with your right hand towards me. I am not known for answering to a clan...yet alone your clan. I wish to see these orders for myself before you continue judging my home."




Sero waited a moment as the boy slowly reached behind him. It was wise to not make sudden moves. If the boy had tried to move in a way Sero wasn't pleased with he would not have been opposed to removing one of his eyes rather then risk letting the boy get off a jutsu. After all he was just a thrust away. Still the boy pulled back his hand to reveal a scroll. it was obviously a fairly fancy once. But he didn't understand why any clan would willingly send someone to him. He must of gained some popularity from the chunnin exams. Either way he stepped forward as the thick mist seemed to peel away from him before thinning and fading completely. The house still felt dark and cold but now Sero could be seen clearly. As he moved forward the Katana shifted ever so subtly. Lowering from his face and turning away. Now the blade ran sideways to his neck as Sero reached out with his free hand and plucked the scroll. That scarf slipping away to nothing had evaded his attention as at the time he had been in the mist still so he could not see it. Still his cold grey eyes watched the boy waiting for a reaction before suddenly the blade flicked away from his neck. With the sound of metal slipping into the sheath he put it away in one motion. Calm and collected he took two more steps away making sure to turn so the intruder was always in front of him. Even with the blade put away though it felt like death was still mere inches away. Quietly Sero opened the scroll and with a glance read it before returning his eyes to the boy before him.

"I am not sure what foolish inspiration convinced your clan elders to send you here. I do not obey them. However you are a Kiri shinobi, as such you are sworn to defend home and country. If I must rely on you at some point I would expect you to be fully trained to keep up. If you wish to learn I will assist you. Cross me slightly and I will use your body as bait for the fish. Do you understand?"

-1200 For Sea Dragon B rank
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