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Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka


So, he had a (mostly) free weekend. Ashi was watching the girls, and Hiroyuki was with Michi and his cousins at a Genjutsu training seminar. The boy was too young to really learn anything, but he was fascinated by the subject, so Kenta had no objections to him going. Naota had been pestering him for months to meet up for some serious training, and the Uchiha had been dropping hints that he wanted to learn how to properly utilize Ninjutsu. Kenta was the nearest master of said subject, so he was fairly lucky that the blonde was fond of him. Finding out that Naota's sister, Amaya, wished to do the same... well; he had found very quickly that he enjoyed her company as well. So, he wasn't about to complain about working with both of them.

Hell; he could squeeze some serious training out of this for himself. He desperately needed to work on QuickStep and VoidStep; he'd been planning a more powerful variant of the two jutsu; but he needed to work on his control. Badly. He could work all of that in, as well as some work on his Wind chakra control. If he did it right, he could work it all in at once. They all could. Get it done now, when they had the time and the energy; that way when it came down to it and they needed the power... there wouldn't be any regrets.

He'd called them to one of his favorite training areas. The clearing was extremely deep in the forest; damn near a full day's hike from the edge of the village. This was closer to the village with the Land of Grass then he would normally go; but they needed the distance from civilization. A Kage, high ranking Jounin, and a Special Jounin? Two of which are Uchiha? Yeah... space. Lots and lots of space. The area used to be used a meeting place between the Inuzuka and Ookamizuka; back when the clan's refused to travel to the other's compounds to do pack trades and the like. As such, it was massive; yet perfectly well hidden. The canopy of tress was unbroken, and a few of the ancient oaks and yews of the forest littered the cleared area. The majority of the underbrush was cleared away, leaving a vast, mostly open space to work. A wide, very deep river cut through the center of the area; crystal clear and clear. Said river seemed to be shallow enough; similar to the Naka river. If you where unlucky enough to fall in and lose the fight with the deceptively calm current; well... your family would be receiving a nasty surprise visit.

This deep in the woods, the local animal life had little to no fear of humans; so the small herds of deer and the various birds where boldly standing in the open, feeding and chattering and generally enjoying life; even with Kenta and Yuki sitting in plain view. The two where talking while Kenta worked on brushing out her fur. She'd gone running into a bush full of sticker burrs, and now the annoyingly sharp bits where stuck in her silky fur. It gave him something to do while he waited; and the piles of said burrs around them was a testament to how long he'd been at it. "That's a girl... almost done..."





As luck would have it that day at that quiet and private pond had seemed to pay off. As had obviously not getting on the Hokage's nerves given he'd agreed to train herself and her brother. Which was more then nice of him in her opinion. She'd been meaning to begin this training for a very personal goal.. though she hadn't mentioned it to anyone at all, minus maybe her brother. She'd chosen the path she was planning on taking and needed to get Ninjutsu under her belt to be able to pursue it. She'd waited long enough to start, and since she hadn't had a relapse of her sickness she figured now was a good a time as any.

Knowing she was probably going to be put through her paces, worn down, and probably going to be in a great deal of pain when this was all over she'd forced herself to get a decent bit of sleep the evening before, and had even made sure she spent the past few days actually eating properly, let alone at all. She knew she was going to need her strength, and wasn't about to go into this half-assed. She hated to think of what Kenta would think, feel, and say, if he thought she was doing nothing more then wasting his time.

She'd made sure before she set out that morning that she had dressed herself in sturdy clothing. Nothing could possibly be worse then to be in the middle of doing something and end up with a giant gaping hole in something or another. Very embarrassing, and she'd rather avoid it. So, the black long sleeved shirt she had on was thicker and sturdier then her normal wear, as were her shorts that went down to about her knees. And of course her black open toed sandals she always wore. Her overly long white hair was up in the tightest of a braided bun she could get it so that nothing could get in her way when the training started.

She knew the place they were training was a good bit away, so she'd started out pretty early, even before the sun had begun to rose. She didn't bother trying to walk most of the way, her excitement had her blood pumping, so for the most part she'd run her way there, sometimes along the ground while other times she simply jumped, skipped, and hopped from tree to tree. She definitely didn't want to be late, that was for sure, but she also didn't want to tire herself out, so she didn't push herself too too hard.

She got herself there within a decent amount of time, and skidded to a stop right as she reached the clearing, her red tinted gaze landing on Kenta and his Ninken, pausing a moment to realize what he was doing exactly. She grinned, restraining herself from bouncing in place in her excitement. "Hope I'm not late.", she said in way of announcing her arrival, though she was darn sure Kenta knew it already. She glanced around a moment, not seeing her brother anywhere, though she didn't say anything for the moment about it.


Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

Well, there's one. He would have smelled her brother by now, so they much have come separately. Typical Naota, he'd show up when he felt like it, and not a moment sooner. He rose to his feet, hand moving down to scratch Yuki's ears before she darted off to greet the Uchiha. Yuki was becoming more tolerant of Uchiha in general; but she was still wary of most people. However, given Amaya smelled of Naota, she would likely be accepted very quickly. “You're not late. I don't expect your brother to show up for a while yet. He tends to take his sweet ass time, as you must well know.” He waved her closer, even as the local animal life began to take proper notice of her. Kenta was familiar to them; they saw him as just another animal. No threat, something normal. Amaya? No, she was different. She was... out of place. They became wary; but not as they would have had they been closer to the villages.

Yuki trotted up to Ayama, nose high and ears trained forward. She was sniffing and inspecting, moving in wide circles around the woman the entire time. After a few moments, the canine's tail raised and began to wag; her snowy white form moving closer. A simple rub against the Uchiha's leg was all it took to know that she was accepted. Right, one headache down. “Come on over, we'll need to set up a camp before we start anything. We'll be here overnight, at the very least.”




She was practically bouncing in place still in her excitement, even more so after being informed she wasn't late. "Oh? Well good, I hate to keep people waiting."

Amaya had glanced about a bit more, still searching for her brother all the while thinking 'He's probably going to come jumping out behind me at some point...probably when he thinks I least expect it'. However, at Kenta's words that proved he hadn't arrived she quit searching and simply gave a small shrug. "Yeah, he always does like to keep his own schedule for things." She smiled a bit. "Where as I hate being late." Definitely an understatement; she was always early. Part of her liked to be early simply because she didn't like to keep people waiting, while the other half of her liked to use the time to get to know the area she was going to be in, who was around, and that sort of thing.

Amaya took note back of the wildlife just as she was about to move. However, that idea changed for a moment as Yuki had come closer to give proper inspection. An eyebrow raised as she watched the canine. This wasn't the first time she had had to under go this sort of inspection, as Ashi's own Ninken had done much the same just days previous. So, she wasn't going to budge until she knew Yuki was comfortable with her, especially as being attacked and or mauled wasn't in her list of things to do today. Once she was sure however that Yuki didn't have a problem with her she wandered her way over to Kenta, eyebrow raised in curiosity.

'Overnight?', she mentally mused. 'Good, more time to train then I thought we were going to have.' she added to her mental wondering. Out loud however she simply nodded her head. "Alright, sounds good." Yeah, she really wasn't one to complain.. at least not at good fortune. So helping to set up camp to ensure a longer training session? Sure, no problem!


Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

No complaints? Ever better. Kenta hated people that complained. Hated them with a dying passion. Victims, victimizers... Rarely did they deserve the pity they sought; even rarer the preferential treatment they did. If you where too weak to handle life, then you don't deserve it. It was a stance that most saw as a lack of compassion, inhumane. Kenta saw it as survival of the fittest. He wasn't against teaching someone how to survive; hell, he was survival specialist himself. He made sure his infant children could survive in the world better then most people 10 years their senior. Kenta was a product of his roots; Inuzuka, Ookamizuka, both clans emphasize survival outside the human worlds. Life is tough, you have to know how to survive. Because of that, Kenta was the type who normally needed nothing more then his own claws when in the wilderness. He didn't doubt that Amaya and Naota could handle that level of roughing it; but he wanted a proper camp this time for Yuki. His ninken was still recovering from having a litter of puppies; even if she refused to admit it. He however, knew she wasn't going to take to the hard packed, cold dirt like she normally would. A fire, if nothing more, for properly clean water. Set up a soft place for her to sleep in the safety of the trees. The Uchiha could set up whatever they wanted.

He'd brought a few tarps to be safe; although the canopy was so thick it might as well have been a thatched ceiling. Rope, a given. Although in this case, he'd spent some time weaving it himself; using the green bark of the smaller, younger trees and the vines growing over some of the bushes. They where still wet and green, so as they dried the ropes would tighten and grow stronger. Perfect for setting up for a long haul; if they needed to. “Did you bring anything with you?” He needed nothing beyond his claws, really; but he knew most ninja would have something on them. “Or did you come empty handed? Either is fine.” Given he had hand made fishing poles and a few basket traps going in the river for fish, and a few snares for rabbits and such set up outside the clearing; they would be fine food wise. The ropes and such would be enough to set up covers using the tarps, so sleeping would be fine as well. If they even did. Again, not an issue for him. “I'll give your brother until we finish setting up before I start without him. I really don't care if he shows or not; I can always kick his ass about it later.”




She hadn't bothered bringing anything, honestly she hadn't thought that they were going to be out here that long, not that she honestly needed much at all when it came to supplies for surviving outdoors. A good book, maybe a bit of fire, and a place in mind that she could go in case it started to rain... Nothing more, or nothing less needed in her eyes unless there was a good reason for it having to be there. "Nah, just me and my book." She gave a light smile and shook her head. "I don't sleep much if at all so I don't normally bother myself with bringing anything for comfort. A good book, and a dry, semi warm place tends to do well for me." She was, all in all, being entirely honest. She hated to sleep, and had it not been for the fact that she figured this training session was going to be hard she would've never let herself get as much as she did these past few days. "Food tends to go about the same way as sleep." She shrugged after that, not in a cocky manner, but in a way that simply showed this was what she was used to and it didn't bother her in the least. No big deal. "I've been that way most of my life." Another shrug.

"Besides, when I've got my mind set on something I tend to think of nothing else." She couldn't help the grin that spread across her face in her excitement, that bounce coming back into her step once more. "As far as my brother goes... he might've fallen asleep somewhere." She shrugged, not really knowing where her brother had gone to, or what he was up to for that matter. 'I'm sure he'll get his chance again sooner or later.' she mentally added to herself.

"So, where do you wanna get started, then?" His supplies, his way, was the way she was going to go about this. Honestly she was just eager to get started, and two people doing something like setting up a campsite of some sort was going to get it done much faster then just one person doing it alone. Super Helper Mode: Activated. 'Besides... it's not like he actually had to do this for me. He's probably pretty busy without taking more time out of his schedule to do these little training sessions. Might as well be as helpful in return as I can to show I appreciate it.', she thought to herself. Out loud she simply kept her mouth shut, looked at Kenta expectantly, and awaited orders.


Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

"Book eh? Well, that's the smartest extra weight I can think of." Morale, something few thought of. That was enough to boost his opinion of her slightly higher; enough to put her into the group of people he felt any sort of affection towards; the closest thing to friendship he did outside his pack. "Well; if you want to, get a fire going in the area outlined by the large logs." He pointed to an area near the stream; a spot that was obviously not natural. Large trees never fell with that level of precision. A near perfect square; root systems overlapping like a fence. The spaces allowed for easy entry and exit; wile the large trunks made for a near perfect defense. Anyone that cared to noticed the slightly off color of the areas where the bark had fallen away would realize that these 'trees' where fossilized. Meaning they where rock solid, as they basically where giant rocks. Inflammable, immobile, nearly indestructible. "If you want, you can set up a make-ship tent there as well. Or up in the branches above the area. That tree in the center is long dead and turned to stone, so it's safe to leave the fires there." He pointed again, this time to an area of washed up, partially rotten logs. "Moss, perfect for bedding. There should be enough left for another bed spot. I kind of stripped it pretty bare for Yuki's bed." Said canine growled softly; not liking the preferential treatment; but not stopping him either.

The blonde shifted, moving to begin a stretching session; one that would take him through what body stretches he did and into his breathing exercises. He'd need to run them several times, to keep himself from dropping half way through the training. He knew they'd need to break eventually so he could stop to recover some; this level of training would strain the hell out of him after seven or eight hours. Blood on the sandy ground just looked nasty, and tended to attacked large predators.




She gave a nod at his words in both agreement about the book, and the tasks he wanted her to do. “Alright.” She turned towards the indicated area, eyebrow raising at the trees as she took in the sight of them. It wasn’t but a moment before her mind figured out the probable exact reason they were like that: defense. They had to rest sometime, right? Man, not machine, after all.

She placed her hands on her hips for a moment, contemplating how to exactly go about her task; she could of course get herself angry enough to sprout flames but that took a bit of work and it was something she’d never fully accomplished before, or she could go about this the old wilderness way with a few sticks and good old friction. Her red gaze shot around looking for the required materials she knew she was going to need for this, and it wasn’t long before she spotted them.

Without further adieu she picked the tree she’d use for this. Ceder was her choice wood this time around. She was silently thankful that it hadn’t rained as she found not only what she’d use as the spindle and what she’d use as the baseboard. Easy enough to find some dried out moss to use as kindling. A few sticks to hold the fire and get it hot enough to add actual wood. Perfect, everything she needed.

After gathering all of her material she set out on her task. ‘I know I could be doing this easier... but a bit of hard work never killed anyone.’, she thought to herself as she positioned the kindling where it needed to be near the baseboard to catch the spark, and as she placed the spindle in the small groove that thankfully was a natural spot on the wood. After that she got to work, rubbing her hands along the spindle to turn it, her hands working almost in a spider like pattern as they moved down the spindle. Towards the end she’d stop, place her hands back up at the top, and go again. One, two, three times she repeated this process until the friction created the smallest of embers she was able to use with the kindling to get it started. A soft bit of blowing on it and she had fire! “Sweeeet, love doing things the hard way and getting results.”, she said quietly, more to herself than anyone else.

Now that the fire was lit and burning freely she figured she might as well start on the tent. While she was more than willing to make a tent entirely from scratch she was thankful for the material Kenta had provided. Building a tent from entirely natural materials was time consuming, and she didn’t want anymore time taken away from training then there needed to be. It didn’t take long after grabbing the materials to get a tent set up. She hadn’t bothered with anything fancy, and it was only the work of about a few minutes to get the tent up and properly secured. She stood back for a moment to admire her work, ‘Not bad, should take an awful lot to bring that done... now for bedding.'

Gathering the moss took slightly longer, though she wasn’t worried about needing a lot. Just enough to add a small bit of comfort that she knew would be awesome after many many hours of training. So, after gathering all that she could she made a makeshift flat mattress of sorts inside of the tent.

Once finished she exited the tent and turned her attention over to Kenta, arms folding lightly over her chest. “Finished.” Simple, to the point, no bragging, no complaining, just an expectant look for whatever task was going to come next whether it be training or otherwise, though she did secretly hope they were going to be getting started.


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