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1Woaaaaah! [C-Rank Priority] Empty Woaaaaah! [C-Rank Priority] Mon Feb 24, 2014 1:41 am



Mission kite!:

Aethir stood in front of Konoha's academy, hearing chatter from within. "I guess I'm at the right place..." Aethir sighed, soon taking a deep breath and smiling as warmly  as he could. He walked into the academy, taking note of the different people within. With the Konoha leaf headbands being on all of the people in here, Aethir felt a bit uncomfortable. He was the only one with the mist headband around his arm, everyone eyeing him with either surprise, shock, or suspicion. "E-Er...Hmm...I'm here for the-"  "Perfect! You'll be assigned to team ten!"

And so, Aethir stood with ten kids, staring at him with nasty looks. "A-Alright then! So! Let's go get started-"  "You don't look like a fighter."  "Yeah, I was about to, like, say the same thing!" Aethir smiled, scratching his head. "I promise, I'm more of a fighter than you think I-"  "Show us!"  "Yeah, show us!!" Aethir blinked then shrugged, walking away before turning to the group of ten kids with nasty looks on their faces. "Alright. Whenever any of you are ready..." Aethir smiled, staring at the group of kids.

As the boy closed his eyes, the voice of his brother entered his head. "Stay quick, Aethir!" the boy thought back to how he was quickly chasing his brother through Konoha's forest. As he opened his eyes, he saw a kid rushing towards him with his fist reeled back. Aethir nodded as he easily leaned out the way of the attack, lightly shoving the boy away from him, Aethir remaining where he was as he stood tall again. "W-What the?!"  "I'll get him!!" Aethir smiled to see the girl run at him, the boy getting ready to move out of the way. 'Sheesh...the boy wasn't bad,' Aethir mentally spoke as he continued to wait, 'But this girl...she's...She's so slow...!' The boy continued to wait as the girl continued to run, until he noticed a smile on the girl's face as she was screaming her battle cry. 'Hold on...!!'

The boy turned behind him quickly, noticing the boy from before swinging his leg in a horizontal kick. Seeing this in time, Aethir blocked the kick with one arm, then spotted the girl suddenly speeding up to punch him. "Alright..." Aethir smiled, blocking her fist with the palm of his hand, forcing her back gently. As the girl staggered back, the kids catching her as she fell, Aethir turned to see the boy throwing a punch to him. 'These kids...!!' Aethir groaned, swiping the punch away, forcing the boy back with his arm. He took a deep breath, noticing both attacking kids had been fended off. 'They fight dirty...!'

As the mist ninja stared at the nine kids regrouping, they huddled, chatting with each other. "What are they up to now...?" Aethir stared, then smiled wide, "At least they have heart..." Aethir chuckled lightly, then slowly frowned. "Nine...?" the boy said, recounting the kids just to be sure. As he counted nine again, he quickly looked around him, noticing another kid behind him, taking swings at him! "Whoa!!" Aethir gasped, hopping out of the way, soon hearing a loud roar of collective cries behind him, along with soft drumming against the ground. As Aethir blocked the sneaky kid's attack, he turned to see the oncoming nine kids smiling devilishly to him.


"But that's not fair!!" a small boy cried as a taller boy with his eyes closed smiled to him. "Aethir, just because I'm blind, doesn't mean you have an edge." Aethir blinked, glancing at the boy covered in bandages, glaring at the blind boy. "You two fight and fight... But I'm curious as to how life could be if you'd work together." Aethir was about to protest but the boy intervened. "Yeah?! Well we'll kick your sorry blind ass back to...wherever you come from, right?!"  "H-Huh?" Aethir turned to the now glaring boy. "What?! 'Huh'?! You don't say 'huh' when a team member says they're relying on you!!" Aethir blinked, soon nodding to the boy who'd beat him up. He nodded back to him, both boys staring at the blind boy who eagerly awaited their attack.


The kids screamed, getting ready to attack Aethir. "No, this is fair." Aethir smiled, shoving the sneaky kid away. He leaned out the way of a few kid's punches and kicks, kicking as lightly as he could, forcing them back onto the ground. "Take this!!" Aethir heard a girl speak, lightly slapping her punch away while shoving her gently. One by one, Aethir deflected and countered each of the kid's attacks, some getting up to attack the boy again, only to me knocked back down. "When you attack, don't announce it!" Aethir spoke, forcing some kids back, "Don't use the same attacks again! I know what's coming! Mix them up!!"

Eventually, the boy forced back what he thought was the last of the ten kids. "And most of all, don't...ever...go in it alone. You're put in squads for a reason. Look around you. This is more than just your team! These people are your brothers and sisters! No matter what squad you're in!" The kids stared at Aethir with a serious look. "Hey!!" Aethir gasped, turning.


Aethir swung wildly at his blind brother, the boy swinging brutishly at him as well. He dodged each swing with ease, maintaining the smile. "Is that all...?" he taunted, Aethir panting on the ground. "Not yet...!!" Aethir turned to the boy standing slowly, "Not yet...I said I'll kick your ass and I mean it!!" The boy ran in, pulling his fist back, the blind boy maintaining his smile. Soon, the boy pulled away, the smile turning into a look of shock. "Now!!"  "Right!!" Aethir sprinted forward, running from behind the boy as he skipped out the way. Aethir launched his fist, hoping he'd his brother.


Aethir gasped, watching the punch head straight towards him. 'A jab...' Aethir grinned, slapping...nothing to the side! The fist was retracted as the boy transitioned into a kick, slamming his leg into Aethir's side, sending the boy rolling away. 'H-He got me...!!' Aethir groaned as he got to his knees, soon standing again, the kids cheering for the only boy who landed a hit on the genin. "Huh...Good job!!" Aethir smiled, the boy smiled over to him, soon sticking out a tongue. "Told ya' I can do it!" The boy staredd curiously as Aethir put a hand on the boy's head. "I never doubted you for a second." he smiled, soon walking out of the academy, the volunteers and kids clapping for the mist ninja's participation in teaching.

'Do you think he let us get that hit...?' Aethir smiled, remembering the rest of the first taijutsu match he had with his brother...and his childhood mortal enemy. 'You kiddin' me? You nailed him!!'  'Really...? You think...?' Aethir smiled just as he did back then, then groaned as he gripped at his side. "D-Damn..." Aethir groaned, straightening his position, "That boy can kick..." he grunted, trying to walk as straight as possible.
{Mission Results}
Word Count: 1226/1000

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