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1Epicenter - A Supernatural RP Empty Epicenter - A Supernatural RP Wed Aug 08, 2012 8:38 am


[blockquote]Epicenter - A Supernatural RP Advertv5

It has just turned 2128.

Knowing that the Order were forming a plot to kill all of the Half Breeds, human and mixed, a small group of individuals infiltrated their HQ in New York with the purpose of warning the Supernatural population and eradicating the corrupt Council. They managed to get the message out, but they failed to kill the Council members, barely making it out with their lives.

All pure blood Supernaturals are safe, unless they turn out to be conspiring with the Half Breeds who are now fugitives, on the run from the Order. There are Safe Havens around the world around the globe which they can escape to in their dire need. The nearest one is in Los Angeles, where most of the New York population has fled to for sanctuary.

They need to remain idle for now, rally together and replenish their strength, so that they are able to take down the corrupt members of the Order once and for all, and see in a new era among the Supernaturals, where all people of Supernatural blood are treated as equals.


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