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1To fell a tree(no kill, open, training) Empty To fell a tree(no kill, open, training) Mon Nov 25, 2013 8:20 am



Sitting beneath a large tree's out reaching foliage sat Gi with his sword in it's sheath resting on his crossed legs. The leaves and branches above him were just within range of his detection, so he was able to observe them way and roll in the winds that gentle passed through the forest, at least in a roundabout way. He was unable to tell the time of day by visual means like seeing the sun. He was also he even to tell if the sun was out even by the feel of it on his skin, let alone tell if he was currently setting in it's warm rays. His only way of knowing the approximate time was his own memory of the time he left his own home at, thank to paying attention to the clock, and his own inner clock measuring the passage of time. He was able to get a crude measuring of day or night by the sounds and activity of the forest all around him, but that would only tell if it was around day, or around night.

Gi's payed attention to the world close by him with only a small part of his attention; the part of his mind that was always searching, looking, watching for potential threats. The majority of his attention was instead directed within himself; focusing on his chakra pathways and kneeling the chakra into a combat useable form. Placing his hands onto the sword in his lap to act as a pathway for the energy in his core to reach the intended target: the blade, one hand on to the exposed hilt and the other hand onto the sheath itself to separate them. As soon as his unfeeling skin neared the hilt his chakra lept into the weapon ready for the final step.

Taking a deep breath as he parted his gripped items from each other the chakra flowed down his right arm through his hand into the hilt and as the blade cleared it's resting place it crawled up the blade. When the blade cleared the sheath numerous small lines of jagged chakra went from the handle guard to the tip of the edge connecting to similar lines that also ran up the back of the blade to reach the tip. Already they very slowly churned ready to grind into hard resistance; each individual line circled the blade in a direction opposite to the lines directly next to it.

With his chakra lined drawn sword in one hand Gi got to his feet beneath the tree. Doing little beyond grabbing the hilt with both hands and planting his feet so that he was aiming towards the tree Gi drove his blade into the trunk. As soon as the metal blade made contact with the aged bark the teethed lined chakra threads began to rev wildly. With each line of chakra bearing teeth that pointed in the direction that the cord spun the bark of the tree was bitten through as easily as a chain saw cut through an old tree, with sawdust flying to the wayside as the bark was finished and the wood of the tree itself was reached.




Slight kickback from the blade ran up through the blade as it chewed through the wood of the tree. Aside from being able to detect the movement of the blade and his arms the shock was unnoticed. Only a few moments after connecting the blade with the tree's trunk the blade was already a significant way through the wood flesh, and the balance of the tree was failing rapidly. Not liking how the tree would fall so close to where he stood, Gi removed the still revved blade from the tree's flesh with an extra puff of sawdust coming with it.

Returning to a neutral sword stance to evaluate where to move to strike the tree again. He could just leave the tree as it was since the demonstration was successful; the chakra lines proved strong enough to tear into a tree that easily then most materials used in common weapons wouldn't stand up to the assault offered by the blade, but he was not one to leave things half finished. Taking a couple of steps to his right being careful not to break his stance's guard or stumble over himself he took up his attack stance again. Again this was all done merely to practice his form as the tree was obviously not going to attack him; even if it did attack him or something else did intervene at least he would still be ready.

Taking a moment to size up the tree again to make sure he would be clear of it falling; satisfied that the damage he did earlier already made it lean heavily away from him it was sure to fall clear. Taking a clear breath as he was taught in practise he then spread his stance with one foot back. In the time it took to withdraw the blade and chance positions the chakra teeth lining the blade had slowed down and returned to their regular speed since they lacked a hard point to trigger them.

All it took was a single smooth motion, and sudden blow to get the jutsu back into full working order; directly against the tree's body eating through it in moments. This second attack quickly brought the sound of wood popping and snapping as the weight above the incision shifted across the line from bearable to unstable and finally to imminent collapse. Retracting the blade much sooner this time Gi left barely enough of the tree left to remain standing for a couple of moments.

Picking up the discarded sheath, Gi grasped the top and deftly guided the killing instrument back into it's resting place; the chakra coating already dissipating as it slide home. The timing just so happened to be perfectly in sync with the tree crashing down and trying to push over Gi with it's dieing breath. The rush of wind and shaking of the ground was only noted via the Wide View as he simply walked away; his training being complete.
[exit thread]

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