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1Reporting In (Private/No kill) Empty Reporting In (Private/No kill) Sat Nov 30, 2013 12:31 am



Dameon had just made it back to the village, it was late and he was fairly injured. He had managed to patch himself up enough to make it back and to the village after having completed the mission. He had one or more fractured ribs if not broken, and a sword would that had gone through his left shoulder completely. He got it patched up roughly and enough to stop the bleeding but it hurt like mad. He was still in a fast run as he approached the administration building. The mission that he had been given had no assurance or plan for his survival, he had survived though and had acquired crucial military intelligence. He had inspected the map on the way back to the village and it had the key location of the mercenary forces camps as well as a plan using arrows for their future movement patterns. On top of it all he had destroyed the enemies food and weapon supplies that would take some time to recover. As he approached the administration building the guards opened the doors for him. Dameon thanked them and continued on in possibly not even having the strength to open the doors himself.

He had only been here a few times and that was to collect missions before the war had broken out. The mansion was still new to him as he made his way up the stairs past the guards that seemed to keep moving out of his way. He had never met the Mizukage before and at some points had even felt like she had never wanted to see him considering he wasn’t originally from the village to begin with. He had to deliver the intelligence he had collected to the war room first to ensure their plans could be successful. His injuries getting healed he considered a distant second objective. He continued his way up the stairs where he was stopped by a couple guards. One went in to check if he would be allowed in and he soon came out and they opened the doors for him. Dameon walked in looking around not seeing anyone initially as he made his way into the center of the room.

2Reporting In (Private/No kill) Empty Re: Reporting In (Private/No kill) Sat Nov 30, 2013 6:09 pm



Aya had, had a hard, long, painstaking day, after her battle with Io she was wounded, and exhausted. Having come back the the administration building the twins were each sitting there deep in meditation, it had always amazed her how two ninja who were so young had the capability to perform such amazing deeds together. Their land and sky sensory technique was invaluable, and probably one of the only reasons Kirigakure had not fallen to the terror yet. Combined with their natural chakra telepathy the could combine with the skill, they were the centre point of Kiri's intelligence and communication network. Not to mention they were excellent at paperwork as well as their sensory skill, which was more than capable of overlooking the entire cityscape.

Aya checked in with them, as one of the medical ninja from the hospital was routed to take a look at her own wounds, not only was there minor frostbite from her loosing control of her own jutsu, but there were scalpel wounds and other cuts which needed to be healed over. But for the most part, Aya was just glad to be home. After taking a shower, the water ran down her body washing away the crusted blood which stained her alabaster skin, clipping her mask to her belt after dressing herself again, but leaving off her shirt in place of the shroud of the mizukage, hanging loose and open but covering what needed to be covered, she headed back out to the main room to see a chuunin standing there, as bloody as she was earlier, if not a little worse for ware.

The twins sitting there opened their eyes to see him, Mica and Celia knew what he had done, but only by his body's position. They knew where people were on a battlefield, but they could not discern friend from foe unless the distinction was particularly obvious, but in a war like this, it hardly ever was. Though as Aya entered the room to see the boy, one of the Twins broke from their meditation to look at her, no smile gracing her face, other than the sorrowful expression which many ninja over the last few days had written along their faces. This was a sad time, but Mica spoke up.

"This ninja has Valuable intel for us, he's been scouting and mapping the enemy movements today, and it's not too late to use this information for all other current and pending missions... He's also disrupted outposts which could only be defined as hostile, limited their provisions, and due to his efforts caused several areas to be no longer holdable because of their lack of provisions. "

Aya looked at the boy, moving behind enemy lines like what they were suggesting was not the kind of mission he expected a Chuunin to be performing, that was something which would be categorized for an ANBU... but they had been having troubles recently, Seven bells himself was a trained ANBU from Sunagakure, and kiri's training regime was not so different from theirs, they knew the paths they would take, they knew their formations and training inside and out... They must have been so focused on countering ANBU corps that they left themselves open for less likely intrusion... A dangerous, but heroic effort... Aya held out her hand for the information, to which when handed she would pass to the twins.

And as her face looked to him in a disappointed frown, she looked to the boy, not at all happy with what he had done from a safety perspective. "You know that what you did was reckless, dangerous, and almost borderline suicidal right? Yet, you still performed the task and bought back this information... I can't argue with the results, but, if you feel like you want to die so badly, all you have to do is say so... You're joining the Jounin corps temporarily, as reinforcement. As both praise and punishment for your actions... "

Aya frowned looking down at him before taking two steps forward and wrapping her arms around his shoulders in a brief hug, before taking a step back, now with a slight smile across her face. "But thank you... Twins!!! Get this information out to every squad leader ASAP we need them to know this information five minutes ago!"

The twins began working on it quickly...

It looked like things were beginning to turn around...

3Reporting In (Private/No kill) Empty Re: Reporting In (Private/No kill) Sun Dec 01, 2013 4:05 am



“That may be so Ma’am but I was given this task as an official mission. I don’t hesitate or think twice when I am given orders I just do my damnedest to get the mission done as professionally and quickly as possible while still achieving the expected results. To me my definition of a great shinobi is one that can balance on the line of suicidal and reckless and come out ahead strong enough to protect the things that are important to them,” he stated as he stood there still at attention as if ignoring the promotion he had just been given. To him it wasn’t about the ranks and titles it was about keeping on your path and being strong enough to protect those that could not protect themselves. He accepted the brief hug and winced in pain slightly. He was still badly injured but he wanted to let the Mizukage know that he had not been suicidal on his mission, only that the mission he had been given was near suicidal. He had come out ahead though.

“Also if I may be so bold as to ask….well…I have lived in this village since I was eight. Its common knowledge that I am not originally from here. In all those years I haven’t met you, or seen you criticize me like you had when you visited the other academy students and genin. Why I had not been given a sensei, and why I have had to live in a leaky closet in the abandoned warehouse on the south side of town. I am not complaining it all worked out in the end but I need to know if there was some factor that lead to this life of mine, including you allowing me to join the academy,” He said in a half bow to be as respectful as possible. He had come to terms with his life up to now and has dealt with it accordingly he was just looking for some sort of closure or even if anything like closure existed for his situation. He wouldn’t really know until the mizukage replied to him. He didn’t know really what else to say as the twins got to work doing what they do.

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