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1First Write!(Haha Get It?)[Ren/Open] Empty First Write!(Haha Get It?)[Ren/Open] Mon Dec 02, 2013 7:29 am




The girl had bought herself a new cloak,which was reinforced now to protect her better against the attacks of the enemy. She stepped onto the field which would serve as the warzone for this mission. There was a large scale force that had taken over a library which held scrolls of powerful jutsu and other such necessities that would turn the tide against the seven bells clan. She was the first to arrive on the scene, the loose black cloak draped around her body, concealing her identity completely. The black full-length cloak stretched down to the ground, barely brushing it, while her arms were down at her sides, the sleeves going past her fingertips by at least three inches. She wore a hood over her head, which was large enough to not only cover her head, but conceal her face completely in shadow, save for her staring crimson eyes. Upon her back was her scythe, Kira, which was in its normal diagonal position across her back.

She had arrived on the scene with her new companion, Yuzu Ren, and awaited him as ninja of the Kirigakure began to join at her side. There were many enemies this time and so the Mizukage had taken it upon herself to send ninja reinforcements to help their cause. This was a good thing, at least they could die instead of Kamikira or Ren. She felt no remorse thinking this about her fellow ninja, but only hoped this would be so. She quietly began to think on her first course of action while looking around the building that was the library. There were a few of the puppeteers outside the building with their human abomination puppets at the ready and more would undoubtedly be inside of the building this was going to be a trying day, she could tell.

WC: 307/2500


2First Write!(Haha Get It?)[Ren/Open] Empty Re: First Write!(Haha Get It?)[Ren/Open] Mon Dec 02, 2013 8:03 am

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

Arriving with his new friend Shiru, he did not waste too much time as he quickly put on his socks and new shoes. He realised fighting barefoot might be dangerous even though it was more silent. His sword diagonally along his back, known as Tsubakiri, was too long to be kept at his side. He realised that some other shinobi had been sent with them and realised this might be a rather large scale mission. He decided to begin reading through the details of the mission. It was apparent that they needed to reclaim the library, as well as ensuring they keep the books safe as the knowledge they held could turn the tide of this war. With that in mind he knew that using his Suiton techniques might be bad if they were to rush inside. With the puppets in front standing guard the task would not be so simple. There were others also sent on this mission, but within Ren's group Shiru had the highest rank and as Chunin meant she was in charge of their group.

He looked towards Shiru having begun to feel an attachment to her, she had made him her student and she apparently was planning to train herself in battle and he decided he would also do the same. He decided he needed to improve on his raiton abilities as now was a good chance to get that done. Looking around at their target location some more he then decided to speak with Shiru quietly, not letting the other shinobi listen in on them.

" Shiru, you can trust me and i will trust you but we need to use these guys atleast, would be a bit bad if we let them all get killed for the mission, except if we going to die then we use them as shields" he smiles, showing signs that he only really cares about himself and her. He then gives a more serious look as he begins to speak. "I counted like six of them on the outside, but there were a lot of puppets like more than twenty of them, so there could be like twelve or more of them inside. I think they out number us, but you got a plan right since you a chunin" he knew she was higher rank, but he had not quite picked up on the fact that she was a ronin. Which did not matter to Yuzu who only cared about those who cared about him. He wanted to hug her for a moment, but having not done it in a long time he hesitated and sat on a nearby rock while he waited for her to give the okay.

Word Count = 451/2500


3First Write!(Haha Get It?)[Ren/Open] Empty Re: First Write!(Haha Get It?)[Ren/Open] Mon Dec 02, 2013 8:30 am



The girl sighed, moving her hand back to the handle of her scythe, gripping it tightly. She lifted up her other arm and used her index finger to point at the enemy outside of the library."Attack!" She bellowed this in a strong male voice she had mimicked from the Uchiha, Oshiki that she met during her time in Konoha. With that, the Kirigakure forces ran forth, to attack the oncoming soldiers and puppets. A fierce battle begun, and the woman watched silently before she pulled her scythe from the loop in the back of her cloak, twisting it around, and holding it back a bit, crouched and ready to strike. The scythe staff handle sat against her right should blade, the blade of the weapon pointing of to her right. She held up the tiger handseal in front of her face with her free hand, readying her chakra for any attacks she may need. She looked over to the male accompanying her as he sat upon a rock. "Whatever you do, do not let them know my identity just yet child." This was spoken in her normal melodious voice that floated like feathers upon the ear. She smiled beneath the shadows and turned her attention back to the allied forces engaging their enemies.

"Our main priority is inside, we need to get in there above everything else See how they send more out now?" She said, noticing about six more with puppets came from the building to defend against the onslaught of Kiri ninja. It was anyone's fight at this point in time. No one was giving an inch in either direction and the puppets that were attacking the ninja of Kirigakure would be felled one by one. A few of the kiri ninja would activate substitution jutsu to get the upper hand on the puppeteers. As the first of the puppets and their master fell, it was time for the Student and master to strike. Quickly, the girl crouched down once more, tensing her muscles for the movement that was about to ensue. Dust kicked up when she finally sprinted forth, her cloak flapping in the wind. She had one arm straight down to her side, the other holding her scythe in the same position until she reached the frontline of the enemy and she leapt into the air above them, holding her scythe to raise it. She twirled it around with one hand as she came down onto the first puppeteer, having surprised him.

Her feet slammed into the man's chest, causing him to fall back. As they fell, the girl brought her scythe forward, slicing towards his throat thrice. She barely got in the third hit as they hit the stairs hard. The man began to crumple and slide down the stairs, the other kiri forces eager to make sure he was dead as one raised a kunai to stab him. She had stepped onto the stairs after felling her enemy and motioned for her subordinate to follow. She broke through a line of the other ninja, activating her seal for dexterity this time. She moved quicker and with more precision, dodging an incoming blow from a puppet. Quickly she pushed to the puppeteer, forming a handseal with her free hand and pushed it to the puppeteer's chest. "Fuuton: Wind Seal!" She spoke again in the borrowed voice of the Uchiha, forming a seal on the puppeteer's chest. Soon after she used her chakra cue to activate it, the male being blown back by a torrent of air five meters from where he once stood. He now sported two centimeter cuts at the point of impact and ripped clothing. She had time before he recovered and punted another puppeteer next to her in the side down the stairs the Kiri forces were advancing up. After such, she moved to the door, making her way inside.

WC: 960/2500



4First Write!(Haha Get It?)[Ren/Open] Empty Re: First Write!(Haha Get It?)[Ren/Open] Mon Dec 02, 2013 9:41 am

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

After she spoke he watched as Shiru ran ahead as all the people followed madly the battle starting. He watched as the puppets were launched towards them. He followed behind the other shinobi as they used their replacements. He snuck inbetween cutting the enemies by their ankles and some of them to their sides to give their men the edge. While he did not possess a high level of offensive skills he did possess a good amount of speed. No one noticed though as Ren was in danger he carefully pulled one of his own shinobi in the way as a puppet stabbed him in the chest. The battle keeping everyone's attention, he did not care about them as they were in his eyes expendible shinobi.

He then went up the stairs catching up quickly to Shiru as she did not even notice the puppet that was launched behind her as he use his sword technique Mizukiri to cut the puppet damaging it slightly and disabling it for some time. He took that moment to get the puppet user who tried to go after his friend. Cutting the puppet users hand then following up by hitting him with a kick between the legs. He did not care about low blows or being fair. To him war was never fair and all that mattered, was that the winners got to decide what was fair and who mattered.

As he looked on in noticed she was busy taking out a puppet user and was heading straight for the door. He knew he would not have many more opportunities to perform his jutsu, as they did not have an exact idea of how many shinobi were inside as he formed seals by himself amongst all the confusion. The puppet users did not even know what happened as he was all over the battle field. There were now seven Ren's on the battle field. The only difference between him and his clones was that he had a sword while they did not. The water clones overwhelmed the enemy reversing the numbers advantage. However it was clear that the moment they enter they would be in danger of being hit with traps.

He noticed that Shiru was planning to enter in ahead of him, he was wondering why she was rushing in and realised that she was making the same mistake he once made. She was underestimating the enemy and even with her speed running into the library first would be too risky as he sent three of his water clones to back her up while he dealt with a puppet that was keeping him busy. He managed to break one of the puppets rotating sections by luck, but several of the shinobi gave up their lives to cover for Ren as he tried to go ahead to where Shiru was. Getting impatient he asked several of the shinobi forces near to him to force a way up to the door quickly. They ran ahead of him as he knew they would all die, while they protected him he felt that for a moment these people were good people as he finally reached the door trying to stop her. He slipped and fell as he looked back and realised the last guy who was with him was injured and still jumped infront of a random puppet that was lunged at his blind spot. He spoke to the shinobi for a moment and asked him. "Why did you help me when you knew i was just using you " The guy then laughed and said. " I have no real skill to begin with, might as well protect you who has skill " He smiled for a moment then finally said. " I could never look my own child in the eyes, if i let you die ". Ren was touched and offended at the same time as he said politely to the man. "Thanks, I may love you today " as the man then died hearing those words but not hearing the last part. "but you will be forgotten tomorrow" as he took the mans head band and realised he was late but he had faith that the water clones he sent with her would know what to do. Since they were him as well to begin with.

As Shiru made her way inside it was a trap as a high rank Fuuton Ninjutsu users was waiting at the entrance, while the rest of their puppet users were hiding in the bookshelves and deeper in the library. The Fuuton user performed a B-rank jutsu Fuuton: Shinkuha. In order to keep her from taking a massive blow as she entered one of Ren's clones tackled her back outside the building while the other water clone quickly jumped in the way being cut inhalf instantly as it appeared as if Ren was killed right before her eyes. After a while the blade of wind was still going towards her as the water clone finally dissipated into water. The third clone he send shut the doors to block the jutsu getting her but the blade did pass partially destroying the door as well as having the water clone dissipate from the force.

Ren's clone that tackled her hugged her tightly as Ren finally caught up to her he quickly decided to sort some things out as they lost too many men already and with most of the puppet users on the outside still busy they had to get in passed that ninjutsu user who probably would not be able to use that technique again for a while. The water clone let go of Shiru to allow her to get herself together as she was being rather reckless. With roughly only five people left of their forces not including themselves as most of the puppet users were being kept busy. It seemed that they would have to pass the guy behind the door as well as take out roughly what one of his clones managed to count before dying was roughly five puppet users by each book shelf and one more high level ninjutsu user hidden at the back smiling from a distance as if there was no way they were getting him as two puppets were on either side of him meaning there could be atleast seven puppet users with one jutsu user by the door and the one main one at the back.

He looked around noticing he only had four water clones left and they could not afford to risk the lives of the last five men protecting them, he noticed however that there were two of their shinobi who were breathing heavily that managed to get on top of the roof. This gave him an idea but he needed to speak with Shiru first.

"Shiru, there are too many for us to head through the front door we may need to go through the windows i can handle the guy in the front and you can use two of my clones with you. If you can not get to that wind user at the back the puppet users will be kept safe and they not afraid to destroy this place if we go in" He takes a breather before looking at her some more. "I will believe in you, no matter what you decide, but please do not just go ahead of me like that". It became clear now that he cared about her and that he could not bare to see her throw her life away, even though he himself was taking a big risk to fight in the front.

Word Count= 1726/2500


Chakra = 140/170
Water Clones = 4/6 All full chakra still

Jutsu Used:

5First Write!(Haha Get It?)[Ren/Open] Empty Re: First Write!(Haha Get It?)[Ren/Open] Mon Dec 02, 2013 10:35 am



All was blurred as she hardly noticed the ninjutsu user behind the door using his fuuton technique. She felt a force pushing her back, gripping tightly around her waist as she fell backwards. 'So this is it..' she thought as she fell, 'I die here..' It wasn't until her back hit the ground that she noticed it was ren. Or rather, a water clone. She deduced this fact after seeing the other two Ren's become nothing but water from the attacks of the man behind the door. Once the boy's clone released her, she stood up once more, twirling her scythe around in her hand. He spoke to her, offering up his own advice while she began to concentrate her chakra. He did not want her rushing in it seemed, but she had a plan for how to get rid of the ninja within and effectively complete their mission. She smiled beneath the hood of her cloak and let her eyes trail over to her subordinate. She shook her head motioning with her head towards the door. "Worry not, young one. I may not seem like it but I know  exactly what I'm doing." She looked at the clones of her subordinate and then to the battlefield.

So many lost, for so little gain. But it mattered not, soon they would be able to storm the library and finish their objective. She motioned with her free hand for the clones and her student to come in closer. Making a mental note as she looked up of the two men on the roof, huffing loudly from slight exhaustion. So this was it? This was their centripetal force so to speak? She shook her head, then looked to the first two water clones. "You two join the two on the roof, and when I give the word, attack from the skylight." Knowing that ultimately they listened to Ren, she repeated the orders to him."As for your other two clones, Ren..Send them around the back. I spotted a window near the other ninja in the back of the library near our objective. You and I shall enter in the front. We'll attack with three fronts. Ren.." She looked specifically to her student, and moved her hands to pull down her hood for a moment with a smile upon her lips. "I trust you to have my back in here. Though it may seem tough, you must trust me to get us through this. I won't die here. I have to create our utopia remember? We are both going to have to show that even when we seem weak, we're stronger than we seem! Today we not only fight for Kirigakure, we fight not only to defend what's precious, we fight to protect our dream! As my student my dream becomes your own, and as such, that becomes more precious than ever."

The girl turned back to the door, spinning her scythe ever faster now, concentrating fuuton chakra into the back of the blade where special pockets had been made for just such chakra. She also concentrated the chakra into her arms and legs, readying herself for a moment. She pulled the hood back over her face, grinning before yelling out in the uchiha's voice. "FOR KIRIGAKURE AND FOR OUR UTOPIA!" This was the signal for the final push to begin and she opened the door to the library once more, activating her ability. "Fuuton: Excalibur Strikes!" She shouted this as her form bursted through the now open doors, her scythe coming forth with her one hand. The scythe swung twice into a puppet, breaking it to bits and she pushed to the ninjutsu user, slicing him as well across his throat, going for the kill. Once she did this, she felt projectile weapons hit her cloak, but they did nothing but bounce off of her. She had reinforced her new cloak to withstand the seven-bells attacks after all.

Three strikes. Four to go. She moved swiftly as the men from the top of the roof jumped down onto two puppet users, to assassinate them easily, turning the battle on the inside in their favor. She spotted her objective at the back of the room. As all went according to plan, the ninjutsu user in the back would be distracted or dead so she used her immense speed to dash to the scrolls's place and pick them up, storing them on the inside of her cloak for later. She spun her scythe, knocking away the blades of a puppet, striking it twice to break that as well, moving to the next puppet doing the same to this one. She was aware that her chakra was beginning to run low, but would not falter, lest she fall in battle. She grinned, running back towards the door, deflecting a few strikes from the other ninja who were still alive, jumping and flipping through the open doors back outside of the library to the main battle where the rest of their forces had been wiped out. There were still three puppet users with their puppets alive and she was ready.

She moved her form to run forth, swinging her scythe against the blades of the puppets, to knock them back. She concentrates her chakra into the blade of her scythe now, utilizing her fuuton element. She watches as the puppets all come at her at once and she grins, closing her crimson eyes while she prepares. There was no glory in dying, no glory in losing, no one would remember two ninja of low rank dying in the fields of battle. She refused to become another number in the legends and tales of the great wars.


Kamikira had just become a chuunin and she had taken a mission to stop a serial killer in the Konoha. She was on patrol and while waiting for something to happen, decided to train a new jutsu she was learning. It had to do with concentrating wind chakra into the blade of her scythe, allowing her to shoot out bursts of wind to her opponent, damaging them and blasting them back. She was meditating quietly on the ground near a house that was soon to be struck(Or that's what the mission dossier said) when she heard a noise. She had to let go of her chakra concentration to go check it out. It had come from behind the house and she moved quickly, to discover the source.

There he was, the killer himself, holding the body of his newest victim. She was a young girl, couldn't be older than Kami herself. The killer himself wore a mask but his dark hair shown over it. He was not overall that large, slender as he was, only about Kamikira's height. He let out a blood curdling cackle, dropping the body of the girl, and jumping over her fence to disappear into the night. Kamikira quickly went to the side of the girl, checking on her pulse. She found that the girl no longer had one and growled, clenching her fists and jumping the fence to give chase to the man who had killed her client. She saw him running in the distance, but quickly caught up with him.

She pulled her scythe forth and concentrated wind chakra into her blade, pulling it back. She then pulled it forth once more and released a burst of wind three feet long and two feet wide. It went about a meter before dissipating and becoming nothing. The murder cackled and threw down a smoke bomb, escaping from her.

~End Flashback~

Not again. This time she would do it. She pulled her scythe back."Fuuton: Wind Burst!" Then pushed it forth once more, repeating this another four time to let out five bursts of fuuton chakra, three feet long, and two feet wide. The wind bursts struck the puppets, two puppets being close enough to be struck by three of the bursts while the other puppet was only struck by two, regardless they were broken into many pieces, flying back to their masters. Without letting them think, the girl ran forward, slicing at each of their throats and chests rapidly in turn, to kill the last of them off. She sighed, with relief, the fighting was over. Waiting for a bit for her subordinate to rejoin her at her side before she began to trek away, she smiled again, flipping her hood down. With the scrolls she then left the field of battle, going on her way to report the mission accomplished. But not before noticing that there was a straggler ninjutsu user still alive and he was coming at her from behind a building having been hiding there since the battle started. He was going to try using a technique as he began the handseals, but she was too tired to deal with it. Her seal still activated she quickly ran at him, slicing at his throat twice, left to right then right to left, felling him almost instantly. She sighed, allowing her seal to become deactivated and almost fell over from the strain of all the jutsu she used. But she didn't she stood straight and tall, continuing on her way to the administration building to turn in the mission. This was the first mission she had completed with her subordinate and how he fought on the battlefield today had made her very proud. But there was no way she was going to admit that to him. Not yet, maybe not soon, but someday she may actually let him know that he was doing a great job.

Exit Thread

WC: 2581/2500



6First Write!(Haha Get It?)[Ren/Open] Empty Re: First Write!(Haha Get It?)[Ren/Open] Mon Dec 02, 2013 1:53 pm

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

He was relieved to find out that she in fact had a plan. As he listened carefully he decided to use some different techniques to deal with the opponents. He decided to follow her tactic of having two of his clones head from behind and two of them bring down death from above. As he thought about it he finally decided on a plan of action. Knowing that she was planning to barge through the front with something major, he figured he could go with her since she was doing this without being careless this time. He was hoping he was not a distraction, but deep down inside he hoped he was as a distraction is normally only good when it means something to you. As he stopped daydreaming and regained his focused she barged in with a large scale technique that left him shocked. He nearly forgot to follow her due to the amount of awe he felt. As he followed her noticing her cloak deflecting most of the useless projectiles he timed it as she signalled allowing his two water clones to drop down. Along with the other two shinobi they overwhelmed the few.

As she was rather preoccupied and was heading straight for the scroll his two other clones snuck up from behind trapping the two hidden puppet users in the water prison technique but due to the fact the the ninjutsu user at the back relied on them too much Ren decided to head straight for him. The ninjutsu user finally realised something was wrong but as he was forming seals Ren interrupted him as he had dove straight at him.

The man realising he did not have enough time decided to use a quick ninjutsu. Fuuton :Nagare aiming it at the ground to launch him into the air to avoid Ren. This was what made Ren a bit fierce and somewhat dangerous, having had to deal with wind techniques before he anticipated a push back or escape if he reduced the time his opponent had to form seals. The shinobi was airborn and Ren then through his sword up at the man which was a bit of a surprise technique as the man used the replacement technique to change places with a book on the shelf. Taken by surprise he realised Ren was right next to him. The man panicked as he turned to face Ren who was about to land a punch square on his face, but the man backed away slightly and grinned as he took a double back step then breathed into his hand then blast three balls of air from his hand using the wind release skill Fuuton : Rasen Fuusen. As he made contact at close range lots of the books were blasted off their shelves as the technique made contact but as the pages cleared in front of the man was a sword. The man panicked only to find his opponent falling from the air where the sword had gone earlier as he kicked the man in the face then took hold of his sword. Following up with a well aimed slash towards the man's head, as the man barely evaded having the sword lodged into his shoulder slightly as the man screamed. "Aaarrgghh" Ren went missing for a moment as the man had lost sight of him for a while. It was then the man noticed him standing there smiling and went berserk and used his high ranking Fuuton technique Kiritateru, as a blade of wind slashed going straight through Ren as he faded away. The blade hit one of the puppet users killing his own team mate. The guy was completely confused wasting chakra as he breathed heavily. "Hey you stupid kid, stop running around and fight me like a man!!" He then quickly charged another technique firing air bullets at random, one had flown off and nearly hit Shiru, who did not even care in the slightest. Finally the man said " Enough i will tear this entire place apart if i have to , the man revealing explosive tags all over his body. "Hahahaha, let us see you deal with this hey!!". Ren made contact with the man from behind and trapped him in the water prison technique. Trapped inside the sphere the man panicked, but due to the bookshelves crashing earlier one of the puppet users were freed. The puppet user sent his puppet flying to attack Ren who positioned himself behind the cocky wind ninjutsu user. With the puppet user pausing, unable to make contact and the water having dampened and made the explosive tags somewhat useless. He grabbed hold of the puppet using his Raiton technique Hiraishin as he shocked the man and the puppet user released his puppet to prevent himself from being shocked. With the ninjutsu user thoroughly beaten, he went and finished off the puppet user before he could regain control and used Raiton Kangekiha as lightning shot forth disabling and leaving the puppet user out of it. They now successfully took control of the library while it seemed Shiru took the scroll that they needed.

A puppet user who was half conscious and who chose to hide like a coward carefully approached from the shadows and surrendered as he said. " I do not wish to fight anymore and my puppet is already destroyed, just take me hostage I do not want to waste your time ". Ren was a bit disappointed as he wished to show off one more technique but he slowly tied up the puppet user, as he went outside it seemed everyone was pretty much done... Apparently they lost roughtly 17 shinobi from the mist for this mission with 6 injured and 1 bruised on his knee. It seemed that Ren and Shiru were the only ones who avoided serious injury, but it would not have been possible without the sacrifices made today.

He looked to Shiru from the distance as the wind blew through his hair. Would she always be there for him, or was she just using him. He was not sure of himself but he new that he cared about her. He left to go rest before the next mission would begin soon.

Word Count=2711/2500

Jutsu Used
Jutsu Used by Ren:

Enemy Jutsu Used:


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