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Uzumaki Shizuo

Uzumaki Shizuo

He stood there infront of the honored shinobi monument, were every honorable shinobi sacrificed himself for the sake of the village, Shizuo held great respect for these heroic shinobi, he stood here wondering about the future of the village and his future, wondering about the future of the gang, the future was always a mystery, Shizuo abandoned all of this annoying thinking and started  training and working out, after having his amount of fun in training a gang of ten approached Shizuo, their leader spoke.

Seto:I am seto, i heard you've been spouting shit about the gangs in konoha and creating a gang that will eliminate us all?

Shizuo replied while flicking his booger and looking at the gang of kittens with uninterested eyes: huh? yea what about it, if you guys wanna join then forget it i dont take trash.

the leader yelled.
Seto: watch your mouth kid!

Shizuo replied in a cold matter: you bitches better run in
The leader enraged by his words shouted an order to the babies behind him "GET THAT SON OF BITCH"

Shizuo stood there as the whole gang attacked him from different directions aiming to hit him, however, shizuo replied by jumping in the air and kicking them from above, he started attacking each one of them mercilessly, after crushing each on of them and leaving  at least a bone or two broken in each one of those troublesome punks he went after their leader who tried to run but ended up in Shizuo's hands, Shizuo left the punk lying there  with both arms broken and with both of his legs broken.

Shizuo stood once again infront of the monument as he said while gazing at it " we must protect konoha from harm, i was merciful because i was worried about their safety, they might become great heroes if they took the correct path, i still need some members tho, i gotta start looking for some"
he stood there gazing at the monument, as he waited for hours to pass, he was bored,those punks didn't put up much of a fight, he was disappointed that not a single one was capable of harming a hair on his head.

He started wondering will he meet those that are worthy of being called shinobi of konohagakure, he needed two more members but where would he get those two, he needed shinobi with strong hearts, with hearts that are loyal to konohagakure

Seth Lualdi

Seth Lualdi

Seth slowly made his way up the path towards the honored shinobi monument. The sky was dark with a blanket of dark clouds hanging low over the village threatening to start raining down at a moment’s notice. This however, did not deter Seth from making his way to the monument. It was a special day indeed for Seth and his family. It was the anniversary of his father’s death and Seth was on his way to pay his respects. Even though his father was not a shinobi in life, the village had decided to honor him by placing his name on the shinobi monument for living like a shinobi, protecting his loved ones and the village in his final moments.
Seth had also invited his teammate and dear friend, Kyoto on this day. He had grown to think of Kyoto as a brother and felt that as such it would feel wrong on this day to visit his father’s grave without him.
As Seth approached the sacred monument he immediately noticed that something was amiss. Bodies of men broken and in extreme pain laying all around crying or passed out, were writhing and shaking on the cold ground leading up to the monument itself.
At the top of the hill, stood a man that Seth had never seen before. He appeared to be waiting for someone to arrive with a board look on his face, with the crying men at his feet. Seth had no idea what to expect from this man, but he had the strangest feeling that this was a man worth following. But, Seth was to smart to just act off of a feeling. He approached the man preparing himself for anything.

Kyoto Yoshida

Kyoto Yoshida

Kyoto of course, was running a tad late. Seth told him where they would go and why they are going. They were to pay their respects to Seth's father. Kyoto is seen running up the path way to the monument, about a minuet or two behind Seth. He was holding a bouquet of flowers in hand which he intended to put on pops grave. Kyoto, although not actually related to Seth or his father, is really close. The two friends would even go to the extent to calling each 'brothers'. So with that, Kyoto sometimes call Seth's dad pops, even though they haven't met. "Wait for me Seth!!" Kyoto screams out to him, as he saw him walking up the path, Kyoto started to run and in due time he reaches the top. Upon being at the top, he see the bodies. The bodies were that of the gang. He recognized the leader Seto. He seen him around walking with a gang of men. He looked like the leader of the bunch and Kyoto thought of him as the leader. But this time, he and his men were beat up into a pulp. Kyoto raises an eyebrow, looking at the bodies curiously before looking up, seeing Seth and a unknown figure, whom he never saw before. Kyoto then walks up behind Seth and places his free hand on his shoulder. "Hey buddy. You know this fella??" Kyoto asked Seth as he thinks the two know each other. He now turns his attention to the other. "Are you here to pay respect for pops too???" Kyoto asked him not really knowing who it is but is eager to. With this, Kyoto lets go of Seth's shoulder and walks up to the guy holding out a fist. "Yo! I'm Kyoto! Whats your name!?!?" Kyoto asked as he's appeared in front of him. Kyoto didn't know what to expect form him. He could have been dangerous and Kyoto and him would had to duke it out, but Kyoto wasn't much of a thinker. He acted upon instinct, quite opposite of his buddy, Seth. But none the less he didn't need to think. He had a feeling about this guy, and it wasn't a bad one.

Uzumaki Shizuo

Uzumaki Shizuo

Shizuo screamed like a little girl "whoa you guys startled me" it was his way of breaking the ice, he had destroyed many of these idiots the two boys didn't seem intimidated he heard him introduce himself, the boy had courage, and seemed to have a strong heart, one that is not weakened by the greatest of powers Shizuo spoke in reply with a bright and a childish tone to the two boys "Yo I am Shizuo, Uzumaki Shizuo, nice to meet you two" he offered his hand for a shake as he said to the two boys, as a breeze blew gently creasing the hair of the blond Uzumaki, the boy asked if he came for "pops" it appears they have a father lying in here resting after serving the village as a hero or one that risked himself for his beloveds, either way, it was an honorable reason to have him lay in here resting in the honored shinobi monument, he spoke again "well might as well honor your old man with you guys" he spoke as he smiled.

He looked at the other boy he seemed cautious, but when one forgets his stance and takes a deep look into his eyes, one would easily see pain and determination, he was amazed by the power f his heart, those two seemed to be  excellent  recruits to the team, the  boy who remained silent in the beginning truly brought joy to him just like the cheerful one did,  he had the eyes of a lion, he didn't look like one that would look back and even after holding such pain in his eyes, he looked like it was nothing at all.

The two boys came to his liking, they both seemed to have strong hearts, they didn't look like any weakling he's beaten up before, those two fascinated him, he spoke again "soooo, tell me guys what happened, and why not tell me about yourselves you two" his tone was a friendly one, he also wanted them to forget about the punks on the ground, he didn't want to give them the and idea of him being a ferocious man even tho he still  looked  like a ferocious fella, when in truth he's like a little child.

Shizuo was always kind, loving, and merciful, but not to those that cause trouble in his beloved village that was the reason those punks are half dead on the ground, Shizuo respects and loves his village and the heroes of it, and the people in it. Konoha's friend is his friend, its enemy is his enemy, and that's his eternal love. He thought about it in that one second and he obtained his answer as fast as he could, he is going to  have those two, join the gaurdians.

Seth Lualdi

Seth Lualdi

Seth was convinced now that he had nothing to fear from the man who introduced himself as Shisou Uzumaki. The way he was shocked by Kyoto almost made Seth laugh aloud. Also those of the Uzumaki clan were famous thought the ninja world. That did not guaranty that he was a trustworthy person, but it added a few points in Seth’s book. All of his favorite heroes in history shared that clan name.  “I am Seth Lualdi and this is my teammate and fellow member of squad five, Kyoto. We are here to visit my father’s grave. It is the anniversary of his death. You are welcome to join us if you like. It will only take a second” Seth said holding his hand out to Shisou.

Kyoto Yoshida

Kyoto Yoshida

Kyoto makes a poutty face, turning his head away from Shizou. "We don't shake! We are starting a bond, we need to do it right!" Kyoto said while holding his fist out. "We are 'The Tenacious Duo of Konoha'! And we will be the strongest ninja!" Kyoto gives a little info on him and Seth.

Uzumaki Shizuo

Uzumaki Shizuo

"I like your attitudes you two, you guys seem fun" he said with big smile as he paid his respects to their father, he then pumped his fist with the fist of kyoto and did the same with seth, he then spoke smiling to the two boy as he was about to offer them joining his team, in a bright tone he spoke " yo, how about you two join my team, the Guardians of konoha, we're  just a couple o' boys that love konoha and want to protect it, so how about it" he asked the two without forcing them, they both seemed to have strong hearts, such hearts were needed " together, we'll protect Konoha"
these two shall be the last members, with them the team is complete, after  having all slots filled he planned on having the six members meet on another, build bonds, become better people and protect konoha from anything that could harm konoha, and so he waited for the two boys replies,  he needed those of strong heart, those of feint hearts are bound to fall first.

Seth Lualdi

Seth Lualdi

Seth smiled when Shizou fist bumped him. Kyoto first started this with him and it was catching on real quick. It was symbolic of something special, trust. There was no magic behind it but it had a binding feeling to it. It was how Seth and Kyoto started and they had grown to be as close as family. Seth felt that after the fist bump that this new friendship would also grow in ways similar to the first. The fist bump was now something they all shared connecting them. 

When Shizou asked Seth and Kyoto if they would like to join his new team, Seth just smiled and held his fist out. "So how about it Kyoto, want to join as well?"

Kyoto Yoshida

Kyoto Yoshida

"Hahaha!!" Kyoto couldn't help but laugh. This was great, those who were around Seth and him could also form bonds. We all could become like family, as Kyoto and Seth did. Being asked by Shizuo if they'd want to join, Kyoto smiled. Then hearing his good buddy Seth asking if Kyoto would want to join and held out his fist. "I don't see why not! ;p We all will be the strongest in Konoha!" Kyoto was still believing his vow him and Seth shared, and now inviting Shizuo to vow the same. At this time putting his fist on Seth's, making enough room for another. "Yes! We will join you! Vow with us, that you too will become the strongest with us! And together, shall have all the women!"

Uzumaki Shizuo

Uzumaki Shizuo

Pleasant, indeed it was, being with those two was very joyous, he enjoyed his time, those two were for sure great recruits. Shizuo once again pumped their three fists together as he spoke in a childish yet happy tone "We shall get all the ladies, and we treasure our friendship, and WE SHALL PROTECT KONOHA" a brave tone, a tone that would never be weakened, a determined one, he is merely following his parents footsteps, they loved and treasured konoha and its people, he inherited the will of fire.

He spoke to the two boys "I gotta go now, I've got a couple o' errands i need tot run, I'll see you guys around" he then left after paying his respects, heading to the mission board he had some missions to fulfill.
[exit thread]

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