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Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

Hang Glider Repulse:

Sitting alone in his usual noodle shop he drinks some juice as he waits for his next mission. A woman enters with blood on her cheek limping towards him and passes him his next mission. The woman sighs and lays down and orders sake in a noodle shop. Due to the demand the owner took out his personal sake to help out. Ren read the mission and was a bit shocked that it said there were shinobi flying into Kirigakure. He could not allow this and also he wanted whatever they were using to fly for himself.

As he ran he heard that there were teams being sent to take care of each flying menace he was not sure if his team would be able to gather in time for the mission therefor he set out by himself quickly to deal with the situation. As he stood looking on from the watch tower his target would have to pass by there with the wind blowing towards the tower it would be near impossible to pass it by completely. As he waited he prepared his kunai carefully as he looked on.

He finally sees the enemy flying by as he waits hiding in the top section of the watch tower. He tosses five kunai at the kite borne enemy as the enemy counters his attack using Fuuton Nagare to blow a small gust of wind knocking the kunai off course as he swerves back a bit from his technique. No wishing to allow the enemy a chance to escape he through his remain five kunai before the enemy could recover, but the enemy spins like a drill to move to the side to avoid the technique. Nearly passed the watch tower this was where his plan finally began.

He had used that time to dodge to form the seals required for his Suiton Suiryuudan as a large burst of water shaped like a dragon headed straight for his target not aimed at the kite. The enemy turns back slightly to avoid a direct hit as some water hits his foot. He spins around slightly then as manages to stop spinning in the air now dizzy from too much swerving and spinning as the water dragon is redirected back towards him. He quickly gathers wind chakra and tosses it from his fingers as it forms a blade of wind which manages to deflect the water dragons course to the side. As the water dragon swerves hitting into the watch tower as the building seems to break apart somewhat.

As a swordsman you understand that leaving an opening for just a moment can lead to death. Sensing danger the enemy spun around and noticed that the kid had jumped towards him with a slash. He did not have time to pull off another wind technique and avoided the slash by allowing the kite to blow up with the wind while he fell down. Using careful shifting of his blades weight he redirected himself downwards using his secret bukijutsu Tenkan Dan. As he was coming down the enemy drew both his blades two 4foot long katana as Ren proceded to also take out his second sword as well. He slashed towards the enemy who countered by slashing back. The clash was intense with gravity allowing Ren to gain the advantage slightly even though his enemy was stronger.

The enemy landed firmly but nearly buckled from the height he fell. Ren landed somewhat well due to his agile nature and not having as much weight behind him as the knock back from their clash slowed down his decent. The kite was now stuck against the watch tower which was old and did not look like it was holding up that well.

"Sorry, but you will not be passing here today". As Ren gave a cold look towards the enemy shinobi his hair blowing into his eyes as the wind had picked up the smell of blood in the air. As the enemy looks to him they both grip their swords tightly as the enemy finally talks back. "How polite that is really cute kid, and as a sign of respect I will allow you to know my name before you die, I am Uragi of the Sky" As he looked on he replied back. "I am Yuzu Ren"

As the talking was over Ren noticed something wrong as the wind seemed to shift directions quickly. If it had not been that windy he would not have noticed as the enemy shinobi launched towards him at incredible speed with Fuuton Daitoppa. He immediately replied with Mizukiri, the enemy was not prepared to be met with a direct technique like that as he mitigated some of the damage by using an unknown fuuton technique charged into his blade as he just barely clashed with Ren. The superior technique was Ren's as the enemy was knocked back while Ren fell down.

The enemy through a paper bomb directly at Ren who jumped out of the way. It exploded against the watch tower which began to shake from side to side. The enemy did not pick up on the fact that Ren had already aimed to close in on him, with a slash of his sword nearly hitting the enemy who took a huge back step as Ren then tossed an explosive tag towards the enemy who could not dodge it. Inorder to get it away before it could hit him he breathed a huge gust of wind from his mouth knocking the tag hard again the tower as the base crumbled and as that happened the tag exploded and the fire of the explosion took out the entire bottom section of the tower as it fell down towards Ren.
The guy began to smile thinking this was his win there was no way this kid was going to avoid that as he backed away.

Word Count = 987/2500
Chakra = 175/220

Jutsu used from Jutsu List

Mizukiri , Suiton Suiryuudam

Tenkan Dan

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

It was clear that things looked bad as the ground shook, the once great watch tower crumbling down to fall upon the little boy. The other guy knew things were bad for him too as he backed away to a barely safe distance. The ground was too uneven for him to run to the sides to avoid it. His only path was to run towards the guy who had his escape route covered. He ran then tossed his weak sword Tsubakiri towards the man. The man deflected it with his wondering if the child was getting desperate. A look of fear in Ren's eyes as he ran towards him, some of the debris hitting his left shoulder which was not good. As he was nearing his route to escape the man kept his blades spread out then prepared to slash but it seemed the kid slipped and fell as the building collapsed on the poor boy.

The man was smiling and had thought this was too easy until he began to think about it more and realised he was tricked. The sword that was thrown at him earlier, why throw away one of his weapons when escape was the most important thing right now. He then thought even harder, the falling just as the building had him finished off, without as much as a scream or a last second attack. He was not completely sure as he noticed something shining in the rubble, but his instincts told him to turn around and slash behind him. As he turned he saw the kid there as there blades clashed as Ren did not want to let this go. The man not yet having regained his balance as he noticed a second slash, with one hand this child was swinging his blade at him as he countered the child with a slash and then when the third slash came he wondered why the child was attacking so recklessly. When he felt the force of the fourth slash his hands began shaking as he knew he could not block this the same way anymore. He got his grip more firm and lowered his centre of gravity as he took the fifth and sixth slash. He nearly dropped his blades as the kid then stopped for a moment.

The man was confused as he thought about it, in that short moment the child realised he had to get something just outside of the range of the building. He knew he could not force his way through and sent the sword to set up his escape, he had fallen for the kids trap as it was not just an escape but was there to let him drop his guard as well. What confused him more was that the child's rapid slashes seemed the same yet he was sure they were getting stronger. After figuring out that the kid had used a replacement he was about to attack when he was surrounded by mist. The boy had taken the time during which he was still confused to shroud them in mist which he could not afford. Dropping his one blade so he could use his Fuuton he released a blast of wind that was strong enough to push the mist away, but not enough to stop Ren from stabbing him in the chest.

The hit went cleanly through the man's chest, too cleanly after which he noticed he had stabbed a small wooden stool as the man stood behind him. The stool was from the rubble of the watch tower and now it was the kid's turn to experience the fear of being attacked from behind. Attacked from a place where one can not see, from the shadows like a true shinobi. While the man began his charge the kid spun around and tossed some kunai at the man close range. The man had too little time to respond taking a back step to hit four of the five kunai away as he realised the child did not run around and fall for no reason. He had not even noticed before but the child had gathered some of his tools that he used earlier to get him out of the sky. The one kunai was now inbedded one inch in his shoulder as he pulled it out.

"I do apologize for not taking you seriously, kid " The boy looked at him but he looked around as well, the man realised that he had to treat the kid like a true shinobi and that he could not afford to play around or be taken for a fool repeatedly. He decided not to charge in since they both had shoulder injuries now with the kid having a more severe one they would not be dual wielding swords anymore. They also won't be able to use their jutsu as freely as they had done previously. The man laughed as he realised he should just follow the kids example and took out a scroll and with the generic sealing technique he took out a large Fuuma Shuriken. "Kid can you dodge this or you too tired to keep up anymore". As he looks at the boy waiting for a reply before he would release his shuriken. " I will not let you destroy my home " The man was now serious then tossed his large shuriken at the kid who ducked under it. His small size helping him avoid it but the man used that as a distraction charging in with a rising slash, the boy would not have enough time to respond to the slash. The kid shifted himself to the side getting slashed slightly on his hurt left shoulder as he rolled on his side for a bit then dropped his sword holding his left shoulder. He began looking at the guy like a feral child, an animal that is hurt and now desperate. "I am sorry about this, but this is the end" as the man stood over the child then raised his sword.

Word Count = 1996/2500
Chakra = 135/220

Jutsu used from Jutsu List

Renzoku[6-slash], Kirigakure no jutsu

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

This looked to be the end he was finally going to end this child but as he pulled his right hand away from his hurt shoulder the man bringing down his blade. He through a ball close range back handed style straight into the guy's face. As the Metsubishi hit the man in the face the shavings of glass chilli and other unknown substances caused him to drop his blade. Taking the man's blade he attempted to kill the man but the man's experience saved him as he jumped back as far as he could knowing his eyes were useless. The man decided that things were still okay they both had a single sword now, the exact same sword but without his sight he could not perform correctly knowing it would be blow for blow and while he was stronger a wide swing would leave him wide open.

As the man stood there Ren could not charge at the man as the injury to his shoulder was bothering him a lot. He realised he might have hurt something really badly and even though he swung with his right the opponent was now holding his sword with both hands. He walked slowly inching towards the enemy with his sword facing straight for his opponent's chest. The guy realised he was near death and he kept his focus he could partially get his left eye open but it was not a clear view. What made it worse was this kid was small so on the up side he knew the attack would be low, but the down side it meant his attack had to go down either way.

The wind began to blow through their battlefield, the boys blonde hair moving through his face as he is now struggling to hold on. The time in which their fates would be decided was here. The lack of sight meant there would be no fancy footwork or over the top skills from the guy, while the small boy who had to prove he was more than that was too injured to end it right away. As they stood there Ren formed a few handseals as his shoulder pained. His opponent had very little vision and could hardly tell what was going on anymore.

The man heard some footsteps then he noticed Ren charging towards him with a direct slash, he thought the child lost his mind and he replied with a sword slash of his own as the blade clashed Ren was knocked into the air. It was then that the man realised he could no longer move, he had been captured by a water clone in the water prison technique. He was too injured to defend himself against two opponents even if the second opponent was merely a clone. Unable to move the man then said. "Sorry for calling you a kid, thanks for the fight Yuzu Ren" . Almost emotionless as he picked up his sword and his other sword he proceded towards the man who could no longer defend himself.

" There are no fights in a war, only death " as he proceded to slit the man's throat with both blades before walking onwards to the area he noticed earlier. He walked around and noticed something in a tree, he proceded upwards and finally retrieved the kite which he figured would be very useful in the final day of the war. He then went back down and left to go rest inside the underground room beneath the Bloody Academy. He had been here before and was not happy to be here again. His mission was done and so was this ruin of a place.

Word Count = 2612/2500
Chakra = 98/220

Jutsu Used from Jutsu List

Mizu Bunshin, Suiton Suirou ( Water Clone )


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