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1Holding Down The Market District [Open] Empty Holding Down The Market District [Open] Tue Nov 19, 2013 8:59 pm

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

Players so far: Kenji& Zanto, two more of any rank are welcomed.---OOC

There was something different about the ground, it was tougher. The air was thicker, almost strong enough to choke the shinobi even through his mask... The smoke in the air and the scorched earth became common sights. Zanto and Kenji were being guided to the market district by four other Kiri ninja who too were to provide a fort of some sort against the advancing enemy force. The Kiri men had hardened faces, it didn't require much insight to determine they had lost many men and women. They hurried past the medic camp where wounded soldiers were being tended to. They then took a route that would take them straight to the market district. It was a small river that led to the east of the village where the market area was. Kenji could already see from a distance flaming arrow illuminating the skies, and pillars of smoke. The six man cell who were joining more soldiers hopped off the medium size boat and took to the shore immediately. They were but a 5 minute jog from the safe house. There were already many ninja keeping the opposing force back with waves of destructive water and walls if earth until they could mount more of an offensive to push THEM back. Their enemy, on this day, would know defeat, even if Kenji had to shove it down their throats.

The room was small and clean and organized. The commander barked out, Gentleman, I'm glad you finally showed up. We need offence. Our defences won't last much longer we need a counter to push them back for good. Our current enemy is... an army of hummanoid puppets, needles to say they have the stamina advantage. There's only one strategy we'll be following... destroy as many of those m****** b**** s*** d**** c*** a:** as possible! Kenji had heard enough. The ceiling of the building opened up and the Kiri nine flew out. Kenji turned to Zanto, You heard him, lets go he said in the the squealing voice.

Kenji followed suit and jumped up landing on the edge of the roof. He loaded his crossbow and began picking off puppets. He took down ten, but that didn't even put a dent in their numbers. The defenses like the commander pointed out were growing weaker, and soon they would lose the market area. Kenji decided sniping was taking too long and wasn't doing enough damage. An evil grin manifested under his mask as he leaped over the defensive wall, landing right in the swarm of the enemy. As approximately ten lethal puppets closed in, well within striking range and protruding from several area of their upper body were bladed weapons, Kenji spun rapidly simultaneously releasing wind chakra from his Katana the force and the shredding ability obliterated all that had daringly attacked him. They were destroyed into bits. He didn't see Zanto, but his sensing ability allowed him to keep tabs on him, if he needed help he would be there in a jiffy.

His Kiri partners were ripping through several puppets as well with large torrents of jet like water projectiles. Kenji's offence didn't cease either, at Sannin speed the Kumo ANBU agent bombarded the puppets with ferocious punches and kicks, his strength (A rank) reducing them to fragments. When his hands grew tired and sore he switched to his Supa Hane Katana, wildly ripping through waves of puppets at once. These toys were far beneath Kenji, but they did provide entertainment for him. He literally ran through them, he dashed in between the puppets dragging his deadly A rank katana against their mechanical bodies. One managed to get behind Kenji and proceeded to plunge his knives into his back, they were unable to penetrate his armor. The puppet then removed the blades and looked to decapitate the shinobi, Kenji ducked and delivered a crushing side kick at the same time, sending the puppet flying over 10 meters.

Kenji looked at the debris, still on guard though. The enemy's force was greatly diminished, Kenji counted a total of nearly 50 left. He flash away to see where his skills were needed next. A few of his comrades were wounded and receiving medical treatment... the puppets had hidden weapons and caught a few of the shinobi off guard. Maybe if Kenji's best friend wasn't a puppeteer they would've caught him off guard as well.





The room was small and clean and organized. The commander barked out, Gentleman, I'm glad you finally showed up. We need offence. Our defenses won't last much longer we need a counter to push them back for good. Our current enemy is... an army of humanoid puppets; needless to say they have the stamina advantage. There's only one strategy we'll be following... destroy as many of those 'm****** b**** s*** d**** c*** a:** as possible!

‘Hmm…. So not only does this guy have a big mouth, but he is also an idiot; destroying the puppets alone won’t solve the problem. We need to find the source.’
Kenji had heard enough. The ceiling of the building opened up and the Kiri nine flew out. Kenji turned to Zanto, You heard him, let’s go he said in the squealing voice
‘By Naraka I wish he would stop doing that.’ Zanto thought
Zanto went after Kenji He noticed he was shooting a crossbow at the puppets, but that was not going to do much in the long run. He watched Kenji leap off the roof and engage the Puppets in close quarter combat.
Zanto chuckled.
Destroying these puppets alone won’t solve anything, but it is a good chance to get a good work out now let’s see how far I can go with the void.’ Zanto thought.
He summoned his three null spheres. (KKG B) and had them encircle him.
Zanto could feel the power. He could feel the void energies consuming his normal chakra and giving him the energy of the void.
‘I can defiantly feel the power Naraka gave me. Now it’s time to put it to use.’
Sense Zanto wasn’t up against one opponent he decided against turning his null sphere into a weapon
Instead He had two spheres move five meters away from him and had them spin around him at a high speed. He leaped down onto the battlefield and the puppets immediately converged on him.  The spinning spheres helped thin out the ranks of the puppets (B rank + 1 rank Path of destruction) the few that got through were easily swatted down thanks to his extra sphere.
Behind his back He made two void grenades and held onto them for his escape plan.
‘Once these fools learn they can’t come directly at me they are going to try to hit me from the air. Once I get a good group together I’ll let them try to dog pile me. With a simple replacement technique I’ll switch with these grenades and blow them all to bits.’ Zanto thought.
He made a quick scan of the area and saw a small fruit stand up against a building. He decided that would be a great place to escape to after his launched his trap and it was nice and dark so they won’t be able to see him. Puppets don’t have any sensory jutsus so I can hide in plain sight while I destroy them.
Zanto laughed at the foolish display.
“At least make it a challenge for me.” He taunted.
Zanto Slowly backed up near the stand until his back was against the wall with the stand four meters to his left/. He raised his void spheres out of the way leaving him completely open to attack.
Zanto controlled his breathing. He remained patient. He kept his hands steady. With the two void spheres still in his hand he waited to spring his trap. He looked up and noticed more puppets were going to jump down on him. He quickly counted how many they were.
‘Two in the front, three to my right, and two more above me. I really wish I could make a bigger catch.’ Zanto thought.
He waited patiently for them to strike. He had to time this just right to get them all in the blast.
All seven puppets charged at Zanto at the same time.
‘Steady Zanto’ He thought.
Just before the pierced him Zanto used the replacement technique and put the void grenades in his place. He then ducked behind the fruit stand and covered his ears.
When the puppets struck the Illusion they also struck the grenades setting them off. (D rank +1 path of destruction.)
The grenades made a deafening blast and kicked up a lot of dust and debris.
He quickly peaked and saw the puppets were completely destroyed.
‘I think I found my new favorite technique.’ Zanto thought.

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

There job was to defend the market... to hold down the front lines. There would be a time in the near future where he and whoever was left, would have to mount an attack on the one pulling the strings, on the ones who were responsible for the havoc. But at this moment, in this wrinkle in time, Kenji's duty was to prevent these machines forged in hell from taking the Market Area, and that was what he was going to do. There was no denying that the Sennin was eager to help out as any way he could, but as their enemy's numbers dwindled, he had an even stronger urge to hunt down the threats. The task he was trusted with was important, if they allowed the market area to be conquered that would only strengthen their enemy's grip on Kirigakure. It was no secret that Kiri was on the defensive, their village had been devastated already, and they would only survive through the help of the other villages. From what Kenji understood, there were sure to be more Kumo shinobi on the way, those that were possibly equal in strength of Kenji.

The war waged on, Kenji eyes scanned the field as puppets darted from all directions trying to take out as much of the allied shinobi force as possible. He could sense the Zanto using a series of jutsu, and he seemed to be holding his own quite well. Kenji, once again in a burst of speed, took out another series of puppets. They were in a zig zag formation. Kenji rammed one puppet with an elbow and then swiveled and leaped in the air taking out another with a swift sweeping kick. As he landed he drew his Hane while the puppets attempted to corral him. He came down with arching strikes from the deadly instrument cleaving through their limbs and leaving them useless.

The thick air once again settled in Kenji's nasal passages, the weight of the strife, he had never felt war. It was different than a dangerous mission somehow, there was more at stake. There was more to fight for, there was more to die for. Kenji fancied himself a noble person, willing to give it all for the people he loved, but he was still practical, knowing that just giving it all, wasn't always smart. However, in this case, giving it all was the only choice he had... for if he didn't... he wouldn't have anything else to give. The Sennin of Kumo wasn't just fighting to be fighting, he wasn't just feeling sentimental and wanted to help out a village of which he knows little about, and from where he knows only one person, but there were also selfish motives. It was only natural for him to think of himself. This time though, his own motives just so happened to fall in alignment with what was best for the shinobi world as he knew it. His heart began to flutter as he had never felt such emotions, it made him want to fight harder, it made him want to lead their squad to victory.

 In his highly irritable squeaky voice he bellowed,

"There's only 20 left! Let's finish them!"

Time slowed as he spotted Zanto who had just emerged victorious from an exchange of his own. Kenji dashed over to the Genin. "We're almost done in defending the market, after this... we'll probably be sent somewhere else, somewhere that needs our ability, it could be for offense it could be for defense, but it will be dangerous. How about you finish these things off?" Kenji had been assigned the squad leader of the force, as he was the most experienced and arguably the strongest. Kenji retreated to the safe house and met eyes with the stern cold stare of the Commander. "Yes Jenito!" "The standoff is going well, the large force is almost completely depleted, the men are tired but they have enough to finish them off... we've done it, this battle is won, the market area is secured." Commander tapped his cigar against the table then put it to his lips with a smile, he expelled the smoke in ascending fashion. "Alright, continue to coordinate on the field... I'm glad you arrived, you saw first hand how close we were to losing." Kenji nodded.

The action was coming to a crashing halt as the enemy was now being completely overwhelmed. From atop his perch of the safe house, he saw the crimson fog, heard the agonizing cries, and he felt the insurmountable pressure. This was but a small victory, it would definitely change the course of events, but there was too much more to be done to have revel in the moment. The last puppets fell to a heap. Kenji pushed off the ceiling soaring through the air. He landed softly allowing his knees to give just a bit. His green hair swung in the dead air. The ANBU operative once again poke out his chest as he saw the force of brave shinobi, "We've done it, we'll report back to the commander with our intel, he'll relay the information to HQ, from there we will receive our next orders. A shipment of supplies, weaponry and food is on the way, we'll have just enough time to refuel before we head out to the next post. THE MARKET AREA IS OURS!!" The shinobi used their last bit of energy to release a primal roar, as they too were proud of  themselves... The men then trudged towards the safe house. Kenji approached Zanto once more, "I'm impressed... you fight well. It seems the Raikage wasn't completely remiss in sending you."

His voice wailing, he was about to continue but was interrupted, "Jenito! We have word that they need you on the battle field due north of here, they want you to coordinate with the other force that is already engaged. They'll be reinforcements going with you, you'll meet at the rendezvous." Kenji straightened his posture, "Yes sir! Alert them that I am on my way." Kenji reverted his attention back to Zanto, "I'll be back shortly, until more shinobi show up, I'll have to bounce back and forth."

He headed back into the safe house where the shinobi were all battered and tired. Kenji looked at his lacquered katana before sheathing it on his hip. The shinobi still had his quiver on his back and his crossbow across his shoulders. The commander spoke on his communicative headset. "Sir, we have ANBU op Jenito on route to provide back up, we have other shinobi coming as well. The Market District has been defended, our men put up a tremendous fight. How you got any word back from the hospital and the administrative building... Uh huh, ok. Alright. Jenito... Are you all prepared?" Kenji couldn't believe he could utter such words... he answered plainly in a deeper voice, "Yes."

There was still much to do at the market district before he could leave, him and Zanto would have to scout the outskirts of the area to make sure none of the humanoid puppets were holding back, waiting to employ a surprise ambush on the tired and weakened forces. "Zanto, let's go tie up any loose ends."

WC: 1,240

Total: 1986/2500



Zanto emerged from the fruit stand. He coughed and tried to wave the dust away from him. Those puppets where relentless and two more tried to attack him and nearly got to Zanto. If it weren’t for his natural speed and reflexes he would have been skewered. He had two of his null spheres crush one of the puppets and the third one knocks the other one away. He then slammed his null sphere on top of the puppet it breaking it in the process.
At this point adrenaline was running rampant in his veins. His senses were heightening to their limits. His reflexes were sharper and his fight or flight response was in full swing. In his mind he was ready to fight, but his body wasn’t he already used a lot of chakra and it was starting to take its toll on his body.
‘Damn it all… I have the power, but I don’t have the stamina. How am I supposed to fight a war if I can’t sustain myself?’ Zanto thought.
He moved cautiously scanning the area as he goes. He didn’t want to use more chakra, because he didn’t know how much longer he was going to be on the front lines. He had to be more conservative.
‘Damn…Well Kenji is a sage just like Yami…. Maybe, just maybe he can help me find a way to hold back the void energies so I can use more chakra… Maybe I’ll run into him out here. He did say he was coming here after all.’ Zanto thought.
‘Then again… Maybe I can find another way. After all, Naraka said my void powers are only limited by my imagination. There has to be some way I can extend my chakra pool from something like this.’
Sweat poured down his face. The dust in the air was starting to stick to him creating little black streams down his face. He wasn’t afraid. In fact he didn’t feel anything at all.
It was right then Zanto had a startling realization. This was his first real fight. His first real battle and yet he felt nothing. For some reason he couldn’t feel. It’s not like he had to take a life, but the carnage around him would have shaken even a veteran ninja. As Zanto stood there among the bloodied and broken he felt the strangest of sensation take him. He felt excitement and anguish. The unnatural excitement he felt was for the battle he just fought and future battles he would fight. The anguish he felt was because he just now realized his very soul was rotting away. He was slowly dying as a human being, but was this all Naraka’s doing or was this really him? He felt alone. There was no one there for him. He had no friends, no family, and no lover. There was literally no one that he could go to for help. There was no one that could console him when he was hurt and no one that could understand him. He was a lone bird among the flock. He was doomed to die alone with Naraka’s curse. It almost brought Zanto tears when he realized he was slowly turning into a monster; a being with no regard for life and gets off on killing. As he slowly came down from his adrenaline high the feeling of excitement left him and was replaced by more anguish.
‘How can this be?’ Zanto asked himself.
‘I don’t want to be a monster. I want to help people… not kill because it’s fun....’
Zanto tried forgetting about that for the time being and quickly pulled himself together as he realized he was still in a middle of a warzone. He had to focus on what was happening right here and now. People’s lives depended on his actions here. He can figure out what to do when the mission was over.
Zanto looked back at the other ninja as they swept up the last of the opposition.  Zanto then leaped up to the roof tops and scouted the area. He couldn’t see any more puppets in the immediate area, but he wasn’t satisfied a puppet could look broken and still be dangerous. This was a risky situation at any turn a puppet could spring to life and attack. Which only added to everyone’s anxiety, when he was satisfied that there were no more active puppets he leaped off the roof top and started to walk carefully towards the ninja squad making sure he paid extra special attention to his surroundings so he would not get caught in an ambush. He dismissed his null spheres and rejoined the other ninja. Before he joined the group he tried to compose himself. He could not show weakness on the battlefield. A warzone was no place for feelings. You had to be cold and ruthless to win. Zanto took a cloth from his pants pocket and wiped the dark spots off his face. Once he believed he was ready he continued to walk towards the group. When he arrived the Kenji who unbeknown to Zanto was disguised as an Anbu ninja turned to him and said.
"I'm impressed... you fight well. It seems the Raikage wasn't completely remiss in sending you."

‘Heh… So he thought sending me was a stupid idea too. Can’t say I blame him. In fact it was strange that would send a genin on a mission with the Anbu in the first place. This scenario is unheard of.’ Zanto thought.
The looked like he was going to continue but was interrupted by some Mist ninja.
"Jenito! We have word that they need you on the battle field due north of here, they want you to coordinate with the other force that is already engaged. They'll be reinforcements going with you; you'll meet at the rendezvous." Kenji straightened his posture,
"Yes sir! Alert them that I am on my way." Kenji reverted his attention back to Zanto,
"I'll be back shortly, until more shinobi show up; I'll have to bounce back and forth."
Zanto waited patiently for new orders hopefully we would be able to go back out and fight.
There was still much to do at the market district before he could leave, him and Zanto would have to scout the outskirts of the area to make sure none of the humanoid puppets were holding back, waiting to employ a surprise ambush on the tired and weakened forces.
"Zanto, let's go tie up any loose ends."

Zanto nodded and both ninja’s leaped to the rooftops and began their search. Zanto made a few hand symbols and said.
“Void release: Eye of the void jutsu.”

With that his left eye turned black. His iris and his corneas were now black. He slowly closed his left eye. A black orb slowly appeared in front of Zanto and then flew up 30 meters,
Zanto looked over at Kenji and said.
“With this I will be able to get a bird’s eye view of the area. It should help with our scouting mission.”

From 30 meters in the air Zanto did indeed have a much better view. He could see almost everything around him. One thing Zanto did noticed is that the puppets did not have any strings attached to them. So now he had to look for good hiding places because it was almost certain that’s where the culprit would be. He also had to keep an eye out for any sneak attacks. The last thing he wanted was to get ambush right now because he couldn’t use any of his offensive abilities yet if they were in a fight he would be in serious trouble sense he doesn’t have a weapon. For the time being he would have to stay close to his partner.

Total 2047/2500

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

As Kenji and Zanto surveyed the area, the Genin once again put on display his unique Ninjutsu. With this I will be able to get a bird’s eye view of the area. It should help with our scouting mission.”

Kenji watched as Zanto's eyes turned pitch black, and an iris materialized away from him, and ascended 30 meters in the air, scouting the area from above. Kenji thought to himself, that the mechanics of the jutsu were absolutely foreign to him. They leaped quietly from rooftop to rooftop. Zanto's eye would make sure no one outside of their field of vision was around.

"Keep searching from above, I'm going head to the ground. Alert me if you spot anything." Kenji landed, weaving in out of the alleyways, making sure there weren't anymore humanoid puppets, or any other threats. Kenji waded through the smoke and rubble. His eyes would've ached from the smoke if he weren't wearing his mask. The shinobi gripped his Hane with loosely, ready to maneuver in any fashion necessary to combat any surprise. As he walked on through the market area, he neared the outskirts of the  district, and approached a bridge, over a few miles from the end of the bridge there was obvious strife and battle taking place, "those are the other battles." Kenji thought to himself solemnly, he could only hope that he could be of assistance in general.

Kenji had toured the area twice and had encountered nothing, he came to a position on the ground where he had a view of Zanto, "Nothing down here." Kenji leaped up and landed next to Zanto, "Let's head back and finish preparing for the next phase we're to undergo. By the way, I see you don't have a weapon." Kenji said failing to hold back a slight chuckle, I mean this was war... "I have an old ratty katana back at the base, you can use for when we engage in more heated combat, I think you'll need it. You're mysterious Ninjutsu is something to behold, but if you rely on it too much, you'll deplete your chakra quickly."

The two jetted back to the base camp and reported to the commander that there were no outstanding threats, and the mission was officially a success. Kenji handed Zanto the rusty katana, "Treat it well, it has seen me through many fights." He said in his annoying high pitch voice. The two shinobi then awaited their next orders.

War was an ugly and frightful thing, and they had only seen it with its mask on, its true face underneath was likely to be even more grimace. The looming prophecy of pain and hatred was sure to inflict many generations. And in the same light it would inspire just as many. Shinobi killed, shinobi protected, it wasn't quite black and white, it had a shade similar to red... the ANBU op was fully dressed and combat ready and was willing to take on any task.

The blazed over the war torn lands, Kenji and Zanto were to head out again soon taking on a deadly march, a march that could lead to their doom or their victory. Either way, it would be a march they would have to take. It was time, time for men to step up and separate themselves... this was the time for heroes. Kenji stood, with his chest puffed out, head high, a man of beaming confidence, and overwhelming skill and talent. There was perhaps... no one better for the position than he.

WC: 604

Total: 2500+/2500

Exit thread



After the long scouting mission through the market place Zanto and Kenji returned to the camp and reported to the commander that there were no outstanding threats.
‘That was a successful first day.’ Zanto thought.
He sat down for a moment to catch his breath. Although Zanto would never admit it to anyone it was a rough first day in combat. It was amazing how ones true self comes to light in times of hardship, but in Zanto’s case he wasn’t sure if it was  or the curse.
He saw Kenji who was still disguised as an Anbu Black op approach him with a Katana in his hand. Kenji walked up and handed him the sword. Just before he entered the camp Kenji noticed that Zanto did not have a weapon, and he took it upon himself to loan him a sword.
“Treat it well; it has seen me through many fights.” Kenji said.
Zanto smiled and bowed slightly.
“Thank you Jenito. I shall take good care of your sword.” Zanto
respectfully said.
Zanto pulled the sword out of the sheath to examine the blade. The blade was rusty. It needed to be cleaned and maintained.
‘Well it’s not a Zanbato, but it is better than nothing.’ Zanto thought.
This did give Zanto a peace of mind. Now he didn’t have to solely rely on his void control. This will give him more options later on down the road.
It was a decent sword. It was well balanced and sharp. The rust was the only down side but Zanto could still make it work. With his skills in Kenjustu he would be able to put the sword o good use.
He would treasure this sword. It wasn’t going to be long until he could buy his own sword, and afterwards he would have to return it, but it was still comforting to know someone cared enough to loan him a sword for the up coming battle.
The first day of the war and there was already so much destruction. The longer Zanto fought the more disturbing things became. He felt like the longer this drags on the closer he would come to the edge.
In war there are always two kinds of people; monsters and heroes. There was no way around it. A single man can kill an entire legion and in the eyes of his allies he was a hero a legend and a man to be admired, but in the eyes of his enemies he was a butcher, a plague and a monster. In this war Zanto would have to kill someone, but if he did who would see him as a monster. He knew he would be praised in his village for his efforts because he aided in their victory, and history is always written by the victor.
WC 471
Total 2500+/2500

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