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Uchiha Izanami

Uchiha Izanami

it was another beautiful day at Kirigakure, Izanami had just awoken, he would brush his teeth, wash his face, wear his clothes, and prepare himself for another busy day with a fulfilling breakfast, just the usual routine, he went out for another mission, for a while now, the young uchiha has been doing nothing but missions and shopping for house needs, helping others, and more missions.

"I decided to stay for a while and that's what i did, its been three weeks since me and my mother have come here, to kirigakure, i told my dear mother that i will be leaving her hear hoping for her safety while i go to konohagakure, Konoha, it bothers me how many defectors it has, and how many attacks it receives, konoha is a beautiful country, i will protect it for the mean time, i wont let such a beautiful nation be destroyed, the fire nation..., wait for me I'll be coming for your safety, i want to end all wars, but with scum bags that keep bullying a nation and ruining it with filthy acts, such acts can never be forgiven"

Izanami was honest about what he had just said, he loved all nations and villages, he wished to obtain power strong enough to protect that which is dear to him, and the peace of the shinobi world.

Izanami with his hands in his pockets, walked the usual distance to the usual place, the mission board, by busy day it meant taking missions or one long ass mission, which he just did, Izanami took a mission that required him to go over two hundred meters in the underground cave and bring all sorts of materials, Izanami took back basket made out of bamboo, an iron sickle, and a flashlight helmet, after taking the required tools for this mission Izanami set out for the underground cave.

Later on after reaching the cave and after crossing the supposed distance, he stumbled into an idiot who seemed to have been planning on bombing the mine and shutting it down once and for all, Izanami tried to reason with him but his efforts were futile, the man didn't seem to be a shinobi and so Izanami knocked him out and carried him deep inside  to keep an eye out for him while he digs materials up.

Izanami started digging  and placing materials in the basket he held on his back, he appears to have collected many valuable materials, Izanami kept an eye on the man who seemed to be stuck in his deep sleep,  the young uchiha thought he might've hit him a little stronger than he was supposed to, well it cant be helped, at least he didn't cause any type of major damage  on him, Izanami carried the old fool with the materials on his back along with the items he brought with him.

After leaving the cave the young uchiha went to the police department where he left that man, his acts were reckless maybe they'll be capable of waking up the old fool, Izanami then went to the administration building returning the items he took for this mission and reporting the events of his missions, he received his payment and left back to his apartment.

gathering the materials, teaching kids at the academy,  securing the builders and other missions, he has been diligently working on missions to assist Kirigakure, but it was time to say later, sad but it wasn't a farewell, Izanami disliked farewells and he was coming back for sure, he enjoyed his stay at Kirigakure, he might spend a couple of days enjoying freedom and leave for konohagakure, he had fun but konoha needed assistance and that's what he wanted to do, to provide protection. Izanami had visited konoha before but it was a brief visit, and he was a child when it happened he was with his family whole, such happy memories, also he might find a clue about the man who kidnapped his sister, he must be after her eyes....if so she might experience horrifying unpleasant experiences this life ha to offer, Izanami had many questions but so little answers, in-fact he had no answers at all, once again the elder brother goes home worried about his little sister, how cruel must her fate be.

Izanami threw himself to his bed exhausted from the rough events of the day, once again the young bright uchiha Izanami closes his eyes and fades into the depths of the night

Word Count:

Last edited by Uchiha Izanami on Mon Nov 11, 2013 11:27 am; edited 2 times in total

Uchiha Izanami

Uchiha Izanami


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