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1Why Are You Leaving? [Mission Solo] Empty Why Are You Leaving? [Mission Solo] Tue Dec 17, 2013 9:41 pm



“Damn it, where could that guy be?” he wondered.

Just a while ago, a worried brother had posted a mission regarding the mentality of his older brother. He had up and told him that he would be leaving Kirigakure, all because he was unsure that he would be able to properly protect his brother. It was stupid, in a way, because he would be in an even worse position to protect his brother if he was out of the village, where he would barely keep an eye on her, not to mention the various hunter nin Kiri would no doubt send after his head. Did he really think he could watch over her from the afterlife?

No, Tee was not going to let it happen. He was going to stop the man from leaving Kiri if it was the last thing she did. He would try negotiating him slightly but, he prefered to get down and dirty. Okay, maybe that was phrased wrong, he would be ready to fight to his last breath. He had heard this Kuro Kiyashi was decent – a Genin, in fact – and he wondered how he would take him down if need be, but he figured all he needed was to show him how strong a Kiri ninja could be.

He leapt from rooftop to rooftop, scouring the city. His precious eyes scanned the village below, focus jumping from one person to the next to see anyone who fit the description of the coward who was going to run away from everything all because he thought he wasn't strong enough.

Tee's eyes narrowed at that. No matter how weak one was, they should never run from their past nor their future. It was a life journey to continue topping those challenges the universe threw at you, and it was merely an unstated law that a challenge would always come after the last, each exponentially harder to overcome.

Finally, she spotted someone who fit the description just outside Kiri's walls. He had a backpack slung on one shoulder and and he highly doubted that the puny boy was going out on a mission, as had been the excuse he had given his brother after convincing him, his departure from the village would not take place within the following month. Honestly, he should've been able to come up with a better excuse than that! Even a newborn would've guessed he was leaving.

She gave a strong leap and landed in front of the man.

“Hold it! You're planning to leave, aren't you?”

The man's tired eyes gave him a once over. “My brother reported me to the Mizukage, didn't he?” He gave a small chuckle. “I should've known. She's too good and pure of heart to be able to steal a cookie from the jar, much less keep something as big as this a secret. But you don't understand. I need to leave. It's the best way I can look after him.”

“How is leaving the village looking after your sister?” Tee asked. “You're just leaving her in Kirigakure. You can't take care of her, you can't look after her, and you sure as hell can't make sure she's safe.”

“But all I've been so far is a failure. I keep weighing her down. I know she looks up to me, but the thing is, I just can't keep being the rock that weighs her down. I love her too much to do that. And if you won't let me leave, I'll make you.”

Tee looked at the fool feeling bad that his younger brother had to deal with a fuck up like him but Tee would fix that real soon. "SO YOU RUN AWAY, WHAT KIND OF MAN ARE YOU TO RUN AWAY LIKE A LITTLE BITCH WHEN THE GOING GETS TOUGH, IF WE GOT ATTACKED AND THE MIZUKAGE JUST GAVE UP WE WOULD BE FUCKED, IF DURING A MISSION A SQUAD LEADER GAVE UP WHAT THE HELL WOULD HAPPEN" the boy stopped in his tracks realizing the truth in Tee's words probably just not wanting to admit it. "Now go back to your little brother and do right by him" he would say in a much calmer voice point back towards Kirigakure. The boy would run toward Tee and give him a hug, the only reason Tee didn't mins was because he was young and Tee loved the children and loved helping them. They were the future after all he thought as the boy ran back sloppily towards Kiri.


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