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1An Eye for An Eye(Private/Kazu/No Kill) Empty An Eye for An Eye(Private/Kazu/No Kill) Wed Oct 23, 2013 6:08 pm

Guanyin Nanashi

A single eye stared aimlessly into the whirling abyss threatening to consume him and his room with it's mauls. Dark unrecognizable creatures stared back at the individual, their beady eyes showcasing their hungry. Like a predator they watched every movement of their intended prey, the rhythmic movement of his chest – rising and fallen. If he were afraid of abominations that were lurking, it didn't show in his visage. He had good reason not to fear them, they couldn't touch him – at least not at the moment.
Why was this you ask? For creating a barrier between him and the advancing darkness was light. Not light from the sun, for it hasn't risen yet. But light from the moon itself, it's lunar presence bathing a him and other portions of his room – keeping them at by. Though the light from the moon did bring forth other unwanted things, shadows, they were reanimated and were dancing to an unheard song along the ways. The way they swayed to and fro was hypnotic, and one couldn't help to be drawn to their movements – like a belly dancer dancing.
Nanashi, owner of the lone eye exhaled, eye closing and opening once more to stare into the abyss. The only thing different about this time was that the creatures that lurked within them were no longer in sight. Likes they had disappeared, fleeing from some unforeseen force. The shadows that were dancing earlier have all but halted time seemingly frozen in place. Even the branches outside that were hitting the window seemed to have stopped – an eerie silence descended into the area.
It will be back. . .”Nanashi mused to himself, body on autopilot and moving out of the bed, sheets thrown on the floor. Moonlight bathed his semi-nude body in it's essence, for anyone who were looking for a peak show they would be disappointed – his package being obscured by a pair of loosely fixed boxers. The cold hardwood floor didn't bother him, moving across it going to the restroom to get prepare for the day at the hospital.
Iwagakure no Sato wasn't known for the medical advancement, it being almost none existence . . . at least to the outside world. Where other countries flaunted their medical program as if it was some model, abrupt a slutty one. Iwagakure did not. They kept their program under wraps, a proper classy lady – not showing much but enough to keep others guessing. For if there is one thing you shouldn't do, it is to flaunt your lady around others for sooner or later someone will attempt to take her from your hands. On the opposite end of the spectrum not flaunting your lady keeps others from knowing things that you know. . .
And this were the case with Iwagakure no Sato. While there ain't many medical shinobi within the village, many preferring to enterprise in other areas – there were plenty of civilian doctors who skill could rival some shinobi medics. And one of these civilian doctors just so happen to be Sakino Marise, the head mistress of Iwagakure no Sato medical corps and master to Gaunyin Nanashi.
Speaking of Sakino Marise, the dark haired woman was currently sitting behind her maghony desk looking over some patients files while sipping on a cup of coffee. The high caffeine liquid doing what it were intended to do, providing her with a boost to continue on with her duties. The woman having spent forty-eight hours wake, checking up on patients and the like. Sure she could have the other medics to do it, but she decided to give them some time off – a thank you for your service, if you will. Though not all took the opportunity to relax, instead preferring to work under their beloved bossed.
Knock Knock
Come in.” Her dark brown eyes looked upward the the blonde haired nurse who stepped through the door, a folder in hand.
Sorry to disturb you but this just came in and I think you might want to look at it.” Now that peeked her interested. Usually the nurses, especially those higher up in the totem pole handled most of the files – which she just review afterward for any mistakes. So what was so important about this one?
Thank you.” The nurse placed the beige folder into the waiting hands of Marise.
Lets see what this is about.” She mused, eyebrow being raised at the confidential stamp on front of the beige covering. “Well that's interesting” many assume that any medic can look at the files of any patient that has come through the halls of Iwagakure hospital – this isn't the case. Like other military base establishments clearances of varying levels are given to the medical staff, depending on on numerous of factors. Any medical staff can ask to be evaluated for a higher clearance level, one above their current one, but that doesn't mean they would get it. Such tests can be taken bi-yearly, with a year or two wait if you manage to past the test the first time.
Sakino Marise herself had one of the highest clearances within the hospital, granted this was due to her being the main head of the establishment, having taken it over after the death of her late mentor. So it wasn't surprising that she had access to the files of the upper Iwagakure echelons. This is why she were apply to view the file that was handed to her, though not before identifying herself with a finger print.
Reading the slip of paper that fell out of the beige pamphlet upon opening it, her eyes began to widen to large proportion. Her eyes quickly looked for the authentic stamp that associated with this individual before leaving her office in a hurry, the folder in hand and the nurse following her.
Why was she such in a rush? For the Tsuchikage was coming to get an eye transplant done. . .
I need to go shopping. . .” Yes, even someone like Nanashi had to do process of going out into the public and shop. Usually he would have done so already but he the fact his frigerator was out of food had slipped his mind. Not his fault that he ate out last night. Sighing in desperation at the lack of not in his house. And seeing how he couldn't conjure up anything magically, Nanashi accepted the faith of having to find an open vendor and buy something. And with that in mind the silver haired male exited his house, not before locking it and began the hunt for food. . .
There is a certain unforeseen joy in living in a shinobi run village. One of these hidden joys is the abundance of food vendors that were always open. For lets face it, shinobi come in and out of the village constantly at various hours and usually they are hungry, so instead of having to go home and cook they could just stop at a vendor for a snack or something. And Nanashi had found of those vendors five minutes away from the hospital. A dango shop. That sold dango of the more spicy variety.
Is that all you wanted?” Nanashi nodded at the man, paying him the necessary ryo and happily munching on the dango – salving it's tastes and filling the void within his stomach.
Thanks for the food.” With that said Nanashi continued his way towards his final destination – the hospital, throwing the dango skewers into the trash can upon the entrance. Opening the doors leading into the establishment, the first thing that he noticed were the heavy commotion that were happening, nurses and doctors were scrambling about, going to various destinations and the likes. It wasn't unusually for the hospital to be busy, for it usually is with the amount of patients that come in and out of here on a daily basis. But this was ridiculous!
He also noted that there were a fair amount of higher ranking shinobi standing around at different conjunctions of the place. What were they here for? Some of these same shinobi were Anbu as evident by their porcelain animal masks. Normally they don't bother showing up here, at least not fully dressed. Yes, Nanashi isn't stupid to believe that Anbu didn't come to the hospital for check-ups and other medical procedures, they probably come here as a 'normal' civilian with everyone else being none the wiser.
Mentally shaking his head, Nanashi continue trekking through the sterile halls of the establishment – at least he was still he was stopped by one an Anbu with the turtle mask “Are you Guanyin Nanashi?” The distorted voice of the individual asked, receiving a nod from the medical nin “Sakino Marise needs you immediately, it's the utter most importance.”
Nanashi didn't bother in questioning why his master wanted to see him, instead the man nodded at the Anbu and made his way towards her office. . .
Within the office of Sakino Marise, the woman were sipping on another cup of coffee going over the medical file of Tsuchikage: Kanetsu Kazu, the man was surprisingly healthy with no known medical problems – which would make the medical procedure be relatively easy, provided there ain't any foreseen consequences. She were also making a disposable copy of the file, two or more Anbu being hidden within the office to make sure she only copied the needed information – nothing more. By the time she had finished making another copy; handing the original one to the personal doctor of the Tsuchikage who were standing nearby watching as well, there was a knock at the door.

Knock Knock
Come in Nanashi, I was expecting you.”The head medic said, knowing full well of who was at the door. At the door way stood Nanashi dressed in the stereotypical medical garb, having stopped by his office to change.
Acknowledging the seen presence within the room, he made his way towards Marise, sitting in the chair a front of her desk “So what exactly is going on?” He asked, curious about the amount of security within the area.
As you know you are my prized pupil and the one who has the potential to surpass me.” Taking a sip of the coffee and pushing the folder towards Nanashi, the latter looking at in questionably “It would have seem that because of the praise I have given you. A very important person want the best to do a surgery for them. The name of the person will be found within that folder a front of you.”
So, someone wanted him to do a surgery? And how she were talking this individual was some big shot. This goes along with the numerous of seen Anbu stationed throughout the hospital. Looking at the folder, Nanashi noticed the confidential stamp on it “Confidential, eh?” He asked, mainly to himself before looking back at Marise, getting a nod for the silent question.
As you can see the one you will be operating on is none other the Tsuchikage Kanetsu Kazu. The surgery you will be done is an eye transplant, removing an eye to put in another eye that will be provided before procedure. There goes without saying you must use extreme caution in dealing with the particular organ, and you know the risks that are involved with doing it.” Receiving a nod from the silver haired man who were still reading the file “If you haven't noticed the file you have isn't the original one, this is due to you not having the needed clearance to view the file. This is merely a copy of everything you needed to know.”
Closing the folder, Nanashi looked at the woman before him “Alright, so when will this surgery take place?” No sooner after the question left his mouth the lanky man standing near Marise cleared his throat, grabbing Nanashi's attention.
“My name is Kenshin and I'm the personal doctor of Kazu and the overseer of this procedure. While you will be doing the surgery, I will just be there in case something goes wrong. . .”
Nanashi knew exactly the hidden message “I'm there to make sure you don't **** up.”
The Tsuchikage will be arriving here within the hour, enough time for a medical nin like yourself to get ready, no?” Nanashi brushed off the snide comment from the man. It were clear as day that he didn't believe in Guanyin Nanashi's skills. Eh, oh well.
Looking at Marise, who were shaking her head at the man's comment, Nanashi turned his attention back to the doctor, single eye staring into the windows of the soul “Sure everything will be ready. In fact the operation room is ready. So I will be taking my leave and getting myself prepared. Marise-sama can direct you to the operation room.” With that said, Nanashi left the party and headed towards the mentioned area.
The operation room were the surgery would be taken place was incredibly spacious, being able to hold eight people and more without being crowded. Various machines used for different purposes were aligned along the walls, the cords and tubes connecting them being neatly placed in their desired locations. The soft humming from them were soothing, well to those who enjoy such noises. Located in the center of the room was a single bed, blue disposable linen draped over it along with a fluffy pillow. A curtain that matched the color of the linens allowed for some form of privacy if needed. To the far Northeast corner there were a door that lead to a full bathroom, fully stocked. On the opposite side of the room there was another door that lead to an addition room were patients can recover from their surgery. Unlike others this room had the comforts of the home, along with a bed and such. They can rest while still having some joys.
Is there anything you need?” A brunette female asked the Special Jounin who were typing something up on the computer.
Stopping what he were doing, Nanashi moved away from computer, and looked at the woman in question “Yes, direct the Anbu guard and the Tsuchikage to this room when they arrives? Other than that you are finish for today, Kotaru” A smile graced his face. The now identified Kotaru nodded and left the room, leaving Nanashi time to prepare for the surgery to come.
Hands. Check. Arms. Check. Gloves and medical garbs, check. Everything that Nanashi now wore was sterilized, free of any bacteria and likes. The blueish garb was the standardize scrubs used for such procedures.
Moving throughout the room, Nanashi began checking the equipment in the room, making sure the two nurses had turned them on correct and they are working properly. It were more of a precautionary measure than anything else.
Everything in order Nanashi-kun?” The voice of Marise reached his ears, woman in question having arrived with the Tsuchikage's personal doctor. Turning his attention towards the pair that entering the room, Nanashi address them before going back to what he were doing “Yeah, everything is in order, the only thing missing in the guess of honor. . .”

 Eye Transplant >>> 2557/3000



The earth would immensely vibrate with each 5 second interval, the sound of repetitive strikes to a particularly large boulder would echo across the nations capital as the Tsuchikage joined in on renovating work for the park next door to the Iwagakure hospital. With each strike the Tsuchikage made, debris would erupt from his surroundings which in turn would begin to decimate the area around him. If not for the gentle summer breeze the Tsuchikage's body would be pouring with sweat, but not today as the winds tone would soothe his skin thus relax his body. The Tsuchikage would widen his lips allowing a wide grin to linger across his face as demolition work was truly his forte as a crowd would form around the building site as they watched in awe at the Tsuchikage's sheer strength. But it would seem just as he was beginning to enjoy it all, a lone voice would interrupt him from behind.

"Lord Kazu, i don't mean to interupt you or anything but your appointment with Kenshin for the transplant is about to begin. I don't mean any disrespect but it wouldn't be good if you were to hold up the schedule the hospital provides."

The Tsuchikage would stop his striking and look at his ANBU operative, his crimson hued lenses would fixate on the red mask his escort had and decided to follow him thus leaving the rest of the destruction site alone. He would signal the builders that he had to take his leave before slowly walking through the gates and out to the hospital doors. Walking through the crowds whilst passing smiles and general banter, Kazu would wave at each individual as he truly adored a strong bond with his fellow village men. After the two had past the crowd the Tsuchikage would speak out to his ANBU operative.

"Hawkeye, send a messenger bird to the bastion adamante to strenthen our defences and keep our strong shinobi on high alert, we're going to be quite vulnerable whilst i'm in the operation, so i'll need our forces to be strong and sturdy whilst i'm gone."

The Tsuchikage would smile at Hawkeye before dismissing him, the golden haired Kanetsu would then lean against the front door of the hospital allowing the intel job to be done. It would only take less then a minute before his ANBU operative would return.

"The job is done Lord Tenth. Now shall we get this over and done with?"

The Tsuchikage would nod at his ANBU operative's statement before walking with him deeper into the hospital. Whilst the hospital was a labyrinth in itself, Kazu knew it would take at least twenty minutes to walk through the medical complex and find his particular department. So his crimson gaze would fixate back to Hawkeye before speaking out to him in a gentle tone.

"So, how's being apart of the Tsuchikage's detail? I would understand it's daunting but i'm assuming your bored already. Not something you thought it be am I right?"

A chuckle would leave the Tsuchikages lips as he made his way further into a new hallway.

"Lord Tenth.... Of course not, i too wish to take your throne once you leave it, so i might as well get to know how to use the role before i take it."

Once again the Tsuchikage would laugh, as the thought of someone dethroning him was simply stupid. But, high aspirations such as the leader of a village were well accepted by Kazu and thus he payed the greatest respects to Hawkeye providing the Tsuchikage with his goal. But nether the less, the two would continue their path only to make it to a counter where a woman with specs would sit with her feet up atop the desk. The Tsuchikage would laugh at the site he saw, the lady affront truly did not give a **** and Kazu was keen to give her a brief 'scare.' Clearing his throat with a light noise, the Tsuchikage would gain her attention, thus having her spin in her leather char and freak out due to the image she was displaying for her medical division. Embarrassed and annoyed, the lady would shyly regain her stature before welcoming the Tsuchikage to the hospital.

"Ah, Tsuchikage-sama, welcome to the Transplant division of the Iwagakure hospital i'd like to ask you to sit down at the chairs provided whilst i go find your doctor. Please bare with me for one moment."

The Tsuchikage would provide his signature nod before walking with his ANBU operative to the seats opposite the counter. The two would both watch as the lady would walk shamelessly even with the fact that she was caught sleeping before a new lady would affront the two.

"Hiya Kazu-sama! Welcome, please follow me to your room as we're ready for your operation to commence. I'm Kotaru by the way."

The two would follow the lady into the building, with each step pressing against the cold floor tiles whilst their eyes would pan at the artwork displayed at each two meter interval. It wouldn't take long for the pair to reach the room where the Tsuchikage would walk in leaving his ANBU operative outside to watch the door. The two didnt even have to tell each other anything, it was purely professional that the Tsuchikage was to know exactly what the ANBU was to do. He was in command and it was his job for them to know their duties, so without telling them to do anything, it was quite viable to say he had trained them near to perfection. The Tsuchikage would walk into his 'room' before stripping off his shirt.

"Let's do this shall we?"

Transplanting Sharingan to right eye.

Guanyin Nanashi

While waiting for the guest of honor to arrive, Nanashi began to think about the surgery that he were about to perform on probably one of the most influential and powerful person within the entire village – Kanetsu Kazu. The surgery itself wasn't something that should be taken lightly. There is numerous of complications that could go wrong doing the procedure. There are many optical nerves that connects to the eye. Some of theses nerves just so happens connect to the spinal cord and the brain respective. Theses cords would have to be severed momentarily, to remove the eye, than meld back together with the transplanted one. Along with that Nanashi will have to find a way for the body to accept the new eye, rejection being highly possibly, he already figured out how he were going to do that.
Are you sure, you know what you doing?” Ah yes, he wondered when the Tsuchikage personal doctor would comment again. It's obvious the man didn't believe in the skills of the Guanyin, despite being reassured by the head of the hospital – Marise.
Sighing deeply, Nanashi turned his attention to the man and answered his questioned with no signs of irritation evident in his voice “Yes, I know exactly what I'm doing. As Marise had explained to you earlier, I will be using frozen skin cells from the Tsuchikage in order to prevent the body from rejection the transplanted eye. This is a safer alternative than just connecting the current nerves ends with it and hope for the body to take it. This way the body is trick in believing that the eye is apart of them, and thus no rejection. Understand?” Not even bother to look at the man, Nanashi turned his attention to Marise who were preparing the skin cells. The head medic wanting to get involved in this surgery.
Sakino-sama, and Guanyin-sama the patient has arrived.” Hotaru's voice cut through the operation room like a hot knife through butter, causing all three occupants to look towards the door. There standing within the door was Nanashi's assistance, looking a little bit frowzled and nervous. Nanashi couldn't help but to shake his head at her appearance, he could easily guess what had happen. She had fallen asleep while on duty and was caught. Which isn't something new for the woman, she tends to sleep when she's bored. Her nervousness though could only be contributed to the imposing man beside her.
Kanetsu Kazu – The Tsuchikage
A smirk couldn't help but to play across his feminine features, his lone yellow eye looking at the man. What many don't realize is that Nanashi knew the Kanetsu heir, having trained with him when they genin and chuunin respectively – granted they just fought some bullies back than. Along with them briefly meeting during the incident that cause Nanashi to lose his eye, they haven't seen each other since. An apart of Nanashi were glad that the man was doing well. An eyebrow raised as the kage removed his shirt, showing off his expressive upper body to the occupants. Ugh, what was the man thinking was happening? Didn't he know that this was a simple eye transplant? Shaking the thoughts away “Welcome Tsuchikage-Sama. My name is Guanyin Nanashi and I will be the one doing the eye transplants. Now can you please lay down on table.” He said directing the man towards the bed that he would be laying down in.
Once that were out of the way, Nanashi turned his attention to Kenshin and asked the important question “Can you give me the eye now? I don't know you thought it were important to keep in on your person till the Tsuchikage was here.” The man didn't say nothing, unsealing the jar that held a sharingan in perfect condition. Taking time to look at the eye, Nanashi moved towards the operation table where Kazu, should be laying.
Is there any questions or concerns you might have?”

Transplanting Sharingan to right eye.



With each step the Tsuchikage took, a new thought would circle through his mind, for death was not his friend, yet it had traveled with him throughout his entire life. For surgery mishaps tended to happen, sure he had complete faith in his doctors but there was always the chance the outcome of the surgery would lead downhill. Maybe his body would reject his new eye? Or maybe the eye is incapable of being place into his body? Hundreds of thousands of thoughts would fill Kazu's mind as only doubt would fill heart. Light sweat would begin to form around the Tsuchikages forehead as perspiration was a huge sign to him doubting the situation. It was as if he had completely forgotten why he was there, and why he wanted the eye implanted in the first place.

Why do i want to get stronger?

A question shinobi must ask themselves when they chase their goals, what will reaching my goal achieve? Will it inflict the world at all? Memories long forgotten would pile on top of the mental tower of issues that lied within his conscience. What did Kazu want to achieve by taking the sharingan? It was a key question he'd ask himself, and it was clear to tell no one of it's existence. But just as he began to think it was for no reason at all.... the face of a red haired shinobi would come to view in his mind. A promise he kept so faithfully that he cherished it.

"Hey Kazu, right? I'm Zwei -- nice to meet you. No matter what, lets make sure that we'll be the best. Number one and number two."

The voice would echo through his mind as a light would vibrantly consume his mental complex. It was a swift snap back to reality as he remembered why he chose to get stronger. For it was not only the promise he made with Skarn, but the unspoken promise he made to his village, to protect and serve it to his best abilities, and to ensure the 'stone will' shall never falter. The Tsuchikage eyes would reopen noticing the near empty room that waited affront him. His right hand would slowly slither above his head before weaving through his golden hair, before 'roughing up' the back as a repetitive OCD issue. But as his gaze would pan across the surgery room, his crimson gaze would meet his surgeon. A grin would widen across the Tsuchikages face as he knew too well who the individual before him was. 'Nanashi Guanyin,' not only was he an old acquaintance of his, but he was an individual that was well acknowledges as a superior medical officer. The Tsuchikage would loosen the grip of his fingers that weaved through his hair bringing his hand back to his side before he spoke out to Nanashi in response.

"Please Nanashi, skip the formal tone. For after this we should celebrate. My shout."

The Tsuchikage would smile at his fellow shinobi as he made his way to the surgery table. His crimson eyes would pan across it's foundation whilst his feet would slowly tremble in each step. It would only take a few moments before he'd drop his weight across the table before horizontally spreading his body across it. His eyes would then lookup at the ceiling, was this the last time he would ever use his right eye, the eye that he'd used since the day of his birth? It had never failed him, and it had saved his life and the life of others countless times. Yet he was so willing to toss it to the side to gain a new eye. Was this the right decision? The Tsuchikage would begin to poke at his virtual morals thus realizing his ethics were quite pathetic to say the least. But he would constantly remind himself for why he was here. To defend my village, to defend my honor. The sentence would repeat over and over inside the Tsuchikages mind thus dismissing the counter-thoughts that would appear within the Tsuchikages conscience.

As the Tsuchikage began to relax in his laying down position, he would gaze up to Nanashi who would ask him a question in a gentle tone. The golden haired Kanetsu would smile before replying to his surgeon.

"I'm free of questions, and leave my life in your hands. Try not to kill me eh?"

The grin already present of the Tsuchikages lips would now appear more 'cheeky' as he chuckled at the idea of dying on the table. It was finally time to play with death.

1749/3000 words.

Guanyin Nanashi

I will hold you to that Kazu.” Despite the seriousness of the situation, Nanashi couldn't help to crack a small smile at the Tsuchikage. The man obviously knew that the Special Jounin wasn't one from formalities unless it's absolutely necessary. Hell the way that he greeted the influential man was kind of stranded, the words seemingly being forced out. Not like he didn't respect the village leader, for he did, but he didn't see any reason in putting the man on a pedal stool above everyone else. The man was the kage not a God. The man wasn't untouchable. He could be killed like any other. He cried like everyone else did. He grew up like everyone else did, cried like the baby in cribs do, rebelled like the common teenagers did, and grew wise like an adult do. When he put on the robs that signifies him as the leader of the village, he's still human! The moment you put someone on a pedal stool, you basically saying that they are untouchable and worth more than you. And at that moment, you have lost the pride that every human has. It's this pride that prevented Nanashi from seeing the Tsuchikage as something other than a man of equals. Thus was the reason why his voice was stranded slightly when he welcomed the Tsuchikage. And he were grateful the being told to drop the formalities.
Taking a moment to look around at the occupants within the room. Nanashi took noted of Marise Sakino, she having finished working on an intrigue part of the surgery – waiting patiently for the surgery to get underway, to see how her prize pupil would to. Kenshin, the Tsuchikage personal doctor looked on impassively, though his eyes betrayed his emotions – he didn't believe in Guanyin Nanashi. The silver head medic mentally scoffed at the notion. He was confident and assure of his abilities as a medic, there wasn't anyway he could fail – as long as he did everything that were needed. Turning his attention towards the door, Nanashi caught the glimpse of an Anbu peaking in before disappearing back to where he/she came from. Well it seems like everyone were here, and it was time to get started.
Me trying to kill you? Your Anbu guard would kill me before I had the chance.” The words came out in a lighthearted manner, Nanashi never thought about accidently killing the Tsuchikage – that would be too much of a hassle. Placing the jar of liquid that held the floating sharingan, Nanashi began to walk through the surgery with the man – given him a run down on what will be happening. At the same time Marise and Kenshin were hooking up machine that would monitor his heart rate, blood pressure, etc. “I will be using a jutsu of my own creation to put you into a deep slumber. The effects will be similar to the aftermath of eating turkey, you will feel drowsiness before succumbing to sleep. Once that out of the way, I will remove your right eye and implant the new one.” While he was speaking Nanashi was going through hand signs, before exhaling a fine chakra mist directed at Kazu's prone figure.
Upon first contact with the mist, the Tsuchikage would feel the effects. Eye lids would began to droop, body would feel sluggish, and soon nothing. The man would be dreaming about, only god knows what. No sooner had the man went to sleep, Nanashi turned his attention to Marise and Kenshin, receiving a nod from them both – Kazu's vital signs were perfect. Taking out a chakra, Nanashi descended the bladed towards the right open eye, eyelids being held open with clamps. . .
Here we go. . .
Nanashi didn't know how must time had went by, but with a deep heavy sigh, the man have done what was needed to be done – he had transplanted the Sharingan into Kazu's right eye. The overall process wasn't hard nor easy, it was medoicore to say the least. During the whole procedure Kenshin kept track of the Tsuchikage's vitals, while Marise helped when needed. The removal of the eye, disconnecting the nerves, placing the new eye in and using skin cells and some medical chakra to promote growth, causes the eye to take fairly well. There weren't any complications at all. Now the only thing that was left to do was to wake up Kazu, though this wouldn't happen for another hour or so – given the man must needed rest.
With a small application of chakra, Nanashi woke up the Tsuchikage, the man would obviously be kind of drowsy but that will wear off rather quickly. While this was occurring, Nanashi went into the back, changing out of the scrubs and coming back into the room wearing the stereotypical Iwagakure shinobi attire. Moving towards the bed side of Iwagakure's leader.
“So how do your new eye feel?”


Transplant Completed!



The room was quiet as tension began to built in the isolated surgery room, the warm body of the Kanetsu would begin to soothingly chill as his skin pressed against the cold steel frame he laid on. If anything the Tsuchikage felt he was on a damn chopping board about to be cut up into pieces before made into a stew. However, he kept his cool and remained calm, with his crimson lenses flicking back and forth between Nanashi at the annoying light that would soon shine into his face. A lone drop of sweat would form at the peak of his forehead before sliding to his temple and thus trickle to his ear. His thoughts would be soothingly dismissed as his mind began to recollect significant memories as to why he had chosen to take the sharingan. Remember your promise, remember your duty. These subtle words would play over and over through the back of his mind, forcing himself to realise and remember what he wanted to achieve. Before his mind would travel too far in a train of thought, he'd soon snap back into reality as his crimson gaze would glare back at his surgeon Guanyin, Nanashi. Kazu truy didnt want to speak out. But he knew he would have to so he could assure his surgeon he was okay.

A subtle laugh would leave the crimson eyed Kanetsu as Nanashi would poke fun at the statement he had just made, if that's what he had tried to do. It was awkward sitting in a room knowing you were about to lose an eye and get a new one. But none the less the Tsuchikage would smile at the Guanyin before taking deeper slower breaths in hope of not panicking. Looking up at his surgeon, the Tsuchikage would only feel uncomfortable in his positioning, yet he wouldnt speak a word about it, nerves were not going to get the best of him today. The smile now present on his lips would morph into a more mellow angle as he now had to take the damn operation seriously. His head would nod at the words spoken by Nanashi as the surgeon began to go through a 'run-down' of the whole operation.

"I'm ready."

Simple enough he would soon fall into a deep slumber, and he was prepared, for if he was to die here and there, his goals and life dreams would be diminished forever. There was no turning back, and this sharingan eye could lead difficult for later. None the less, he would wink at Nanashi as an assuring term that he was ready before watching as a fine mist would expel from the Guanyins lips, thus spraying across he Tsuchikage's body. His eyelids would immediately feel like it had gained weight as it was hard to let them remain open, his rising heartbeat would begin to subside whilst his entire body would focus on relaxing. It was there and then his eyes would close leaving only a dark abyss whilst his thought would travel through a diverse world of dreams and past memories. His life was now in the hands of Nanashi Guanyin.

Thoughts would travel in an immense whirlpool within the confines of Kazu's mind. What he cherished most would come into play. Simply an image of him laying across the hot Iwagakure earth whilst glaring up at the sun above, it's heat so strong it would corrode any form of life within the wild west plains, but the Tsuchikage truly loved it, he loved his village with or without it's occupants. A sea of Iwagakure citizens would flood his image of the wild west plains, all with smiles as they began to cheer on Kazu at his surgery. Kazu would smile back in acceptance of their presence, he loved his village, and somewhat adored his villagers. But then a long figure would walk from the distance, his red hair would could be seen from hundreds of meters away. Kazu's fist would tighten as he remembered his promise to Zwei.

He would keep his crimson hued lenses pointed directly at the emerald orbs of his rival. There was simply everyone he wanted here, as roars of terror would agonise the sky, as a pride of cats would leap from mountains to land by Kazu's body. They would each rub their backs against his legs as the Tsuchikage smiled in appreciation of their presence. It would seem everyone had been here, except one. A lone figure would gently descend from the skies, her two blue orbs would stare directly into the eyes of Kazu. A subtle smile would sit among her lips as she rapped her arms around his neck before falling into his arms. glaring into her eyes, he truly remembered why he was here.

But just as his mind would succeed in comfort, he felt at home and he truly felt like he could simply conquer anything, but then the crowd would disperse leaving two figures separated from the rest, a man and a woman would walk toward Kazu, and with a their gentle touch, they would simply smile at the Tsuchikage. Kazu had no idea who these people were, but he couldn't help but feel tears running down his blemished cheeks. Where was this sadness coming from? He simply had no idea who these people were, yet he felt a welcoming comfort around the two. His body would move without his mind telling it to, allowing his arms to expand outward and grab hold of the two in a giant hug. Streams of tears would escape his eyes as he gripped against the cotton shirts. He truly never wanted to wake up again and wanted to be shackled in this embrace for ever.

But as soon as the world around him began perfect, a sharp pain would dwell within his eye socket. A storm would begin to cloud around the area whilst the eyes of the villagers would begin to turn red. The warm Iwagakure would be filled with a blood red hue whilst the village could be seen in the distance would be engulfed by a wall of flames. Kazu would fall to his knees as the world would crumble around him. Not only was their an immense mental strain that began to fill the void within his conscience, but he would soon begin to feel like no matter what he did the village would come to an end. The stabbing pain would begin to rise in the Tsuchikages body, thus making an unbearable pain come to life within the golden haired Kanetsu. His screams would echo across the Wild West expanse as he truly wished he could leave this nightmare.

His eyes would jerk back open thus being greeted by a blinding light to awaken his slumber. Caught in a panic, he'd swiftly come to terms with it just being a dream thus calming his own heartbeat whilst keeping his eyes wide open. The awaken sharingan was now implanted into his right eye, and he would stare directly into the face of Nanashi. Noticing the chakra tenketsu of his body thus shrouding into a ball of blue flames. It was quite unique and the Tsuchikage was truly blessed to have gained this asset. The Tsuchikage would smile as he adressed Nanashi's question.

"This eye... It feels, well, overwhelming. I guess it's gonna take some time to get used to huh?"

The Tsuchikage would chuckle before sitting himself up before glaring at the man before him. He would then reach back for his white t shirt before placing it over his head and weaving his arms through the openings.

"We have matters to discuss about your abilities. Shall we talk in private?"

3052/3000 Transplant.

Guanyin Nanashi

Nanashi didn't bother in commenting on the sign of distress that were etched on the Tsuchikage's face upon waking up from the deep slumber before turning into a mask of indifference. The sign of fear didn't concern him one way or another about the dreams that plague the man before him. Though it did make him wonder if his jutsu were the cause of such a reaction? While he did use it on other participants none of them showcased the signs that he showed. Maybe the jutsu effect others differently depending on their mind set? Or the thoughts at the time before they go under? It were something that could be looked into at a later day. But for now it didn't matter much at all to the silver haired youth.
Instead the man focus his attention back at the village leader who were looking directly at him, the sharingan proudly in view. It was truly a magnificent dojutsu, and the man couldn't help but to wonder the secrets that lied within the deepest crevasse of the organ. What DNA sequences causes an Uchiha to develop a 'super' eye. Is it possible to replicate this DNA sequences in non-Uchihas to create pseudo-sharingans? Shouldn't it be possible? For we are all human and all share the same DNA with on minute differences amongst us. Shoving theses thoughts to the further part of his mind, Nanashi nodded in satsification at the man's word “It probably will be overwhelming for a moment or to. For you did just come into possession of an amazing eye and tool. Though I would recommend that you rest it a day or two before you test drive it.”
Turning his attention away from the Tsuchikage, Nanashi went about turning off the machines, putting the equipment back in the respective places – basically tidying up the operation room, so that the janitorary staff wouldn't have much to do. Such a thing was common from the man, and was appreciated by all. However, the following words of Kazu would stop him dead in his tracks, as the Tsuchikage apparently wanted to speak to him in private about his abilities.
Mentally shrugging, Nanashi looked at the well respective and loved village leader, eye brow raised “Alright. Well I'm off till my night shift. While I would offer my office as a location where this could be held. I could only assume that you already have a place in mind?” He asked, whatever the Tsuchikage answer was Nanashi would follow the man. Though he couldn't help but to wonder what exactly Kazu wanted to talk about. . .

[Exit Thread, potentially]

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