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1Naruto: Shinobi Senso Empty Naruto: Shinobi Senso Tue Jul 24, 2012 10:02 pm



Naruto: Shinobi Senso Jyhdfh11

On the dawn of the Year of the Dragon, Naruto Uzumaki defeated the accursed Tobi. It was in this battle that the last Uchiha survivor, Sasuke Uchiha, also fell with his former ally. Upon their deaths, the Sharingan was lost to the past, their bodies burned and their clan's famed Kekkei Genkai lost. Only stories of the feared red eye remain as the last known person to have one -Kakashi Hatake- was unable to pass it on to any of his children. It was in that same year that Naruto Uzumaki was promoted to Jounin of the village, and soon took over as the Hokage. Konoha was in peace, until Naruto's untimely death 12 years later, on the eve of the new year. The Year of the Dragon.

His successor was chosen beforehand, but the aging Tsunade retook the Hokage throne. Naruto Uzumaki had chosen his own son, Akira, to become the next Hokage once he was of age. The village awaited years for this prodigy to claim the throne, having to have two more Hokage's instated before he claimed himself ready. But on the eve of his coronation, 48 years after the death of his father, Akira Uzumaki was slain by his most trusted friend. On the eve of the Year of the Dragon. Outraged, Konohagakure was set into a civil war that lasted only a year and ended with the death of the children of the original Konoha 12. Many of Naruto Uzumaki's friends perished in the battle, and none had survived the next month after. In Konoha's troubling time, the other nations took advantage of it and launched a war to end all wars.

Many a shinobi were killed, and the war lasted 72 years. The minor nations had fallen, only to become no-mans-land, unclaimed territory once more. Only on the eve of the Year of the Dragon did a ceasefire occur. The wars however did not advance the nations, but stuck them back to the technology and knowledge of Naruto Uzumaki's time. The only difference is the nations have forgotten the once great Uzumaki, the all powerful Uchiha clan. Iwagakure turning more militant that ever. But now, another 60 years have past, and the shinobi nations are at odds again. Iwagakure is trying to push it's borders into neutral areas, and many shinobi are stepping into enemy lines. The nations are on the brink of war yet again, but where will you be to stop it?

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