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1Naimenteki (WIP) Empty Naimenteki (WIP) Mon Nov 11, 2013 1:13 pm



Naimenteki (WIP) Untitl10

Clan: Naimenteki

Kekkei Genkai: Power Within

Elements: N/A

Specialization: Primary: Fuuinjutsu
Secondary: Anything
Tertiary: Senjutsu

Location: Scattered

Clan History: WIP

Kekkei Genkai Description: At birth, a member of the Naimenteki clan has a another living creature sealed away within them by the Eight Trigram Divination Seal. This seal appears on the abdomen and from then on is present at all times. When the shinobi's chakra falls below 30%, the seal activates. Upon activation, the shinobi will enter sage mode (even if their Senjutsu is below B rank). This does not require chakra to activate nor to maintain. Furthermore, upon activation, the shinobi will regain chakra per post as if they were meditating (without having to actually meditate). This lasts for 5 posts (counting the post it activates as the first).

Drawbacks: Naimenteki members cannot meditate for chakra nor can they enter sage mode under normal conditions. They may only enter sage mode (and only regain chakra) by having their Eight Trigram Divination Seal activate. Furthermore, whenever the seal is not activated, members will receive -1 to whatever attribute they gain +1 to in sage mode. Members must take the Born Ill and Haemophilia characteristics and cannot balance them with positives. When the Eight Trigram Divination Seal is activated, their illness begins to progress dramatically. They will begin bleeding internally and this will continue until they are physically unable to continue fighting. At this time (on the 5th post after the seal was activated), the user will fall unconscious.

Members: -

Kekkei Genkai Jutsu:

Name: Partial Release
Rank: E-S
Type: Supplementary
Element: N/A
Range: Self
Specialty: Fuuinjutsu
Duration: 1 post
Cooldown: 1 post
Description: This jutsu is used by the member concentrating chakra onto each of the fingers of one hand, slamming it into their abdomen, and turning. This releases a portion of the chakra stored within their seal, allowing them to temporarily use Senjutsu. This does not allow them to enter sage mode. During the post this is activated, the user may use Senjutsu of rank equal to or less than the rank of this jutsu.

Name: Reverse Summoning: Transformation
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary
Element: N/A
Range: Self
Specialty: Fuuinjutsu
Duration: 5 posts
Cooldown: Once Per Thread
Description: When a Naimenteki member enters sage mode (by having their seal activate), they may choose to also activate this jutsu. This jutsu can ONLY be activated at this time and cannot be activated afterwards/before. Once activated, this jutsu allows the creature within the Namenteki member to be summoned and the user to be sealed within it (reversing the usual relationship). As long as this is active, the user can only use Senjutsu techniques, however all of their stats and jutsu receive +1. Also while this is active, the user gains the Foolhardy characteristic. When the user would pass out from their seal, this jutsu is released and any wounds on the creature are transferred to the user.

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