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1Mamushi Clan Empty Mamushi Clan Sun Oct 27, 2013 1:43 am


Symbol: Mamushi Clan Image10

Clan: Mamushi

Kekkei Genkai: 蛇視 (Hebishi ~ Snake Vision)

Elements: N/A

Specialization: Genjutsu is required for 1st or 2nd specialty

Location: Scattered/anywhere but Kiri and Kumo

Clan History: Rumors of shinobi with snake like abilities had been passed through stories for hundreds and thousands of years. Being able to deliver bites that would poison the body in such terrible ways as that those who were hit never survived without trauma. The Mamushi clan are a wandering clan composed of a special bloodline of shinobi whom have inherited from a great ancestor the ability to use Hebishi, along with several techniques that revolve around the abilities of the snake. Mamushi clansmen and clanswomen have recently come to be a more prevalent clan among shinobi after many years of dormancy and infertility among the members. They have regained a foot in the world and have began to spread again.

Kekkei Genkai Description: The  Hebishi is a Dojutsu which when activated grants the user snake-like heat sensory abilities. The user is born with a young untrained Hebishi for moderately ranged heat vision(the ability to see the surroundings in an infrared mode.) The Hebishi transforms the pupil into a small slit(identical to that of a snake) and makes the eyes a yellow color.

Those who possess the Hebishi also possess snakelike fangs which are used for the clan Genjutsu abilities.

Visual Genjutsu that does not specifically list that the illusions have heat signatures are able to be seen through by the Hebishi.

Drawbacks: Due to being cold blooded as snakes are, Mamushi clan members receive a -1 to movement speed in cold environments.

Clansmen may also become blinded by katon that is used within 1 meter of the member while Hebishi is active. The blindness will last for one post. This is caused by the heat being equivalent to a flashbang in a way.

Members: Nazaku Mamushi

Kekkei Genkai Jutsu:



Last edited by Nazaku on Mon Oct 28, 2013 11:24 pm; edited 1 time in total

2Mamushi Clan Empty Re: Mamushi Clan Mon Oct 28, 2013 10:46 pm



Alright, for the duration for your doujutsu, just remove the '-5 chakra per post' and replace it with 'Maintainable'.

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