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Ninja Nanny - [D - Rank Mission]:

''So my mission is to baby take care of three kids while their parents are away? Why do you always give me the babysitting gigs Kazu'' Rue spoke to herself as she read a small scroll. Rue was on her way to the address she was given and made quick work of it, the sooner she finished the job the faster she would get paid and then comes the shopping! Rue was unlike most girls though in this category, she loved shopping but it wasn't for clothing, shoes or anything pink. Rue loves to collect Weapons and armors, she never has enough of them and she thinks of herself as a Professional Collector. Being both new to the Village and Genin rank her armory was somewhat empty, all she had was a small rusty Katana that was given to her by Kazu as a gift and some gift that was.

Rue found herself lost in thought as she approached the address, the house was nothing less then a mansion that seemed to tower toward the sky, no wonder Kazu had chosen her for the job, these kids were heirs to this massive fortune. Rue gathered herself and approached the door, clearing her throat before knocking upon the door. After three knocks the door flung open and rue found herself with a child no older then six within her arms ''Thanks, were late. This is Bobby, Alicia and Drew are inside'' The Mother spoke as she zoomed through the door. As if Rue didn't look startled enough The father ran out the door with one leg inside his pants and the other hopping along the pavement after his wife, obviously they were both late for something important. With that Rue entered the house and closed the door behind, the small child named Bobby holding his hands up at Rue cutely. Rue bent over to kiss the baby on the forehead and after a pull she found her hair lodged between the baby's fingers, with a quick yank Rue was free although the child was now in tears. Rue entered what looked like a living that seemed the same size as Rue's apartment, sitting upon the Sofa were two children, a boy obviously Drew who looked about 10 and a girl obviously alicia who looked about 9, both were watching something on the TV that looked like cartoons. Atop that they both looked bored out of their mind and so Rue decided to create some fun with the kids ''So guys how about we play a little game of hide and seek?'' she said eagerly. Both children looked up at that with a huge smile ''Yes please!!!'' they both said in unison excitedly.

Rue was first to be in, closing her eyes she began counting as the children hid, including little Bobby. While counting Rue thought of something she should have thought of sooner.. SHE WAS INSIDE A MANSION!!!. Rue's eyes flung open quickly as she bolted through the house searching for the kids. Rue came to the first few bedrooms and came up empty, no one was hiding where, so with a smart idea Rue decided to go Ninja on these kids. In a flash Rue was on the roof of the Mansion running, she would get a better view from there and it would be easier to find the kids. ''Where are you Bobby'' She said peering over the lounge room  ''There! I found you Bobby'' she said dropping from the roof and bouncing softly upon the couch, under the coffee Table sat Bobby, a wide smile on his cute little face. Rue took him by the hand and entered the Kitchen, one of the more dangerous rooms of the house, lots of pointy and sharp objects are in there. Rue peered over the carefully, everything seemed to be normal, except something seemed to was off, part of the kitchen seemed to be flapping. Rue grabbed the cloth material and found Drew standing behind it with a large smile on his face, during this whole time Rue had forgotten that Drew and Alicia were both old enough to be in the Academy, meaning Alicia would be a challenge to find as well. Rue smiled at Drew and signaled him to follow, next was stop was the bathroom, the only place Rue hadn't looked. Rue entered the bathroom and immediately spotted alicia hanging from the bathroom chandelier, immediately Rue was panicked as she watched Alicia loose her group. In an instant Rue released a cloud causing Alicia to land softly upon it with the slightest of thuds. All three children were amazed by the cloud and asked Rue a favor.

Half an hour later in the Living Room, four large clouds hovered just over the floor and bouncing up and down them were Drew, Alicia, Bobby and Rue. The childrens asked Rue to create Cloud Trampolines so they could play on and so she did, for hours they all giggle, laughed and jumped on the clouds until they all got tired.

A few hours later there was a sound at the door, their Parents were home and entering the Living Room and to their surprise all three of their children were asleep upon cloud beds. The Parents Thanked Rue for her great job and bidded their goodbyes, now all that was left was to visit Kazu and get her MONEY!


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