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Raw metals are needed for the smithies and crafters. There’s an old abandoned mine on one of the islands west of here to collect them. Some say it’s haunted, be careful.

“Haunted?” Hayato repeated to himself, rolling his eyes at the superstitious warning in the mission briefing he was given, “Yeah, ok.” Forgive him his skepticism, but he found it just a bit ludicrous that the professionally trained spies, assassins, and soldiers that made up the population of Kirigakure shinobi would be wary of “ghosts”. He chuckled to himself at the absurdity of the insinuation of the mine being haunted as he entered the mine and began traversing its filthy corridors. “Yeah, this place is abandoned alright,” he mused to himself as he stepped over the old rubble and mining equipment which laid on the floor, “This place is a mess. They really couldn’t have cleaned up after themselves before they cut bait with this mining operation? Forget about the ghosts, I’d be more worried about tripping over some trash on the ground and falling into a mineshaft or contracting tetanus from one of these rusty old tools.”

He halted mid stride and performed a quick visual scan of the area, lamenting his decision to accept such a tedious assignment. He was to collect some raw metals from this mind… the only issue being that the walls of this mine looked completely stripped of ores. He shouldn’t have been surprised, this place used to be a fully functioning mine after all. It only made sense that there was nothing to be salvaged, or at most only scraps of the resources that likely once coated these walls. All that remained here was debris, trash, and rusted mining equipment looking like nothing more than rusted scrap metal laid about on the floor.

Mission Completion: 305/600



Either way he had a job to do and he was going to complete it one way or another, even if it meant going all the way into the depths of this cave… all alone… in the dark… in a place that is said to be haunted… with no way out… Hayato’s face warped into a displeased frown, his eyes narrowing before the feeling of a chill up his spine shook it from him. “This probably wasn’t the best day to run out of the house unarmed,” he thought to himself as he suddenly felt naked without any weapons, “Wait a minute, normal weapons can’t hurt ghosts anyway. No, wait… there are no such things as ghosts! What the hell am I thinking about?” He began getting frustrated with the irrational way his mind kept trailing off and dwelling on such irrational thoughts. He wasn’t a child anymore, afraid of ghost stories and monsters that hide beneath the bed, right?

“Well… maybe a little extra precaution wouldn’t hurt,” He thought to himself as he leaned down to the ground a bit and picked up the least rusted pickaxe he could locate, “I mean, who knows what’s really down here, right? Obviously this place isn’t really haunted, but those rumors had to originate from somewhere. There could easily be some bandits or something using the mine as a hideout. Better to be safe than sorry.” This was of course just an attempt to justify his actions in a way that didn’t imply he was getting unnerved by the haunting rumors, but he figured repeating to himself what he wanted to hear would make it so. Pickaxe now in hand Hayato would proceed to descend further into the narrow corridors of the mine, the hairs on the back of his neck standing from the chill that filled the air and the eerie sounds echoing throughout the passageways.

Mission Completion: 600/600
Mission Completion: 28/600



The sounds of clanking upon old iron tools and the sinking feeling of his foot pressing against the soft dirt alternated as he pulled one foot in front of the other, forcing himself to overcome his initial hesitation as he marched towards his objective. There was no such thing as ghosts. Any thought that said otherwise was nonsense, or at least that is the kind of thing he would continually repeat to himself as he trudged further and further down the mine’s corridor. Much to his disappointment, although he continued further and further into the depths of the cavern there was not so much as a spec of ore left in the walls of the mine. Whoever was here before really cleaned this place out, but if he was assigned to perform a “routine” mission by recovering ore from the mine than surely the ones who had requested the mission have gotten their materials from here before, right? For better or worse Hayato would continue on until he either reached a dead end or found what he was looking for.

Fortunately his search would not last too much longer as a metallic glisten would catch his eye only a few more minutes into his trek. He would run forward at full speed to the location and a triumphant feeling would overtake him as he found the materials he was looking for. He would waste no time in raising the pickaxe he had picked up before over his head and begin hammering away at the wall, dislodging chunks of the ores with each swing. It was exhausting work and the small sizes of the ore he was chiseling free from the wall was almost disheartening, but he continued. After a short while a sizeable pile or metal ores would accumulate at his feet from his mining, which he would stuff into his bag with as much haste as his tired arms could muster.

Mission Completion: 600/600
Mission Completion: 351/600

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