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1The Bandit [C-rank] Empty The Bandit [C-rank] Sun Oct 13, 2013 1:58 pm




A Bandit has been robbing the Kiri Kiri Resteraunt shop for the past week now. Kami Akuma has been sent forward to observe the odd behavior. The only thing that's known about the thief is that he is not a Shinobi of the Village, and also doesn't wear a Headband of any kind on him. He only comes out just before the shop closes, around midnight, breaks in, steals some money, then leaves. He's seen wearing all black clothing, and carries a single Kunai at his right side. Do the store owner said, “Do what you will. Defeat the bandit but first one must search and punish him in proper shinobi form.” Akum aknew what this meant, and this was signifying to go to ANBU methods in order to find the answers one is seeking. Akuma knew exactly what to do and he stayed in the store until late, and when it was near closing time Akuma left but went to a place where he can stalk the shop. Akuma was waiting for the bandit where he strikes, not playing detective and attempting to look for him in all the corners of the lands. Kami awaited till anything fishy happened and there was absolutely nothing out of the ordinary in the night where Akuma stalked the store but before he knew it, he seen a black figure sneak his way near the store. Kami could have attacked now but a man standing outside of a store is not a crime, so he had to catch him in the act to begin with. Nevertheless, the guy was acting fishy as it is, but Akuma is not a Cop or ANBU to attack people for no reason, so he is sticking to his mission objective. Then, the game started as the man broke in quite smoothly using a lock pick in the front door.

Akuma ran and tried running as quite as he could. He did not want to be heard and he wanted to catch the man off guard. As Kami neared the shop he began to sneak his way inside as if he was the thief himself. Kami searched for the thief inside of the shop and when he noticed the dark figure near the cash register, he knew he had to make a move. Akuma neared the man and slowly began to creep up behind him. The figure suddenly got frightened and began to attack by throwing a blind quick backwards right when Akuma was inches from getting his hands on him. Kami ducked and began to backflip away from the enemy. And when he landed he said, “You are under arrest. Order are coming straight from the Kazekages mouth and it was sent to her through the store clerk.” Akuma said what he had to say so the thief knew exactly why he was getting arrested, although Akuma was sure he knew since he was caught red handed. Akuma went to charge at the man as the man appeared to charge back, but to Akuma surprise he turned and began to run away.

WC: +500

2The Bandit [C-rank] Empty Re: The Bandit [C-rank] Mon Oct 14, 2013 3:08 pm



Akuma smiled as he seen the person in all black run, knowing that he loved to run and a chase is exactly what he hoped for. The bandit quickly ran out of the store without being able to take anything, but Akuma wasn’t going to let him leave that easily. Kami is a fast shinobi, and certainly the fastest to graduate in his class from the Academy. He may not be the strongest, but a foot race is something that Akuma can easily win. Outrunning the thief easily, Akuma began to jump from tree top to tree top. This is a mission for a genin, and this person is not even a shinobi. So for an average civilian to outrun an elite shinobi would certainly be a sight for sore eyes. Akuma ran ahead and stopped on top of a tree which was right ahead of where the thief was running. Kami was going to appear right in front of the man as he blindly ran towards him, so the young shinobi put on his black hood and turned into one with the shadow. Kamis all black attire fits in perfect with this type of mission, which is why he wears it to begin with. As soon as the young genin heard food steps, he knew the robber was near. So as soon as he seen the top of the bandits head running right under him, Akuma jumped and landed on his back, saying. “You should really learn to run more.”

The bandit screamed in pain, not being able to leave the village like he wanted too, he didn’t even get to leave the district where the Kiri Kiri restaurant withstood. Akuma grabbed the man by the neck and pressed on it to keep the bandits face on the ground. Kami searched his pockets and to his surprise he had all of the money he has ever stole from the restaurant. Kami laughed and said, “You must not be that bright to bring all this money with you. Especially back to the place that you stole it from.” The man responded by saying that he did have a home to put the money in. And the reason he was stealing was to get a home. Akuma closed his eyes and looked down in disappointment, still sitting on the mans back he stood up and said. “Well you know now you are going to have to go to jail. So you are going to have a home.” He picked the man up, holding him by his wrists while saying. “You could have done it another way. An easier way.” The bandit said nothing, looking like he has heard those words before. Kami got the money back to the store owner and began taking the convict to his rightful place in prison. When taking him to the police station, Akuma made sure to tell the man to do good, and when he gets out that he will make it a personal mission of his in order to get him a home. The man smiled and said, “Will do.”

WC: +1000

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