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1Southside Fire [Suna - C] Empty Southside Fire [Suna - C] Wed Oct 09, 2013 8:47 pm



Kami Akuma was assigned for a second mission this week, and because he and his partner performed so well in their last mission, they got assigned a second mission in order to see if they can work together once again to get a record time once again. Akuma wasn’t going to lie, this girl was surely useful. In the last mission she was able to knock a man out near instantly which left me to deal with just one target. She surely made the mission easier than it would have been if it would have been just him. Plus she is pretty and Kami didn’t mind looking at her here and there. While awaiting for this girl to come, Kami began doing one of his speed trainings. As he began to run laps around the area in order to spend time. Knowing that he wasn’t pushing himself to his limits, this was hardly training and more of a warm up. And from what Kami last heard, he would really need this warm up since they would have to nearly nothing in this mission but help rebuild a burning section of a village. As a matter of fact, Hana was taking a little too long and the mission doesn’t seem like it is too complicated. Akuma began walking towards the burned town, knowing that Hana will surely end up there sooner or later and he decided to calmly stroll. Taking his time in order to give Hana time to get there. Kami felt somewhat bad for leaving so soon though since it isn’t even time for them to have had the meeting, but like Kami always does, he got to his meeting place super early, this time maybe a little too early. Akuma seen the small town that was burned down, it was called “The Point.”

In The Point, the leader was quick to greet the young shinobi. After the greeting though he asked, “I thought there was going to be two of you?” And Akuma replied, “My teammate is on her way now.” The man smiled while saying, “Good, good. Then follow me. You will be helping this women right here.” The leader of the small town asked Akuma to help a nice old lady put up a fence. Of course, the work was mediocre, but what did you expect them to give a genin. The Jounin ranked shinobis are the ones out there using their affinities to rebuild houses, while the genins are stuck doing the household type chores. It is surely bothersome but there is nothing a shinobi can do now but work, Akuma only has one person to blame… or “thing” and that is time, for making him do this work. Knowing that in the near future, the missions he will be receiving will be much more life threatening and much more fitting for a future ANBU. Akuma began helping the old lady by placing a whole nest of wood near the space where the fence is supposed to be put up.

WC: 505 and 1000 needed

Last edited by Akuma on Thu Oct 10, 2013 11:50 am; edited 1 time in total

2Southside Fire [Suna - C] Empty Re: Southside Fire [Suna - C] Thu Oct 10, 2013 5:39 am



How much farther can I go?

"You did pretty good on your last mission," Taku remarked casually as they were walking through the streets of Sunagakure, on their way to the burnt village "The Point" which Misoka would help build up again.
"...Thank you?" She wasn't able to figure him out. On the one hand, her bodyguard was a pain in the neck, following his orders dutifully by staying near her all the time. On the other hand, however, he had disobeyed his master and encouraged her to do missions secretly. The reasons why he wouldn't say.
Misoka regarded him out of the corner of her eye and watched his stoic expression, every now and then replaced with a smirk. He was indeed very different from her former bodyguards, not only because he was younger - 25 to 30 she'd guess - , but also because he let her do things she had almost stopped dreaming of. Which plan did he pursue? What was his ulterior motive?
She reminded herself of the fact that he was still her enemy. Everyone who held her captive in this large estate was.
Misoka arrived at said village shortly after; Taku had already hidden himself in the shadows, pretending to be one of the Jounin Shinobi who were there to help as well. Any slim chance to escape this place or Sunagakure altogether had turned to nothing yet again. He would keep an eye on her throughout the mission.
The village's mayor came up to her immediately, greeting her with a small bow. "You must be the other shinobi I've been told about. What a lovely young lady you are."
Misoka gave him a thin smile. Good. The man knew nothing about the rumors Akihiko had spread. "Yes, I'm here to help. And thank you. I'm looking for .. Kami Akuma, he's a little boy with brunette hair. Very fast."
Fast, indeed. She remembered how he had disarmed the bandit at a Chunin speed the other day. This must be one of his clan's special skills, she supposed. The kid would certainly become a great ninja over the following years.
'He's got the talent I never had,' she mused to herself dolefully. Well, yes, she was pretty good with ninjutsu and giving chakra-filled punches, but all in all, she wasn't really satisfied with her skills, considering she was on Chunin level. She grimaced. 'This must run in the family, huh? Other than looking nicely, we don't have anything to offer. At least the female members.' Again, she felt anger and hope, a bizarre combination, rise inside her. One day, she would tell herself constantly so she would never forget, her clan was to be changed for the better. And she would be the one to initiate that change.
"Little boy, runs fast? Oh, yes, he came here early. We sent him to help the women over there. You can join them."
The mayor's voice snapped her out of her thoughts and she thanked him politely.

Then she made her way to her teammate who was given orders by the old women surrounding him.
"Hey, I'm sorry I'm late," Misoka called out to him before turning her attention to the women. "How may I be of help to you?"
They smiled at her manners and were quick to give her something to do as well.


3Southside Fire [Suna - C] Empty Re: Southside Fire [Suna - C] Thu Oct 10, 2013 10:14 am



Kami seen as his teammate arrived while he was nearly halfway done with putting up the said fence. Akuma was kneeling when she came but he stood up when he seen her, but only to say. “Glad you are here Hana. This shouldn’t take long, it seems like a simple job.” Akuma then got back on his knees and began working again. He wasn’t necessarily a kid that enjoys small talk but instead he gets right to the point instead of wasting time. Kami began putting up fences precisely as they were ordered and neatly like the old women wished. This process was taking longer than it would have usually taken but it was only because Akuma wanted to make this fence perfect, just like the old women wants it. While nearly finishing putting up the fence, the old lady began to speak. “When you are done with this I am going to need you to get some paint in order to paint it too.” This was of course in annoying task, but the mission was to help the town and nothing really is left as an option but for Kami to say, “Sure no problem. Anything for you sweetheart.” After saying that the old women blushed a bit and decided to go inside. It was after about 30 minutes that Akuma realized that she went inside in order to get himself and Misoka a drink. It was good timing of course since Kami was surely getting thirsty and the drink she provided was more than sufficient.

When Kami finished putting up the fence he went on to do what she said, but not before stopping and drinking the juice that the old women brought out. It was good juice and it brought validity with it, as she said that it will bring energy back to your system. Kami went towards her basement and got two buckets of white paint, and he began painting the old ladies fence with a large paint brush that came attached to each of the buckets. This is surely a boring job. Not fit for a shinobi, and certainly not fit for a shinobi who is working on becoming ANBU, but then again, it is a perfect fit for someone who is going by the rules, following the book, in order to get recognition and thus support for an ANBU position. Kami knew he was better than this but there is nothing he was able to do now but work his way to the top by any means necessary, even if it means painting a fence in the process. By the time Kami finished, he noticed that Misoka was also finished with her task. He was relieved that they both ended at the same time and finally said, “Ready to go home.” To Misoka. Before actually leaving The Point, the leader of the small town came first and thanked us for our contribution and told us that every help counted that day. And he is grateful for all the shinobis of Sunagakure no matter what the rank.

WC: +1000

4Southside Fire [Suna - C] Empty Re: Southside Fire [Suna - C] Fri Oct 11, 2013 5:44 pm



Step by step.

"Yes, I think so, too," she replied with a small smile and nodded to one of the old women who had given her the task to repair a window.
They worked mostly in silence, only interrupted by the sounds of hammers and nails being knocked in.
Misoka's mind wandered off to other places, places she'd been to, those she would love to leave behind and finally those she wished to go to. How much time would pass by until she was able to do just that? Or perhaps it might be better to rephrase this thought: How much time did she have left?
While she was replacing the window's shattered glass with a new one, she found herself thinking of Taku. The unpredictable man who would never leave her side. She wondered whether she might be able to trick him somehow or find a way to knock him unconscious. Truth be told, this seemed almost impossible. She knew his skills must exceed those of a Jounin at least, what could she possibly hold against him? But maybe... just maybe she could figure out his weaknesses. He was a swordsman, one of the terrifying kind who spent their whole day carrying around their weapons, but she didn't really have a clue about his other specialties. It was never a good idea to attack an opponent head on without knowing much about their skills. Someone had told her so long ago...
"Oh, dammit," she blurted out when she cut her finger on a glass shard. Letting her eyes flicker around her quickly, she made sure nobody had witnessed her carelessness. She was a dutiful worker, always paying attention to what had to be done. Ahem. (And now the person who writes down all about her sh... life doesn't know what to write anymore Dx c'mon repair a window? xD ..scratch that. all of that.)

About 30 minutes later, the old woman brought them a glass of juice - oh, orange juice, it was orange juice. Yes. And it tasted really good. (Infodumping to get words..? xD No, seriously..hmm..)
"You two are so diligent," the old woman chirped, giving them a wide, wrinkled smile. She soon turned out to be a .. chatterbox. Instead of doing something herself, she was watching Misoka and Kami, all the while babbling on about when she was young.
"When I was young, I never helped with the housework. My parents kept bringing it up, but I would just insult them and go out with my friends. I never asked for permission. Haha, I was such a rebellious child, oh my." Her cackling filled the air, so loud that it was almost painful to Misoka's ears. "And then, when I was 15, I got pregnant."
Misoka arched an eyebrow, but decided to say nothing. The old woman wouldn't stop talking anyway. "I asked around and a shinobi told me he might know a way to kill the unborn child. I think you call that abortion... he wanted to cut my stomach open and get it out. Or at least that's what I understood. Of course I didn't agree. I could've died after all." She paused for a short while, in which Misoka almost dared to hope her story was over. But far from that.
"So I gave birth to my first child. It was a boy. I named him Henry. I am sure you can imagine my parents' reaction to all that. They were so-"
"We're finished," Misoka quickly cut her off. Kami was already leaving. High time to do the same.
"B-But you didn't hear the whole story!" The old woman called after her, but Misoka only picked up her pace.


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