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Another day,another weak,another month.For Tsuneo,time  seemed to have stopped,nothing to look forward to,no purpose for living,except the death of his target of vengeance,to live for the death of another,it was a tragic feeling,indeed it was.

Tsuneo didn't if people disliked him,or if they ignored him,he didn't like attention anyway,he just wanted revenge,and so he trained and trained under rough,and difficult circumstances,and still managed to survive through it.

Morning came,as Tsuneo woke up he stood up,washed his face,wore his clothes,and left not too late after getting ready.

Two days ago Tsuneo trained his NinJutsu's overall rank,to be capable of accessing stronger NinJutsu
this time Tsuneo had planned to train on his clan's specialty FuuinJutsu~.

ūinJutsu Literally meaning "Sealing Techniques" are a type of Jutsu that seal objects, living beings,chakra, along with a wide variety of other things within another object. Fūinjutsu can also be used to unseal objects either from within something or someone.Tsuneo's favorite specialty ,even at his young age in FuuinJutsu Tsuneo is capable of controlling his FuuinJutsu incredibly,and make amazing use of it in both ways,offensive,and defensive.

Tsuneo this time chose a dangerous place for his training,the dense forest,he may get approached by wild animal which is the reason for his choice,it sounded crazy,true,but to Tsuneo,it was a way for improvement ,Tsuneo had thought about everything,and he also thought of how to make this training more difficult,later on after walking for a half hour distance he reached the chosen place for his target,the dense forest,it was indeed dense,as for where Tsuneo had stood,it was the most shady spot,light barely penetrated the large trees,insects crawled,wild animals howled,as for Tsuneo ,excitement exploded from within,just from the thought of him getting stronger,and so his training began.

Tsuneo was indeed in creating FuuinJutsu but to train is a different thing,for one he had his FuuinJutsu,NinJutsu Bakudan no Fuuin,he thought of strengthening himself and enabling himself of sealing a higher rank NinJutsu,and so his training started roughly as expected,Tsuneo was not the type to go easy on himself or others,hours,and hours would pass,Tsuneo would continue training under rough circumstances,wild animals attacked amidst his training,he mad sure to fight them mercilessly with fuuinjutsu,sure he got injured a little but,wounds no matter how deep matter not to him,he has a training to do,and no matter what even if the last bone in his body breaks,even if every muscle is torn and aches,he shall not twitch,his dedication to power had strongly increased,he felt no attachments to his village or the people of it.

Pain,suffering,trembling,fear,sadness,betrayal,and hell,those were the past three years in Tsuneo's life,he now feels nothing but those,his tortured soul,never resting,he'd suffer more,and more by the day,Tsuneo had lost his sanity since that day,whatever sanity that remained,it was him lying  to himself,nothing about it was strange,how could one bear incapability and weakness,when the heads of his loved ones are being severed in-front of him,no further discussion was required for the horror Tsuneo experienced,that night was simply,a hell to Tsuneo,for as long as he lives these memories continue to haunt him,he'd see a flashback of warm memories,and feelings that he had experienced with his beloved family,but as soon as he starts enjoying them,the picture of their heads being severed,severs his joy.

In these years Tsuneo's heart rusted from the pain,his soul wilted from the pain,he had become ever so bitter.

Tsuneo's training was going good until a pack of wolfs appeared,and it seemed they wont leave unless they get  bit of Tsuneo's bloody flesh,sure to Tsuneo it didn't matter and so he'd say in an aggressive tone "sure you guys wanna piece o'me come get it,I'll show you my hatred",after welcoming them fifteen minutes passed like a flash,as Tsuneo murderously destroyed them alongside whats left of their appearance,in simple words.....
He demolished them.

Tsuneo sat down after a couple of minutes,resting his body,and his mind,he started meditating ,he was hoping  to see his state and how he saw himself deep down,it was a strange scene,Tsuneo was  drowning deep down in an ocean of tears,his body would drown down deeper chained down,by pain,it seemed as if all hope was lost for Tsuneo.

Tsuneo was disturbed by what he had seen,and so he stopped meditating,he felt that it was just a waste of time,he wanted to go back to training,and thats what he did.

Tsuneo's choice was defecting,indeed it was and it is,even now.He no longer feels any loyalty to konha or its people,it was no surprise it might have been his fate all along,a fate of destruction and chaos,and certainly nothing but hatred,Tsuneo just wanted to sever all bonds he has,all connections,he  now desired nothing but destruction as he saw no good in anything,but who is he to sever bonds,bonds are never severed,bonds burn to ashes,but as it it now,nothing but his tortured soul is burning,burning with rage,hatred,and a strong desire,the desire to kill,to murder.

Again Tsuneo cleared his head and started training this time not only on his FuuinJutsu,but his speed,and power as well,he started running in the forest attacking all he saw in his way,without the slightest bit of mercy,Tsuneo didn't care who he'd slay,as long s its for power,Tsuneo will do anything,for no one is going to take revenge for his family,nor would he allow anyone to interfere in his vendetta,no matter what,he shall have his revenge

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Tsuneo fell down in weakness,as usual he kept away any sort of food or water and kept training like no tomorrow,he felt exhausted,tired,and he also felt weak for reaching his limit in two days,yes it was two days,Tsuneo couldn't do it no more,he was drained no chakara,no stamina,he was about to lose his consciousness any moment now,in the middle of the dense forest,his eyelids began to grow heavy,he couldn't open them no more,his muscles were aching,he couldn't move,paralyzed by weakness,and fear of death,he isolated his mind of any thoughts as he began to remember his hatred his rage,and it for sure was enough to break the cage,he truly was a prisoner,a prisoner caged in weakness and fear,with bars made out of cold unfairness,unfairness by the world,hatred started stirring up inside of him like a flame burning his body and soul,rage overcame him,pain was no longer a hindrance in-fact it was more like pleasure now,Tsuneo spoke in the voice of a cold dead corpse,a ghost-like voice that said
"My name is worthless like you told me I once was
My name is empty 'cause you drained away the love
My name is searching since you stole my only soul
My name is hatred, I know reasons we both know
Worthless, empty, searching, hatred
Who am I right now?
You're fuckin' wearing me out!
You're always dragging me down!
You're the fake fallen force of nature's sick mind!
I don't need a sword to take back what's mine
It's over...
It's over now..!
You're done wearing me out
My name is screaming like the sound of your heart failing
My name is loco like the motive that betrayed me
You're,i am,he is,my...
My name is revenge and I'm here to claim my name".

Tsuneo's words,and the tone he said them with,and the darkness in his voice,would pierce iron,Tsuneo tookto his feet attacking the wild animals again,using combinations of FuuinJutsu and NinJutsu,but as soon as he was cornered by wolves again,Tsuneo  would demolish them again,until they attacked him all at once,and as they were with five meters radius around him Tsuneo began building up chakra and forming it into lightning as he spoke saying"Lightning Release:Kaminari no Kara"it was a calm devilish tone,he continued his sentence by saying"Disappear"in a sharp tone as a shell of lightning surrounded ten meters radius around Tsuneo,shocking all of the wolves attacking,Tsuneo stood there in the middle of the circle the lightning and the corpses of the wolves had made,it was finally it,he actually sealed this jutsu from the beginning,his FuuinJutsu truly showed it's true potential now,planning ahead,correct timing,Tsuneo was a true master of his FuuinJutsu,he picked up his things and left soon after,again no feeling of accomplishment no feel of true power,Tsuneo....again...thirsts for more,more power,the power strong enough to destroy,no simple power can cause true destruction,true destruction is brought by true power,which Tsuneo knew that he did not have that true power.

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Last edited by Uzumaki Tsuneō on Thu Oct 03, 2013 11:14 am; edited 1 time in total




Tsuneo on his way home strangely had a sad look in his eyes,a look of one that seemed as if about to burst into tears,he had recalled the sweet never returning memories with his family,with his older sister that he looked up to and the parents he looked up to as well,Tsuneo moved his hand inside his long black coat as he took a picture of him and the members of his family,they were all smiling,Tsuneo's heart melted from the scene that the picture held,his tears began flowing,as the rain started washing konohagakure,Tsuneo lowered his head walking to his apartment,thinking to himself"what do i have left,whats left for me,nothing,that's what",Tsuneo entered a back alley between two buildings,his torn heart took over his body as he fell with his back to the wooden wall,with tears flowing,and a heavy pain crushing him,right now his will to live has incredibly ceased nothing left for him,that much true,and he is not that interested in becoming a kage,or a hero,for in the end there will remain nothing,nothingness is all that awaited all living creatures,Tsuneo felt emptiness,sadness,and that was truly intoxicating to Tsuneo,even now he wishes for.......
as he started thinking about it,in a feint voice he'd say"no,that's unlike me,i had imagined what could never be"Tsuneo himself blocked himself from others,to avoid pain,and sadness,Tsuneo later on picked himself up,enough of dwelling on the past,and regretting,and wishing.

Tsuneo got out of the ally,and started walking to his apartment with his hand in his pocket and with the other hand holding the picture as he stared deeply into it,seeing Tsuneo in such a state..was a heartbreaking scene to anyone,Tsuneo wanted to cry and spread his emotions,but no can do,he decided to hold it in,and suffer all alone,will he ever find his true resolve or will he remain tortured until the end,or will he obtain his revenge,but while Tsuneo never thought of it,it was a question that truly needed an answer,what after revenge.

Later on he reached his apartment  unlocked the door,and threw his body to his bed,perhaps his soul may be healed by a good night's sleep.

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