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1Deserters of the Leaf [B-Rank] Empty Deserters of the Leaf [B-Rank] Thu Oct 10, 2013 11:21 am



It was a bright and seemingly peaceful day as the inhabitants of the leaf village were going about their natural everyday routines.  Rinshi as usual was wondering through the streets careless as ever searching for a task to complete for the day for a little extra money.  Rinshi wore a zebra print dress shirt completely unbuttoned, displaying his toned abdominals and pectorals; for one so slim his body was chiseled.  Along with the shirt he wore black straight leg jeans that were hemmed at the knee so they could appear slightly fitted.  As for footwear that he strutted carefully, a brand new pair of White/Black and Dark Powder Blue OG 9’s that he bought earlier that week for a steal.  They were a bit simpler than other Jordan brand shoes that he owned.  The shoes had a white leather upper with blue midsole, an interesting feature was the stitching on the upper, which although was not a contrast stitching, still stands out a lot, as it seems to follow a patter. The bottom of shoe, ironically, is the most detailed and nicest part of shoe. Featuring a load of details, including the year 1994, but what set it apart from post pair of Jordan Sneakers was the stitching on the right/left side of the shoe, the initials, RH.

Rinshi made his way around the village stopping in on a few friends to say hello and what not, but he was stricken with the dreaded terror of boredom.  Rinshi needed some action to get him repumped or it would have been a long day of boring shit.  Rinshi stopped by Ichiraku’s for a To-Go order of Miso Beef and Chicken Flavored Ramen.  Rinshi appreciated the man who always looked after him and made sure he was always satisfied with Ramen.  Rinshi always helped the man with whatever errand he needed him to run, whether it be bring him an ingredient from another region or take his daughter out for a date.  Okay maybe not take out his daughter on a date, but he sure wished that he would ask him that sometime.  ”Here’s your Ramen Rin.”  The middle age man said with an eager smile,  Rinshi reached for the Styrofoam cup as he said to him, ”Geez Pops, don’t call me Rin you make me sound like a girl, but thanks for the Ramen Pops.”  Rinshi rolled his eyes at being called Rin the name was girly and his name was Manly, but people still insisted of say Rin for short.  Rinshi didn’t really mind it was just something he didn’t prefer to be called.

Rinshi lay relaxed as he waited for the sun to set.  Soon he would begin locating the two possible traitors of the leaf village and bring them to justice.  The suspects were two Chunnin, one a 16 year old girl known as Shizuka and Kaito who was no stranger to Rinshi, for the two could never get along as children, mainly because Kaito used to make fun of Rinshi’s hair.  Rinshi saw this as an opportunity to settle the score between them, if he could prove him guilty.

Rinshi stood up as night fell and the stars began shining through the sky a crisp cool breeze blew, through his hair as he raised his hand to his head to hold it in place.  Rinshi stood with a straight posture so as he could see this as an opportunity to train his new unique Byakugan power,  he called it cliché as it was, The Divine Eyes of Rinshi.  Rinshi closed his eyes as he built up the necessary chakra to perform his technique.  Rinshi eyes shot open as his eyes went solid white the Byakugan was activated, but with his twist, the Byakugan were the normal pupil turned into a silver cross hair of a fighter jet or the letter V with 1 horizontal line on each end.

Rinshi leaped from the roof above his home, and descended upon a rooftop a little farther down from his home, as he continued his sprint for the village gates.  Rinshi jumped for the ledge of the village wall but barely rasped it as he grabbed the ledge.  Rinshi hanging on for his life with his left hand hanging and the wind blowing through his hair, blowing his open button shirt to the direction that the wind flowed.  A thought zipped through his mind and as he gathered his chakra and focused it to his finger tips and feet, he let go of the ledge.  Sliding down the wall his feet and fingers stuck to the wall, as if something was holding him in place.  Rinshi began to scale up the wall to the top and as he reached the top, he peered over the edge where he could see 4 figures similar in stature to his own having a conversation.  

Rinshi could hear bits and pieces of the conversation but decided it’d be best if he got closer.  Rinshi could see another man approaching who appeared to be a part of the groups “get together”.  Rinshi quickly took action before the others noticed his presence.  Rinshi began crawling down the wall almost like a spider and after he climbed down to a safe jump height, he leaped onto the man who coincidentally broke his fall.  The man began to groan from pain as Rinshi gave him a hard kick to his side and the man lay unconscious.  Rinshi held up a hand sign as he stood before the man analyzing his bodily and facial features, and as he took a deep breath he said, “Transform.”
The transformation was a success Rinshi was exactly identical to the man that he’d clobbered on moments ago.  

Rinshi began approaching the group casually as he stood waiting for them to address him.  The girl known as Shizuka was the first to recognize him as Tojiro which apparently was the man they thought Rinshi was.  Rinshi looked at Shizuka analyzing her appearance and soon their apparent meeting began.  The men Kaito and Shizuka were holding 4 large sacks, 2 for each man, they threw them on the ground and one after another gold coins fell out of the bag.  Kaito became ecstatic at the sight and quickly pulled out 4 documents and handed them over to the 2 men.  As Kaito began playing around in the coins,  Shizuka explained to the men what the documents were about.  ”These are the hidden entrances outside the village that lead to the Hokage’s chamber.  Those other documents are the number of guards in each sector of the village each night and the last one is how long you have to start the invasion 4 days from now. ”

Rinshi’s eyes grew wide at the sound of invasion, nonetheless he knew it was time he take action Rinshi performed the shadow clone technique producing 8 clones to surround the group.  Kaito and Shizuka both exclaimed, TOJIRO WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!”  Rinshi deactivated the transformation technique as the 9 Rinshi’s spoke in unison.  ”You four are under arrest, you are going to come with me for questioning!  If any of you have a problem with this...We can settle it right now.” 8 of the Rinshi’s all grabbed the suspects arms and escorted them through the village gates.  The original grabbed the man Tojiro, who by luck was still unconscious, and dragged him inside.

Rinshi knew he would have to keep an eye on the 4 suspects till morning so he decided to watch them till the morning so they could be taken in for questioning, watching over four criminals sure would be interesting for Rinshi.  Rinshi tied the criminals hands behind their backs as well as their and placed them against a wall as he saw the two men in hoods conversing.  One of Rinshi’s clones kicked them in the chests not hard to break a rib or make their lungs collapse, but just enough to knock the wind out of them and make them groan in agony.  Rinshi took a look at his shoes which had become extremely dirty which caused him to grow frustrated.  Brand new Jordan Bel-Airs he just waited 3 weeks to receive them yesterday and NOW they were ruined because some IDIOTS thought it would be fun to plan an invasion on the village.

Rinshi stood up frowning with his eyes closed looked down at Kaito as he layed on his side.  Rinshi brought his foot back about 22 degrees and kicked him right in his jaw.  Immediately the man began bleeding and laughed at Rinshi as he spit a glob of blood onto his shoes.  ”OH HELL TO THE FUCKING NO!!!”  Rinshi began to pound on the man with his fists, as he pulled himself together and looked to his other clones, nodded and they all hit their captives with one hard hit to the head rendering them unconscious.


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