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1Sabotage The Saboteur[Mission] Empty Sabotage The Saboteur[Mission] Sun Sep 29, 2013 8:39 pm



The girl was silently moving her form away from the kage manse, hopping over obstacles among the darkened streets of Konohagakure. Her body was a blur to any but those faster than herself as she moved at her full speed, with a blank face. Her robes fluttered in the wind, her hood pushed down over her face to cover it, save for her crimson eyes, completely in shadow. She was on her way to a silver refinery to meet with a client of the mission she had just taken. Someone was apparently sabotaging the merchandise, and she was sent to put a stop to it. Her large scythe was strung diagonally across her back, bumping against her back with ever slight jump. She was nearing the refinery, thinking of the many ways to deal with the saboteur, and what she would actually be allowed to do.

She arrived at the refinery, noting the gray-haired male approaching her from the door. He looked tired, aged, and worried. He handed her the instructions from his end, telling her to find the location of the sabotaged part of the refinery, as well as the location of the saboteur, stopping him as needed. The man tried to speak but she simply held up a hand for him to be silenced. She did not care what other things he would say and simply moved into the refinery, ignoring anything else on the matter. She wanted this mission completed and over with, as she had other matters to attend to and they had nothing to do with what this man would want to say. Her form moved to the door, opening it and moved into the building, closing said door behind her. Somewhere in the facility there was a saboteur at work and she would stop him, not for the client, but for the ryo.

Kamikira's form moved through the factory quickly and quietly, her steps hardly making a sound. She was making her way towards the end, noting a few sounds of machinery in operation. There was a crash not too far from her location and she nodded, moving quickly to it. Hiding behind a stack of crates, she peeked around to see a young man, skinny and slightly toned pulling the banks of a metal transport grate open, allowing non-precious metals into the pure silver that flowed like magma below it. Saboteur found, and he was quite busy with what he was doing, so he might not notice the woman's approach, if she played her cards right. Quietly, she put a hand to the handle of her scythe, moving from her hiding spot to step quietly along the ground behind the man. When she was but six feet behind him she pulled her scythe's handle throwing it with all her might towards him. It struck into a wooden beam right beside him, sticking the blade a couple of inches into the hard wood, causing him to cease his actions and stare at it, in bewilderment and fear.

"Hello, Delinquent. I have been assigned to stop you from pursuing your feverish acts of sabotage against this refinery. Surrender and you shall not come to harm." Her melodious voice would play on his ears, causing him to turn and look into her crimson eyes. The boy couldn't be but nineteen years old. He was a worker at the refinery, a new one as the dossier said. But he had a certain light in his eyes, giving off the hint that he wasn't going to give up easy. As if he had been in a situation like this. The woman moved to her scythe, pulling it from the wood by the handle while the bow picked up a sledgehammer from nearby, readying himself for combat. 'Why can they never surrender easily?' She found herself thinking while the boy raised the hammer and charged her.

She silently stepped away as it hit the ground where she'd been, bringing the scythe's long staff-like handle to block the next hit with a vertical hold. Once he pulled back to swing again, she pushed the scythe between his legs, the back point of the cross-type ornament upon her scythe catching his left ankle. And as she pulled it back to her, he fell to the ground, the sledgehammer flying into the air, spinning a bit as it reached its maximum height. It came back down, standing up straight, the hammer part first, slamming into the palm of his open right hand, effectively crushing the bones within it. He cried and howled in pain, but the woman simply laughed. "I told you to surrender, worthless cur."

She then quietly leaned down, replacing her scythe within its normal holster, pulling the crying male to his feet. Someone couldn't deal with a broken hand well. After getting him to his feet, she pushed him towards the front of the refinery where the client was coming in, having heard the ruckus' noise. She pushed her captive to the waiting arms of the shinobi who would come to detain the saboteur, nodding and moving past the client who was now spitting out words of thanks to her. She just wanted this to be over with already. She moved her form to leap into the air, landing upon the rooftop of a building once outside and began to leap from roof to roof, making her way towards the kage's manse once more. She was heading there now to receive payment for the mission she had just completed then she was off to complete another and however many more she needed to get the ryo she would need for her upcoming journey. She then let her thoughts drift to other things that she could learn or do as she travelled. She thought if she could get the kage to allow her to experiment upon him for a few body seals she had in mind, or someone of that sort of power level. All this crossed her mind as she reached the manse, entering for payment.

WC: 1030/1000 Done

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