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1Listen Closely [Squad 4 Only/ No Kill] Empty Listen Closely [Squad 4 Only/ No Kill] Thu Sep 12, 2013 2:47 am



Inferno red hair flowed in the breeze as choclate brown eyes gazed upon Iwagakure. A new expression could be found on the face of Satoshi. He never thought he would become a sensei one day. He always thought he would get into the Anbu and stay there. Regardless, Satoshi was faced with a challenge that he would not back down from. He looked around the cliff area to find a seat as he would wait for his squad members. He walked over to a large rock and sat on it, making sure to look at the entrance. While he didn't particularly care for children or anything like that, he did enjoy the idea of training the next generation of warrior for the village. Lord Kazu had complimented him in battle, which gave him the confidence to do whatever he could for the village. He couldn't believe that one time in his life, thought of leaving this place.

Satoshi shook the memories out of his head and waited. He didn't want to terrify his new genin completely, but he would be stern with them. No nonsense would be tolerated in his squad. If Iwa was going to survive these treacherous times, they would need every competent fighter that they could muster. A peaceful expression washed over his face as he waited on his students. This would be fun.



He had finally been placed in a squad it made him excited to meet his new comrades. he had no idea who his sensei was but he knew where to meet him so he started walking towards the area that he was told to go to. he wondered if he would be the only blind kid on their team and if they would wonder if he was blind right way. he was pretty much there when he felt a man sitting on a rock and wondered if this was his sensei he called out.
Are you Satoshi Sensei he said as he bowed.

3Listen Closely [Squad 4 Only/ No Kill] Empty Re: Listen Closely [Squad 4 Only/ No Kill] Fri Sep 13, 2013 10:51 pm


Toshin wasn't very happy about having a new sensei, especially one he did not know. Sure, it was the saem for Kazu but, he had something in him that Grey had liked. From a letter that was sent to his house, Toshin was told to appear at the Sightseeing cliff to meet his other teammates and sensei. He never planned on having to depend on someone else than Kazu, but his time had come it seems. The brown haired shinobi had headed out towards the sightseeing cliff, in hope of meeting his new squad. When Toshin had finally reached his destination, he saw a man sitting on a rock and another boy near him. From his observation skills, he knew the guy sitting on the rock was his sensei, and the boy his teammate. Grey showed an expression that represented he doesn't care about the whole current situation, and simply look out afar from how high he was, waiting for something to happen.

4Listen Closely [Squad 4 Only/ No Kill] Empty Re: Listen Closely [Squad 4 Only/ No Kill] Mon Sep 16, 2013 11:18 am



After a few minutes of waiting, Satoshi heard footsteps patter on the rocks leading up to the cliff. He turned to see Cazan approaching him. "Yes I am" He said with nod as he looked behind Cazan. It seemed Grey wasn't as friendly of a person, which was fine. Satoshi was the same way. "Grey, come over please" Satoshi offered as he tried his best to be polite to the kids. Kazu said he wasn't allowed to scare them into submission, so he would attempt to be polite as long as possible. "I am Kanetsu, Satoshi and I will be your sensei until you become a Special Jounin. Izumi is the third member of our squad, but he will not be able to attend today." Satoshi explained as soon as Grey approached them. "I want you to introduce yourself and tell me your elemental affinities, specializations, and anything else you want me to know." Satoshi added before waiting for the two to speak. This should be interesting.

((Sorry about the wait, was going to see if Izumi was going to get back to Iwa soon))



his new sensei had responded and his voice seemed trustable and he was kanetsu... those damn lava users he had once fought a memeber of there damn clan they were a force to be reckoned with, butthis other kid he was with did not seem to nice he wondered what clan he was from, but a ninja did not need to be nice he thought.
Well Im Yanagi Cazan and i specilize in taijutsu and ninjutsu primarily i fight with kungfu. Umm i also can use earth and wind style jutsu, and Im kind of blind haha he thought inwardly what they would think of him.


After this guy named Cazan had spoke, Grey decided to share what he knew and what he could do. To be honest, To shin didn't feel like telling them anything until he could truly trust them, but he would do it so he could get stronger. Getting stronger meant he would achieve his one goal, that he wouldn't share. 'My name is Grey, and I specialize in Taijutsu and Ninjutsu. I also practice the Katon and Fuuton elements. I wish to become stronger to acquire my goal, and become #1' he said looking out to the view. Grey didn't really like anyone on his team yet, he just hoped Izumi was here. Out of them all, he trusted Izumi. 'If you try to get in may way with my goals though, I may have to kill you.. his voice started to trail off. He formed his hand into a strong grip as his face would get tense.



Satoshi smiled as Cazan admitted that he was blind. As a shinobi, that was a difficult boundary to overcome, but not impossible. He knew of blind shinobi who did very well for themselves. He woke make sure to keep the boy's limitations in mind, though he would not treat him any different. Grey....he was an interesting one. The comment about killing was a tad silly and socially awkward. Of course, Satoshi understood his attitude. He had the same ideas when he was the boy's age. "As you know, I am Kanetsu, Satoshi. I use Ninjutsu and Taijutsu for specializations and I use Katon, Doton, and the legendary Yoton for elements." He said with a confident voice as he looked both of them over. The team would unique, he knew that much.

A smirk crept across his lips as he thought about their first action as a team. He decided on training, as he wanted to be familiar with their abilities before taking them out into the field. Now was as good a time as any to tell them. "In two days time, I will be at the Fissure Training Grounds. You will meet me there to train as a team. I will try to make sure that Izumi is there as well. I would like to see you both there at noon, as that will give us plenty of time to train. Be warned though, the training will not be easy." The man said seriously as his first order as squad captain was given. He was curious as to what they would be able to do, but pushed the thought to the back of his mind.

8Listen Closely [Squad 4 Only/ No Kill] Empty Re: Listen Closely [Squad 4 Only/ No Kill] Fri Sep 20, 2013 10:00 am



Cazan relished the idea of training again but not so much with another lava user, but this man was his sensei and it was more of an order then anything else so he responded.
Cant wait Satoshi-Sensei, umm like what kind of training though are we fighting you? he wondered as he waited for this jounin in front of him to give him an answer he turned around to Grey and Cheerfully said "umm why so hostile grey we are on a team you know if you should kill anyone i doubt itll be us haha he said with a fake laugh and smile, this cheerfullness was annoying him but he knew that being serious and gruff would get him nowhere he wanted the same thing as grey to be number one, but stating it outloud would get him nowhere.


Toshin started to laugh at the current situation at hand, as if Cazan had planned to look peaceful. Grey continued looking at the view before him and said, 'What that kid over there said, what exactly are we going to do?' he said. Sure he didn't like his team for now, but he did like that idea of getting stronger for that one goal. Waiting for an answer, Grey started to throw rocks far down the mountains side. He would watch the rocks fall down, losing sight of it before it could hit the bottom. The shinobi wondered to himself, was that how he was going to turn out? Falling so low no one will be able to see him?

10Listen Closely [Squad 4 Only/ No Kill] Empty Re: Listen Closely [Squad 4 Only/ No Kill] Sat Sep 21, 2013 12:27 am



Satoshi chuckled as he listened to them both ask what was going to happen during the training. Where was the fun in spoiling the surprise? "You will have to show up to see." Satoshi said with a smile towards the both of them. "I will also be taking you both on individual missions in the future. After that, we will come together on a team mission of higher difficulty. You will only get that far if you prove to me that you are ready for it." Satoshi said returning to his firm and confident expression. These kids were good, from what he heard, but they still had a long ways to go. "Now, you are free to go. I will let you know when the missions will be. Do NOT forget our training. Bye!" He said with a smile as he waved to them. He was tired of being on the cliff with the children already. He tried his best to act civil to them, but it was a hard task. He disappeared in a cloud of smoke before the kids eyes, using the body flicker technique to exit the area.

-Exit Thread-

Chakra 290/300:

11Listen Closely [Squad 4 Only/ No Kill] Empty Re: Listen Closely [Squad 4 Only/ No Kill] Sat Sep 21, 2013 5:12 pm



His sensei disapeered in a puff of smoke, and Cazan deicided that being with grey for over an hour would probablystart a fight so he took his leave Well ill be going bye grey see you at training
Exiit thread

12Listen Closely [Squad 4 Only/ No Kill] Empty Re: Listen Closely [Squad 4 Only/ No Kill] Sat Sep 21, 2013 5:57 pm


After everyone had left, To shin remained where he was very some time. The beautiful horizon would rise and the weather was beautiful. Watching everything from such a view was truly magnificent to him. Grey closed his eyes and let in all the nature around him, not afraid of what would happen. He then positioned himself, standing on top of a pekk of the mountain, it had felt great. After his little day dream perfection, he stepped down and continued home in wait for the training that would soon come.

- Exit thread -

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