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1Koran Clan Empty Koran Clan Wed Oct 02, 2013 7:30 pm



Symbol: Koran Clan Chaos

Clan: Koran

Kekkei Genkai: Akuma no mezame (Demon Awakening)


Specialization: Taijustu as Primary and Ninjustu as Secondary

Location: Sunagakure

Clan History: The Koran,nicknamed the Sand Demons of Suna, are a very old clan,being made during the time of the first Kazekage.It is unknown on how they acquired their unique chakra or kekkei genkei,but it is said the firest Koran leader,Sengoku Koran,married a demon who gave birth to the first clan members.At first ,the Kazekage tried to wipe them out.The Koran were furious by this and easily killed the ninja who opposed them.Instead of being frightened,the Kazekage beame interested with the clan.He proposed a agreement.He'll allow them to stay peacefully as long as they obey his rule as a Kage.They accepted.The Koran are peaceful,yet ruthless people,pratically born to fight.In each of the Great Ninja Wars, ninja of the Koran clan were sent on either genocide or massacre missions...alone,and almost always succeeded.They train all their lives physically, the children often carrying boulders atleast two times bigger than them.However,despite the clan's brutal combat,they are actually quite intelligent,often planning and rooting out all possible causes of conflict that would disrupt them during missions.Recently, the clan is in decline, not many children being born.

[center]Examples of Transformations/Awakenings:



Kekkei Genkai Description: The Akuma no mezame is a literal transformtion. The user's body changes.The color of their skin changes to red,blue,green,yellow, or black.Their hair becomes long and wild.They noticibly grow taller and gain muscles,claws,fangs,and horns.The Kekkei Genkei gained it's name for two reasons.One,it makes the castor gain the appearance of a Oni, a classical japanese demon.Two,while transformed,the castor becomes more primal and brutal,being unable to control one's self.The unique chakra the clan has appears to radiate off their bodies in small 'waves'so to speak.The first Koran leader,however,knew one day that a clansmen would try to abuse it's power,so he did a permant seal on those with Koran blood.The transformation can only be used once a day.If one tries to do the tranformation a second time in one day,the seal would activate for that person and stop his/her heart,killing them slowly.This is not entirely known to the clan members though,as they often blame this on sickness or some sort of defect the person had.(Please note,all members of the Koran clan must include a picture of how they look when transformed in their character bio).

Drawbacks: Due to their ruthless nature,often perfering mutalation then a clean cut, the clan rejects Wind Release.The transformation also tires out the user quickly,the longetivity of the jutsu depending on one's rank and training.(The transformation can only be used once a day.If one tries to enter it a second time,the seal will activate and kill the person.

Members: Koran,Zaiaku

Kekkei Genkai Jutsu:
Name: Demon Release:Awakening
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: B-S
Type: Offense,Supplementary
Element: None
Range: Personal Space
Specialty: None
Duration: Until the user deactivates or runs out of chakra.
Cooldown: Rest of the thread
Description: The jutsu changes the castor's very body into the appearance of a Oni.The user then gained a large increase in all of his/her physical prowess and allows them to use the clan's dangerous jutsu with no chance of recieving a side-effect.B rank version only enchances the user slightly,not gaining very much strength or speed, or etc at all(1+Strength).The A rank version is more stronger than the B rank,the C gaining strength able to hold a Kanabo(Large Oni Mace),with one hand as if it were a baseball bat(2+Strength).To learn the jutsu,you MUST start with the B rank then rank it up to A rank.B-rank training requires 1800 words while A rank requires 2200 words.Also,B rank is able to use it for 4 posts while A rank can use it to 5.

Name: Demon Release:Hell Breath
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: C
Type: Offensive
Element: Fire
Range: Personal
Specialty: Ninjustsu
Duration: One post
Cooldown: 3 posts
Description: The castor must concentrate his/her chakra to his/her lungs.Then the castor must do the Tiger then Snake head seals.Afterwards,the castor exhales,but instead of the usual fire,their very breath is heated to the point it can cause 1st degree burns.This useful when the opponent is to close to you and/or attempting to grab you.A side effect after numerous uses is the blackening of the teeth,the heat literally burning them.

Name: Demon Release:Oni Explosion
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: D
Type:  Defensive
Element: None
Range: Personal
Specialty: Ninjustsu
Duration: Instantaneous
Cooldown: 3 posts
Description: This Jutsu requires the "Demonic Chakra" the Koran possess.The castor must focus the chakra in their body to a specific balance.After that,they must release it in a external force, a explosive wave of sorts.Its range is 3-6  feet around the castor.Its strong enough to push opponents back and deflect projectiles(E-Rank weapons,this jutsu merely pushes the opponent back for more space,it does not cause damage).This defensive move requires much concentration, and is there for used when the opponent has grabbed you or is charging at you from a distance.

Name: Lighting Release:Electric Reversal
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: A
Type: Offensive,
Element: Lightning
Range: Long Range
Specialty: None
Duration: 1 Post
Cooldown: 3 Posts
Description: This Jutsu requires natural lighting from a thunderstorm(Ask the opponent to write one in).The castor would weave the Rat,Boar,and Rabbit hands seals,making his/her chakra attract the natural lightning and come down to strike them.However,due to the uniqueness of this jutsu, the lightning would,instead of killing them,move around their body rapidly.He/she must then do the tiger hand seal, sending the lightning off at the opponent.This Jutsu strains the castor immensely,having to make their chakra attract the lightning while also,when the lightning moves around the castor,it slightly shocks them on multpile parts of the body.However,if one loses,focus over the jutsu,he/she will be electrocuted.The Awakening helps by keeping the straining at a bareble level.Nevertheless, this is a high-risk jutsu.

Last edited by Zaiaku Koran on Tue Oct 08, 2013 12:18 am; edited 2 times in total

2Koran Clan Empty Re: Koran Clan Mon Oct 07, 2013 8:19 pm



1. Spoiler your pictures. They hurt my eyes.

2. Remove transformed capabilities from your Kekkei Genkai description, the jutsu itself seems to do that job.

3. This clan needs a serious rework. Let's go through some things.

  • Your Demon Awakening Technique has really powerful abilities....with literally no drawbacks. Being able to use it only once per thread is not a drawback for how powerful this is. First off, D and C rank jutsu are never permitted to give a +1 rank in ability to anything, let alone multiples of it or a +2. And....+3s and +4s are unheard of in jutsu. Overall, you need to get rid of the D and C ranks of this ability, and start with the lowest boosts there...and do not include multiple boosts for one jutsu.
  • Demon Release: Hell Palm is a C-rank version of a B-rank canon jutsu known as Earth Release: Earth Spear.
  • Demon Release: Oni Explosion needs a detail of what ranks of projectiles it can deflect. Also, does throwing an opponent back using this jutsu cause any damage? Does this jutsu require being in the 'transformed' state?
  • Lightning Release: Electric Reversal needs a condition for the thunderstorm (do you have to make it yourself using jutsu, or can you get permission from your roleplaying opponent to just write one in?). How does this jutsu strain you when not in Oni Mode? Give concrete examples (loss of reaction time, dice roll for success of jutsu, electrical burns and shocking even if you do hit. These are just a few examples).

4. The drawbacks you do have may be sufficient after the jutsu are revamped, as that was the majority of the problem.

  • Wind Release prohibition is okay.
  • Detail how long one can sustain the jutsu without drawbacks, at each rank. Include a training to rank up the jutsu if you so please.
  • Fix the jutsu and a limit on transformation activation might become a drawback (it is not right now, due to its power) However, detail something that prevents clan members from automatically knowing the seal kills them, or its threat becomes moot.

Fix this stuff and we'll see what we can do.

3Koran Clan Empty Re: Koran Clan Mon Oct 07, 2013 11:37 pm



My responsive:I didn't relise how similar demon palm was to earth spear until you mentioned it o.e

4Koran Clan Empty Re: Koran Clan Wed Oct 09, 2013 3:23 pm




5Koran Clan Empty Re: Koran Clan Fri Oct 11, 2013 5:28 am




Jugo clan has similar abilities and is being worked on by staff currently. Demonic Transformations are not going to happen as they are FAR too powerful and nearly impossible to balance, on top of this any type of transformations are done through Senjutsu and that spec has to be TRAINED as a third. So this clan concept is a no go, sorry.

6Koran Clan Empty Re: Koran Clan Fri Oct 11, 2013 8:34 pm



Well...fack :/

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