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1Academy Helper (Complete) Empty Academy Helper (Complete) Sun Sep 22, 2013 6:04 pm

Keigo Uchiha

Keigo Uchiha

Keigo was sort of pumped to teach some academy students today. "So me being a teacher I wonder about that"Keigo was kind of surprised about receiving a mission to teach some academy students, but was pumped for the chance. Keigo  stretched his arms high in the air trying to release the tension he was feeling while walking toward the academy. He thought about what type of lesson he should give the students and plus what type of demonstration should he give. Keigo wondered how the students would respond to his presence, since he was an uchiha. Keigo shook his head, "A bunch of young academy students don't know anything about the Uchiha past there is no pointof knowing it." Keigo looked at the sky and felt the sun beam on him, "Damn the sun is bright today" Keigo continued to walk toward the academy and soon heard the voices of young students having fun. Keigo saw the academy with in his field of vision, then felt a weird feeling in his stomach. Keigo punched his stomach and grimaced in pain to quickly pull himself together and walked toward the academy. He walked up to the front door of the academy to be greeted by an academy teacher, "Welcome are you the genin sent to teach the students today." Keigo looked at the teacher to respond, "Yes i am my name is Keigo", Keigo left out saying his full name he felt telling he was an Uchiha was not needed. The academy teacher contuined by showing Keigo toward the area were he would be teaching a class. Keigo was lead to an open field area were on field training took place to practice the basics of being a ninja. Keigo soon saw a bunch of academy students sitting down in a circle waiting for a teacher. tHe academy teacher told Keiog that was his class for today. Keigo responded with a nod and walked up to the academy students and said, "Hello I am your instructor for today, my name is Keigo"

The academy students quickly gathered smiles on their faces and surrounded Keigo. They were overjoyed to to see a genin instruct them. They asked many questions like wondering what it was like first starting out as a genin, have you killed anyone, are you a ladies man and other bizarre questions you would never think an academy student would ask. Keigo calmed the students down and responded best as he could, "No i never killed anyone, also when you start off as a genin you get cleaning mission and last the ladies love me check the stats." Keigo then got all the students attention and told them, "Today lets just focus on basic taijutsu, even though ninjutsu is very essential as a ninja knowing hand to hand combat can be key in battle." Keigo pointed to the six dummies in the middle of the practice area. "Today we will practice basic strikes to chest of your opponent." Keigo showed the academy students what he meant and then instructed them all to do the same to the dummies. They all performed the strike well and keigo felt a bit proud to be a teacher. Keigo thought about his time in the academy and how he made many friends and learned a lot from many ninja that would stop by to share their knowledge to him and now he was doing the same with these academy students. The day went on and it was time for the academy students to leave for home. Keigo was thanked by the Academy teacher and he left with the mission complete.


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