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Sarutobi, Mitsuo couldn’t help but laugh to himself quietly. It really didn’t seem like too long ago when he was in this exact same situation. In fact, he remembered walking across the field towards his sensei and meeting him for the first time. It really hadn’t been that long ago, to be perfectly fair. He looked down at Chisoku and stroked his head, the king cheetah purring deeply as he did. It was a beautifully sunny day in Konoha and from where he was sitting, in the little clearing in the southern forest where he had first met Takeshi-sensei so long ago, the sun coming through the leaves in the trees was a glorious sight to behold. He had gotten himself a full package of cigarettes from his dresser in the Sarutobi Compound before making his way out, waiting until he got to the clearing to place one to his lips. He pulled out a silver lighter with the Sarutobi Clan symbol on it, which matched the symbol on his sash which marched him out as the head of the Sarutobi Clan, and lit the cigarette, inhaling deeply before exhaling the smoke through his nose.

Mitsuo had stayed up the previous night fixing any broken links in the glimmering chainmail shirt he wore over his chest and shoulders, polishing it to a silvery shine. He spent some time readjusting the bracers and gauntlets which were adorning his hands and forearms, up to his elbow. He stroked his short chin beard gently and his fingers unconsciously moved to slide the glasses back up to the top of his nose, even though they never slid down anymore thanks to the string he had attached to them in Sunagakure when he was in the Chuunin Exams so they would stay in the desert heat. He adjusted his sash and ran his fingers over the hilts of both his Katana and his Tanto, and smiled once his self-inspection was complete, finishing by running his fingers through his black hair. Today was going to be a good day.

He looked towards the opening of the clearing, waiting for his new students to approach him. He had glanced over their profiles that Takeshi had given him, but had developed his master’s ethic when it came to reading things and hadn’t fully gone into them. They currently sat at home on his dresser where, at this very second, Kimaru was probably shaking his head looking at them telling himself that Mitsuo had forgotten his notes again. Mitsuo didn’t really need them anyway, he would have plenty of opportunity to get to know his squad, this would just be a greeting and something for him to help figure out the extent of their skills. They seemed to be an interesting mixture of people, and Mitsuo was excited to get to work training them, hoping that this wouldn’t be too extensive for a first outing.

(486/2000 Shadow Clones)

Last edited by Mitsuo on Tue Sep 03, 2013 6:42 pm; edited 2 times in total



Awakening from his slumber with a groggy sort of feeling. Matsu would rub his head, it was just last night that he had a migraine and of course with sleeping through migraines comes terrible nightmares. The worst part of these nightmares, however, was not the fear of your death or the death of a loved one. These nightmares were mental cheap shots, making people you cared about, or even hated, do things that would make someone worry about them deeply. 

This particular night was no different. Though the important aspects of the dream had faded into his memory, the emotional charge was still there and powerful. With his hand over one eye, he'd utter out a phrase, meaning it with his entirety, Ugh... Why can't you just stay out of my head...? Sighing a bit, Matsu would stand from his bed, getting his bearings, and beginning to go through his daily routine. Brushing his teeth, showering, etc. 

Throwing on his white robe and grabbing the large black scroll which sat leaned up against the wall, he'd scan his room once more for anything of importance. Taking a look at the window, he'd notice an envelope attached to the window. Probably just another mission... He thought with a bit of scorn. Removing the envelope from the window, he'd slide it open, yawning and unfolding the paper that was inside.

Matsu had been assigned to a squad. While this was a surprise to him, he was not particularly excited. Truly, he didn't really care if he was in a squad or not. He'd never been in one before, so why would the sudden change make so much of a difference? Placing the envelop in one of the sleeves on his robe, he'd walk towards his door, exiting his room, then his home. 

The envelop had stated Matsu was to be meeting his squadmates in the south forest, outside of the actual Village. Matsu knew his way, so getting there wasn't a problem. His problem was more likely getting there on time. Nevertheless, he would take his walk, making sure to keep at a pace that was ideal to get there on time. Passing through the market district, Matsu would pick up a couple things to eat for breakfast, and egg or two, nothing else. He wanted the protein. 

He couldn't shake the feeling of the nightmare. It had really effected him to his core and there were actually very few things that worried him so much. It was just a stupid dream... He thought pensively. Looking to the trees as he walked, he'd force himself to focus on the issues at hand.

Upon reaching the designated location, Matsu saw a familiar face standing in the middle of a clearing. Matsu's robes would blow in the wind as he stood with a stoic face. Examining the outfit of the man, it became clear that this guy was the very same guy that Matsu had worked with in a mission just prior. Oh hey Mitsuo. Nice to meet you gain. Matsu would bow his head as a greeting. I assume you're my teacher? A friendly smile shone on Matsu's face as he spoke to the Special Jounin.

547 Words / 9000 Words. (S->SS Ranked Fuuinjutsu)

Last edited by Matsu on Mon Sep 02, 2013 8:25 pm; edited 1 time in total



Aiza woke up to a blaring alarm, and he slammed his eyes shut again. He hated alarms, but they were one of the only things in the world that could wake him up. He was a pretty deep sleeper; he recalled one instance where he had slept through a fistfight in a bar. A few minutes later, after realizing his efforts to return to sweet sanctity were useless, he rose to his feet, and made his way to the bathroom. A short pee ensued, whereafter he flushed and washed his hands before heading to the kitchen for breakfast. This morning was casual and uneventful. He ate cereal, threw some punches at his training dummy, then headed to his shower to wash up. He loved showers, they were always so calm and warm...when that 10 minutes of peaceful bliss under watery jets ended, he brushed his teeth, tidied his lengthy red hair and put on a deep-blue vest with a black tie and pants to match. Today was the day he would officially meet the rest of his squad....that could mean training, he strapped on some old black ninja sandals and wore his Konoha forehead protector on his arm.

The roads of Konoha were bustling with people, most of which helping with the reconstruction effort.  Aiza didn't exactly feel up to crowds at the moment, so he took the long way to the training grounds, going out of the main village gate, past the Forest of Death, and through the narrow forest clearings that led to the Small South Forest he was designated to be at. Now only a few meters away, he could hear two people talking. Looks like he wasn't the first one there, not that he expected to be after going around. "Oh, hey, Mitsuo. Nice to meet you again. I assume you're my teacher?" Yes, surely enough, there stood Mitsuo, looking pretty chill as he sat in the sunlight of the clearing. Aiza wondered which of his two teammates the guy who was talking was. There was, ahem...Zoki and...Masu? Mato? Something like that. Eh, he couldn't exactly remember, but that's what introductions were for. He stepped out into the sunlight with them, one hand waving hello and the other pressed into his pocket. One thing was for sure; he was the oldest person there, and that made things a bit awkward.

"Hello again, Mitsuo. Glad to be on your squad." Aiza said with a brilliant smile. He then faced the other, his fellow Genin squadmate. "And you, I believe we haven't met before. I am Itohane, Aiza. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance and I'm looking forward to training alongside you." With the much anticipated introduction over, Aiza sat down and leaned against a tree. He would wait to ask any questions concerning this meeting until the last squad member arrived, and instead occupied his time by pulling a stick of blue spearmint gum and slipping it into his mouth. A cool sensation overcame his mouth, and he chewed it with a contented smile.

Learning Ninjutsu
Word Count: 521/1,500



Opening his eyes to the glaring sun through his window, Zoki stretched his body and moaned. Pushing the bottles left on his bed to the floor, He swung his legs onto the deck. Stepping on and cracking a bottle, Zoki swore as he nearly cut his foot on the broken glass and alcohol. Walking into the kitchen for something to clean it up with, he returned with a mop and a dustpan. Cleaning up the glass, he mopped the alcohol away before it could ruin the hardwood floor of his nice apartment. Returning the supplies, he got dressed in his vest, trousers, and boots. Picking up his ōdachi, he placed the long blade on the table. Opening the fridge, he grabbed a bottle of milk and a bottle of shochu and sat at the table. Drinking the entire milk straight from the bottle, he placed the alcohol into his vest for lunch.

Throwing away the milk, he turned his attention to the letter he had received. "This must be something important if a shinobi messenger delivered it." Tearing it open, he read the paper. Seeing it was a reminder of his new squad, he smiled. Tearing up the paper, he left it on the table and grabbed his ōdachi. Slinging the sheath horizontally along his back, he locked his door and stepped out. Looking across the village, he walked down the steps of the complex he lived in. Taking off on a sprint, his extremely large and muscled figure slowed him down horrible. Jumping onto a building he continued his race to the South Forest where he needed to be.

Reaching the gates, he slowed down and got into the line for departure of the village. Catching his breath, he used this time to imagine who his sensei and teammates. "I hope my sensei is a Kimura, or a Sarutobi, they can teach me the most about my abilities and get stronger. I think I'll be a little bummed if a Senju has to teach me." Realizing he was talking to himself, he closed his mouth and waited in line in silence. Showing the Chuunin his identification, he was allowed to leave the village for training. Turning off the road, he walked under the canopy of the great, large trees that gave Konohagakure it's name.

Walking into the clearing, Zoki spotted three men talking among themselves. Getting closer, he recognized the man with a katana and armor. Sarutobi, Mitsuo, Special Jounin and clan head of the Sarutobi. My names is Zoki, Kimura." Walking closer, he did not recognize the other two men. Eyeing the large cat beside the Sarutobi, he rested his hand on his odachi. Still watching the cheetah, he greeted the other men. "I assume you two will be my teammates?"

Training Kenjutsu, 465/2000



Mitsuo watched as the three genin all entered the clearing in turn. The first one to come in had red hair, which was visible from beneath his hat. He was someone who Mitsuo had met before a while back, when his compound had been burning. The young man had helped to save one of the Sarutobi clan's genin, and for that Mitsuo was quite greatful. He looked at him and heard him speak. "Oh hey Mitsuo. Nice to meet you gain. I assume you're my teacher?" The young man bowed his head to Mitsuo and Mitsuo placed his hand on top of it, chuckling softly.

"Yea I guess so, I'm looking forward to getting to teach an Uzumaki. You know my sensei was an Uzumaki?" He looked to the clearing and saw the second man walking in. This one he had met previously in the bar the day his father had died and he had become the Head of the Sarutobi Clan. He nodded to the newest arrival, this one being Aiza, and smiled once again.

"Hello again, Mitsuo. Glad to be on your squad."

"Hello Aiza, can't wait to see what you can do, and how I can help you." Mitsuo wasn't as familiar with this one's clan, but he was sure that training with him would help him to learn. He watched as his third and final student strode into the clearing. He was clearly the youngest of the four men assembled and he seemed to be quite observant, considering that Mitsuo hadn't told anyone of them who their sensei would be.

"Sarutobi, Mitsuo, Special Jounin and clan head of the Sarutobi. My names is Zoki, Kimura."
Mitsuo nodded and smiled, his fingers instinctively brushing over the hilt of his katana and his eyes moving between the three of them.

"Well, it seems you already all know who I am. I'm Sarutobi, Mitsuo, head of the prestigious Sarutobi clan, and student to the fifteenth Hokage, Uzumaki, Takeshi. I competed in the Chuunin exams that had recently passed, went in as a Genin, and came out a Chuunin after fighting in only one match. I was elevated to the position I am in now rather quickly as well, and here I stand. I am looking forward to working with each of you, together and seperately, but before we do so I have something I need you to do." Mitsuo walked to the opposite side of the clearing from where all of his students were, around 50m separating them. He stood beside a log and pulled out his package of cigarettes, smiling and showing them to his students. "The Hokage-dono called this the smoke test. Your mission is to take the package of cigarettes from the stump. It's simple enough, and I'm sure you will have no issues with it, but I want to test each of you. So before we begin are there any questions?"

Mitsuo had brought his hands close to his chest, as he often did when he was starting a fight, the cigarettes sitting immobile on the log, prepared to be the target of his test. He watched each of his students to see if they would have anything to say before he started their first test.

(1038/2000 Shadow Clones)

Last edited by Mitsuo on Tue Sep 03, 2013 6:42 pm; edited 1 time in total



Matsu watched as the other Genin showed up and gave their names. One of them was kind enough to speak to Matsu himself. With a warm smile, Matsu would bow, Matsumura Hashikawa but you guys may call me Matsu. It's a pleasure to meet each of you. Matsu's concealed hands would run through seals at a quick pace. It was a nervous habit of his and he was clearly a bit nervous about joining a squad. 

Matsu would walk away from Mitsuo, standing in the middle of the field, quite a distance away from his sensei and quite a bit distant from his team mates. There he stood, staring at Mitsu. His eyes appeared to be almost closed as he stood with a warm smile on his face, but he saw the things around him. The narrowness of his eyes played no effect on his combat efficiency as many would suggest. Regardless, Matsu would finish his hand seals, summoning Manderu within his robes, coiled around his wrist tightly. He would be nearly invisible wrapped around his arm which was concealed by his white robing. 

Watching as Mitsu would place a cigarette pack on a log. Though he wasn't expecting an easy way to win,  it would definitely be a fun way to test his tactical prowess. With his free hand, he'd reach down, grabbing two rocks and concealing them within his sleeve. Mumbling to himself, he'd devise a plan. Placing a single finger over the mouth of Manderu to make sure he was quiet, he'd begin to use a set of seals, preparing a jutsu.

Mitsuo, I may not be as jutsu savvy as you or experienced... But I'll try my best. With a smile on his face he was readied, waiting for his squad mates to give the okay. He would not reveal his plan, even to his squad mates.

865/9000 (Sorry for the crappy post. I wanted to crank one out so that you guys can get this moving more smoothly)

Chakra: 155/170:

Last edited by Matsu on Tue Sep 03, 2013 8:27 pm; edited 1 time in total



Mitsuo gave a proper introduction despite everyone's apparent knowledge of him. A few facts that Aiza didn't know about were revealed, like the fact that he was still a Genin less than a month before this. He must've been pretty strong to advance three ranks in such a short amount of time. Aiza grew a bit nervous for the training that was bound to happen at some point during this meeting, but his will was steadfast and he smiled with anticipation. It was a unique feeling, a combination of excitement and fear. It was a rush of blood to the head, really. Mitsuo finished his short speech, taking out a pack of cigarettes and leaving them on the log that he was sitting on. "The Hokage-dono called this the smoke test. Your mission is to take the package of cigarettes from the stump." Was he being serious? It was just some cigarettes. But, alas, Aiza didn't argue; if he could pass this test, it would be immediate proof of his prowess...or lack thereof, he honestly didn't know where he stood as a ninja compared to his teammates.

Mitsuo ended by asking if there were any questions. Aiza merely shook his head "no" while analyzing the surroundings intently with his keen eyes. A light breeze blew the leaves around; there sat a broken stick was off in the distance, a meter or two away. Probably not the two most important things about the setting, but he could find some use in them anyhow. Matsumura, the boy who had shaken his hand before, shifted a bit. The movement within his robes signaled something was in them; he had a strategy, already, it seemed. Zoki showed no sign of attack. What would Aiza himself do in response? All of his attacks and jutsu where head-on blitzkrieg-type things. Punches, kicks, and water-infused strikes designed to crush. Crushing wasn't too useful when trying to get a package of cigarettes from a lot. Nonetheless, he devised a makeshift plan that he could utilize to at least catch Mitsuo off-guard. He rose to his feet, looking first at his sensei and then at the cigarettes. Here it goes, I guess...

The direct approach, or so it seemed; Aiza sprinted forward as fast as he possibly could. What other choice did he have, really? He didn't know anything other than Taijutsu; he was a close combat machine. He planned to analyze the ninjutsu used in this training to begin making his own, but until he could pick up that knowledge, he was left with one thing and one thing only...his body. His Itohane bloodline and overall muscled build left him slow still, so it wouldn't have been hard to stop him from taking the pack; a Jounin like Mitsuo could probably do so with little to no effort. But that's exactly what he wanted to happen; he wanted Mitsuo to intercept him so that he could launch his first attack. He was now just a few feet from the prized item, and he reached out a hand to grab it with, clenching his other fist as the suspense reached a climax. Someone was going to do something before he could get to them...any second now...

Learning Ninjutsu
Word Count: 1,075/1,500



"Well, it seems you already all know who I am. I'm Sarutobi, Mitsuo, head of the prestigious Sarutobi clan, and student to the fifteenth Hokage, Uzumaki, Takeshi. I competed in the Chuunin exams that had recently passed, went in as a Genin, and came out a Chuunin after fighting in only one match. I was elevated to the position I am in now rather quickly as well, and here I stand. I am looking forward to working with each of you, together and seperately, but before we do so I have something I need you to do." Zoki watched as his new sensei walked across the clearing, stopping by a log. He pulled out a pack of cigarettes, which Zoki wrinkled his nose at. He did not have a liking for the sticks or the compulsive users. However, feeling the bottle of alcohol he had stashed in his vest, he felt he had no right to judge the Jounin.

"The Hokage-dono called this the smoke test. Your mission is to take the package of cigarettes from the stump. It's simple enough, and I'm sure you will have no issues with it, but I want to test each of you. So before we begin are there any questions?"

Watching the cigarettes closely, he kept his hand on the long odachi. 'I have heard this Sarutobi is a swordsman himself, and the look of that katana and tanto don't say otherwise. Maybe if I can keep him occupied.' Suddenly, the man named Aiza sprinted forward, heading directly for Sarutobi. Surprised by the sudden attack, Zoki drew his odachi from it's sheath and followed his teammate.

Training Kenjutsu, 744/2000

ooc: Let's get to the action!



Mitsuo went through the transition he always does when entering a battle. He could feel something switch on inside of his head and cogs start to turn. He was a very smart individual, and it had helped him out plenty of times in the past, but in this case he was going to see how smart his team was. He watched each of their reactions to him taking his stance and placing down the package of cigarettes, noting something about each one of their students. He noticed first that the young Uzumaki was fiddling with his hands. The Uzumaki clan were proficient in Fuuinjutsu and he had no doubt that he would be utilizing that in this fight. The red haired boy fumbled around, watching Mitsuo as the other two began their moves.

He noticed Aizu rushing forward without fear, though not coming for him, which was probably for the best. He thought he remembered briefly glancing over Aizu’s records and seeing that he was strictly a Taijutsu user, which interested Mitsuo. He would be able to teach him a thing or two for sure. He was surprised at his age though, the man being twelve years older than Mitsuo was himself. He watched as he made a dart for the cigarettes and started to formulate a plan to stop him. The third one he noticed was that Zoki was a fellow swordsman, the difference being he preferred to use an Odachi, or long sword, as opposed to the smaller and faster Katana. Mitsuo smiled as he watched Zoki following Aizu, perhaps working together with some sort of preformed plan. In his head though, he was telling them not to rush him, wishing they had thought of something better to do against a Jounin ranked shinobi like himself. He was trying to think of the best way to do this without hurting any of them and he had decided this would probably be the most effective.

“Guess that’s it then, class is in session.” He let out a low whistle and his eyes scanned the forest to see what he was looking for before he made his next move. He quickly noticed the flash of white bobbing outside of the clearing in the trees and smiled to himself, reassured and knowing the positioning of one of his key tools. He would probably not use it in this fight, but he always enjoyed the comfort of knowing his silent guardian was around.

Mitsuo strung together a few hand signs as his students charged at him and Poof! an exact replica of him had appeared. He had remembered the effectiveness of this jutsu when his sensei had used it against him and his squad the first time and he had been itching to give it a try. They stood side by side, nobody would have been able to tell which one was the real him. The one on the left, furthest from the cigarettes looked towards the two rushing nin and formed a tiger hand seal, sending a large stream of fire at the two of them before quickly drawing his sword and tanto, the two of them laying point back towards his elbow, blade out, and flat laying against his forearm. If the students had dodged the jutsu he would run towards Zoki, moving towards him and performing a spinning strike with his right arm, which held the Katana, coming back to block his blind spot with his Tanto. If they hadn’t dodged he would charge right through to shoulder charge Aizu into Zoki, if this was to hit it would knock at least Aizu and hopefully both of them to the ground.

The Mitsuo on the right looked towards the Uzumaki in his squad and smiled softly, putting his hands together in a bird sign and forming three pockets of wind in his mouth. He would expel the extremely quick wind bullets in rapid succession towards his student, one right at him which would hit him square in the chest were it to connect, one a little lower and to the left, and the other the same height as the second but to the right instead, limiting his escape options. No matter how the jutsu ended, Mitsuo would pull the wire out of his pouch, along with four of his Kunai, sliding the Kunai onto the wire and tying one to each end. He would throw the first one at the tree behind and to the right of Matsu, and the other three into places where they would form a square, holding onto some of the wire as he did this so that he would have basically created a wrestling ring type thing out of Kunai and wire. The second Mitsuo did not move however, and held his position beside the log, awaiting his Student’s next moves eagerly and looking forward to seeing how they would react to the situations they were in.

(1961/2000 Shadow Clones)

Jutsus Used:




Matsu watched for a bit, just surveying the fight so. His two teammates were very direct in their approach, running straight up with very little preparation. Everyone had their style of fighting of course. He watched as his teacher began to take the two on at once while forming a clone. That particular situation was rather flattering to Matsu himself, he'd made a clone specifically to fight him. He didn't think of himself as a threat, but then again, that may not have been the reason. Matsu was the only one who had waited a second to survey the battlefield and he knew that there was no way the guy (however confident) was willing to start any type of training without an ace in the hole. 

Manderu. Do you smell it? He smoke softly, not even actually moving his lips. There was a reason he held the snake close to his chest within his robes. Snakes have a sort of infrared vision that works in tandem with their tongue, allowing them to sense all sorts of danger at certain distances. There's no way he came here alone. He was adamant about that belief. Putting himself in the shoes of his sensei. Matsu himself was a summoner, so of course he wouldn't show up alone, but he wasn't sure of Mitsuo. He could only guess and make sure to check the surroundings before actually proceeding.

Yes... There's something moving through the forest at an alarming pace. Keep your eyes out. The snake spoke with a silent tone, slurring its speech. Matsu made sure not to make any sort of facial changes or movement as he listened. His jutsu had been prepared for quite a while at this point and just as he had predicted, the clone would attack Matsu before Matsu attacked it. It was a smart move. It would force Matsu would focus more on the fight than on planning. Matsu was several steps ahead, however.

Watching as the clone began its attack, Matsu would feign as if surprised and attempting to dodge the attack to the left. Ugh...Cant... Keep... Up... Fuck...! He'd yell as the ball of air would explode on his chest. It would appear to rip his robing sending him to the ground. Seconds later, he would turn into smoke, revealing himself to be nothing more than a log with his white outer robe attached.

Moving finding a concealed spot hiding in bushes quite a distance away, Matsu would place Manderu on the ground and begin another jutsu. Putting his hand on the head of Manderu, he'd transform the small snake into a clone of himself looking it in the face and nodding to it. You know what to do buddy. He'd say as he watched the clone dart back out into the clearing. Matsu himself would move quickly and quietly to the clearing at the side where the cigarettes sat. Pulling one of the rocks he had concealed, he'd throw it, aiming for the carton of cigarettes. He wasn't best thrower, but he had found a nice angle to throw it from. As close as possible and best of all, it was in a blind spot that Mitsu wasn't directly looking at.

Running through hand seals once more, Matsu would transform into a rather small and camouflaged snake, which would allow him to carefully and sneakily make his move towards the cigarettes while the others were focused on Manderu. He wasn't given many jutsu to work with, however he'd planned out scenario's like this one plenty of times. He'd be an absolute idiot to try and go toe-to-toe with Mitsuo, even a clone of Mitsuo. So as long as he could stay where Mitsuo either couldn't hit him or couldn't find him, he was alright.

Slithering silently to a bush, he'd wait for his plan to work. Matsu was low on supplies and jutsu, so he was using the materials around to get the job done. He needed to knock the cigarettes over while his team mates distracted Mitsuo. All he needed to do was cause the cigarettes to topple. At that point, he'd simply grab it and slither away.

If this didn't work, he'd proceed to "Plan-B" which he had already planned ahead of time.


Chakra: 135/170:

Manderu's Chakra: 45/50:



Everything became a blur. Zoki charged ahead, following Aiza in an effort to get the cigarettes; he held an Odachi in hand, ready to strike. Just as they got near, Mitsuo reacted with lightning speed, stringing together multiple hand seals and creating a single clone before launching a fireball their way. Being the slow ninja that he was, Aiza couldn't really dodge it all too effectively. He noticed it and made a futile attempt to jump out of its path, but still felt the burn across his back. It singed furiously, and he fell over the log and doubled over on the ground in pain. After a moment, he rose back to his feet, and looked down to notice his nice vest all burnt with charred pieces of it falling off at random intervals. As for his body, a good portion of his back was a deep-red shade, and it hurt to even move in the slightest. Another effect of his clan; they were weak to fire-based jutsu...he wondered for a moment if Mitsuo had caught wind of this. He didn't have too much time to sit like a duck, though, and he tore off his vest and the shirt underneath, throwing them to the ground in a heap. He was left wearing only the tie around his neck, his pants, and sandals; the bare torso showcased his muscles rather exquisitely...he took pride in his body, aside from the unsightly burn wound on his back, of course. "Not bad, Mitsuo-sensei. Not bad at all."

Now there was the issue of the other Mitsuo, who was barreling toward both Aiza and Zoki with two swords. A head-on attack, finally something that Aiza could handle! He grinned widely and assumed a lowered defensive position, one arm out in front of him, down on his left knee. Just as Mitsuo crossed his path, he spun counterclockwise in a rising roundhouse kick, slamming his foot into the Katana that the man held and using his full force to push him away. Just by analyzing the hand signs Mitsuo had used, Aiza was already starting to get a basic grasp on Ninjutsu, in addition to what he'd learned in the Academy. The main thing he made mental note of was that the best opportunity to strike was when Mitsuo was making hand seals in preparation to use a jutsu. Thanks to the pushback, Aiza had a fair distance of a few feet between himself and Mitsuo (or his clone, he wasn't sure if it was really Mitsuo or not), so he jumped forward, his foot pointed outward and ready to hit Mitsuo square in the chest. If the kick made contact, he would be able to follow through with a combination attack from the air; otherwise, he could formulate another plan.


Learning Ninjutsu
Word Count: 1,500/1,500 - Complete

Training Ninjutsu D > C
Word Count: 51/1,500

Used Moves:



Racing behind his teammate, Aiza, Zoki hefted his somewhat heavy blade in his left hand, his heavy frame giving him the strength to carry his odachi easily. Keeping his eyes on his sensei, he watched his movements to see what he would do. 'A Jounin isn't going to try to kill us, he'll just knock us out or something. Though it's hard to knock someone out with a blade rather than chop off a limb."

“Guess that’s it then, class is in session.” Looking slightly away at something Zoki could not see, his sensei suddenly strung a quick sequence of hand signs. Seeing a poof, a small cloud of smoke appeared. topping from his charge, Zoki was confused when two copies of his teacher stood there. The clone, or what he thought was a clone as he hadn't witnessed it directly appear because of the smoke, flashed a tiger hand seal. Recognizing the sign as a common sign for Katon jutsu, he jumped into the air as a fireball shot from his lips. Breathing in and coating his throat in chakra, he blew it out to the side into a Fuuton jutsu. A gust of wind pushed Zoki back, jarring his head back as his hefty body followed. Now to the side of the fireball, Zoki landed on his back and rolled into a standing position.

Zoki looked at his teammates to find their condition. Aiza had obviously been nicked by the fire, by the look of his red back and mostly charred skin he must have gotten a good portion of the fire. His other teammate, Matsu, was nowhere to be seen, a log in place of where he remembered seeing him. 'You better have a plan, Matsu, if I'm covering this sensei for you. Suddenly, Matsu burst from the copse of trees surrounding the clearing. Looking to Aiza, he saw him locked in a close-combat battle with one Mitsuo. Fearing his teammate would be injured by the katana or tanto, he picked up the odachi that he had let go of because of the Stream jutsu. Running to the two, he left the other Sarutobi to Matsu.

Nearly reaching the clone, Zoki watched as Aiza pushed the clone back and jumped to kick him. 'Any old Bunshin won't be that good.' Wary, or rather afraid of what the clone will counterattack with, he held his blade to defend Aiza from a flashing tanto or stabbing katana.

Training Kenjutsu,

Jutsu used:



It didn’t take Mitsuo long to see something that irked him, not long at all in fact. He watched as his mostly harmless Wind Bullet attack slammed into one of his students, who had foolishly used a Substitution jutsu to get out of it. He couldn’t believe the idiocy of the move against a deadly opponent such as himself and he wouldn’t stand for it. He watched the boy approach him with an attack and noticed the rock heading towards his pack of smokes at the same time out of the corner of his eye once he had turned around after the substitution jutsu to scan the area. He blocked the stone with the blade of his Seijin no Ken and ran towards where it was, stringing together hand signs and creating a second clone of himself. The clone made its way towards the Matsu that was running towards him and attacked it, taking out the snakes weak transformation jutsu as the real Mitsuo made his way towards Matsu, who was hiding in the bushes. The boy wasn’t terrible, but there was a reason Mitsuo had progressed so quickly, he was smart.

When he went towards Matsu there was nothing the boy could do. He could have used the substitution to escape the potentially lethal situation before but he had wasted that opportunity now. Mitsuo wasn’t about to kill one of his students, but he wasn’t about to let his idiocy go unpunished. Mitsuo brought his weapon down, striking his student hard on the head with the pommel of the weapon and knocking him unconscious, dragging him out of the bushes and laying him on top of the log, his clone disappearing before it was able to further engage his other two students, who had so far actually shown a decent amount of teamwork ability. He shook his head and sheathed his weapons, sighing slightly.

“This one needs to learn a few more things before he’s ready to tackle this test again, you two however worked together fairly well. I’m sorry to call this so early but Matsu put himself into a position where I had to decide whether or not to press on and risk his life, and I choose not to. You two have shown me a lot of promise and that you are willing to work as a team, and that means everything to me. You two have passed my little test, so for now…” He smirked slightly, “Class dismissed!”

(2355/2000 Shadow Clones learned)



Matsu took a risky move in hiding but didn't go unnoticed by Mitsuo-sensei. He ended up caught by Mitsuo's swift hand, and struck with the blunt end of his sword hard in the head with a crack. The sound echoed through the training field and Matsu fell to the ground, unconscious. Mitsuo dragged him out from the dark, with an outwardly disappointed look. He left Matsu against the log, and turned to Zoki and Aiza, slowly beginning a lecture... “This one needs to learn a few more things before he’s ready to tackle this test again, you two however worked together fairly well. I’m sorry to call this so early but Matsu put himself into a position where I had to decide whether or not to press on and risk his life, and I choose not to. You two have shown me a lot of promise and that you are willing to work as a team, and that means everything to me. You two have passed my little test, so for now…class dismissed!"

Aiza had passed? That was a relief, although he hadn't done much in all honesty. He gave the Jounin a smile. "Perfect. I'll be going, then. See you around, Mitsuo-sensei." He didn't have much sympathy for Matsu being so careless in his hiding and rushed us of the substitution technique. If Mitsuo felt the need to punish the boy, he was sure that Matsu had deserved it for doing so. He himself yawned as he exited the forest and went off toward his home.

(Exit Thread)

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