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Mission Briefing :

Osamu arrived at his apartment late that night with a splitting headache. After a long day of training, Osamu couldn't wait to hit his bed. He pulled out his small key, unlocking the stucco covered door revealing his small and cluttered apartment. He approached his nightstand, tossing his rucksack and feathered trenchcoat into the corner next to a pile of dirty dishes, and turned on the small lamp upon his nightstand. Osamu took a deep sigh as he collapsed onto his bed,kicking off his geta sandals. He laid there for several minutes, his eyes half open as he slowly began to doze off. Suddenly, he noticed a small note ajar between his window seal. Perplexed, Osamu pulls the small paper from the window. Atop the envelope was a wax seal of the symbol of Suna. "These are the details of the mission we were assigned no doubt" Osamu thinks to himself. He removes the seal, and opens up the small letter.

"Osamu, Syekren, Mizuto, at attention! The three of you have been specially selected for this mission. Osamu shall lead. He's battled with Yuko before...nearly destroyed an entire apartment complex in the process. Additionally, Osamu's powers as a Shaman or witch ninja are similar in nature to Suzu's. The ways of their order and nature of their jutsu are unfamiliar to  us. There's an additional complication unfortunately. An enormous sandstorm is forecast to sweep over the reservoir. However the opportunity to gather intel from Yuko is one we cannot pass by. The storm is forecast to be extremely dangerous however. I trust that Mizuto and Shinoda will be able to protect the squad during the storm; it will require both your efforts. You are to report promptly to the city gates no later than dawn 4 days from now. Above all, ensure that you remain undetected throughout the entire rendezvous. Failure to do so could prove lethal. Also keep an eye on Jugo...a man who has nothing to lose can be extremely dangerous, even a man as pathetic as Jugo. You'll have 96 hours to complete this mission. Prepare yourselves shinobi!--Suna Administration"  

"Never a rest I see..." Osamu said silently to himself. At the bottom of the letter was a small character. Osamu placed his finger upon it. Sensing his chakra it instantly lit up in flames and was consumed, destroying any evidence of the letter's existence. Osamu took another deep breath before turning off the lamp, and immediately falling asleep.

The following morning Osamu was up bright and early. After a quick breakfast of bean cakes and fried tofu Osamu pulled back his hair, dressed himself in his grey and white long sleeved shirt, black pants and geta sandals, and set out upon the village, preparing for the mission ahead. Osamu packed food rations, sharpened kunai (hoping they wouldn't be needed) and the small amulet his sensai had left him. "We'll find that damned witch sensai... I swear it." Osamu said to himself. Osamu was anxious to discover the location of Suzu's compound. So many questions that needed answering. His previous battle with Yuko nearly cost him his life, and while his powers had grown considerably since their last encounter, in his heart he feared having such an encounter again.

As evening approached he set out to tallest building in Sungakure, gazing across the vast desert dunes as the moon lit up the night sky. There Osamu sketched the countryside in his sketch book as a soft desert wind blew through his hair. There Osamu sketched in quiet contemplation, preparing for what he feared could be a dangerous journey ahead...

Word Count: 618 (not including spoiler)

Last edited by Osamu on Sat Aug 24, 2013 4:15 pm; edited 2 times in total

Shinoda Syan

Shinoda Syan

Osamu, Shinoda, Mizuto, at attention! The three of you have been specially selected for this mission. Osamu shall lead. He's battled with Yuko before...nearly destroyed an entire apartment complex in the process. Additionally, Osamu's powers as a Shaman or witch ninja are similar in nature to Suzu's. The ways of their order and nature of their jutsu are unfamiliar to us. There's an additional complication unfortunately. An enormous sandstorm is forecast to sweep over the reservoir. However the opportunity to gather intel from Yuko is one we cannot pass by. The storm is forecast to be extremely dangerous however. I trust that Mizuto and Shinoda will be able to protect the squad during the storm; it will require both your efforts. You are to report promptly to the city gates no later than dawn 4 days from now. Above all, ensure that you remain undetected throughout the entire rendezvous. Failure to do so could prove lethal. Also keep an eye on Jugo...a man who has nothing to lose can be extremely dangerous, even a man as pathetic as Jugo. You'll have 96 hours to complete this mission. Prepare yourselves shinobi!--Suna Administration"

Syan hung upside down from the main northern gate, reading the mission statement. "Blah blah blah, dangerous criminal." His eyes continued to scan the paper his lips moving but no words slipping passed them. "Yada yada yada sand storm,...96 hours." He crumpled the paper in his hands and tossed it into the wind, before it moved to far away a small cloud of sand drifted passed it ripping it to shreds. "Sounds like a blast to me." Syan looked down towards the ground at a bull sized tiger. "I do not care boy, go on it alone." Syan sighed a little putting his hands to the side with a shrug. "You're no fun." He allowed his legs to go straight causing him to fall from the gate and land on the ground with a slight thud. "Fine stay here by yourself I will be back in a few days." The large tiger looked over slightly still laying in the shade of a building. "Try not to die boy." Syan smirked lifting an eye barrow walking into the village slowly. "Worried about me?" Kanox rolled his eyes closing the. "No, I told you, I a going to eat your body and I do no feel like tracking it down if you die on this mission." Syan tripped slightly at Kranox's words but put his hand in the air waving it. "Yeah yeah, I am am sorry if I cause you any trouble." He lowered his hand and put his hands into his pockets to head deeper into the village.

Syan was kicking a rock as he walked thinking of the mission he was about to take on. So far he has taken on a few missions since hes been back, but this one seemed to be the hardest one so far, the idiot old lucky Jack was nothing but this guy might be trouble, Syan smiled with excitement. Syan loved a challenge, nor did he ever back down from a fight, one reason why he seems to always get in trouble was for that very reason. He ran his hand through his hair stopping his movements, his head lifting slight, looking at the Kazekage building. he couldn't help but feel a connection to the history of the Kazekage, mostly because his family had many passed kazekages. He turned left and went toward the center of the village.

(599 word count)

Last edited by Shinoda Syan on Thu Aug 22, 2013 11:15 pm; edited 1 time in total



Putting his key in the door, Mizuto was intrigued to find a letter sealed with Suna's official stamp. Tossing his sweaty coat on the floor by the door, he switched on a light to light up his kitchen. Flipping around the letter, Mizuto took a seat at his table and put his gourd of sand on the table in front of him. Tearing the letter open revealed a simple piece of paper with a syombol at the bottom under a couple paragraphs. "Did I get assigned to a mission? Didn't think I was important enough for that stuff yet." Shrugging, he read the letter.

"Osamu, Shinoda, Mizuto, at attention! The three of you have been specially selected for this mission. Osamu shall lead. He's battled with Yuko before...nearly destroyed an entire apartment complex in the process. Additionally, Osamu's powers as a Shaman or witch ninja are similar in nature to Suzu's. The ways of their order and nature of their jutsu are unfamiliar to  us. There's an additional complication unfortunately. An enormous sandstorm is forecast to sweep over the reservoir. However the opportunity to gather intel from Yuko is one we cannot pass by. The storm is forecast to be extremely dangerous however. I trust that Mizuto and Shinoda will be able to protect the squad during the storm; it will require both your efforts. You are to report promptly to the city gates no later than dawn 4 days from now. Above all, ensure that you remain undetected throughout the entire rendezvous. Failure to do so could prove lethal. Also keep an eye on Jugo...a man who has nothing to lose can be extremely dangerous, even a man as pathetic as Jugo. You'll have 96 hours to complete this mission. Prepare yourselves shinobi!--Suna Administration"

Crumpling up the paper that held his mission details, Mizuto threw it over his shoulder and rested his head on the table. "Guess this is it, the work I was guaranteed as a ninja." Picking up his gourd off of the small, one man table he owned, he tossed by his couch and sank into the furniture. Not bothering to take his clothes off or find a pillow, he settled in for the night. Waking up, Mizuto took a quick shower to rid himself of the sweat and sand that had accumulated from the day before. Drying off and now in his training clothing, he grabbed a quick breakfast of bread and left his home. "Looks like it said I have to be at the gates, so I better go see if anyone else is there."

441 Words



It was dawn; the cool of the night was beginning to fade as the sun crept over the dunes of Sunagakure. Osamu was prepared for the mission ahead, black feathered cloak fastened to his chest, and the large crow scroll upon his back.

In the distance shortly ahead Osamu could see three figures, who he eventually made out to be Syan and Mizuto standing around the fat and stinking Jugo who was bound at the hands and feet.  

"Greeting Syan and Mizuto. My name is Osamu, and I'll be leading this mission. We've been placed under rather unusual circumstances. Jugo here has been selling Suna military secrets to the rogue ninja Yuko." Osamu said, gazing at  the bound Jugo. Jugo glared in contempt at the surrounding shinobi, his face contorted with anger.

"How much was exactly, 300 ryo? That's hardly seems worth it Jugo..."

Osamu gazed into the distant desert toward the reservation. On the horizon, a dense black fog was visible. The sand storm would sweep over the reservoir soon. They'd have to act quickly.

"We haven't got much time. We must escort Jugo to the Factory in the Reservoir, and as you already know we must remain unseen during the rendezvous...Yuko is a vicious Kunoichi. We've battled before. It ended with the destruction of my entire apartment complex and my  kidnapping...Regardless we must be careful. From the looks of it, this storm could prove to be an obstacle. I'll need both your talents."

Osamu ran his hands through his thick black hair and took a deep sigh, the amulets clinking together upon the back of his coat. "I trust you're ready shinobi. Jugo, to your feet! We'll set out immediately." Osamu pulled the fat man to his feet and began to proceed from the city gates into the desert wilderness.

Word Count: 302

Last edited by Osamu on Sat Aug 24, 2013 4:10 pm; edited 1 time in total

Shinoda Syan

Shinoda Syan

He stopped at a small food stand and grabbed a small bite to eat before twisting on his heel to head for the gates to the east. It didn't take more then a few minutes before reaching the gates his teeth ripping into the meat on the stick he had just obtained. After a few minutes of waiting her heard footsteps, and then someone calling his name. He a lazy turn of his head with the meat still in his mouth he looked towards Osamu. He nodded mostly because of his mouth being full of food. His eyes dropped to the traitor at question thoughts of his brother ran through his head but soon vanished when he got a strange feeling.

Syan looked out of the village seeing the dark cloud, a slight smile slipped over his lips taking another bite of food. He was a Sabaku, sand storms were their play grounds, their jutsus were unmatched while hidden with in the natural event known as a killer sand storm. There were stories of a single high ranking Sabaku clan member taking out dozens of enemy shinobi while consumed by the sand storm.  His gazing was cut when he heard the movement of the fat man he looked over to see they were about to leave, he had missed most of what the leader had said. With a large gulp he pointed the now slick meatless stick at Osamu. "You know, we are Sabaku." He sucked on his teeth slightly getting a chunk of meat from them. "We shouldn't run from it, we should use the sand storm. Come in with it at your backs, and then if need be fight inside it. Me and Mizuto can create gaps to move in.

Syan tossed his stick into the trash and smirk slightly as the mission started, he was excited, he knew they had to be as stealthy as possible, but a part of him hopped it went wrong, he wanted to fight, he wanted to get strong. His eyes looked at the approaching storm once again, he wanted to test his abilities in the storm, if they could not win with the desert helping them, then how could he call himself a Sabaku clan member. Syan followed behind the small ground, his arms crossed over his chest as he proceeded out of the village.

(Word count, 396)



Walking through the relatively deserted streets of Sunagakure, Mizuto was glad he left early. Feeling the bread he had ate left him parched, he purchased a flask of alcohol for a quick drink. Sipping his beverage as he navigated his way to the gates, he greeted the villagers kindly as they bid good mornings to the young Sabaku. Humming a tune, he finally arrived at the gates of the Sand village.

Finding he was the first to arrive, he sat down on a bench and drank. Waiting an hour for the sun to rise, he watched as a team of Jounin appeared from a shunshin. With them was a bound and gagged man that Mizuto could smell even over the strong odor of his alcohol. He assumed this fat, stinking man was Jugo, their prisoner. Walking to the Jounin, he held a light conversation with them as he awaited the rest of his team.

Shifting the sand gourd on his back, Mizuto watched as a man, a shinobi by his headband, arrived eating a stick of meat. Assuming this was one member of the team, he nodded at the man. Suddenly, he heard a man call out his name. Turning, the man introduced himself as Osamu, a Chuunin and the leader of the team. With the squad gathered, the Jounin dispersed as they relinquished custody to the Chuunin.

"We haven't got much time. We must escort Jugo to the Factory in the Reservoir, and as you already know we must remain unseen during the rendezvous...Yuko is a vicious Kunoichi. We've battled before. It ended with the destruction of my entire apartment complex and my kidnapping...Regardless we must be careful. From the looks of it, this storm could prove to be an obstacle. I'll need both your talents." Osamu addressed his team about the mission. Snapping a salute to his superior, they set off on the mission.



Osamu had been walking with his fellow shinobi for 13 hours as the sun began to set on the desert horizon. "Slow down...please...can't we take a break?!" Jugo said, gasping for breath and nearly collapsing on the ground from exhaustion. "We've been walking slowly the whole time Jugo..." Osamu pulled a large leather bota bag filled with water from the back of the camel they'd been loaned for the mission. "Have a drink Jugo, but be sparring. This is all the water we've got until we reach the reservoir." Jugo took the large bag and began to guzzle desperately.  "All right...all right that's enough Jugo!" Osamu said pulling the bag from the man's fat sausage like fingers. Osamu took a drink of the refreshing water. It was warm, but greatly appreciated.

He tossed the bag over to Syan and Mizuto before looking into the horizon. The sandstorm was at their doorstep and Osamu knew they would have to react quickly. He pulled a black sash over his face to guard against incoming sand, and pulled his hair back into a pony tail.  "The time has arrived Sabaku. I need both of you to shield us from the storm until we can find a suitable shelter for the night. Listen carefully. I'm not going to lie to you Genin, this mission will be unlike any you've likely undertaken before. I've never seen anything like this will be swift, cutting, and is projected to last for days; do not underestimate its strength. We're roughly 2 miles from the canyon, we should be able to find shelter there for the night. I have faith in you Shinobi; escort us to the canyons safely. Prepare yourselves!" Osamu exclaimed as the wind began to whip through his hair. The camel began to moan as the supplies rattled upon its back, barely holding on against the furious force of the oncoming wind. A deep humming roar grew louder and louder as the enormous cloud approached the shinobi.



The shinboi tame made their way through the treacherous storm to the reservoir. Night had fallen, and moonlight from the full moon lit up the desert valley. Osamu approached the abandoned factory, stealthily leading Jugo  up the stairs towards the arranged meeting spot. "She'll be here shortly. I warn you Jugo, no tricks or I won't hesitate to kill you here and now." The old factory was dilapidated, rusty pieces of scrap metal and broken glass scattered upon the metal floor floor. Osamu un-cuffed the smelly man, before fading into the shadows behind a collection of beams. Jugo looked around hesitantly in anticipation.

Ten minutes passed before Osamu heard a thump upon the split tin ceiling above them. A sharp metal katana split through the metal roof. The blade plied the ceiling open with ease, as a slender, and stunningly beautiful female figure clad in red with long lack hair descended to the ground. Osamu recognized the woman at once. It was without a doubt the kunoichi Yuko he had encountered previously. Osamu's eyes filled with determination as he clenched his fists, keeping a watchful eye on Jugo as the woman approached him. "You're late..." Jugo mumbled. The woman did not recognize his remark. "Can it fat man. Do you have the documents or not?" Jugo pulled out the series of forged letters and presented it to Yuko. She carefully took the letters, sorting through them one by one. Suddenly, as she fumbled through one particular note, a look of surprise stretched across her face. She made eye contact with Jugo, and began laughing. She suddenly pulled her blade from its sheathe, and pointed it directly at Osamu. Had me been found out? He wondered to himself. She placed her hands together forming to weave a sign as the blade began to vibrate. Then with a sudden thrust of her blade, two large sharp vibrating blades sprung forth, slicing the beams in half causing the ceiling to cave in. Jugo wobbled into the darkness. Osamu tumbled upon the ground, rolling to the other end of the room dodging the kunoichi's attack. He looked upon a small note that Jugo had dropped upon the ground. "I'M PRISONER. I'VE BEEN FOLLOWED." "Jugo!" Osamu screamed with rage. He flipped backwards and wove a quick sign. With a flash of green light and smoke, he transformed into the demonic hex doll as he landed upon ground spawning a murderous storm of ghost crows. The ghost crows sped towards Yuko. She dodged nearly all of them with her nimble and cat like movements, only a single crow barely slicing her side, and another cutting off a large lock of hair. Yuko looked at Osamu with shock, as smile grew across his glowing green mouth.
Lesser Hex Doll :

"You've grown in skill ninja I'll give you that. But I've got a few new tricks up my sleeve as well shinobi!" She wove another sign. Her body itself began to vibrate. "Behold the death lotus witch-ninja. I'll finish this here and now. Yuko launched herself into the air, spinning furiously her blade in hand, spiraling towards Osamu. Osamu wove a quick sign, condensing wind charkra into a tight shell around his body, moments before it was destroyed by the impact of the kunoichi's vicious attack. A massive gust of wind erupted in all directions as the shell shattered, the force of the impact causing a large section of the hole ridden tin roof to rip off entirely, knocking both Yuko and Osamu off their feet.
Cyclone Shell:

Yuko responded quickly, pulling out a large umbrella covered in Sebon. She wove a sign before thrusting it upwards with tremendous force, drawing two wire strings from behind it as it launched into the air. She then let out a lout scream before activating the device, yanking the wire strings causing the the umbrella to spin rapidly. Sebon flew in all directions. Osamu bobbed and weaved his way through the sebon but he was not fast enough to dodge all of them. Six needles, 3 in his left leg an 3 in his right arm and shoulder. Osamu let out a scream of agony as he drew the needles from his flesh. He wove a few quick signs, spawning ghost twine and attaching it to the ghost crows which had spawned once the Hex Doll activated once more.
Ghost Twine:

The twin crows darted towards the kunoichi, swirling around her feet and entangling them. Osamu grabbed the ghost twine and pulled it tight, slicing Yuko's skin as he fastened it tightly. After weaving several signs, he began to amass chakra, the density ever increasing as he formed the Demon Skull. A deep vibrating humming filled the air, before Osamu launched the glowing white projectile in Yuko's direction. It split through the air before crashing into Yuko's chest, creating two six inch wounds. The woman screamed in agony, obviously surprised that she'd been bested by the witch ninja. She fell to the floor as her vision began to fade, a puddle of blood pooling from under her.

Osamu looked at is wounds, he was losing blood. He tore off a piece of is shirt, wrapping the wound to stop the bleeding. He approached the fallen kunoichi. He searched through her belongings before finding a small golden seal. He fumbled it through his fingers, before coming across a small note tucked away under a small slit. He pulled it out and opened it, revealing a map with  instructions he was unable to decipher. He picked up the note, and made his way from the factory. He untied the camel and lumped is wounded body onto its back, making his way back to Sunagakure to deliver the note to the administration.

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