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1Hanako! Where art thou!? </3 Empty Hanako! Where art thou!? </3 Wed Sep 04, 2013 11:23 am



The booming roar of thunderclaps and the violent flashes of the lightning strikes that illuminated the area as they fell down from the heavens unnerved Bokuden. This area… the Thunder Temple, home to the Tsukino clan was an ominous place. Even the description of the area which etched into an old stone slab before the entrance was enough to put even an elite shinobi on alert: The temple complex itself appears to be nothing more than a large outcropping of rocks near the far edge of the Thunder Grounds. If you were to approach the area you would notice the presence of numerous Tsukino clansmen, as they are the caretakers and sole residence of the temple. The area itself is extremely dangerous to the uninformed outsider; as the rocks draw massive amounts of lightning strikes from the center of the grounds, and as such the entire area is highly electrified. Hardly a cheerful depiction of the Thunder Temple, but probably a fitting one.  The inherent danger that accompanied simply being in the area due to the lightning strikes was enough to deter most people. It was for that very reason that Bokuden refused to bring Satomi along on this mission; it would be dangerous to attempt to complete whatever this mission entailed while trying to keep her alive. Due to his sensory ability he was sure that he could avoid the lightning strikes… but trying to do so while covering for an ally? That would have been a problem.

“How many would this make it now?” Bokuden thought to himself as he removed piece of paper from his coat’s left breast pocket, carefully unfolding it as he turned his gaze down to peer once more over his assignment. He had been briefed fully in person on the details so the formal missive for this assignment was quite brief, it read: Hanako, a Chunnin of Kumogakure has gone missing and was last seen at the Thunder Temple. Investigate the area and try to find her. Bring her back to Kumogakure. This would hardly be the first instance of a careless amateur meeting their end at the Thunder Temple or Thundergrounds. Many a charred corpse of a former villager or young shinobi has been found by the Tsukino clansmen during their rounds about the area and Bokuden fully expected this assignment to be just another one of those cases. It was curious that this Hanako had not been found yet by a Tsukino clansmen, but if this person was foolish enough to be wandering about the Thunder Temple without a guide or the skill to survive then who was to say that she didn’t wander off to some secluded area thinking it would be “fun” and end up missing.

“What a bother,” he thought to himself as he made his way to the Thunder Temple itself to meet with its Tsukino inhabitants. If one wanted to know any information about this area at all or the people who wandered through it, the Tuskino were the first ones to ask. As he marched on Bokuden couldn’t help but tense up at the flash of each lightning strike that crashed into rock outcroppings. If even a single one of them was to catch him off guard… no, that was enough of that. No more of that silly childish fear. That story of the piles of Ryuzoji bodies that were left out to die in this place because they slacked on their training was just a story told by parents to their children to scare them, right? As long as he stayed focused and remained alert he should be fine.  

Word Count: 608/3000

2Hanako! Where art thou!? </3 Empty Re: Hanako! Where art thou!? </3 Fri Sep 06, 2013 1:20 pm



Bokuden approached the temple, the large and foreboding relic that has, with its inhabitants, long stood vigilant on the outskirts of the village preserving what little remained of a time long since forgotten by the masses. Why exactly the Tsukino chose to entomb themselves in this isolated stone mausoleum, by his own admission, was not a subject he was thoroughly educated in, nor was it one he had any particular interest in learning more about. It was more likely than not a long and embellished tale which glorifies the Tsukino clan and sings praise of their work and self-sacrifice which results in them being secluded. He was probably being a bit unfair with his assumptions about the clan, but in his experience, especially while living with the pompous and arrogant air that surrounds the Ryuzoji clan, most clans were guilty of that practice. One such as the Tsukino clan which devotes itself to maintaining the Thunder Temple in particular would likely be even more likely to tell the story of their family with unnecessary tales of grandeur. “Everyone thinks that they’re special,” Bokuden mumbled sarcastically as he arrived at the temple’s steps.

At the top of the steps stood a robed man with long black hair, his arms tucked into his oversized sleeves. From his hardened features and the beginnings of what looked to be wrinkles taking form on his forehead and laugh lines it would be reasonable to assume that this man was middle-aged, likely in his mid to late thirties and given the embroidery and overall ornate appearance of the robes that he was clothed in it was probably fair to assume he was a relatively. The harsh glare that he was throwing in Bokuden’s direction didn’t exactly make him feel welcome either, but when you live in such close proximity to the Thunder Grounds it would make sense to be in a perpetually bad mood. This place was dreadful. “You have arrived at the Thunder Temple, home of the Tsukino clan,” the man proclaimed in a very authoritative voice, much to Bokuden’s annoyance, “What business do you have here? My name is-.”

“Stop,” Bokuden interjected while shaking his head in disapproval, “I neither want nor need your name, I’m here on business involving Kumogakure. It seems one of ours has gone missing and I’ve been tasked with investigating the disappearance.” His tone as he spoke to the man atop the temple stairs was as unwavering and frigid as his gaze. It was clear from the beginning that neither Bokuden nor the unnamed man standing watch over the temple liked or trusted one another.

Their eyes narrowed as they stared each other down before the robed man spoke, “And why exactly would that bring you to my temple?”

“You’re temple?” Bokuden returned inquisitively, “The kunoichi I’m looking for was last seen wandering around the area surrounding the Thunder Temple.  Considering that the Tuskino clansmen that inhabit this temple are the only ones who survey the area with any frequency it should not have gone unnoticed for an outsider to enter your domain. The Tsukino are the lead that is closest to the incident and so I’d like to conduct an investigation within your temple.”

Word Count: 1156/3000

3Hanako! Where art thou!? </3 Empty Re: Hanako! Where art thou!? </3 Sat Sep 07, 2013 1:24 am



Autobots ROLL OUT!

4Hanako! Where art thou!? </3 Empty Re: Hanako! Where art thou!? </3 Sat Sep 07, 2013 1:24 am

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Hanako! Where art thou!? </3 Failur10

5Hanako! Where art thou!? </3 Empty Re: Hanako! Where art thou!? </3 Tue Sep 17, 2013 5:25 pm



“How dare you?” the man retorted scornfully, narrowing his eyes as he glared down at Bokuden from atop the steps, “The Tsukino temple is not a public park for you to just wander around as you please. This clan may be affiliated with Kumogakure, but do not for a second make the mistake of believing that we are subservient to your kage. You don’t allow us to live as we do, we choose to maintain this alliance. Who do you think you are coming to my home and making demands? The Tsukino operate as a separate entity from your village. That is how it is and has always been. Or does your Raikage no longer honor centuries old alliances that have preserved peace between neighbors for generations?”

“Now, now,” Bokuden replied slyly with an almost mocking grin, “No need to get sensitive old man. I didn’t demand anything. It was merely a friendly request amongst neighbors. Surely such an ancient ally of the village would understand that we are conducting this investigation out of necessity, not malice or distrust of our old friends. This is simply doing our due diligence. Surely the esteemed Tsukino clan would have nothing to do with the incident and therefore nothing to hide, no?”

The irritation on the older Tsukino’s face became visible as he wore a furious grimace, prompted by the snarky and arrogant tone of this visitor from the village. “I don’t think I like your tone, boy,” he growled angrily as he took a single step forward with his left foot and clenched his fists, “You should be more cognizant of to whom you are speaking. This isn’t your run down kage’s office or some other shinobi slum where etiquette has degenerated so far that foot soldiers like yourself have lost all sense of respect for your superiors. However, I am a graceful and merciful man. Turn back and slither back into the hole from whence you came and I shall overlook this egregious insult. I suggest you go quickly, boy, even my mercy has its limits.”

Bokuden let out an amused huff as he glared back at the man with a smug grin, “Is that so?” Placing his left hand on the handle of his chokuto Bokuden took a few steps forward, resting his right foot on the first step of the temple’s stairs.  “My tone was not meant to be offensive. If you took it that way then it is truly unfortunate as I have no intention of apologizing for it, nor will I be leaving without conducting my investigation,” he said calmly, locking his gaze in at the abrasive old man, “And it seems to me as if you are the one who is not aware of whom you are speaking to. It seems that you are forgetting that the shinobi of Kumogakure are the ones that allow the Tsukino Clan to operate out here independently. You should be more grateful seeing as how without people like me your clan would have been buried long ago. You’re right, this isn’t the raikage’s office or a place I frequent. The outdated decorum and shoddy architecture are surefire proof of that. Now listen old man, the fact that some insolent recluse believes himself to be my superior is beyond preposterous and I would suggest you change your attitude quickly. Maybe if you get down on your hands and knees and beg me for forgiveness I’ll overlook this egregious insult. I suggest you get to it quickly old man, even my mercy has its limits.”

Word Count: 1760/3000

6Hanako! Where art thou!? </3 Empty Re: Hanako! Where art thou!? </3 Tue Sep 17, 2013 11:51 pm



“You... you dare speak to me in such a manner?!?” the man said as he revealed a kunai hidden in his sleeve, taking a single step towards the descending steps to charge at Bokuden, “You would come to my temple and be so bold, you impetuous fool? You shall be punished for your arrogance!” Unconcerned, Bokuden simply clicked open his sword from its sheathe and prepared to counter the Tsukino clansmen’s approach, narrowing his eyes at each subtle movement he made. Just before the two could charge forward to clash however, the Tsukino was stopped, his robes being tugged on by a small elderly man, barely waist high to him.

“What do you think you are doing Oda?” the old man said calmly as he showed surprising strength, lifting and throwing the armed Tsukino off to the side, “Is this the way you treat guests in our home? Do you wish us to be noted as brutish savages?” Oda rolled through his fall as he recovered from the throw, raising his head to glare scornfully at the elderly man who interfered with his fight. “Oh, don’t give me that look,” the old man said, seemingly knowing what expression was on Oda’s face despite looking down the stairs at Bokuden, “This is not the first time I’ve needed to reign you in after you overstep your authority. Now head inside the temple, I’ll handle things here.”

Bokuden raised an eyebrow, unsure of what to make of the situation as Oda grunted angrily and stormed back inside the Thunder Temple. “What the hell is going on with these people?” he thought to himself as he stepped back from the stairs, unsure of what to think of this new face. “I suppose I should thank you, but I’m afraid I don’t even know who you are,” Bokuden spoke politely despite never removing his hand from his sword, “I am Ryuzoji Bokuden, here on assignment on orders of the kage’s office of Kumogakure. A kunoichi from the village has disappeared and her last known whereabouts were in the grounds surrounding the Thunder Temple. With the Tsukino clan being the only inhabitants of the area I need to ask around to see when, if at all, she was sighted last. As you saw firsthand, your friend was cool on the idea, but unfortunately I have to insist. We can’t just let disappearances within our own village go uninvestigated. So if it is all the same to you, I’d like to go and conduct the business I need to conduct and after that I will be out of your temple and out of your lives.”

“No need to be so formal,” the old man said as he hopped down the large stone stairs, step by step, until reaching ground level and standing before Bokuden, “Of course you are welcome to conduct your investigation… provided you aren’t too invasive of course. The Tsukino are happy to aid Kumogakure in whichever way we can in this endeavor. Oh, but where are my manners? My name is Tsukino Kaigu, elder keeper of the Thunder Temple. I apologize for the actions of Oda before. His ambitions are somewhat questionable and he can be a bit overzealous, but he is an influential member of the Tsukino clan, so I’m not always able to reign him in as I would like. Never mind that though, please come inside so that we can discuss the matter of your missing comrade further. If I know more about the situation I may be able to better point you in the right direction of where you might want to look.”

Word Count: 2376/3000

7Hanako! Where art thou!? </3 Empty Re: Hanako! Where art thou!? </3 Mon Sep 30, 2013 8:27 am



Bokuden narrowed his eyes at the elderly man’s invitation, making no attempt to hide the look of suspicion on his face. “Is this old man serious?” Bokuden mused to himself as he mulled over the idea of following the elderly man into the Tsukino temple, “Does he really think that I am going to be so trusting of him right off the bat? He literally just came out of the temple a couple of minutes ago," and despite the fact that he did just remove the hostile man from the situation Bokuden couldn’t help but feel wary of a clan that would be so eager to attack him right at their doorstep. For all he knew this could have been a trap, one meant to lure him inside the temple where he would be closed off from an escape route and overwhelmingly outnumbered. Even with that distinct possibility Bokuden nodded his head to the man silently, accepting his invitation, and began scaling the large stone steps up to the entrance of the temple. Years of shinobi training had made Bokuden largely distrusting and as a result he would have much preferred that they held the meeting out in the open, but unfortunately, given the absolute absence of any kind of clues or leads other than this temple in the missing person’s case, he had little choice to comply. Besides, if anything were to happen he would always have the new jutsu that he had developed to fall back on. “An enclosed space with a large number of enemies blissfully unaware of what they are about to run into?” he thought to himself eagerly as he imagined the perfect scenario in which to use his newly developed trump card, “Maybe following him isn’t as risky as I thought it would be.”

As Bokuden continued his ascent up the enormous stone staircase he could not help but notice how truly tiny the man he was approaching was. He had looked small next to that Oda person, but from the bottom of the stairs looking up their sizes were skewed a bit. Upon climbing the last step and arriving on the platform which the two Tsukino were previously standing the disparity in size between he and this old man was even more pronounced, not that it mattered. Only an amateur or a fool would discount a person’s strength, especially a shinobi’s strength, due to their size or any part of their appearance. If anything the old and the small were the ones who were the most deceptively strong, a feat Bokuden could attest to with this man the way he threw around his subordinate like a ragdoll. Both he and the older gentleman exchanged silent nods of agreement before the elder Tsukino led the way through the temple entrance with Bokuden pacing him cautiously, maintaining a few steps’ distance the entirety of the time. “I’m glad that you accepted my invitation to come inside and meet with me,” the old man said joyfully as he continued on his path, “If you require anything please feel free to ask. Our hospitality is the least we can offer you after that shameful and barbaric display that Oda met you with earlier. He will be disciplined later, I assure you. We barely get any guests to our temple anymore as it is and with what I just witnessed it isn’t difficult to see why. Tell me young man, has the reputation of the Tsukino clan so withered in Kumogakure?”

“Oh no, not at all,” Bokuden answered as he continued through the temple halls, “It is more of the case that no one in the village ever sees the Tsukino clan due to your choice to live all the way out here. And since no one sees you and no one ventures into the Thunder Grounds doe a leisurely stroll there is likely a lot of mystery surrounding your clan. What people don’t understand they fear, and so they are unlikely to take trips out here to see for themselves. Then there is the issue of being attacked on your doorstep while trying to conduct official business, one of the few times people voluntarily come out to this place.”

Mission Complete: 3000/3000

Training: 87/2500

8Hanako! Where art thou!? </3 Empty Re: Hanako! Where art thou!? </3 Tue Oct 01, 2013 1:05 pm



“I see,” the old man replied solemnly before perking up and turning his head over to offer Bokuden a smile, “You don’t have to worry about making your words sound kind young man. I have been alive long enough to see the ups and downs of this world and know that things change in time. There was once a point where the Tsukino were highly respected and seen as a valuable ally to Kumogakure, but our seclusion to this temple and refusal to involve ourselves in the affairs of the village have isolated us. We did this to ourselves and you have every right to be suspicious of us who have made no effort to rekindle our alliance or rebuild our ties to your village, but I assure you that we had nothing to do with the girl whom you are seeking.” The old man then took a hard right and walked straight up to a set of large wooden doors, pushing them open and inviting Bokuden in, “My office. Please come in and I’ll answer any questions you may have.”

Although he didn’t believe the old man had any malicious intent it was still in Bokuden’s nature to be overly cautious, so he did not immediately enter the office at the elderly Tsukino’s request, instead insisting that he go first. The old man probably knew that this was a precautionary response and not simply a refusal of his hospitable gesture and proceeded in at Bokuden’s request, Bokuden following a few paces behind. The room was surprisingly well lit for being in the corner of an old, run down temple out in the boondocks, much to Bokuden’s delight. The illuminated area was much easier for him to scan for traps or anything of the sort. The coast seemed clear of any potential hazards and with his Current Perception Bokuden was able to make sure that there were no unexpected guests waiting to greet him once he got settled in. So all that was left was for the two men to take their seats and get down to business.

“Before we start discussing anything serious, there is one thing that we need to get out of the way,” the elder Tsukino said immediately upon sitting down, causing Bokuden to raise an eyebrow in response, “My name is Tsukino, Jiro. It is a pleasure to meet you Mr….?”

“Oh, an introduction, that’s what it was?” Bokuden mused to himself before replying, “Bokuden.” His answer was abrupt and to the point, wanting neither to make small talk nor give this Tsukino, Jiro any unnecessary information about himself. As far as Bokuden was concerned he was still on official business, and despite the man’s hospitality he was not here to make friends.

“Just Bokuden?” Jiro responded inquisitively, tilting his head to the sideslightly, “No surname?”

“No, no surname,” Bokuden wasted no time in responding, “I’m sorry that I need to be so abrupt, but we are dealing with a missing person’s case. Every moment we sit here making small talk is a moment that she could be slipping away from being found forever. So if it’s all the same with you, I’d like to get to business. This girl Hanako, dark skin, long braided hair, have you heard anything about her from the your clansmen who keep the area?”

Mission Completion: 3000/3000

Training: 655/2500

9Hanako! Where art thou!? </3 Empty Re: Hanako! Where art thou!? </3 Wed Oct 02, 2013 3:01 pm



“Oh no, it’s quite alright Bokuden-dono,” the elderly Jiro answered, a tinge of disappointment audible in his voice, “You’re absolutely right. You are here on assignment and it is a mission of dire importance. I apologize for my foolishness in trying to waste your time with small talk. It’s just that we don’t get many visitors out here in the Tsukino Temple and the ones we do get are often crooks or outlaws looking for a place to hide. We’ve been burned more than once for our hospitality by strangers coming to our steps and claiming they have good intentions, so you’ll have to forgive some of our clansmen like Oda who have grown distrusting of outsiders. I’m sure the sentiment is shared with many citizens of Kumogakure as well. For some years now we of the Tsukino clan have been just that, outsiders. It isn’t difficult to see where misunderstandings might occur, don’t you agree?”

“Is this old man serious?” Bokuden lamented in his mind as the old man continued to babble on about things that bore no relevance to what he had just asked about. “You’re doing it again,” Bokuden said coldly as he adjusted himself in his chair, sitting at the edge as if to tell Jiro he was prepared to leave if he did not get the information he was looking for immediately, “As unfortunate as your situation with the village and trust issues is, it has absolutely nothing to do with my mission and frankly, you’re just wasting my time. If you wish to reestablish the Tsukino clan’s relationship I certainly could put in a good word for you back at the administration building, but you will have to take care of that on your own time. I want an answer to what I asked you and if you are unwilling or unable to provide me with one then I am accomplishing nothing with this conversation and will be leaving.”

“I’m so sorry Bokuden-dono,” Jiro said frantically as he continued in an apologetic tone, “It’s just that this kind of opportunity doesn’t come up very often, you see. It would mean so much to me if you were to help me get back in contact with someone at the-“

Tired of Jiro’s endless stream of irrelevant musings that he insisted on throwing upon him, Bokuden rolled his eyes and raised himself from his seat, exhaling violently through his nose. “Good day, Jiro-dono,” Bokuden said, clearly irritated as he adjusted his coat and turned to the door, about to leave the temple entirely.

“No, wait!” Jiro called out, “I’ll tell you what you want to know. Just forgive the ramblings of a senile old man.”

Bokuden threw a sideways glance his way, inspecting the visage of the elderly Tsukino for signs of his sincerity. Despite his doubts that the old man would be able to stay on track long enough to tell him what he wanted to know Bokuden returned to his seat to face Jiro, “Speak.”

Training: 1176/2500

10Hanako! Where art thou!? </3 Empty Re: Hanako! Where art thou!? </3 Thu Oct 03, 2013 1:48 pm



Jiro rested his elbows on his desk as he laced his fingers together and looked down at the table before speaking, “The description of the girl that you gave… there was a person reported by some clansmen who were doing their normal rounds in the area that matched that description.” He fell silent for a moment as he turned his gaze upward, locking eyes with Bokuden, “However, she has not been seen again since that first incident… There is no way out of the area in to the Northeastern section which she was seen in that a clansmen would not have taken note of her departure.”

“So what you’re telling me is that she is still here somewhere?” Bokuden inquired abruptly, his cold and expressionless face and voice emphasizing his insistence on this being about business. There was rarely room for interpretation or emotion in the dealings of shinobi. “So if I go to the area Northeast of here I should be able to find her?” he continued, intent on wringing as much information out of the old man that he could before he reverted back to his blabbering ways, “You’re sure that there is no way she could have gotten past your watch? What lies to the Northeast of here? Caves or something of that nature that could provide cover and shelter? Was she alone? What was she doing?”

“One question at a time Bokuden-dono,” Jiro pleaded, waving his hands in the air as if to signal Bokuden to stop, “Give me a chance to answer you before you ask me more questions. Ahem.  As far as what she was doing… I couldn’t say. People pass through from time to time, but we tend not to get involved unless they pose a potential threat. From what my subordinates have reported her behavior was a bit suspicious, but not inherently incriminating, so we left her alone figuring she would just leave on her own. Where she was headed was apparently the rock formations to the Northeast of here. Yes, riddled with caves that could potentially serve as hiding spots for anyone who needed one. Once again, we tend not to go in that direction. We see no reason to get involved in things that don’t involve us. It is how we have survived as a clan for this long. But yes, we are sure that there is nothing beyond there of any note and the lightning strikes beyond that border grow only more violent and more unpredictable. If she was to make it out of there alive she would have that to come back this way.” There was another moment of pause before Jiro continues again, “… there is something that you should know before you go venturing out there in search of this Hanako. Shortly after she was reported to have passed through, two unidentifiable men went in the same direction, neither of them have come back through either.”

“And these two had no means of identifying themselves at all?” Bokuden inquired, soaking up all the intel he could before he headed out, “No forehead protectors, flak jackets or anything?” Jiro simply shook his head to which Bokuden replied by silently raising himself from his chair and turning towards the door. “Thank you Jiro-sama,” Bokuden said, turning his head over his shoulder slightly to address the elder Tsukino, “You’ve been a great help. Reach out to the village if you are still interested in rekindling that old alliance. I’ll be sure to inform administration of your assistance in this matter upon my return.” Before Jiro could so much as say a word in response Bokuden had already disappeared in a puff of smoke due to his body flicker and was gone.

Training: 1805

11Hanako! Where art thou!? </3 Empty Re: Hanako! Where art thou!? </3 Fri Oct 04, 2013 6:39 pm



“This place does not get any less foreboding no matter how much time you spend here,” Bokuden thought to himself as he scanned the area, lightning strikes coming down in the near distance, “I don’t suppose this place would have a directory, huh?” Bokuden exhaled a breathe of irritation as he took note of the surrounding area. This is where Jiro had told him to go and he was absolutely right, Bokuden was definitely going to find a cave here… although he didn’t expect there to be dozens of caves in the large rock formation. “What an inconvenience,” he lamented as he stood at one of the black holes that were the openings into the mountain’s cavernous interior, “Let’s see if I can’t find anything before I go in and do this the hard way.”

Bokuden would then clap his hands together as if in prayer and began molding chakra within his body and circulating it throughout, using it to enhance his kekkei genkai. This was by far his most infrequently used variation of Current Perception as although it has the greatest range of all of his clan jutsu by leaps and bounds, it also comes with the most limitations. His hands are essentially unusable as he maintains the jutsu and the intense concentration it requires makes fighting back against any incoming threats nearly impossible. It is a wonderful tracking and recon tool, but is completely impractical in actual combat. Even so, it might have been just what he needed in this situation as his “vision” extended for 500m in every direction.
“Got you,” he affirmed in silence as he picked up the electrical signals of two people not far into the cave, “But… only two?” This was a problem. There should have been three people in these caves, at least going off of what Jiro said. These two people that Bokuden was sensing, were they the two men Jiro was telling him about? Where the hell was Hanako? Without another word Bokuden memorized their stationary location and released his jutsu, gripping his weapon as he made his way into the cave, “I’ll just have to find out the answers for myself.”

After a few minutes of walking Bokuden came upon the makeshift campsite where the two men were hiding out, his footsteps echoing throughout the cave as he made no effort to conceal his approach, “Where’s the girl?”

“You don’t know what kind of a mistake you made coming here, boy,” the older of the two men said gruffly.

“Wrong answer,” Bokuden interjected, “The kunoichi from Kumogakure who was around these mountains a couple of days ago just as you arrived, where is she? Tell me what I want to know and I might consider giving you a proper burial.”

With a haughty smirk the man pointed over to a corner of the chamber, towards a sheet which seemed to be covering the shape of a human body… with a Kumogakure forehead protector torn up beside it. Just from looking the size, and shape of the covered body all lent themselves to Hanako’s description. “If you are lying to me, I suggest you come clean now while you still draw breathe on this earth,” Bokuden said as he began walking towards the taller of the two men, the younger looking one standing off all the way on the other side of the chamber, weapon drawn and glaring intently at Bokuden.

“You think I’m lying?” he said as he motioned with his hand towards the covered body once more, “Uncover it!” Immediately the second of the two men scurried over to the covered corpse and pulled the sheet off, revealing what was without a doubt the corpse of Hanako. “If you want a turn with her too I’m sure we can come up with a price.”

Bokuden did not bother responding to the disgusting comment and instead dashed forward at max speed to appear directly in front of the man, narrowing his eyes as stared him down, “…disappear.” Suddenly, the tents surrounding them caught ablaze as Bokuden activated the jutsu he had been perfecting: Six-Wings Welcoming approach. It was his ultimate jutsu and it was the end of the line for the two men before him. Grabbing onto his arm to prevent the man from escaping Bokuden watched as the man died instantly, his flesh charred beyond recovery as his brain likely exploded from the heat. Only a moment passed before that charred body returned to the nothingness from whence it came and Bokuden turned his sights to the second man.

“No, please,” he said fearfully as he began to sweat profusely, his skin becoming a deeper shade of red with each passing moment as the heat overwhelmed him, “I was just following order! I surrender!”

“No,” Bokuden said bluntly as he deactivated his jutsu and instead activated his Vajra, closing the gap between them and cleaving the man in two, not so much as a hint of hesitation as the man tried to raise his weapon to block.

Glancing down coldly at the corpse of the kunoichi on the floor beside him Bokuden would reach down and throw her over his shoulders, “Let’s get you home.”

Six-Wings Trained: 2500/2500

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