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1Nijino Empty Nijino Sun Sep 15, 2013 4:48 pm

Uchiha Oshiki

Uchiha Oshiki

Nijino 1224961448133024651Japanese_Map_symbol_(Lighthouse)

Clan: Nijino

Kekkei Genkai: Migakiton (磨き~ Rainbow Release)

Elements: Water (Suiton), Fire (Katon)

Specialization: Ninjutsu

Location: Kirigakure

Clan History: The Nijino progenitor is said to be an orphan child, someone who lost his parents in the time before villages, when the world was still alight with the flames of anguish and the drums of war still called through the air. He supposedly ran, he ran so far away, that he wound up in what would later come to be called the Land of Iron. There, he was found by a soldier, but not a soldier in the great wars. No, he was a Ronin, the Ronin that would later be come the Alpha. He led the boy, first as a prisoner that he intended to sell as a slave, then as a student that he wanted to train further in the arts of warfare, and finally as a son, leading to the creation of the three pillars of light: Shigoto - Each man in the Nijino clan must work for the village, protecting what was forged by his forerunners. Benkyō - Each man must study and work to be smarter and stronger, for there is no sense in power without wit, and there is no protection in wit without power. Finally, Ai - No Nijino member must let himself hate, not even his enemies. Love is the only way to protect peace, so love must be spread. Don't tolerate hatred, and kill only those who would take more out of the pool of life than you would by removing him.

And so the Alpha and the Beta continued to live their lives, until the Beta finally managed to control his chakra perfectly. His pure emotional state and honed heart allowed him to manifest light energy, a sign that he was blessing the world with his presence. Even when the Alpha and the Beta died, the Gamma continued shaping the world, the family forming into divisions. They were the light of the world, and the light made a rainbow, so they had to become principle parts to truly shine all the brighter. And so, lines were drawn in the sand. Gamma forged the seven paths, wherein each path followed a different style, and thus shone a different color. But, he also forged a uniting power called the "Rainbow Knights", which were seven individuals who ranked among the strongest in their individual sector, and led by the clan head, who took the name "The White Knight", as when all colors come together they blended to make white.

So, time continued to pass, and war came and went. Finally, they settled down in Kirigakure due to it's affiliation with the water that their techniques so relied on, and they became one of the first allies of the village. They live in the village, but they also go to regular summits in the Land of Iron due to their deep ties with their old home, and they remain one of the Shogun families, believing in the code of honor that the samurai follow even though many of the members were not themselves samurai. There is, however, one little modification that the clan has that few other Samurai clans have. They wholeheartedly encourage homosexuality through both the male and female members of the clan - They claim that children should only be raised among a loving, truly devoted couple, and that until someone finds their bondmate they should not risk pregnancy. As such, homosexual relations (due to it being impossible to have children this way) is seen as clean, pure and proper.

Kekkei Genkai Description: Rainbow Release (Migakiton) is an advanced-nature Kekkei Genkai. By using water as a base and the residual light from the fire, they create light and are thus seen as the rainbow masters. However, what's even more bizarre is that this clan is able to solidify light into an actual object rather than a form of radiation. Rainbow Release techniques can be used from anywhere that light falls upon, including the user's body. However, they can also create light from their own body, although that tends to be weaker - This even seems to happen nonconsentially during physical-based light buffs and every single strong technique. It can be used at any rank, at least assuming that the clan member has both the water and fire natures. Migakiton uses the lowest constituent element, so if the user has S rank water chakra but B rank fire, it can only be used up to B rank. However, this does mean that SS rank techniques are able to be used.

Drawbacks: Due to their almost constant exposure to light, their eyes are very sensitive. As such, visual genjutsu used against the clan members gains +1, although this has no effect on aural or touch-based illusions. However, Shadow also gains +1 against Migakiton since shadows are made from the absence of light, which in turn requires light.  Due to the highly visual side effects of this chakra style, they're almost immediately obvious and thus are unable to join organizations such as ANBU. Finally, a lot of the techniques can't be used within total darkness, although that in itself will be specified in the specific jutsu.


Kekkei Genkai Jutsu:

[spoiler=Photosynthesis]Name: Photosynthesis (光合成 ~ Kōgōsei)
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: User's Rank (Starting at Chuunin)
Type: Supplementary
Element: Migakiton
Range: Self
Specialty: Hidan
Duration: -
Cooldown: -
Description: Like a plant, the clan members of this clan are able to get stronger from solar energy. In a way, every clan member is able to do senjutsu without it being a specialty, although because of the specialist form of energy that they harness their skill in said art is highly limited. Firstly, they only get the same recovery rate as a rank below their own, hence why a Chuunin are the first rank that can restore Chakra, since they are able to do the equivalent of D rank senjutsu. Secondly, they have to be in the sunlight all the time during this ability. However, unlike the normal Senjutsu users, they don't have to stand still. this does, however, mean it can't be used at night.

Rays of Light:
Sun's Obliteration:

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