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1Looking for a RP Buddy in Konoha Empty Looking for a RP Buddy in Konoha Sat Sep 07, 2013 8:30 am



Hi! I'm currently looking for someone to rp with, it could be any rp, just not the type that could get me killed, but anything else is cool. I'm currently in Konoha so yeah! Please respond/pm me if you're interested :3

2Looking for a RP Buddy in Konoha Empty Hello! Fri Sep 13, 2013 8:36 pm



Hi! I'm Shikamaru Nara! Nice to meet you! ^_^

3Looking for a RP Buddy in Konoha Empty Re: Looking for a RP Buddy in Konoha Sat Sep 14, 2013 8:19 am



You are not Shikamaru, he is dead and has been for over 100 years per our sites canon. You can make a Nara but it cannot have his face, sorry.

4Looking for a RP Buddy in Konoha Empty Re: Looking for a RP Buddy in Konoha Sat Sep 14, 2013 7:34 pm



Reitou wrote:You are not Shikamaru, he is dead and has been for over 100 years per our sites canon. You can make a Nara but it cannot have his face, sorry.
Really? Crap. All sites seem to be original character roleplays, is there ANY site where I can be a character from the show?

EDIT: how do I delete this account then?

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