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Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju


Sousetsu could be found within the administration building of the village hidden in the leaves. There he came to an unexpected proposal. Two of his students were on leave which now left him with two new students. With slight shock upon his face as he thought of Daichi and Kaito no longer with him, he was handed two sheets which contained the details of his new squad members. It was also stated that he was no longer in charge of squad four but moved to Captain of  squad two. Upon looking at the sheets for further inspection he had came across the most likely candidates to undergo his squad training.

The first sheet was of a Genin named, 'Hyuga, Kazuya. A Hyuga was of course, a great asset to any team as their kekkai genkai was a true gift of eyesight. He was a valuable scout to any scout and would prove useful to the squad on missions and many strategies to gain the upper hand in combat with his gentle fist style hand-to-hand. A picture was supplied with the information given. He had purple hair with natural green eyes, fourteen years of age and his birthday date. Standing at six feet tall, he was a rather large person for his age. No doubt, he could take care of himself when it comes to a fight. A rather interesting person indeed.

He shuffled the paper to the back so that he could see the next student in his list which came with the name, Hatake, Touya. His previous student Daichi was of the Hatake Clan also so this did not seem to be much of a problem to the Sannin. He glanced through the information to find that he was sixteen years of age along with his birth date. He had medium length silver/blonde hair, standing at five feet and ten inches in height. Dark brown eyes accompanied by a fair skin tone with a scar near his eye. It was going to be another task at hand getting his students to trust him but was a task he was fulfilling nevertheless.

He bowed formally towards the men from administration and headed towards the small south forest of the village. There he would meet the students once they were given the word to meet him. The small forest was a favourite of Sousetsu's. He had trained there his entire shinobi life and would now let others into his safe haven and learn what he had to offer, if they were willing to learn. Once he arrived, Sousetsu sat atop a lonely tree in the middle of a flat land area accompanied by a stream. The stream of water could be heard crashing against the banks as they were being detained within its narrow path. The birds were chirping and the insects were calling out to one another. All together, they gave off the harmonious sounds of nature and the woodlands circle of life began once more. In the tree, Sousetsu lay upon a branch and let his right leg hang while the other stood upright to keep his balance. It was going to be quite the day and he could not wait to see what his new teammates had to offer.

Words: 542/9000 [Ninjutsu Training S>SS]

Hatake Touya

Hatake Touya

Today was finally the day he had been anticipating since the moment he graduated from the Ninja Academy and earned the title of Genin, the first of many milestones achieved in his lifetime. It was now the time to next his next step and meet the person who he'll call Sensei, the person who will train and educate him in the ways of the shinobi, the thought excited Touya a great deal because this meant he was finally going to become stronger. Even though he had no knowledge of who he's Captain would be, there was still no doubt in his mind that whoever it was going to be would be extremely power and a perfect example to follow in his quest to fulfill his dream in becoming an ANBU Operative and proving his worth to the village. Sadly, the only thing Touya wasn't really looking forward to was meeting his squad mates, it was well known that Touya had trouble opening up to people and they kind of behavior would prove unhealthy for his squad. How can you trust someone to have your back if you don't know anything about them. Thoughts like that kept racing through his head as he kept asking himself questions like; How would they react towards him? Will they be able to establish a good chemistry? Will they hold him back? Touya shook his head as though he were shaking away the doubts from his mind, he needed to have faith and trust that things would turn out for the better, and who knows maybe being in a squad is just the kind of thing he needs to overcome this personal problem.

Touya stepped out of the administration building, the sunlight shining brightly overhead illuminating his entire body, his hair in particular stood out most in the sunlight almost appearing as it were glowing. In his hand was piece of paper, the contents of it were written in his own hand writing and only read: Small South Forest an area just barely outside the village Touya was somewhat familiar with. It was the location chosen to hold the scene for his introduction with his sensei, and could only possible meant one thing; there was going to be some training already off the back. I don't know this guy but I'm already starting to like him. He thought, a smirk slightly appearing on his face before he kicked off the ground, jumping midair, landing on a random rooftop and make his way for the South Gate. He was never too fond of taking to the main road like most people, he felt as though it was far too crowded and it would only slow him down, also he considered moving around the village in this manner good exercise. It wasn't too long till he landed on the ground and continue on foot through the South Gate, being sure to wave at the gatekeepers on the way out.

He followed the main road until it split off into more smaller roads, he took the path leading directly south in the area where the trees were more dense, to which he took to the branches, jumping from on branch to the next until he finally made it to a large clearing in the forest where he kicked off the final branch launching himself into the clear, kind of gliding down as he took in the scenery. A smile appeared on the young genin's face as he took in a deep breath. One could simply just smell in nature in the air, followed by the sound of various incest partaking in their ritual mating calls as well as the birds overhead. Accompanying the scenery was a stream where all the woodland creatures gather to drink from and in the middle of all this was a man lounging on top of the large tree, this had to be him. His sensei. Touya landed at the foot of the tree looking up at the gentlemen, he almost looked as though he could have easily been relative of Touya, they had some striking similarities such same skin tone, hair style and color, on his garment he wore a familiar symbol to Touya. Senju...Touya thought to himself as examined the man. However it wasn't long until he finally spoke; "Um, excuse me!" He called out to get the man's attention. "I'm Hatake Touya of Squad Two." He introduced himself, his voice turning more softly, perhaps it was due to the sudden feeling of shyness that overcame him.

Word Count: 754/9000 [Training Ninjutsu S>SS]

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

As Sousetsu lay upon the branches a cool breeze brushed past his face, cooling him momentarily and continued to go onward to rustle the leaves within the very same tree. His eyes remained shut as he embraced the sounds of the nature that surrounded him. The very sounds of serenity that Sousetsu needed in his life, the sounds he grew up with as a Senju. This place had become a second home to the Sannin over the years. Ever since he was a Genin he spent countless hours, which soon turned to days in this very forest. He opened his left eye to gaze up into the parts of the sky that seeped through the leaves of the oak tree to find a clear blue sky with so much as a puff of smoke for a cloud to accompany it. The suns gaze was not bright enough to blind but enough to emit the rays of heat that kept the earth warm and dry. There were no telltale signs of rain approaching and the wildlife carried on their lives. It was interesting to Sousetsu how each and every animal instantly knew how to carry on their lives. It was their instinct. But humans on the other hand, it took them a while to find out their way of life. Their 'ninja way' to the shinobi world.

It would not be long now before Sousetsu would tell others of his teachings and wondered what their own was. Each person was unique in this sense. Everyone had opinions, a moral sense of right and wrong, a completely independent race. Why could they not be like their fellow earth dwelling animals and have a set code to follow? Humans were complex and want different things, but in the end, are we all that different? With all of the village Sensei teaching their squad members their ninja way their path is given a direction. It was entirely up to the students to find the forks in these roads to carve their own path and to ultimately pass on their will of fire to their underlings in the future. We are all strangers in a world with an even stranger war, a battle that we all come together  under one command to see past our differences and coincide with the living. Yes, the human race is truly remarkable and complex one at that. Sousetsu's ears began to twitch as he heard footsteps approaching his area. A squad member no doubt, although it would be surprising to see another wander in his area.

His eyes remained closed, seeing nothing but the darkness that shielded his eyes from any light that managed to find their way to them. Before long, a small and soft voice could be heard and of course, it was the sign of a nervous student meeting his Sensei for the first time. "Um, excuse me!" He called out grabbing the Sannin's attention. His eyes slowly opened before he began to turn his head slowly to see the young man before him. "I'm Hatake Touya of Squad Two." The boy spoke. Sousetsu returned his head to the front and grinned. He slowly sat up from the branch and soon leaped down to the ground. The earth before him was greeted with two heavy feet and the sound of plates of armour clinking against one another in a low tone before he proceeded to walk towards the new student of Squad Two. Sousetsu could be seen wearing armour emblazoned with the Senju symbol worn over a simple black jumpsuit, with a distinctive white fur collar. The armour was constructed from numerous blue metal plates, formed into multiple protective guards along Sousetsu's body, in particular: chest, waist, shoulders and upper arms. He was also accompanied by his trusty katana, the 'High Frequency Blade', which stood at three feet and three inches long, with a black customized handle with silver linings on the outer blade.

He arrived within a few metres of the young shinobi and crossed arms giving off a rather stoic impression as he looked down at the young man. "Senju, Sousetsu. Captain of Squad Two. It's a pleasure to meet you, Touya." He spoke with respect as he formally bowed before him. As he returned to his stoic state he grinned once more to show that he was a friendly face. "I look forward to training but first we must exchange our nindo, our ninja way. If you don't mind?" He asked rather rhetorically. He stood for a short moment before lowering his hands and placing them by his side in a rather soldiery fashion. He thought he could break the ice that little bit more by going first and so, with a small sigh before a deep breath Sousetsu spoke.  "I would say my ninja way would be to pass on my teachings in hopes that the younger generation will see them through. I wish to end the world of needless battles which can only be achieved by becoming Hokage. Or at least close to that." He giggled towards the end. It was rather nostalgic of him to say that as he did with his previous squad members when he was a Jounin. He seemed to have forgotten that he had became Sannin for that brief moment but it seemed to brush off easily as he was still not yet accustom to be referred to that title.

Words: 1446/9000 [Ninjutsu Training S>SS]

Hatake Touya

Hatake Touya

(ooc: messing around with different fonts, might go with this one. xD)

It wasn't long after he has spoken that the man stood straight up upon the branch then leaping from it gracefully landing in front of the young genin. His landed was followed by a brisk breeze as the ground below him slightly giving way from the impact of his heavy footwear followed by the sound of clinking armor. Even a few nearby critters stopped what they were doing to look in the direction of the two. Touya refrained from keeping his mouth open in awe, but his awe showed quite well in the way his eyes widened as he looked upon this figure in front of him paying close attention to all detail in his appearance. His armor in particular stood out the most to Touya, simply from the way it looked in the sunlight. It wasn't visible at first due to the shade of the oak tree but now the numerous blue metal plates around his body looked as it was beginning to glow a sapphire color in the light, giving him the appearance of having a aura around him. Speaking of aura, if aura could even speak his would simply say 'you are not even worthy', and just from the look of him, Touya actually believed that. However this didn't discourage Touya, if anything he was now filled with eagerness and excitement from the mere thought that this gentlemen could possibly be his sensei. Touya also took note of his weapon, which was at his waist, it had to obviously be a Katana from the length and the way the sheath slightly curved, it's wasn't Touya's first time seeing one. The silver linings on the the handle and outer blade complimented the armor a great deal.

He was quite decorated indeed, from these details Touya was able to make the following assumptions that this gentlemen is indeed extremely powerful, has a large amount of experience and he holds a high position in the village, heck, he could easily pass as the Hokage. Of course Touya knew he wasn't the Hokage for he was well aware of who held that title, this man however was no jounin, perhaps he was one of the Three Legendary Sannin of the Leaf. To be able to call a Sannin sensei and train under them is a great honor, it is something most ninja can only dream of because the opportunity is so rare. He stood only a few meters away from Touya with his arms cross, he looked like a man who's very own will is just so strong that he cannot be easily phased by useless things in the world that would trouble most people. "Senju, Sousetsu. Captain of Squad Two. It's a pleasure to meet you, Touya." He spoke in a very respectful tone, followed by formal bow before crossing his arms once more. Touya gave himself a mental pat on the back for being able to identify him as a member of the Senju clan the moment he spoke his name, this feeling of accomplishment was visible in the form of a smile. This time a grin was visible on Sousetsu's face which added a kind of warmth to his aura that Touya truly felt, this cause his previous feeling of shyness to be extinguished. So cool... Touya thought to himself. Sousetsu had exceptional mannerism even, which only caught Touya off guard as he composed himself returning the formal bow with one of his own.

His introduction was soon followed with a, "I look forward to training but first we must exchange our nindo, our ninja way. If you don't mind?" It was obviously a rhetorical question, which only meant for Touya that there was no way out of this. There was a brief moment of silence between the two, the tension causing Touya to shift slightly in discomfort from the tension slowly building up. Sousetsu must have easily pick up on this because he soon lowered his hands to his sides, standing bold and firm like a well disciplined solder, a small sigh escaping his lips before he spoke. This caused Touya to let out a slight sigh of his own, one of great relief, it isn't too often when someone asks him a question like that, and quite frankly, he had absolutely no idea how to respond. It was rather reassuring for him that Sousetsu went first. "I would say my ninja way would be to pass on my teachings in hopes that the younger generation will see them through. I wish to end the world of needless battles which can only be achieved by becoming Hokage. Or at least close to that." He stated with a little chuckle at the end. His answer came to no surprise to Touya, it's was quite fitting for someone of his stature and mannerism. Sousetsu wishes to pass on his legacy to the future generations, to Touya who was now his student this stuck the most to him for it was his duty to see Sousetsu's teachings through and he was going to make sure that he did just that. It wasn't in Touya's nature to let someone down, even if that person is a complete stranger. Touya nodded to show his acknowledgment to his sensei's nindo. "...I strongly believe you will fulfill your wish Sou-sensei!" His voice was still soft even though the message was suppose to be encouraging which defeated the purpose of it.

Now was the moment, it was time for Touya to give his answer there was another brief silence before he finally spoke. "Um..." His voice was low and his shifted slightly once more in discomfort. "Let's see..." He continued, thinking real hard about the answer he was going to give, it wasn't long after that he finally composed himself, looking Sousetsu straight in the eyes. He was ready to finally open up to his sensei. "...I suppose my ninja way would be learn and experiences all that I can, so that I can protect my village and those dearest to me. I wish to one day join ANBU and serve my village to the best of my abilities, just like my father before me and my late grandfather before him!" His voice started out being soft as usual but with each passing word gave it more strength as he stood firm with his fist clenched over his chest with a grin appearing on the young genin's face which was full of pride in the moment.

Word Count: 1,843/9000 [Training Ninjutsu S>SS]


Kazuya knew today was the day he would finally become part of a squad. This meant he would finally have teammates he could rely on and it also meant there would be people that relied on him as well. He felt the excitement grow more and more from the pit of his stomach moving outward toward his mouth. Kazuya quickly gather himself before he left out a big scream of excitement and joy. While walking toward the Administrative door Kazuya had a world of thoughts gather through his head like what kind of personalities his new teammates would have or would he even like his teammates or would his teammates like him. Kazuya caught his train of thoughts to quickly lose grasp of it again and began thinking how strong his new teammates would be. Kazuya became a little nervous thinking would they be stronger then him and how much of a difference would there be if that was true. Though he was lost in thought and was beginning to lose his composure Kazuya took control of his state of mind. Kazuya spoke out loud with a stern voice, " I am Kazuya Hyuga of the powerful Hyuga clan, I am strong and my desire to be strong is stronger than any genin of the leaf, so I will not start doubting the skills I have gained from many years of training with my father and my dreams of changing the way of the Hyuga are too valuable for me to lessin my worth as an ninja." Kazuya gained a load of confidents after saying all that, as well as gaining a crowd of nearby works applauding him.

Kazuya returned from the Administrative after causing a scene with a paper in hand stating, "Small South Forest." Kazuya believed this is where he would meet his new Sensei. Kazuya soon began to wonder what type of person his new Sensei would be. After all those frantic thoughts about his squad mates he never once thought about what type of person his sensei would be and would he even like him or would his sensei like him. Kazuya caught himself before entering another train of thoughts. "He must be a strong and well respected shinobi to even lead a squad", Kazuya said muttering to himself while walking toward the small forest right outside of the village. Kazuya thought to himself once more, what type of knowledge and skills would this person pass on to him. Kazuya was taught most of his skills by his father, so this would be the first time he would be guided by someone other then his father. The wind began to blow harder and kazuya snapped out of his train of thoughts, "I need to hurry don't want to be late", he said with a voice anxious to meet everyone.

Kazuya arrived to the designated area which was a small forest. Kazuya looked around to spot any of his squad mates. Kazuya had keep walking a little farther into the forest and soon saw to people with in his sight. One looked like a genin as well, he had spike hair and what seemed to be a small scare under his left eye. Kazuya also saw another person who looked like a powerful shinobi. The man had white hair and he also was wearing armour seeming to belong to some clan, Kazuya could not think of which clan though. Kazuya ran up toward the two people believing they were part of squad two and introduced himself. "Hello I am Kazuya Hyuga of squad two nice to meet the both of you." Kazuya looked at the two people waiting for a response.

614/9000 [Training Taijutsu S>SS]

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

The young man before the Senju seemed to light up as he continued the conversation. Perhaps he was expecting something different? A man with greater power does seem to fit well into the category of tyrants throughout history. Even the Previous Hokage seemed unfit in his eyes but with the new reign of power handed to a trusted friend he could now rest easy knowing that it was in good hands. It was not the power of the Kage alone to protect the village but the people themselves. With Sousetsu's support he was sure many others would follow in his footsteps. The wildlife seemed to return to their healthy lifestyle with not a care in the world. It almost seemed like every living thing spoke to the Senju, as if they shared their pain, because of his natural affinity to life and learning to become a sage. The natural energy around the area was undisturbed, tranquil, at peace with the way life was moving at this current moment in time. No more pain and suffering, but for how long? Time makes fools of us all and we can only endure what it had to offer, for better or for worse. Sousetsu knew that he would gladly shoulder the burdens of any who needed him to do so. It was in his nature, his own 'ninja way' was a mere moderation of his fathers last words to him that he took to heart. The one rule in itself was a heavy one indeed but the best thing in life for a human, was to have choices, and Sousetsu willingly carried this one and for as long as he needed to.

The young shinobi nodded in acknowledgment of his burden and continued to speak. "...I strongly believe you will fulfill your wish Sou-sensei!" The voice was still soft yet was still filled with truth. Sousetsu knew this with the title he was given. "Sou-Sensei? I have not heard that one." He spoke with a clueless expression. It dawned on him, like an upcoming sunrise, that this idea of his was no burden but a gift. He was fortunate to be given such a way of life. No war, no battles, letting his name go down in the memories of his students who may pass that onto their own one day. He was rather fortunate indeed. With another short pause Sousetsu grinned and nodded towards Touya, one of the pieces towards the future of Konaha. It was now time to hear what the Hatake Clan member had to say and it was quite befitting of him at that. After some hesitation his voice finally mustered up the courage to let the information pass to his Sensei. ""...I suppose my ninja way would be learn and experience all that I can, so that I can protect my village and those dearest to me. I wish to one day join ANBU and serve my village to the best of my abilities, just like my father before me and my late grandfather before him!" A fist was clenched across his chest meaning that it was dear to him. He seen it as no burden as he had chose this for himself to live by. A fine example and an excellent quality in a shinobi. A grin was formed on the young man's face to which Sousetsu knelt down slightly so they were head level in height. Another grin was revealed along with his hand upon Touya's hair. He softly landed the hand and began to ruffle for a brief moment. "And a fine ninja way that is!" He spoke sincerely with belief in his words.

Sousetsu's ears twitched momentarily and his attention was then redirected to another fellow leaf ninja in the distance. "Hello I am Kazuya Hyuga of squad two, nice to meet the both of you." The boy looked. Judging by the description that he had received from the administration office, his reputation proceeded him in his height. Six feet tall for a fourteen year old was quite an astounding feature. He soon stood before the two that occupied the area and with greetings underway, Sousetsu decided to ask him the same questions he had asked his fellow team member. He first bowed formally to the Hyuuga and began the introductions. "My name is Senju, Sousetsu, Captain of Squad Two. This is your teammate, Hatake, Touya. We were just expressing our ninja way. Mine would be to pass on my teachings in hopes that the younger generation will see them through and I wish to end the world of needless battles. Please share." Sousetsu continued, returning to his stoic positioning with his arms folded before the two Genin.

Words: 2230/9000 [Ninjutsu Training S>SS]

Hatake Touya

Hatake Touya

The relationship between sensei and student, it was a feeling Touya was well too familiar with due to his training with his grandfather except this time it was different. The difference was when it came to his grandfather, Touya never really saw his more softer side, just a strictness. Which most likely was due to the fact that he was an ANBU Operative and just didn't have a soft side, as well as the fact that he might have seen it as a way to better his grandson, to harden him. It was effective of course, because Touya wouldn't have been exactly where he was today had it not been for that and for that he is thankful to his grandfather and does his best to honor him at any given opportunity. Sousetsu on the other hand exhibited just the opposite, but who knows, maybe he'd eventually show a more stricter side when it comes to actual training but for now that was not the case. It was clear as the air they were breathing that his man had love for his village, his fellow shinobi, and the future generations of the leaf. This talk of nindo, the ninja way; it was all new to Touya but it was because of it that he was able to open up to his sensei as well as fully understand the kind of person his sensei was. He was beginning to feel a deep connection slowly manifesting itself between Sousetsu and himself. There was just something about the nature of his sensei that for the time being Touya couldn't fully understand, but despite only just having met the young genin found comfort in the presence of Sousetsu.

It seemed Sousetsu was please, as Touya's answer was met with a grin as he knelt down before the genin, both of them meeting at eye level. Causing Touya to shift a little where he stood, the nervousness settling in once again, for he wasn't really used to being this close to someone. However this feeling stopped as suddenly as he appeared when Sousetsu's hand met Touya's head and for a split second Touya saw a similar image of his father in his mind's eye, this was followed by those words...these upcoming words meant a lot to Touya because it's what would seal the deal, making him feel accepted by his new sensei. "And a fine ninja way that is!" A slight warmth filled Touya's body as those words were met with the most utmost sincere smile from the young genin. Shortly after, Touya noticed the twitch in Sousetsu's ear, his also doing the same as he turned his body to face behind him, approaching the two was another shinobi, who with no doubt had to be another team member. The smile slowly fading from his face being replaced with a more slight one as a way of showing he was friendly and happy to meet this new person, his attention was now fixed on the other boy who spoke.

"Hello I am Kazuya Hyuga of squad two nice to meet the both of you."


The Hyuga clan was quite well known in the village, masters of Taijutsu and made famous because of their all-seeing Doujutsu and Kekkai Genkai, the Byakugan. This gives the user a complete 360 degree view of their surrounding, completely minimizing the blind spot making them fearsome combatants, also the range of this ability is astonishing making them exceptional trackers as well. Despite being knowledgeable of them, Touya has never actually met one in person so Kazuya was his first. Kazuya was pretty tall, taller than Touya anyways, and his body was a lot of definition in them which proved that he had underwent some kind of tough physical training, it boded well for Touya having some like this one the team. His most dominant features that stood out to Touya were his father lengthy violet hair and emerald eyes that complemented the scenery around the trio. Sousetsu stood up and was in a stance Touya was all too familiar with already, his arms crossed once again. "My name is Senju, Sousetsu, Captain of Squad Two. This is your teammate, Hatake, Touya." Touya waved with a welcoming smile as his name was mentioned. Sousetsu continued; We were just expressing our ninja way. Mine would be to pass on my teachings in hopes that the younger generation will see them through and I wish to end the world of needless battles. Please share." It was at this point now that Touya was fully attentive, as he stood there, eagerness filling his dark brown eyes as he placed them on Kazuya. He was anxious to hear what his new team member's answer was going to be. What was his nindo?

Word Count: 2,649/9000 [Training Ninjutsu S>SS]

(ooc: forgot to add my word count. Heh)


Kazuya looked at the two shinobi waiting for a response after he had introduced himself. The man with the strange armor turned to Kazuya and gave him a quick bow and then processed to speak saying, "My name is Senju, Sousetsu, Captain of Squad Two. This is your teammate, Hatake, Touya. We were just expressing our ninja way. Mine would be to pass on my teachings in hopes that the younger generation will see them through and I wish to end the world of needless battles. Please share." After hearing the name Sousetsu Senju and the question he was asked, Kazuya had a weird feeling of nervousness in his stomach and also figured out why the man was wearing that armor, because he was apart of the Senju clan. Kazuya looked at the man with amazement now knowing he was apart of the powerful and well respected Senju Clan. Kazuya still could not shake off the feeling of nervousness from his stomach wondering why does that name seem so familiar. Kazuya decided to not think about it any more and preceded to give a response to Sousetsu-Sensei, "My ninja way is to become stronger for the sake of my clan and to break the hatred between the Main House and side branches of the Hyuga." Kazuya thought his sensei mite not like that answer, but it is the reason he dedicates himself to working hard everyday to become stronger and not to settle less for his best.

Kazuya started to remember how his father used to train him hard to exhaustion. He used to hate the way his father would train him, but over the years he learned to accept it and soon realized the true reason why his farther would push him. Kazuya knew he had to be strong in order to gain the respect of his entire clan. He felt if he was acknowledged by all the clan members he could use that as a stepping stone for creating trust between the two houses and burn the bridges of hatred that filled the clans for many years. Kazuya felt strength and trust was the path he had to take as a ninja in order to realize his goal.

Kazuya left his thoughts to collect back the images of reality. He saw his Sensei and Touya listening to his response then after words finished his statement, "I know it will not be easy, but this is the path I have chosen  and I am sticking to it through the end." Kazuya looked at his Sensei with a face full of determination and his eyes burning with the will of fire. Kazuya waited for a response from his sensei after hearing what he had to say.

1071/9000 [Training Taijutsu S>SS]

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

The young Hyuga seemed to have changed his appearance to a more nervous or insecure one at that before looking at awe before him. Did the Senju have this much aura about him that others would think that way? Were they intimidated or scared? Sousetsu found no reason to be, after all, he was looking after them and not the opposite. He took it as a compliment as he came to the conclusion of envy. They wanted to become strong and Sousetsu was the one to help that dream come to fruition so nerves would naturally come. The Hyuga finally spoke and the response was something similar to the two who had shared not moments ago. "My ninja way is to become stronger for the sake of my clan and to break the hatred between the Main House and side branches of the Hyuga." Sousetsu's eyes widened slightly. That was a family matter he could not intervene with. It was traditional to the Hyuga Clan to split into two groups, the main house which made all the decisions and made the Clan what it was today, and then the side branch, treated like servants almost to the main house. Sousetsu was not one to meddle in affairs but this young mans heart was in the right place. In the end they were family, one in the same. It was just the social status between them that was different. Feuds between them were usually kept to themselves, like a small government within a family. It was complicated and only a member would truly know what it was like. He wondered what house Kazuya was brought up in, but did not ask. Instead he kept to himself on the topic and could only ponder at a distance.

Before long, Kazuya had continued his ninja way. [color=green "I know it will not be easy, but this is the path I have chosen and I am sticking to it through the end."[/color] And there it was. Another Genin with a cause. It was admirable to say the least. He wanted to make the house a whole, leave no-one to take the blame or be treated any different than the others. He wanted equality within his family and that was something he would never give up on. Sousetsu then grinned at the boy who carried shear determination and placed his hand on his shoulder. "Then let me help carve your way!" Sousetsu spoke with an uplifted tone and his eyes closed. Soon, he removed his hand and stood in front of the two once more, arms folded once again in his infamous stoic posture. "For the first lesson today, we will be studying our surroundings. As ninja, we must be resourceful and become familiar with the terrain in order to gain the upper hand in battle. Take a good look around." Sousetsu finished as he placed his arms outwards to introduce the surrounding environment. "This place has a flat surface of earth, a nearby stream, trees, bushes and plants for us to utilize." Sousetsu continued his speech as he stepped back and few more feet before placing his hands upon the earth before the squad. Earth began to rise giving Sousetsu a platform of ten metres in height to look down at his students. This was merely to get their attention but also showing how he gained the advantage. "You see? I now have the higher ground. Now I have a better chance of finding anyone who is hiding in the bushes, prepared for ground attacks, and an all round bird's eye view. Of course, this does not trouble Kazuya." He finished with a giggle as he reminded himself of the byakugan.

He looked around from the platform on which he stood and seen that there was no-one to interrupt them. They were alone in this training area and plenty of time to themselves to train. It would be a long day. With the importance of their surroundings fitted into their minds Sousetsu pondered about the next subject to give a lesson about. "Teamwork will be essential. Not everything can be done alone and so we must rely on each other to help when we are in need. Even I would need help from time to time, it's only natural." Sousetsu looked between the two trying to assert them by using himself as an example. How well would they look out for another? Could they become friends? Or would they become rivals? Time could only tell. The Senju thought of the connections he had made previously in regards to students and peers. He had also met the Sannin from Kumogakure named, Nagare who helped him realize his potential. All of them played a vital role in his life as a ninja. A few friends had died in battle but their words remained with him. The Sannin was caught in a gaze but finally came back to reality to see his new students who were next in line to becoming something great. All he could do was show his warm grin once again.

Words: 3079/9000 [Ninjutsu Training S>SS]

Hatake Touya

Hatake Touya

It was suddenly quite apparent that a nervousness was beginning to settle in Kazuya but for a moment, perhaps he too was caught off guard by the sudden question of Nindo. Or perhaps it was because he realized by Sousetsu's name as well as the symbol embroidered on his armor who their sensei was, which didn't come to a surprise to Touya. Senju was the founding name of their village after, everyone knew about it and if you didn't then you probably weren't born in Konohagakure. At first it was believed that the first Hokage was in only one in possession of the Wood Style Jutsu but however in recent decades more individuals who specialized in it just started resurfacing, eventually they would go on to forming their own clan. To stand among someone from the Senju clan would be like standing among the first Hokage himself, so imagine how it would feel to train with someone from the Senju clan. On the subject of Clan, Touya who go on to ponder what was his sensei's status among his fellow clansman. Judging by his aura, the way it seemed he wielded an infinite amount of wisdom and even his demeanor. Touya even go on to believe without a doubt that Sousetsu was held in high regards in his clan, all this would eventually be confirmed perhaps when the genin witnesses the might of his sensei's power in order to make a more thorough assessment of this.

Eventually Kazuya would begin with; "My ninja way is to become stronger for the sake of my clan and to break the hatred between the Main House and side branches of the Hyuga." To which Touya began nodding with his eye close in show of acknowledgement to his reply. Everyone wanted to become stronger, but it was a question of what did you want to be stronger for. No one simply wants to be stronger for the hell of it, no, there was always some kind of motivation behind it. Rather it be for revenge, to rival someone, for lust, or the worst to just reek pure and utter havoc on anyone or anything that stands in your way with no remorse. Kazuya's reason and motive was different in that he wanted to make a difference by breaking the hatred between his families, and for that he would earn Touya's respect. Touya however was not aware of the kind of relationship the main house and the side branches of the Hyuga shared, but Kazuya was his comrade now and if he felt that he must be stronger in order to overcome this, then as his partner Touya was going to do his very best to help him achieve that goal. He would expect the same thing in return, in order to follow his own ninja way. Kazuya would then go on to add, finishing his statement with; "I know it will not be easy, but this is the path I have chosen and I am sticking to it through the end." It was at that point, the young genin stopped nodding and opened his eyes, his attention now on Sousetsu.

His sensei's lips forming a grin as he placed a hand on Kazuya's shoulder which meant he was pleased with Kazuya's response and acknowledged him. "Then let me help carve your way!" He said, at the same time Touya placed a hand on his comrade's back, his own lips forming a grin as well. "I will help you too, Kazuya!" He added as well with a cheery tone in his voice.

When all this was said and then Sousetsu spoke once more; "For the first lesson today, we will be studying our surroundings. As ninja, we must be resourceful and become familiar with the terrain in order to gain the upper hand in battle. Take a good look around." He paused placing his arms outwards as a way of introducing them to their very surroundings, Touya looked around as instructed. Your surroundings was a key element in combat, for the terrain can be a valuable ally or and in some cases your worst possible enemy. Which explains why some ninja were able to use jutsu the enabled them to form and shape the nature of their surroundings to their will, giving them an extraordinary advantage, this is what made the Senju clan unique in that matter. "This place has a flat surface of earth, a nearby stream, trees, bushes and plants for us to utilize." After he said this he proceeded to take a few steps back signaling something was about to happen, his hands were then placed firmly on the ground beneath him followed by a plateau forming at his feet rising him approximately ten meters, their sensei looking down on them as he continued. "You see? I now have the higher ground. Now I have a better chance of finding anyone who is hiding in the bushes, prepared for ground attacks, and an all round bird's eye view. Of course, this does not trouble Kazuya." He finished, which was true of course, when it came to detection Kazuya's Byakugan was perfect, but alas it would still be important for him to take in this information in case a situation were to occur rendering that Byakugan useless. "Teamwork will be essential. Not everything can be done alone and so we must rely on each other to help when we are in need. Even I would need help from time to time, it's only natural." He finishes noting how essential teamwork and stressing how they all must be able to rely on each other. It was basic common knowledge when working in a group to be able to establish teamwork otherwise the team is destined to failure. Touya would have to be able to trust Kazuya and Kazuya would have to trust Touya, both would need to compliment the other's abilities and at the same time cover the other's weakness.

3,661/9,000 [Training Ninjutsu S>SS]


After telling his ninja way to his newly appointed sensei Kazuya felt a hand touch his shoulder that was filled with a warmth of understanding his feelings. Kazuya looked at his sensei who had a slight smile on his face. "Then let me help carve your way!". Kazuya felt a great since of acceptance from his sensei and that really helped his state of mind. Kazuya knew this man was the right leader for him and was glad to be apart of his squad. Trust was very important to Kazuya he always felt that was very important amongst comrades. Kazuya found it very difficult in his early child hood to find that trust amongst his on clan but as time passed he realized someone had to build that trust amongst all his family of the clan. Kazuya soon felt another hand touch his back, so he turned to see his new teammate Touya with a smile on his face. "I will help you too, Kazuya!" Kazuya looked at his new comrade for a few seconds and smiled back. He wanted to say thanks, but he felt his smile was enough of a thanks for him. Kazuya always dreamed of having loyal comrades in battle, but a dream was nothing compared to the real thing. That feeling of someone getting to know why you walk the path of a ninja and also knowing why they walk the path is really something all shinobi should cherish. It makes you want to achieve the goal you have set not only for yourself, but also for those who believe you can achieve that goal. Kazuya soon began to feel relaxed and felt he had known his two new comrades for years.

Before turning back toward the direction of which his sensei was standing to quickly hear him say, "For the first lesson today, we will be studying our surroundings. As ninja, we must be resourceful and become familiar with the terrain in order to gain the upper hand in battle. Take a good look around." Kazuya slighty looked around as his sensei instructed him. then he heard him say,  "This place has a flat surface of earth, a nearby stream, trees, bushes and plants for us to utilize." His sensei then stepped a couple feet back then placed his hand on the ground to create a large platform right below him stretching as high as ten meters to Kazuya's estimate. Kazuya gazed at his sensei wondering why he had created such a large platform. "You see? I now have the higher ground. Now I have a better chance of finding anyone who is hiding in the bushes, prepared for ground attacks, and an all round bird's eye view. Of course, this does not trouble Kazuya." Kazuya listened to his sensei's words and wondered was he going to perform some exercise for us to do and if it's finding something kazuya had great confidence he could easily find it with his Byakuga, so Kazuya contiuned to listen to what his sensei had to say. "Teamwork will be essential. Not everything can be done alone and so we must rely on each other to help when we are in need. Even I would need help from time to time, it's only natural."

Kazuya understood what his sensei meant about teamwork which is essential especially during battle. Kazuya knew he had to gain a new trust with Touya and that was trusting him with his life and Touya trusting him with his life. Kazuya knew they would be doing a lot of dangerous missions together and so trusting someone to have your back and come to your aid when you really needed them is something that has to be developed. Kazuya was ready for the training his sensei was about to put him and Touya through. This was the perfect chance to see how far he has developed as a ninja and to also see the skills of Touya in action. Kazuya was felled with excitement and ready to start the training. "I'm ready for anything" Kazuya said while muttering to himself.

1762/9000[ Taijutsu Training S>SS]

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

With everything going smoothly, it was almost time for Sousetsu to begin his challenge for the two new students. They would have to learn to adapt and work well with their teammate in order to pass. It was not an impossible task but a difficult one at that if one did not use their head. Battles could be one with brain over brawn and Sousetsu could not stress this enough. He leaped back a mere five metres and withdrew his High Frequency Blade which lay across his lower back. As the blade was in his grasp and by his side the Sannin then tossed it behind him before kicking the handle so that the blade would go some distance ahead. It landed almost twenty-five metres away, quite the distance for a kick, and was now stuck in the earth with the handle upright to show its position. "That was my blade, a very important weapon to me. If you can pass this challenge then I will reward you with some lunch." Sousetsu smiled. It seemed like an easy task at first but with a moment to allow the two students see where the blade was it was time to create the challenge.

Sousetsu formed a few hand seals and placed his hands upon the earth before him. "Doton: Doryūheki!" He roared as a great wall began to form behind him, growing to an extreme height of fifteen metres within seconds. Many rocks and pieces of dirt crumbled from the wall but the structure was thick and a great defence for most attacks. Sousetsu made his way to the side of the wall and used his hand as a gesture to allow the students to follow him. Once they were by his side the Senju placed his right hand by his mouth and formed half a hand seal. "Suiton: Mizuame Nabara!" He said calmly before a syrup like substance was exerted from his mouth and to an area not far from the wall that he had just summoned. It was a small pool of high-viscosity, chakra infused water that lay waiting. He continues his path further down that was getting closer to the blade that this trouble was all for. Before long, Sousetsu stopped in his tracks once again and formed another set of hand seals and placed his hand upon the earth once again. No words were mentioned in this summoning. Three wolves in the form of mud appeared before the three ninja who then ran around Sousetsu in hopes to be petted for their arrival. He fulfilled their wish and patted the three on their heads before pointing to the area in which they were suppose to wait for his orders. Things were indeed getting interesting.

Further along the path it seems there was one more task Sousetsu wished to lay down. He formed one hand seal and before them a clone of himself appeared who was now in charge of protecting the blade at hand. He proceeded to sit and wait for his time to arrive when the two student were informed of their new goal. Sousetsu turned his attention towards the two students once again and grinned that infamous grin that he was beginning to wear so often. "This is the obstacle course I have set for you. You must make your way over the wall, find a way across the pool of syrupy substance, try to pass or destroy the mud wolves and finally, beat a copy of me. Once the sword is within my grasp once again you will pass. You have fifteen minutes. Begin!" The Sannin ordered. It was quite the objective and he was not sure if they could beat this task. It was the first time Sousetsu had actually used this method of training and did not know the true difficulties a Genin might find in this. To make things easier, he whistled and one of the three wolves ran off to greet Sousetsu on the sidelines. The rules were clear, they just had to do what he said and pass the obstacle. Sometimes, people seemed to find a harder soloution to an easy problem when the answer was quite simple. The brain could form every possible way of beating a problem and Sousetsu was intrigued as to how this would turn out. He leaped out of sight for the students to have the feeling of being alone, it was a more realistic experience this way, and would surely help them on their way. Of course, there were only four tasks that they knew of, but the Senju had one more up his sleeve and he had to wait for the right time to utilize it.

Words: 3864/9000 [Ninjutsu Training S>SS]

Chakra: 305/370


Hatake Touya

Hatake Touya

Having been standing directly beside his new teammate, Touya was close enough to hear him mutter; "I'm ready for anything." to which he responded with a nod in full agreement. Both of them were eager to prove to their sensei just how capable they were. With all the talk of learning your surroundings and teamwork being an essential factor, surely there was going to be some kind of test that Sousetsu was going to put them through, and like Kayuza, Touya felt ready. Ready to take on anything that was thrown at him. It was then that Sousetsu jumped backwards approximately five or so meters away from the two drawing his weapon from his back. The three foot long katana was truly a thing of beauty as the silver blade glimmered in the sunlight. Was he going to have the two of them take him on right now? No. He simply gave the katana a toss into the air directly behind him before delivering a powerful kick to it. Touya only assumed it was a powerful kick because the weapon was launched over twenty meters, the blade piercing the earth in an upright position as it landed. "That was my blade, a very important weapon to me. If you can pass this challenge then I will reward you with some lunch." He spoke with a smile on his face. Touya looked at Sousetsu, then leaned over to look at the katana in the distance once more with a stunned and baffled expression on his face. That was it? That free lunch was just as good as theirs then! Though, that sounded to easy to be true, there had to be some kind of catch. Maybe they were going to have to get through him to be able to reach the katana or something.

"Doton: Doryūheki!" He would then roar as he slammed his hand onto the ground beneath him. Just then the earth rose in the form of a great wall, standing at about fifteen meters tall, Touya's neck cramped a bit from snapping his head up so fast as he watched this great feat occur right before him. Not only was it tall but there was indeed a  
thickness to it, Touya knew from the jump that he had no abilities or equipment on him that would break through. Sousetsu then gestures for the both of them to follow which Touya did, as his sensei made his way to the side of the wall. Surely there was more he had in store for the two genin which caused Touya to become rather anxious to find out what was next. Once the two stood by his side he placed his right hand by his mouth and formed yet another hand seal before saying; "Suiton: Mizuame Nabara!" and just like that a syrupy substance spewed out of his mouth and onto the field not too far from where the wall stood. It resembled some kind of pool but Touya knew for sure that whatever it was he didn't want to be caught in it. So it was already decided that he was going to avoid that at all cost. Sousetsu continued further along the path he was creating which led to the katana, Touya following. Eventually halting as he sensei did, he began to form yet another group of hand seals before placing his hand on the ground before him, only this time no words were spoken which could have only meant this was a summoning jutsu. Now it was just the matter of what he was going to summon in order to up the difficulty of this exercise. It was then that three wolves rose from the ground, all three of them made entirely of mud, the genin was intrigued as he watch Sousetsu greet his companions before ordering them to stand at attention.

Then it was even further along the path that Sousetsu formed yet another hand seal, summoning forth a water style clone of himself, it was then Touya realized that this was going to probably be the final stage of this obstacle course. Sousetsu's attention was now on the two, a grin plastered on his face. The amount of chakra it must have took to form such a source was probably great. "This is the obstacle course I have set for you. You must make your way over the wall, find a way across the pool of syrupy substance, try to pass or destroy the mud wolves and finally, beat a copy of me. Once the sword is within my grasp once again you will pass. You have fifteen minutes. Begin!" He ordered before making his way to the sidelines where he's be making his observation, he also whistled for one of the wolves to accompany him as well out of generosity maybe or perhaps this exercise was going to be harder than Touya assumed.

Touya would then turn to Kazuya, it was time to come up with a strategy. He would gesture for his teammate to follow him as he proceeded to make his way to the front of the great wall at the very beginning of the source. As they made their way there he spoke to Kazuya. "That lunch is as good as ours! Alright this is what I propose we do! First of all, there is no way we're going to break through this wall. So I'm suggesting we just go over it, if you know what I mean. As for that pool of syrupy stuff, I think it'd be in our best interest to just avoid that all together. I already have a way of doing that. I'm sure you are capable of coming up with something on your own, but just don't be afraid to ask for my help if you need it. Once we arrive at the wolves we'll take them on together at once, charging in alone would be foolish as you will just be outnumbered and you'll waste chakra before the final challenge." Once he finished he would wait for a reply from Kazuya to see if he had no objections with his plan before closing his eyes. He focused his chakra towards his feet, a simple jutsu all shinobi should know as it was taught to them at the academy. After it was ready Touya began making his way up the great wall, arriving at the top looking down at his next challenge. He turned around, his back facing the pool and performed a couple hand seals before jumping backwards off the wall suspending himself about half way over the pool. "Wind Style: Stream Jutsu!!" He called out before inhaling deeply and exhaling a powerful and concentrated stream of wind from his mouth, it was strong enough to accelerate him backwards clearing the rest of the syrupy pool. Eventually he would land on the other side, turning back around the face the next challenge. Surely Kazuya wasn't too far off behind at this point as the young genin got in his battle ready stance.

4,855/9,000 [Training Ninjutsu S>SS]

Chakra: 135/150:


Feeling excitement to test his skill on this training session, Kazuya could feel a change in the wind as if something was about to happen. Kazuya took a quick glance at Touya to see if he could read his mood and it seemed he was feeling the same way as Kazuya was feeling. Kazuya guided his eyes back toward his sensei to see what he had planned for there training. Kazuya assumed that a sparring match that involved him and Touya facing off against their sensei while utilizing the nature around them to take him down. Fighting against such a powerful person would truly test his skills even though he knows fully well that his sensei has more combat experience and has been in many life or death situations so this would be a great thing for Kazuya to face off against such a man with that much experience and skill under his belt. " Sousetsu Senju what sort of training coming from a man of your stature will you put us through", Kazuya thought to himself what ever the training it will not be easy and team work will be very essential. Kazuya watched as his sensei jump back a few meters and pulled out a blade that was around his lower back area. His sensei had threw the blade up in the air then kicked it from the handle to send it a couple of meters ahead from their current position to land blade first lodged with in the earth. Kazuya thought this was going to be a simple retrieve the blade by using team work to get past his sensei. Kazuya didn't really like that idea because it was so simple for a training exercise coming from a very skilled shinobi. Kazuya looked at the blade from a far distance then looked back at his sensei thinking this can not be the training exercise. Soon after that thought his sensei spoke again saying,  "That was my blade, a very important weapon to me. If you can pass this challenge then I will reward you with some lunch."

"A free meal that's a pretty nice award for getting a sword that was straight ahead", but that thought was soon diminished. Sousetsu-sensei showed a little smile then performed a few hand seals then slapped his hands on the grounds saying with a loud voice," Doton: Doryuheki" a large wall formed behind him. The sight of the blade quickly vanished as the wall grew in height in front of Kazuya eyes. "I knew it wouldn't be that easy", Kazuya said with a voice expecting such a thing from his sensei. Sousetsu walked on the side of the wall and waved for the two young genin to come where he was standing. Kazuya walked over to were his sensei was and saw him place his hand by his mouth and say, "Suiton: Mizuame Nabara!" Kazuya he sensei exert a sticky like substance from his mouth that formed a large pool covering some area behind the large wall. Sensei began walking again and this time closer to the sword. He made a sudden stop then placed his hands on the ground which lead to three wolves being summoned, but they were no ordinary wolves they seemed as if they were made of mud. The three wolves seemed to show affection for sensei like a loyal pet should to it's master. Sensei quickly patted them and sent them off ahead, Kazuya wondered why he summoned mud wolves for this exercise. Kazuya wanted to ask his sensei the reason but saw him summon a clone of himself that went toward the blade. After seeing that Kazuya knew him and Touya would have to fight that clone in order to get the blade. Sousetsu-sensei turned to Kazuya and Touya with a grin that was so familiar now and said, "This is the obstacle course I have set for you. You must make your way over the wall, find a way across the pool of syrupy substance, try to pass or destroy the mud wolves and finally, beat a copy of me. Once the sword is within my grasp once again you will pass. You have fifteen minutes. Begin!" Sensei quickly moved himself to the sidelines to be an observer and also whistled for one of his mud wolves to come back to him seeming to make it a fair two versus two once we were in the area where the wolves were waiting.

Kazuya looked at the obstacle thinking to himself the first two obstacles shouldn't be a problem for him or Touya. Kazuya heard Touya's voice with him saying,  "That lunch is as good as ours! Alright this is what I propose we do! First of all, there is no way we're going to break through this wall. So I'm suggesting we just go over it, if you know what I mean. As for that pool of syrupy stuff, I think it'd be in our best interest to just avoid that all together. I already have a way of doing that. I'm sure you are capable of coming up with something on your own, but just don't be afraid to ask for my help if you need it. Once we arrive at the wolves we'll take them on together at once, charging in alone would be foolish as you will just be outnumbered and you'll waste chakra before the final challenge." Kazuya looked at Touya with a slight smile saying, "That sounds like a reasonable plan to me", Kazuya liked being the guy who came up with plans, but it was nice to know there are other genins who are comfortable and capable of being that type of person. Kazuya watched as Touya took of to easily run up the large wall with Kazuya right behind him and then after performed a futon jutsu that sent him across the syrupy substance with out him touching it. Kazuya performed the same jutsu and easily soared across the syrupy substance without touching it. Kazuya walked up to Touya and said, "Ready to take out some wolves."

2796/9000 Taijutsu Training S>SS
Chakra: 135/150:

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu sat with his back against the trunk of a nearby oak tree and his right leg over the left. The mud wolf and came to rest by his side, sitting like a guard dog. The muddy substance trickled down its body but it seemed to reform after a short period of time. He looked at his students in the distance and had noticed that they were communicating well with one another, discussing the soloutions to the problems that their Sensei had provided them. It was a wonderful thing, training. It brought those who barely knew one another to come together and settle their differences aide to reach a common goal. To better themselves. The Senju looked down at his muddy creation and grinned softly, letting off a small sigh. It knew from the moment of its birth where its allegiance lay. It was the perfect soldier that this world needed. One without feelings, emotions, anything that could hinder the body and mind from fulfilling its predatory state. But, in the end, was that not what made us human? Emotions, a powerful state of mind that had no room for the ninja world. Time changes everything however. We learned to love and appreciate the beings that we are surrounded by each day we walk upon this cruel earth. Ninja were not all ruthless killing machines sent on a mission to assassinate a political figure or enemy. That was for the empty minded to believe. Why could people not see the how ones actions could determine a domino effect causing it to be equally as harmful to the ninja and his friends and family. Others may retaliate but the real pain is within their mind.

Sousetsu had tried his best to apprehend rather than kill those who he had battled against. But by apprehending them and sending them to others, did he not seal their fate? Sousetsu thought about this almost every day. Those people could have been sentenced to death anyway but the idea of 'justice' seemed to keep Sousetsu in the check. He imagined they were behind bars and still breathing than six feet under or cremated. The muddy canine had gave off a soft moaning sound. Snapping out of his thoughts he focused on the wolf who then barked in return with a more playful aura about it. Maybe, even these creatures were not the perfect soldiers. They seemed to behave like any other animal despite being made from the earth. Sousetsu used his index finger to comb past its head and across his ear and oddly enough the mud did not latch onto him. His finger was clean and it then dawned on Sousetsu that appearances was not everything, much like when people assumed that ninja were natural born killers and nothing more. He seemed to be happy to be wrong in this situation, giggling to the animal before him before turning his gaze to the obstacle course.

He had noticed the two students running up the great and earthy wall with their supernatural walking practice, a perfect score for the easy task. As soon as they reached the top and made their way to the highly dense chakra infused water, Sousetsu was expecting the continuation off the technique but was instead greeted with a new technique which the other followed. They seemed to have glided over the syrupy substance with ease before landing before the mud wolves. A perfect score for creativity and throwing him off guard, but not when it came to chakra consumption. Either way, they were both doing very well. The battle stances could now be shown from both participants and it seemed as if they were ready to take on anything let alone the mud wolves. The Sannin turned back to his canine friend and patted while saying, "You can sit this one out..." accompanied with another smile upon his face afterward. "Now. Let's see how they  will do here, eh?" He spoke to the summoning as he continued to watch his students.

Words: 4535/9000 [Ninjutsu training S>SS]

Chakra: 300/370


Hatake Touya

Hatake Touya

"Ready to take out some wolves." Came a familiar voice from behind, it would appear Kazuya followed Touya's example down to the letter which made the young genin quite impressed with his partner. More so the fact that he too was able to use the same wind style jutsu. "Ah, right on time." Touya replied, not even turning to look at his partner, his attention was focused on the two obstacles that hindered their advance. With Kazuya landing just moments after Touya, they were ready, the both of them standing at the edge of the pool preparing to take on the next challenge. The muddy wolves showing a more aggressive side, the likes Touya would have ever expected considering the fact that not too long ago they were playing joyfully at his sensei's side. Mud dripping from both their jaws vanishing onto the ground below, quite similar to the way an actual wolf would drool before taking a that first bite out of their pray, it was quite it was quite intimidating but it wouldn't phase Touya any. Rather, he stood there analyzing the situation his eyes switching back and forth between the two. The scene itself just looked like an old fashion stand off for the time being.

That was when it finally dawned on Touya; nature transformation, one of the two necessary techniques for creating a jutsu.  There are five elements to nature transformation, the foundation for all elemental ninjutsu, they are as following. Fire, Wind, Lighting, Earth, and Water. They were all connected to one another in a circle, each being weaker than one but stronger than another. By using this a shinobi can determine what jutsu or tactic to use when dealing with a powerful ninjutsu that uses one of the five elements. Fire is strong against wind because wind feeds the flames making it stronger, but it's weak against water, the reason being self-explanatory. Wind is strong against lightning because it's the natural electric insulator, but is weak against fire because you just don't put out a fire by simply blowing on it. Lightning is strong against earth because of it's potential to break through it. Earth is strong against water because earth naturally contains water or absorbs water to the point when it becomes muddy then dries up. Then it goes right back around to water being stronger than fire. Which brings us back to the situation at hand, Touya's primary affinity is lightning, the two creatures before them were created using Earth Style which in turn made them weaker to Touya's attacks. On another positive note, Touya recalled the clone of Sousetsu being summoned using a Water Style jutsu. The thing about water is that it can be used in conjunction with lightning to increase the flow of electricity increasing the damage taken by the target, it was perfect.

"I'm going to be sooo hungry after this!" He called out, waving to his sensei who sat at the base of a nearby tree. Perhaps his overconfidence was getting the better of him at this point.

A cheeky grin appeared on the young genin's face as one of the wolves finally commenced an assault, charging at the two. "Coming alone? That's foolish." Touya noted before turning his head but not his eyes towards Kazuya. "I'll take care of this one, the other one is all yours." Touya declared, stepping directly in front of his teammate, usually he wasn't the one to want to take the spotlight for himself but the advantage was clearly in his favor and he wasn't going to just let it go to waste. He held his hand forward with both his middle and index fingers extended pointing in the direction of the two wolves. As he focused his chakra to the two fingers electricity began to build up at the tip. This was his most favorite attack, Shock Bullet mainly because of the range and the fact that no hand signs were necessary to initiate the jutsu allowing for a fast draw which was perfect giving the current situation. As the wolf got within approximately 10 meters, Touya began firing electrical bullets from his fingertips at it rapidity at the same rate and accuracy as your standard handgun, he aimed for more vulnerable spots, mainly the legs in order to immobilize it. Touya fired about seven shots, as the bullets connected with the wolf it took with it bits and pieces of it's limbs until it finally collapsed withing three meters of the Touya leaving a cloud of smoke as it vanished.

5,622/9,000 [Training Ninjutsu S>SS]

Chakra: 130/150 | Shock Bullets Ammo Remaining: 8/15 |:


"Ah, Right on time" Touya responded up on Kazuya's arrival after crossing the two first obstacles with ease like Touya did. Kazuya saw how the wolves became more violent upon seeing the two ninja. It was kind of funny how quickly the wolves mood changed from earlier when their master was patting them. Kazuya gave a slight smile thinking, "Taking out some wolves made out of mud will be easy." Kazuya looked at the two wolves thinking he could easily take out both of the wolves with his rotation, but thought that would be a not so safe idea because that would mean Touya would have to be bait and make the wolves come were Kazuya was standing and that plan could easily turn bad. Kazuya looked at Touya wondering what type of plan he was thinking up. Kazuya then looked back at the wolves who seemed like they were going to charge to attack any second. "I'm going to be sooo hungry after this!" Kazuya heard Touya say that with a loud voice while also waving at sensei. Kazuya wondered if Touya had a plan to take down the wolves. He also thought maybe Touya thinks he can take on both wolves on his own. Expecting to hear a plan Kazuya saw one of the mud wolves suddenly charged in to attack him and touya. "Wow that's a brave wolf charging in all on it's one it has some guts I will give it that." Kazuya was prepared to take on the wolf that was charging toward him and Touya.

Kazuya saw Touya's head turn toward him and he said,  "I'll take care of this one, the other one is all yours." Touya stepped in front of Kazuya basically declaring himself the opponent for that one mud wolf charging in. Kazuya took that chance to activate his Byakugan and quickly dash four meters to the left of Touya and then dash straight toward the second wolf that was waiting. Kazuya was surprised that the one wolf charging didn't take it's attention off Touya, since he kind of expected it to turn toward his direction. Kazuya guessed the wolf knew it was being challenged by Touya and didn't want to back down from that challenge. Kazuya quickly came with in seven meters of the second wolf and as expected it came charging right back at Kazuya. Kazuya used the power of his Byakugan to quickly check on how Touya was handling the wolf he was facing and it seemed he was using some jutsu to shoot at the wolf. Kazuya and the second wolf were closing in on each other fast. Kazuya was prepared to use the Hyuga clan Gentle Fist on the mud wolf. Kazuya and the mud wolf were three meters from each other, So Kazuya quickly raised his right palm positioned outward to the right of his chest and when the two were with in one meter of each other the mud wolf jumped toward Kazuya's face with it's jaw opened ready to bite. Kazuya used the momentum of him running and the wolf jumping to his advantage. Kazuya swayed his body to the right of the wolf away from its jaw and he quickly thrust his palm with great force into the left torso of the wolf. The wolf howled in pain as it fell four feet away from were Kazuya was standing. A part of the mud wolf's torso was knocked off and Kazuya thought he had defeated the wolf. Kazuya used the power of his Byakugan to see how Touya faired with the wolf he was fighting and saw the wolf was defeated and then turned to smoke. Kazuya quickly noticed that the wolf he had beat did not turn into smoke. Kazuya looked to the direction of his sensei and was about to ask why the wolf he fought didn't disappear since a part of it's torso was knocked off, but quickly heard the wolf growling. Kazuya focused his attention on the wolf again and entered his gentle fist style ready to fight it again. "What the hell is going on that wolf should have of disappeared."

Words: 3504/9000 [Taijutsu Training S>SS]

Chakra: 130/150:

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