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1A cozy old hut (Fuuinjutsu training) Empty A cozy old hut (Fuuinjutsu training) Thu Jun 27, 2013 1:24 pm

Kage No Akira

Kage No Akira

Gathering a collection of scrolls that contained much of his own personal work and research into the art and theory of fuuinjutsu; Bonreu placed them carefully inside the pouch that contained similar scrolls, some borrowed from the archives, some from other users much like himself. Flipping closed the flap that covered the large pouch containing the scrolls Bonreu checked himself over to make sure that he was prepared for the task ahead of himself. Paper aplenty to record any notes on, plus the ink and other writing supplies to actually scribe the thoughts down. Obviously the pouch of scrolls that would serve as a reference to help form the basis. Himself obviously, well rested and fed. Finally he had secured a location to study, formulate, and practise in earlier in the morning after talking with some of the administrators of the village. It was a vacant hut that had a decent sized empty area around it. The hut would let him read and write in piece and ensure that his work was not damaged by any rain, while the empty area would let him practice without damaging any important buildings if it came to that. Everything looked to be set.

Stepping out his front door into the bustle of the village lifted his spirits. While the sun was not to be seen like normal, the life that the village showed again sent a invigorating rush through his body. The masses of people going about their business after the fire went to show the resilience of the village, and even after all the time it brought a smile to Bonreu's face. Closing the door behind himself he headed to his destination with a smile on his face, and his nerves calmed down.

As he neared the location the hussle of the village died down and the mists crept in, leaving nary a soul in sight. Which suited him just fine, it was after all why he was here; peace and quiet with no civilians to get hurt. The house had been built with heavy rains in mind. The roof was very well made, and the floor was raised off the ground enough that 2 steps were required to get up to the door. But as the step creaked under Bonreu's foot it was obvious that the hut was starting to show it's age, perhaps in a year or two the roof would start leaking, or the floor would give way. Pushing the door open so that his work could begin, Bonreu stepped foot inside.

Word count: 423

2A cozy old hut (Fuuinjutsu training) Empty Re: A cozy old hut (Fuuinjutsu training) Thu Jul 04, 2013 1:56 pm

Kage No Akira

Kage No Akira

Straining his eyes against the shift in light from the shady outside to the gloomy insides of the old hut, he peered around. The insides of the hut seemed to match the mists outside, dark and gloom, but with a hint of vacancy definitively present. A bed was in one of the corners of the single open room, and on the other a large table and chair. The table seemed to have a considerably less amount of dust coating it than the bed, and the area around it was likewise less coated with dust. Both had a decent amount to be sure, but the dust suggested someone had used this hut for a little time, but not long enough to need to sleep here accounting for the thicker dust on the bed. The roof from the inside appeared to be in very good condition, so the chance of a leak letting rain in and damaging a scroll was definitely low.

Stepping further into the hut, and closing the door behind himself, Bonreu cast about for a candle holder to get a candle to shed more light onto the workspace so he could stop straining his eyes. Lucky one sat on the desk already. Pulling a fresh candle from within his satchel with one hand, while picking up the holder with the other. Blowing off the dust that coated the remains of the last bit of dried wax and the metal then he grasped the candle near the wick with his other hand. Squeezing the wick with his pointer finger and thumb he channeled Katon flavored chakra into it much like triggering an explosive tag, but on a different level. Removing his digits from the wick, it burst into flame shedding light onto the room.

Waiting a few moments for the flame to catch fully, and then a few more for it to melt the wax before tilting the tip over the holder to let the melted wax collect into the holder. Placing the lit candle into the liquid wax as it cooled ensured that the candle would remain firm in it's holster. With a light source secured his gaze turns to the dust on the desk, which after a strong sweep with a damp cloth, then a dry one, was readied itself very simply.

Placing the candle holder on the desk, and his pouch containing the various supplies in front of the chair. He was ready to begin in earnest.

Word count this post: 410
Word count this thread: 833

3A cozy old hut (Fuuinjutsu training) Empty Re: A cozy old hut (Fuuinjutsu training) Tue Jul 09, 2013 2:50 pm

Kage No Akira

Kage No Akira

Sitting down into the old chair elicited a slight groan that was customary of old wood set aside for too long. Pausing a moment to get a feel if the chair would fall apart under him or not, only to reach into the scrolls pouch once he was sure that he wasn't going to end up on his ass. Settings aside the first scroll Bonreu continued to withdraw the entire collection of items of things that he brought to study and train with. With every thing in place and notes ready to be written, he reached forth and opened a scroll that was in the archives.
The unrolled scroll was one written long ago by a summoning master several generation ago. She noted many things about the summoning seal and common Fuuinjutsu. Jotting down several of the connections she made on to his own notes he continued on. Realising that the two were closely related thanks to their roots in Ninjutsu, she had begun to devise a Fuuinjutsu that would let her fellow ninja that lacked a summoning contract bring forth backup of their own, in a limited fashion. Unfortunately she never got to fully complete the formula for it due to an untimely death his history class was accurate, something about a shinobi war and Bijuu fighting with her. But thanks to her work it wouldn't be too difficult for a master such as himself to finish the jutsu.

What was already established was the seal that was to be laid out in preparations for the "summoning", but the follow up was missing. Scribbling some thoughts down to make sure he didn't forget them, he headed outside to gain access to the ground leaving the scroll behind so that it didn't get damp or damaged. Things sometimes just came to him when dealing with this kind of things, and anything he did discover could be recorded after the fact, assuming he remembered.

Passing through the doorway once again, in a bit of a rush this time, he immediately began the task of focusing his chakra into the ground to form the first part of the seal as it was shown by the predecessor. A rather simple task, all that was needed was to make a rough outline on the ground of a giant hand, and then repeat it again a little bit aways. The mists that always permeated the area blocking out the sun didn't dampen his mood in the slightest, for he was in his groove and making his own form of art.

Word count this post: 425
Word count this thread: 1258

4A cozy old hut (Fuuinjutsu training) Empty Re: A cozy old hut (Fuuinjutsu training) Tue Jul 09, 2013 6:04 pm

Kage No Akira

Kage No Akira

With high spirits and even higher hopes for to day, Bonreu sat down between the to finish outlines of hands that he has traced a few moments before. This part was the more complicated and difficult part than the prep phase. While up to this point had been detailed by the scroll in good detail from here out there was very little to actually go off of besides the hand signs, was was supposed to happen, and his own skill. Luckily if things did go horribly he would be the only person to get hurt and besides the old hut nothing of value would be destroyed. Of course he valued his own life so he was determined to make it work. 

Taking a breath to steady himself, he began to weave the handsigns in order to properly mold the chakra required. As the last bit of chakra was molded the chakra flow he was using for the jutsu poured into the ground beneath him, both into the two outlines so the sides and the earth a meter below him. Feeling the chakra settle into the earth, a feeling of confusion grew. Wasn't the jutsu supposed to actually do something? Sitting on the damp ground for a couple of moments confused and growing impatient he gave an impatient tug onto the chakra infused earth; being rewarded by the feeling of earth under him rumble and move at the tug nearly toppling him and breaking his focus. 

Smiling at the results of the jutsu, even if it was just a preliminary result; he gave less of a tug and more of a pull on all of the affected earth to bring it up onto ground level. Feeling the shifting of earth underneath him once again as the earth was forced aside directly under him, his balance remained firm when his sitting area was suddenly elevated to several meters above where he started the jutsu at. 

Looking underneath his new position it was obvious that he not only raised the creation to the earth, but also made it float above the ground! The two outlines to the sides that he had made seems to have been raised up as well, creating two large floating hands that he had a feeling he could control pretty well. Looking at what he was riding on a bit of a shock was that it appeared to be roughly a skull!

Word count this post: 403
Word count this thread: 1661

5A cozy old hut (Fuuinjutsu training) Empty Re: A cozy old hut (Fuuinjutsu training) Tue Aug 27, 2013 1:18 am

Kage No Akira

Kage No Akira

Standing up from ontop the floating earth head with strength and confidence, not to mention a big smile, he hopped off onto the ground in front of his new minion. Looking it over it seems a bit weird honestly, a floating head and 2 hands with what looked like eyes on the palms. Feeling the creation with his inner eye, he sense that it wasn't draining chakra from him, so it appeared to be self sustaining. Wondering to himself how long it would last if left undisturbed Bonreu wandered back inside the hut with a curiously nagging feeling that he had forgotten something. Before passing through the door the creature started to move, landing onto the ground with the palms landing on their "wrists" and eyes facing forward, leaving it rest there as a twisted joke to anyone who came past. 

Walking back inside to reflect on what he had just accomplished and give himself a mental pat on the back when he noticed the semi forgotten parchment that he had left out on the desk only several minutes before. Mentally flinching at having forgotten the scroll so soon after putting it down just because the jutsu went well. It showed disrespect to the masters of the art who came before him. The men and women that helped build the current generation's skills up to where they are today. 

Picking up his writing tools, he wrote a small annotation after the work that was already in place "further contributions by Bonreu Uzumaki". Then began to finish the formula for the seal he had just performed including as great of detail as possible. In fact so great of detail was included that Bonreu felt that he could do the jutsu forwards AND backwards, just not at the same time of course that would be silly.

With every detail of the jutsu still floating around in his head fresh a new thought came to mind. If he knew the jutsu well enough to do it backwards, why not undo it instead? Sure having the little prank monument just sitting out there for a few years would be hilarious, but jokes weren't nearly as important as actually progress like this. So in the name of personal progress he collected up his things to make sure that he didn't forget them again, and went outside to the monument.

Placing one of his hands directly on the skull he could feel the chakra beneath the surface the awaited his command. Instead of ripping it apart, or commanding it to so something Bonreu just sat there getting a good feel for the flow of chakra and the final form of the seal before actually acting.

Words this post:449
Words count this thread: 2110

6A cozy old hut (Fuuinjutsu training) Empty Re: A cozy old hut (Fuuinjutsu training) Sat Sep 14, 2013 1:21 am

Kage No Akira

Kage No Akira

Waiting patiently for the seal's network to be inlayed in his mind he began to slowly toy with it, a slight change here or a slight change there. Never enough to break the seal or even dissolve it, but always enough to disrupt it in a meaningful way. Sometimes the floating ability would be deactivated leaving the regenerative ability, or sometimes all control of one of the hands would be lost. Even once when he twisted a particular part of the seal that was central to it's being, the left "hand" broke apart and it's components simply floated around the area completely independent of him.

Pausing to think about all he just learnt from his tinkering and what it would mean in combat. While he pondered what all of it was together the ever present dampness of the country escalated further into a mild downpour that was barely noticed by Bonreu in his thoughts. Calculating how much effort he had put into being able to manipulate the seal, the humor and usefulness of the distortions didn't seem worth it, especially on something that had it's own battle use.

Shaking off some water that had found it's way from his hair onto his face, he came to a final conclusion. This technique wouldn't be useful on his own jutsu and likely not useful on other people's jutsu because it would just be better to remove the seal instead of playing with it. Sighing as he fully registered the rain he muttered aloud " Always freaking raining. Kind of makes me miss Konoha." Shrugging at his predicament sense there wasn't much he could do about it, the rain or the uselessness of the jutsu.

Instead of trying to force a square peg into a round hole he would just have to adapt. He was sure that he could use the intimacy granted by it to erase the seal instead of toying with it. Not to break it apart or rip it asunder, but instead do it in reverse and negate it.

To test the effectiveness of his plan he would first need a control test before trying out the modified jutsu. He would need to do something to prove that a function of the jutsu worked, then erase part of the jutsu, and then test to make sure that said function didn't work any more. So for the first part: testing that everything was working properly. Turning his inner gaze back to his giant skull's seal he mentaly slashed part of the seal, severing it like a sword swinging through a small line of twine. Immediately the stone hand to his left crumbled into stones and dirt as it's source of binding was lost. And now to wait.

Words this post: 458
Word count this thread: 2568

7A cozy old hut (Fuuinjutsu training) Empty Re: A cozy old hut (Fuuinjutsu training) Sat Sep 14, 2013 2:02 am

Kage No Akira

Kage No Akira

His patience payed off, for as the target jutsu was designed to do the destroyed hand began to reform out of material on hand. The seal began to reform it's missing parts after a few moments, thus proving that his earlier tinkering had left everything in working order. Good. Now for the more complicated part of the test: reversing his work. His previous claim of being able to do the jutsu backwards isn't exactly the same thing, but it is pretty close. The big difference is that there is already something in his work space, and he would have to apply a spin to his own works to negate it. Inverting his normal practises of jutsu making to put the special spin, then all that was left was to follow the pattern provided by the seal itself.

Finishing the last part of the reverse jutsu surprisingly easy; it was really just a case of fill in the lines, the entire seal just went poof with only a mental poof the he probably imagined. Returning his entire attention to the real world to inspect the results. The broken hand has almost finished reassembling itself, which was could be deduced by the material only being partly together with some stones sticking out. The other two parts of the target remained untouched. The skull remained menacing as normal, while the other hand looked strange like the earth was waving. This meant the test was success, because in the test case before the affected target was broken apart with the jutsu's seal being destroyed. The fact that they remained standing was a testament that the jutsu was not only gone because of the stopped repair, but also as if it simply didn't exist instead of shattering. A success indeed.

words this post: 295
Word count this thread: 2865

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