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1Reunions [Open/No Kill] Empty Reunions [Open/No Kill] Fri Sep 06, 2013 2:35 am



Isamu arrived at the bar, going through the double doors and being greeted with a burst of absolute...silence. Wow. Club scene wasn't that hardcore today, he supposed. Sairento was somewhere behind him (he had practically sprinted all the way here, leaving his student in the dust), but his focus was on something else: alcohol. He wanted to drink, bad. He approached the bartender casually, sitting in one of the raised seats and leaning his elbows on the table. The bartender gave him a sideways glance, clearly annoyed by the Jounin already. Isamu couldn't help it, he would always be a child at heart. "Ahem, I'll have your strongest...uh, scotch, thanks!" Isamu asked, a large smile on his face.

The bartender gave him a nod before working on the drink. The Maeda turned his sights to the few people around, finding no one of particular interest and no one that he recognized. The bartender noticed his scanning of the building, and simply said, "it'll get packed soon enough, just wait until sunset." Isamu figured he was probably right, and as the bartender set the drink down on the table, he held it in his hand, waiting for Sairento to catch up. One sniff of the drink abhorred his olfactory senses, and he coughed loudly. What the hell is in this...!? Mr. Bartender-Guy, whose nametag read "Kairo", stared it him, now exponentially irritated. "It's call alcohol, smart one." Isamu gave him a glare and took a swig, choking it down. It tasted terrible, but he wasn't going to let Kairo know that he thought so. He was 21, and dammit, he would get drunk and like it!

2Reunions [Open/No Kill] Empty Re: Reunions [Open/No Kill] Fri Sep 06, 2013 1:02 pm

Sairento Bakuhatsu

Sairento Bakuhatsu

Sairento was casually strolling ot the bar, Isamu having left him to catch up. It was funny, how the jounin acted like a child at times, much like Sairento himself. He chuckled and made his way to the Kirigakure bar. Sure he was only seventeen years old, but was he was legally allowed to drink, right? The laws of Kirigakure were different than most other places. In some places the ninja would have to be twenty-one to drink but as they were ninja putting their lives on the line every day, he was able to drink at the tender age of seventeen. Though he had been drinking for a while, even before he turned seventeen. As he approached the bar, he entered and looked for his teacher. He'd catch a glimpse of Isamu, walking over and sitting next to him at the bar. He was apparently looking around the bar for anyone he might know while the bartender readied his drink.

The bartender brought Isamu his drink and Sairento caught a whiff of it. He loved the smell of scotch but it seemed Isamu didn't think the same. He chuckled at his teacher, and shook his head. "Isamu Sensei, you sure you can handle a triple scotch? That's always a strong one." He looked at the bartender now and smilled."Kiri Sake please!" The bartender nodded working silently on his drink, Sairento watched Isamu as this happened. The male choked down his drink and sairento shook his head laughing a bit at his teach. His drink came up, in the form of four shots, and he quickly downed each of them, breathing out a bit. "Ahhhhh"

3Reunions [Open/No Kill] Empty Re: Reunions [Open/No Kill] Sat Sep 07, 2013 10:39 pm



"Isamu Sensei, you sure you can handle a triple scotch? That's always a strong one. Sai's voice emanated. Isamu hadn't even noticed him arrive, and he smiled at the boy. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure I can manage." another blatant lie. He had no tolerance for alcohol in the least, considering this was his first time having it. He finished off the drink in front of him, already a bit fuzzy, as he called Kaito over. The bartender approached, waiting on an order, and in the meantime Isamu tried his hardest to think of a drink. He remembered that vodka was strong, and he'd heard of martinis. Let's mix those together...and flavor. Flavor? Was that how drinks worked? Meh, he had no idea. Chocolate flavor! There. "I will have a chocolate vodka martini, and make sure you, uh, put lots of vodka in it." Kaito sighed and grabbed the drinks, beginning to mix them while Isamu watched. The Jounin turned his attention back to his student, looking closely at his eyes. He could've sworn they were a different color before; either Sairento's eyes changed or Isamu was mistaken. He brushed it off, sure that he was probably just seeing things after the scotch.

"So, Sai. I don't know much about you aside from what you're like as a ninja. Tell me more about yourself, I feel like I should get to know my students...and friends. Yeah, you're my friend, I guess, since you only became my student like 30 minutes ago and I've known you for a few weeks."

4Reunions [Open/No Kill] Empty Re: Reunions [Open/No Kill] Sun Sep 08, 2013 12:41 pm

Sairento Bakuhatsu

Sairento Bakuhatsu

Sairento had ordered another eight shots. And why not? His tolerance was pretty high, he could handle it. As he downed his shots, he noticed his teacher was ordering another drink. 'Chocolate Vodka Martini?' Unless that was something dnew, the shinobi had never heard of it. Sure enough, Kaito began to make it which made the young Genin shrug. So there was something of that nature. His eyes were a blue color, the iris' changing to a green hue, with blue circles around the pupils. He was happy and calm, now and he began to down his shots. One after another, and another, stopping as he noticed his new sensei staring at him. He turned his head slowly to meet the gaze of Isamu.

"Oh, tell you about me? Uhm..I..'' Sairento never had this problem before. Someone wanting to know something about him that wasn't based on his clan, his abilities, or his bloodline. "Well, I was originally in the Mizukage's squad before joining you. I have been called a 'party animal' by my friends. I drink a lot, and my eyes change color based on mood. What about yourself?'' his eye color had shifted to a soft yellow as he watched his sensei carefully.

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