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1Hide and Seek (No Kill) Empty Hide and Seek (No Kill) Tue Sep 10, 2013 4:46 pm



It was the perfect place, in his opinion, to hide away from other people.

Lukyo slipped into the hot waters at the Hot Springs, releasing an enjoyed sigh of relief. He had just finished some training and ached all over, he had stopped as soon as the first symptom appeared. Luckily, he knew that if he relaxed himself as soon as he felt the discomfort in the pit of his stomach, his condition wouldn't become worse and, at the sign of the first symptom, went away quickly. The worse his condition, the longer it took.

He hated that with a passion!

Lukyo felt his brow twitch at the thought, he sunk lower into the water as he mumbled in annoyance. He liked that no one was around at the moment, he didn't feel up for chit-chatting with people. He knew if someone came in though, and if they started to talk with him, he wasn't going to blow them off because...well that just isn't him...though he might only give very short and vague responses. Lukyo closed his eyes and sighed, lost inside his thoughts.

2Hide and Seek (No Kill) Empty Re: Hide and Seek (No Kill) Tue Sep 10, 2013 5:08 pm

Uchiha Oshiki

Uchiha Oshiki

Hot springs... they truly were the best, there was no contest. Oshiki had been washing at his apartment since he'd started actively working again, always being too busy to just sit back and enjoy the feeling of warm water soaking over his skin and making him clean. Showers were quick and effective but they were hardly as pleasant as sitting in a bathtub with a lot of other cute guys who were also naked and only covered by a towel and... he could feel the blood rushing to his face as he thought those thoughts, trying to keep a hold of it. He'd not really been on a date in a while so it was only natural that his mind would go to these places, right? After all, his last boyfriend had broken up with him... what, a month ago now? Something about them having lost their chemistry. Lost their chemistry had they fuck, he'd found that bastard sleeping with one of the sixteen year old ninja girls that this village seemed to be full of within the week, the dirty bugger.  Of course, he'd not confronted him about it, he didn't need any  more of that then necessary, but now he was a month single and he was going to a bath full of naked guys.. this perhaps was not the safest thing for his reputation, but it was going to be nice anyway.

As he stripped off, he looked his body over for a second, admiring all of himself... save for all the bruises and cuts that he'd gotten from his recent fights. Those bounties, that weird forest girl, even the Hyuga. All of them had taken a toll on his body, even when he hadn't personally had to fight them like that drunk girl at the bar who he'd been requested to fetch. He was honestly just surprised that he wasn't more damaged, but that didn't mean he liked the amount that he was injured. They hadn't stung when he was in a shower, but bruises always seemed to sting more in the bath than in the shower. Maybe it was the long term exposure to heat... couldn't be that, he thought quietly, because he had fire chakra. He should be used to the heat, so it had to be something else. Was there chemicals in the water? he had to assume there were so that they weren't all just soaking in the sweat of everyone else in the village, but what chemicals could they be. They wouldn't be chlorine since the goal of a bath was to clean you and you were supposed to wash chlorine off your body after touching it. so... what was it?

Anyway, wrapping the towel around his waist and walking into the bath, he let out a contented sigh before looking around to see who was sharing the bath with him, only to be disappointed when there was nobody but a little kid. He was having to deal with a lot of kids recently, it was a little bit of a pain so he was just going to keep silent. At least that was what he thought as he began to sink under the water, his head slowly going underneath until the water was just over his nose but not quite above his eyes yet.

3Hide and Seek (No Kill) Empty Re: Hide and Seek (No Kill) Tue Sep 10, 2013 5:19 pm



The instant the man walked near enough to Lukyo, the kid's strange yellowish-green eyes opened quickly and looked at the latest visitor who had the unmistakable looks of an Uchiha. Personally, Lukyo has had his bad experiences with Uchiha's but he didn't put them all in the same boat right away. By the way the man was looking at him though, Lukyo was able to tell he was none too pleased to see that he was there.


That was just what he needed, negative energy. He could feel his brow twitch again as he continued to look at the guy, not really paying much attention to the fact he was staring at him. Lukyo tended to get lost in his thoughts and ended up either staring or walking into people. Luckily, for him, he wasn't walking. Lukyo didn't want to bump into a half naked man at the Hot Springs, he was already awkward enough girls but walking into another guy at he Springs....

Lukyo blinked, a sudden look of realization appeared on his once vacant face when he realized he was staring...again...his face flushed as he sunk lower into the water, looking away from the Uchiha. He muttered to himself again in annoyance, "Really? can't I stop doing that for once or am I always going to wander off like that?" The rest of his self conversation was inaudible.

4Hide and Seek (No Kill) Empty Re: Hide and Seek (No Kill) Tue Sep 10, 2013 5:59 pm

Uchiha Oshiki

Uchiha Oshiki

He wasn't totally sure, but judging from the shifting look on the boy's face, he looked like he was getting annoyed by something. Now, he had been looking at Oshi since he had come into the bath-house, and he looked like he was reserving judgement; That look meant two things. Firstly, he was able to tell that Oshi was an Uchiha simply from the way that he looked, more ammunition to continue him going around in his hooded jacket when he was outside of the village. Secondly, it showed that the kid was trying to avoid them having an argument for some reason. Maybe he didn't like Uchiha, or maybe he had wanted to be alone and his entrance was unwelcome. he didn't know what the case was, but either way it came out that he disliked them sharing the bath together. this was going to be awkward if they were both wishing for either less people in the bath or, in his case, more people. Slipping entirely underneath the water for a second, keeping his eyes closed in the scolding water so as to not get any water in his eye-sockets, he waited for around ten seconds before coming back to the surface, his entire body dripping with water and his hand moving back to brush the wet hair out of his face, it folding back like a quiff.

He had noticed that since he had gotten in the bath the boy's eyes hadn't been off him for a second. Now, that would have been fine if this kid was grown up - hell, it would have been bloody wonderful, he loved getting attention like that, but the fact of the matter was that he was still little more than a kid. He looked to be around the same age as that Hyuga boy, and if that was indeed the case then it was going to be awkward to confront him over this. It wasn't so much he disliked being looked at, he just would like to know why someone who hadn't even reached their sexual maturity was checking another person out, one who was naked nonetheless. Or, who knew, maybe he wasn't looking at him because he was interested and he was simply staring into space. Or, maybe he was making sure that the Uchiha didn't do anything whilst they were alone together, he honestly had no idea what this kid's motivations were but whichever way the coin fell he was going to need to breach this awkwardness, especially since it seemed like he was talking to himself.

But, how was he going to do that? they were alone together, and whilst that might be fine if they had known each other beforehand, this was the first time that they'd met and first impressions were really rather important. They were one of the things that you instantly thought of when you came to thinking about someone else, even if people changed afterrwards. So, what was he going to do? Forcing a kind smile, he looked over to the boy who was staring at him and spoke after clearing his throat.
"Are you okay? You seem to be pre-occupied about something. I hope I'm not disturbing you by being here." he said, being friendly enough for this situation... hopefully.

5Hide and Seek (No Kill) Empty Re: Hide and Seek (No Kill) Tue Sep 10, 2013 9:42 pm



The man spoke to Lukyo which made the young boy snap his attention back to him, he blinked at him for a moment before rubbing the back of his head, "Sorry...I was spacing out." He said, not looking at the man before turning back to him, "I felt your negativity about me being here...then I saw you were an Uchiha which...erm...I don't really have a good experience with them...but I am not saying that you are going to harass me." He held a tone of seriousness that sounded mature for a kid his age, his eyes held that same tone, "So no, I have o problem with you being here and...yeah, sorry again."

Lukyo wasn't the type of guy to base his opinion of other people on looks. He prefered to get to know the person before forming any kind of opinion but it didn't help he had his trust issues with people though it rarely came out. He was actually a very out going and friendly guy...with a short fuse. He remembered finding the very noticable three scars on his jaw one day but couldn't remember how he got them. He had been asked many times before about them and, instead of lying to make himself seem cool and tough, told people he didn't know but didn't care either, ending that conversation with shrugs.

Lukyo looked at the Uchiha a moment more before frowning inside, he figured that he wasn't really making the guy's time enjoyable by acting the way he was. He didn't seem like a bad guy either, maybe he was just uncomfy...well it wasn't like he was going to be hitting on the man...for very good reasons. He wasn't into guys (though he wasn't at that age where he was into girls either) and he was way older than Lukyo. The redhead smiled suddenly, it wasn't forced but natural, "My name is Lukyo, by the way."

6Hide and Seek (No Kill) Empty Re: Hide and Seek (No Kill) Wed Sep 11, 2013 2:41 am

Uchiha Oshiki

Uchiha Oshiki

Well, at least he was honest about it, but when he found out that the kid had mistaken him for being negative about him being there. Great, now he had to explain that little thing of his without it coming off like he was a pervert or like he was coming onto the kid. He had no interest in the kid quite honestly, he was way too young to be worth anything and he didn't even think he was attractive.

"I doubt you're going to believe this, but I was not negative about you being here. I was negative about there not being more people in here," he said, before realizing that that did sound rather perverted. He hadn't meant it like that... okay, maybe he had, but he really didn't want anyone to think that he had - it would be devastating to his reputation around the village - so, with a bright crimson blush, he tried to change what he had said.
"No, not like that! I mean I'd hoped for some company from someone I know or at least not being alone with someone else. Not because you're bad in any way, shape or form but mainly because it's awkward to be alone with just one other person in here. It's just... oh forget it." he said, before moving so his head began to sink under the water again. His blush was there but not from something sexual this time, just from pure embarrassment. It would have been hard to blame him for feeling awkward about what was going on.

The boy introduced himself, and Oshi was interested to hear that he wasn't mentioning what clan he was in. Most people mentioned that when they first met someone else, it was a point of honor for some people. He could understand why, even if he didn't like the fact that people were trying to use something that they hadn't done for their own benefit. They were simply using the way that they were born to make themselves sound better off. It was annoying, he could understand people boasting about their mastery of their clan's jutsu but they were expecting extra respect simply because the person who'd given birth to them had either fucked or was themselves in an impressive clan. People put too much weight on your family, but apparently not this guy. He didn't mention it, but he did mention that he'd had bad experience with Uchiha. He didn't know what he meant by that, but since he'd not seen any other Uchiha around the village since his family had been killed, he was going to assume that it was something about Hao. He'd been kicking up a lot of fuss recently.

Pulling back from under the water so he was sitting normally, moving his arms so they rested on the sides of the bath. "Well, Lukyo, it's nice to meet you. Sorry that we're not meeting in more...." he struggled for the right word to use in this situation "... normal circumstances. This has got to feel weird for you. I'm Oshiki by the way, but you can call me Oshi if it helps." He said, deliberately avoiding the wasp nest of his own clan that the boy had already commented on. He said he wasn't judging, but by the fact that he was refusing to judge that meant he thought he would be able to judge on this and that still said something about it even if he claimed not to be actually doing that.

7Hide and Seek (No Kill) Empty Re: Hide and Seek (No Kill) Wed Sep 11, 2013 9:52 pm



There was a very good reason Lukyo didn't give out his last name, he wasn't exactly all sure who he was. It wasn't the fact he had memory loss, he had no memory of them to even get lost. Lukyo grew up not knowing who his parents were but knew their family last name...though he was unsure if that was even their last name. Lukyo only used "Daichi" because that was the only clan name he knew of, his sister always used it but it always felt...foreign to him.

Lukyo couldn't help but to laugh though, the guy honestly thought that bothered him? Lukyo wasn't exactly the kind of person to point out someone's perverted nature, it was very unnecessary. As long as people didn't try and drag him into their...ways...he was ok. Lukyo accepted every walk of life people had and learned to deal with those who didn't think the same as he did. It would actually annoy him more if someone copied him. Lukyo wiped an invisible tear from his eye, "Man, I can't believe I made an Uchiha blush and stutter." He said, teasing was more like it. He turned his attention back to Oshiki, giving the older man a grin, "Its not all that weird honestly, nothing really bothers me much and its good to meet you too, Oshi."

8Hide and Seek (No Kill) Empty Re: Hide and Seek (No Kill) Fri Sep 13, 2013 1:18 pm

Uchiha Oshiki

Uchiha Oshiki

The boy was laughing. Well, that was always a good sign. He was laughing at Oshi, but Oshi was not one of those people who couldn't take being laughed at, he would have smiled but he was a little too embarrassed to do that for now and just kept a pleasant expression on his face as he watched the boy. There was no more sign of anger or forced lack of judgement as there had been a moment or two ago, he actually seemed okay with what was going on now. It was nice to be able to get past that stage of dislike so quickly, it was probably what had kept him alive as an Uchiha so far. The one time he had not bothered to get someone to like him before doing anything else had been with that forest girl, and maybe that was his own fault now that he thought about it... No, that couldn't be right, she was merely a lunatic, there was no way to parlay with a lunatic. After all, no sane person allows a sentient plant into their mind, even if they are a Senju. It would be like a Kanetsu allowing a sentient magma elemental into their mind, it was way too dangerous plus there was barely enough room for one person inside there. Or, at least, that was the way that he had always felt like. Like his ideas and thoughts were filling his brain to the brim and so they kept pushing and shoving and eventually knocked one out of there and so it was lost forever.

The man... no, boy was teasing him now and Oshi merely stuck his tongue out. Why should he care about whether this guy was messing with him or not? It was in good taste and it wasn't mean-spirited, so it was alright with him. Besides, he was laughing because it was an Uchiha who was stuttering and blushing, rather than the fact that Oshi himself had screwed up. He tried not to generalize people by their clan, and that was why he was finding it a little bit distasteful for him to laugh at the Uchiha part, but he also fully understood why that would be. They were thought of as the cruel, emotionless killers after all. But... well, he wanted to be able to change the way the world viewed the Uchiha so maybe it would be better if he tried to change this boy's opinions.

"Yeah, well, I'm not just an Uchiha. You wouldn't be surprised if an Uzumaki wasn't a complete idiot, or if a Senju didn't care particularly for plants, so why would you be surprised that I have a personality rather than just the cold, cruel killer concept that people push upon us.... Ooh, alliteration." he said, actually enjoying the little twist that he had added to his own words without realizing it. However, he quickly returned to the conversation.
"It's.... Clans are not who we are, it's who we were born too. Simply because my mother has spinny dots in her eyes and so do I does not mean that I'm a monster. I mean, think about your parents - Do you take after them? If not, then why should all clan members be the same?"

9Hide and Seek (No Kill) Empty Re: Hide and Seek (No Kill) Sat Sep 14, 2013 8:28 pm



Lukyo took a moment to consider the words Oshiki had just said, wanting to point out the fact that he didn't know who his parents were though that being a rather sensitive subject, he didn't want to say it. Maybe, he was just going to keep that part to himself. He didn't want Oshiki to pity him, he hated pity. It did nothing but remind him what was taken away. Another fact was he wasn't exactly clear on why he said what he said. For Lukyo, every Uchiha he had met was reserved and rather bitter towards him. He was surprised at how different Oshiki was, though thinking on it now, it sounded like he was judging him on his Clan. Darn....

Geez, you sure know how to start a conversation....

Lukyo's mouth twitches, he didn't know how he was going to explain it that he wasn't trying to insult the man. He was horrible with explaining things to people...maybe thats why he couldn't understand girls. Ok, going off topic now. Lukyo's eyes came back into focus before blinking, wondering how much time had passed, "Monsters? No, its simply because that out of every Uchiha I have meet so far, you are the first one who hasn't been so...reserved...I wasn't trying to insult you in anyway and no, I don't expect every member of their clan to conform to a stereotyped persona." Lukyo defended with a straight face, "But, if I have insulted you then I am sorry." He knew to never try and justify your actions completely if you have insulted someone. Everyone reacts to certain things and if that person feels like you insulted them then apologize. Yet at the same time, Lukyo wanted to try and make clear that he wasn't trying to be insensitive.

10Hide and Seek (No Kill) Empty Re: Hide and Seek (No Kill) Sun Sep 15, 2013 8:19 am

Uchiha Oshiki

Uchiha Oshiki

Oshi moved his hand up out of the water and rubbed the bridge of his nose in a circular motion, clearly a little bit stressed by this conversation. This was yet another conversation about how, apparently, he was the only remaining sane member of the clan. He knew that wasn't true, his entire family was sane... well, had been sane before they'd been taken. Maybe that was the problem, every time there was a decent member of the clan the world seemed to actively kick in to try and kill them off. If that was true, he didn't know why he was still around. Maybe that explained why he'd had so many missions that involved killing recently, it was the world trying to dirty his hands with the blood of other people. But, what they didn't realize was that killing didn't make you a bad person, as long as you killed the right people and only when there were no other choices. Although, that being said, there was such a thing as justification such as killing to protect innocents, like he had done in the case of Date. He was a monster that killed people because his temper was too fiery, it should not have been a case of whether it was morally right to kill him, but rather a case of if it was morally wrong not to kill him. After all, if he had been alive when he'd taken him in there was always the chance he would get out and hurt people again. It wasn't like he was some sort of superhero with a stupid conviction to human life, he believed that human life was important and thus anyone who took it from deserving people needed to have theirs taken.

"Yeah... well, maybe it's because of this." Oshi said, before closing his eyes and reactivating them so his sharingan were active. They were two tomoe and rather a rather brutal red, contrasting spectacularly with his normal color of black. "I have worked for this village for a few years now and I've lost count of the amount of times someone's attacked me to try and get my eyes. People are trying to take my eyes as if they're what's in this season, and to avoid being killed just so someone else can take my visual skill. You ever been hunted by people simply because you have spinny dots in your eyes?" he asked, before closing his eyes again so that his sharingan deactivated before opening them again.

"long story short, people in my clan suffer for one of three reasons. The first reason's that people seem to want to take our eyeballs out of our face, most people don't get that. The second reason is that to develop said spinny eyes we need to suffer. Hell, I gained my second spinny dot because I fell off a roof!" then, realizing that that came out wrong, he looked at him a little abashed "It's a long story. Anyway, the third reason is that people keep stereotyping us as monsters and thus attack us to try us "hurting people", which is bullshit since I've not hurt anyone that didn't deserve it. Besides, I'm a hunter-nin, it is my actual JOB to hurt people who hurt people, so really they're hurting someone who hurts someone for hurting someone. It's like a big cycle of pain."

Then, deciding that it was better to mention something else, he smiled at the boy.
"Don't worry about it kid. As long as you didn't mean it like that, I understand. I would probably be worried if I was in your shoes anyway, people who don't know us first hand tend to get a little bit... well, batshit insane. Know what I'm saying?"

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