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1Store Security 1012 word count Empty Store Security 1012 word count Thu Sep 05, 2013 7:10 pm



Here they where once more. Fear washed over Konoha like a wave basking in its thick oily sickness. He could feel it like a layer staining his skin. The cold weather did little to help the spirit of the people after all. He stood on the roof looking down at the little shop as calm as could be. It was natural that people would choose to arm themselves. However what good would it do them? The trained ones trembled feeling how powerless they where as they waited for the sounds of battle. The Sannin and Kage would stand and defend them all. But if that was not enough? If the strongest fell could they survive as a united front against such a strong enemy? He highly doubted it. But it was said that the slightest difference no matter how small could change the outcome of fate. A swordsman once fought an armored rider. He was at every disadvantage but still he fought. He did this because he noticed the horse was favoring its right front leg. He analyzed that because the horse shoe was loose he could dodge in that direction and wear the rider down before he struck. The smallest of differences could mean the world.

Still it was his first night there and he had set up a canopy on top of the store roof. He was camping above until he heard or saw signs of a break in. He watched the storm rumbling in the distance on its way to settle over Konoha. The thunder cracking open the very sky. It was just another thing to inspire the fear of nations fallen in the past years. It was part of why he wished to be Anbu. To end the fear that unsettled his own heart. He would one day be a supreme fighter and feared in his power. These demons would fear the light of justice and he would have his bugs feast on their corpses. This Hao particular. Still his mind was drifting as he reopened his mission file contemplating how to go about dragging out the thief.

Last edited by Mure on Thu Sep 05, 2013 7:30 pm; edited 1 time in total

2Store Security 1012 word count Empty Re: Store Security 1012 word count Thu Sep 05, 2013 7:19 pm



He truly had issues sleeping that night. He would drift into slumber but the storm rolling over head would wake him with a start. It seemed to roar with the rage of thousands of volts of electricity. It was an element he himself was not a fan of. Lightning had a way of disturbing the habitat of where ever it settled. Still he had to wonder if this storm was an omen to something far darker then he had initially thought. Had the battle already begun? The pitter patter of rain on his tarp gathered his attention at that point. Morning was still a couple of hours out but the rain was not harmful but a life provider. It brought comfort to him in its simple pattern. He was content to simply watch the rain pour down around him. It was finally enough to lull him into sleep right when the shop was opening.

Mure awoke half way through the day. The rain still poured through the clouds but it provided a rather grey light to everything. Quickly he at his meal of cold baked beans and rice. Left overs he had brought with him for the stake out. His dull yellow eyes looking out across the roof. It was like watching a sheet of rain pouring down from the heavens. Soon life would flourish greater then ever. His mind no longer drifted from his mission but instead began to concentrate on it. A couple of hours was left to him in silence before it would be sun down. With that he took the time to plan out possible escape routes one might take if they got past him and went through his mind remembering defenses against weapons and other such things. People however clumsy and untrained with a weapon where not only dangerous to others but dangerous to themselves as well. When a burglar tried something he would need to put them down with out killing them. Or with out them killing themselves if at all possible. However his thoughts stopped drifting on his plans as a crash washeard down below. It was game time.

3Store Security 1012 word count Empty Re: Store Security 1012 word count Thu Sep 05, 2013 7:29 pm



Mure quietly peaked over the edge of the roof with a casualness and calm state of mind that was very practiced. A middle aged man and by the look of him just an afraid civilian. Odd how he had guessed accurately that this would happen. Even the untrained where comforted by having a weapon in their hands. Still this was breaking the law. Breaking into a store and stealing was a crime and his mission was to stop it. So he moved out into the rain in the night. The thunder rumbled like a Deep growl directly over head. A Beast watching everything. Mure descended down to the store entrance and lifted his hands calmly arms out in complete silence. A swarm of bugs flew into the shop. It took a mere second for a scream to echo out and a single individual came running out tripping over the step. Mure watched the man seem to skid to a stop on the rain soaked concrete. No blood flooded out from the man any where as he slowly and painfully pulled himself up. Mure took the time now to talk through his gas mask. His words fairly muffled.

"You took a fall there bud. Lets get you taken care of."

The man seemed to notice he was there for the first time now. As if he had thought himself alone before. The man drew a weapon but Mure was not one to sit around and wait to see if the guy would use it. With a step forward he Drove three quick punches into the mans gut in rapid succession. The mans air left his lungs and he simply oollapsed. Still Mure opted to stay there for a time. Turning the man over to the authorities as they arrived. Another mission well done. As usual.

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