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1Heavy Lifting? [D-Rank, Solo] Empty Heavy Lifting? [D-Rank, Solo] Wed Sep 04, 2013 10:48 pm



Another day, another mission. It was what was needed to become Chuunin, so Aiza wasn't arguing. He was just that much closer to his next step as a ninja! This one was perfect for him, too. It was just a mission where he had to carry records from one building to another. More specifically, there were 5 boxes of records, each containing hundreds of folders and files and whatnot, that needed to be taken from the Administration Building all the way to the Construction sector of the village. With his Taijutsu prowess and brute strength, he wasn't intimidated in the least. He arrived at the office, both hands in the pockets of his deep blue pants as his suit jacket fell back behind his elbows. He faced the woman sitting at the desk in front of him. "Record transporter, reporting for duty."

She gave him a sideways glance that was an obvious indication that she had no idea who the hell he was. She was probably only a receptionist, so she wasn't expecting there to be any taking of records to another location. Aiza gave her an effortless smile and held out his index finger as a signal for her to wait one moment. He used his other hand to pull out a folded document from his pocket, detailing the mission. He handed it to her and gave her a moment to read; as she did, her face lightened up, and she pointed to a small closet off to the left of a grouping of windows. Most of Konohagakure could be seen, but it was scenery that Aiza was used to; he focused on the files in the closet, picking up box after box.

The Itohane left the building carrying three boxes on his shoulder, keeping them steady with his right arm, and carrying the other two with his left arm. Yes, they were pretty heavy, but it was good strength training. The trip to the Construction area would be, maybe...15, 20 minutes? That was if he walked, he could probably be faster if he jogged. Just as he began to, he nearly crashed into an older woman, but he immediately dodged her and apologized, dropping a few files in the process. Setting the boxes down, he put the fallen files back into their appropriate bins; a few people offered help but he replied with a polite "No, I've got it, but thank you, anyways." When he had them all gathered, he put them back into their respective carrying positions and went back to walking.

Upon entrance of the construction area, Aiza was surprised to find it making good progress. Last he'd seen of it was only a week ago from his rooftop, but some buildings were already completely rebuilt now, and the crater in the ground seemed much less deep. He proceeded, moving toward the largest building there, designated as the drop-off spot. He knocked on its door, once, twice, three times before being let in by a young man, probably around 19 or 20. "You can leave the records right there, thanks a ton."

"It's my pleasure, sir. I'm here to help." Aiza replied as he headed back out, onto the main streets. They had calmed down significantly, although it was maybe 1 or 2 PM. How odd. He finally got back to the Administration Building and collected his reward, and just as soon as he received it, ventured back to the mission board for his next task. He was determined to be Chuunin as soon as he could, both to contribute more to Konoha as a ninja and to be of a high-enough rank to leave the village on his own. That way, he could finally go and find his real parents...

(635 - Mission Complete)

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