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1Kaen [D-rank] Empty Kaen [D-rank] Thu Sep 05, 2013 2:42 pm



Name: Kaen
Rank: D
Species: Fox
Appearance: Kaen is slightly taller than most foxes, as she is almost three foot tall and five foot long. Her head comes up to Yuu's belt, and despite her height she's very sleek and lean.
Personality: Kaen is a lot like her master, although she's very affectionate to Kanetsu family members and especially to Yuuta, she's tends to look at other people with indifference unless they're offering her food. She is clearly more comfortable in Yuuta's company than in anyone else's, and will often nuzzle against his leg whilst they're walking.

2Kaen [D-rank] Empty Re: Kaen [D-rank] Fri Sep 06, 2013 3:00 pm



Approved for 200 ryo

3Kaen [D-rank] Empty Re: Kaen [D-rank] Fri Sep 06, 2013 4:41 pm



I'll take this, deduct the ryo now please.

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