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1A New Twilight RPG Empty A New Twilight RPG Wed Jul 11, 2012 1:29 pm


[center]A New Twilight RPG Eclipse_Banner_by_Chibilina

Here's your chance to take part in the world of Twilight. Isabella Swan is the Chief of Police's daughter and the new girl in town. Forks is a strange world to her. Too much green and not enough sun. She hates it at first. Until she meets the Cullen's or mover over, Edward Cullen. Mysterious, Strange, and Silent most of the time.

The Cullen's are just trying to fit in as they have been trying to do for more years than any human can imagine. It is hard enough without a singer stepping into Edward's life. The rest of the Cullen's need to either accept Bella and help them be together, or pull Edward away.

Because of the return of the Cold One's the Wolves return as well. Forks just got a lot more dangerous than any of the humans are used to. The change has attracted the attention of other creatures as well who are moving to wards Forks to see things for themselves.

There is another group that have noticed the new found interest Forks is getting. Not to mention a budding interest between vampires and a certain human. And they are not happy...

This site follows the first book. Though changes here and there are sure to take place. It is a struggle for strength, survival, and love.

Jump in and Welcome to Twilight the RPG.

Lots Of Canon's Available
Original's Are Welcome.
No Word Count
Fun Sub Plots To Come
Friendly Staff
Nice Layout

Come Check Us Out!!![/center

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