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Isamu headed out to the streets, walking at a brisk speed. The mist around him was heavy and hard to see through, but nothing unusual, so he walked unhindered by it and instead focused on his mission. Apparently, there was a group of smugglers near the coastline that were attempting to do just that; smuggling. Illegal weapons and supplies galore. According to the mission details, he was to get all of their loot and kill every last one of them. A bit gruesome and more macabre than Isamu's usual taste in missions, but he took that mission for a specific reason. He was never good with death, and wasn't used to killing...but if he ever wanted to become an ANBU, he would have to get used to it. He'd be killing many on that path. So, he figured killing a group of smugglers would be a preliminary sensation of what it would be like in that situation: killing for the greater good.

Soon enough, after passing through village, he reached the marshes, and further past that, the coastline. The water was calm and fairly dark, a blue-black color that stood out against the pale white that was Mizu no Kuni. He watched the horizon attentively, waiting for the figure to appear...this was the only port that wasn't being watched by Kiri authorities, so naturally, it was the only port that the smugglers would come to. He would intercept them as they arrived, and he'd have an advantage...or at least he hoped. He had no solid gauge that could tell him how powerful these guys would be, but he was a Jounin, so he had no worries about death here. He could handle himself well enough.

A shadow finally came into view, a hulking black blob of in the distance. It was obvious that the ship was here. Isamu grew nervous, looking around frantically. He needed to hide so he could ambush them. He noticed a rock sticking out of the sand, and immediately flung himself behind it, pressing his body close and peeking over its side. The ship was getting closer, and colors came into play. Black before in appearance, the ship was now in full-view. No longer obscured by the naturally hanging mist, it was a gray and brown color, with various embellishments and a large statue attached to the hull. It eventually reached the shoreline and docked, dropping its anchor down. A bridge extended, planting down into the beach, and the hollers of the crew could be heard perfectly now. They sounded like a bunch of certainly wouldn't be hard killing them, at least not morally. They were as close to beasts as they possibly could be.

Isamu contemplated how he should approach his opponents. There were, after a brief count, about ten of them. They each carried a maybe attacking from a range would be key. He made a hand seal and took a deep breath. "Wind Release: Zephyr Missile" he said aloud. He was out of earshot of the group, so when the missile went forward, it was too late for them to notice. It smashed directly into their leader's head, and he fell to the sand with a thud. His skull was broken, and blood flowed freely from the newly made wound out onto the sand. The other nine smugglers turned in response, and Isamu smiled as he made another hand seal. "You guys are way too slow. Wind Release: Air Bullets!" They all began to sprint at the white-haired ninja, but he blasted eight bullets of wind, each one hitting a smuggler and knocking them back. Only the ninth smuggler wasn't struck, and he continued forward, unhindered.

Isamu ducked under the blade flying at him, and activated another jutsu. A bubble formed around his body, and it burst immediately, throwing back his assailant and leaving him in the sand. The eight leftover finally regained their bearings and charged at him once again, now less than 5 meters away. Isamu pressed his hands to the ground and created a massive wall of wind at the last moment, and they collided with it at full speed. It sliced away at their bodies until it dissipated altogether, and they fell to the ground in a heap, bleeding heavily. All smugglers were down. The Jounin applauded himself briefly before dragging them, one by one, to the shore and throwing them in to let them drown. It actually wasn't difficult at all, and Isamu felt no emotion as each and every one of their last breaths led to their death.


Isamu found his way around to the bridge on the ship, climbing up while being very attentive of his surroundings. He couldn't help but feel like the fight wasn't going to be that easy; he had just single-handedly killed a group of smugglers that were supposed to be a threat to the village. There was something suspicious about it, so he kept his guard up. Observing the hull from left to right, he found a door that seemed to be locked, most likely where they were hiding their "goods". He kicked the door down, and peered inside. It was pitch-dark, with no visible lantern or any light source, for that matter. With a casual sigh, he entered, squinting in a useless attempt to see anything.  With no sense of sight, he had to rely on his touch and hearing to guide him, trailing his hand along the wall and feeling the handrail of a staircase. His first footstep landed on a stair, and his next on another, so he knew he was at least making some progress. Gripping the rail with dear life, he finally reached the bottom of the stairwell, and a room with a small candle in the corner was revealed. More importantly, next to the candle sat many large crates, and a bunch of bags around them. Smuggled goods were found; the struggle would be getting them all back to the village.

Isamu slung the two large bags across his shoulder, tying them in place before stacking all four crates on one another and carrying them. He didn't have a free hand to hold the railing this time, so he was much more careful going back up the stairs, feeling each step for a solid 30 seconds so he knew EXACTLY where to plant his foot before rising. After making it back to the top, he left through the door and heard a clash behind him. The door slammed shut with no apparent person around to shut it. Now his suspicions were confirmed; somebody was still alive. He put the smuggled items down to his right when suddenly a fist swung by. He dodged it promptly, taking a moment to look at his assailant before retaliating. Half of the man's face was wet, almost liquid in its own appearance. A Hōzuki...that would explain how he didn't drown. "Are you ready to die, punk!?" he yelled as he drew the sword from his back. Isamu gave him a sarcastic smile and pushed the white hair out of his eyes. "Not by your hand, that's for sure."

The smuggler made the first move, sprinting forward and attempting a high kick aimed for Isamu's face. It was a successful blow, and Isamu staggered backwards a few steps before falling onto one of the bags of goods. A single paper bomb fell out of the bag, and Isamu immediately knew what to do. He kicked the bag over, dumping a bunch more paper bombs out onto the hull, before slinging the bag around himself and running to the rest of the supplies. His opponent swung his foot again, but too slow this time; Isamu dodged promptly before making a hand seal and creating a bubble to carry both him and the cargo. He began to float into the air, and the Hōzuki gave him an ominous grin. "Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet!" he yelled, and sure enough, a massive dragon emerged from the nearby water. Isamu maneuvered the bubble around it before creating a wind ball and tossing it down to the paper bombs.

The ship detonated with a loud blast, and all that was left was rising smoke and falling wooden planks. Targets destroyed, smuggled goods captured. Isamu's breathing slowed a bit as he calmed down, taking in the fact that his mission was done and he wasn't dead. The ruins of the ship and the blood left in the sand faded from view as the bubble flew out into the forest towards Kirigakure no Sato's tall spires. As he neared landing, the bubble burst and he planted his feet to the ground, holding all of the smuggled items in his arms. He made his way towards the Administration Building to report to the Mizukage.

B-Rank Mission
Word Count: 1,500/1,500

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