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1Run Away[C-Rank] Empty Run Away[C-Rank] Mon Sep 09, 2013 6:10 am



His eyes quietly opened from his spot upon the ground, in the middle of the village. He had been meditating quietly by himself, wearing his netted shinobi shirt, and his black shinobi tights with his sandals, forgetting his jacket today. Syekren had the bandages wrapped around his head to keep his hair from his face and he was in a rather good mood. A messenger crow came to him with a scroll in its beak, and it landed upon his shoulder, waiting patiently for the ninja to accept its message. Syekren quietly took the scroll from the bird, watching it fly off. He smiled and opened the scroll, reading the information held within. [i]'Mmh..'[/color] He thought to himself. A child had run away from his parents somewhere in the village and the description was rather broad. he was to find the kid and bring him back to his parents without hurting him or such like that. Great, this was going to be another of those missions. Regardless, the Uchiha stood and began to look around for where to start looking for the runaway child. There weren't many places in the village he could go, so Syekren wasn't too worried.

His footsteps made imprints in the sand as he trailed around the village, asking villagers about the boy, providing the description as it was given to him. Many of the villagers ignored him, some answered him and said they didn't know or hadn't seen him. The uchiha sighed, continuing his walk through the village, looking for the kid that was apparently better at hiding than he was at seeking. Some ninja he was. At one point he was stopped by the child's parents and he sighed, waiting for them to catch up to question him. "Have you found him?" the mother's frantic and teary voice choked out. "No but I'm looking" Was his response and he turned as he heard the father speak. "Well what good are you ninja if you can't even find a child?!" What an angry one. He could already hazard a guess why the child had left. He looked to them both, shooting a glare in the direction of the father before speaking clearly."I am doing everything I can to find your son, now please return home and he shall be along shortly I assure you."

"Well he better be." Was all the father said, dragging his wife along while she shot him a 'thank you' look. Someone would have to deal with that guy, too bad that wasn't part of the mission. Syekren had been looking to beat on someone for quite a while now and that guy was just asking for it. Silently, he continued his walk, noticing the sound of sobbing from an alleyway to his left. He turned, moving down the alley silently, noticing a huddled mass in the corner of the alley, towards the back. He moved around trash and such, dodging a low hanging board and moved to the huddled mass, leaning down and putting a hand on his shoulder. This was the kid alright. The kid's tunic and pass were dirty, the sleeves of his shirt stained with tears and his black hair was matted with dirt and sweat and sand. The child looked up at syekren for a moment before speaking. "Wh-Who are you? Are you here to take me home? I don't wanna go back!" The Uchiha sighed, lifting the child quietly as he kicked a bit against his side.

"I'm sorry kid, just doing my job." The kid continued to kick and scream against his hold but he would not relent and he continued to walk with the kid on his side, held sideways now. This was quite the annoying job and the kid was dirty and crying, he was kicking and screaming, it was all too annoying to be true. The genin ignored his own thoughts and feelings on this for the moment though and continued to walk along, trying to remember where the child's house was. The child himself though, had then slipped from Syekren's grip running off again. Great. He took off after the kid, at more of a jog, rather than full speed run to make sure he could tail the kid, without really catching up too fast. Maybe the kid was headed home or to his usual hide-out and if he ran away again, he could be found easier. The uchiha tracked him to a local bar, where three rather large men were standing out outside. As he approached he noticed the child had run into one of them and they were getting angry, one of the men lifting the child from the ground, holding him with a fist cocked back.

The Uchiha rolled his eyes, activating his one tomoe sharingan and sprinting to the child's aide. His speed was momentus as it was for a genin but he had rushed himself to rescue the child, and his hand came up to catch the man's fist just before contact with the child. After such, his fists flew into the man's stomach, then jaw causing him to drop the kid into the dirt and reel from his forming injuries. The other two men attacked him at the same time and the genin simply moved out of the way of their strikes, flicking his leg from the hip to snap kick the smaller of these two in the jaw, knocking him into unconsciousness. He then turned towards the second of the pair, moving his form into the air, flipping forth and bringing his heel onto the top of the man's head, knocking his face into the dirt, watching him hit it hard. Soon all three were on the ground recuperating and the genin snatched up the child, walking towards the house he lived in.

He spotted the kid's parents outside their house and dropped the young boy off in front of his mother. He reluctantly trudged over closer to her while his father yelled. "Your mother's been worried sick you little brat! You'll get an extra beating for this!" This guy. Syekren moved quietly to the man, speaking low,with his sharingan still active."Maybe he ran away because you're such an asshole?" The Uchiha was slightly angered at the way this man treated his child. The man was angry and threw a punch, and Syekren quietly dodged it, bring his own fist into the man's jaw, turning to bring his foot from the other side, spinning fully to give the man a good roundhouse. This would knock him to the ground, in a heap. "Treat your kid better, scum." With that, the uchiha walked off to turn in his mission and go home, de-activating his sharingan.


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