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1X-Generation }{ A X-Men AU Movieverse Site Empty X-Generation }{ A X-Men AU Movieverse Site Sun Jul 08, 2012 12:17 pm


X-Generation }{ A X-Men AU Movieverse Site Newone


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It is 2017. Seven years have passed since the battle on Alcatraz, with the destruction of the Golden Gate Bridge at the hands of Magneto and his followers in order to exterminate the source of the Mutant Cure, Leech. This plan was thwarted, and since then, Charles Xavier and Jean Grey have died, with two gravestones to commemorate the fallen heroes on the mansion grounds. The school continues to thrive, with far more students, and newly appointed headmaster, Scott Summers, and second in command, Ororo Munroe, taking the helm.

Up until recently, the Brotherhood stood in ruin, with their leaders dead, and the number of devoted members rapidly decreasing, courtesy of catastrophe at the Genosha... but that was until recently. With the return of their one time leader, Magneto, in a newly cloned youthful body, an upsurge has occurred within the group, with the Master of Magnetism setting his sights on the Mutant Eradication and Extinction Group that gained momentum during his presumed death.

The Mutant Eradication and Extinction Group (the M.E.E.G) has taken it upon themselves to police the streets of every city in the United States, utilizing the Sentinel programme, and rounding up all non registered mutants, as well as those classified risks to the public at large. Many mutants have already vanished without a trace, presumably kidnapped by the group to be used as test subjects. Their intentions are to protect humanity, but how far will they go to ensure the safety of their race?

Join the battle now. Fight amongst those with the same cause. Who will win? Which side will you fight on? Which side will triumph in the battle of good and evil in the fight for survival?

  • Been around since 2009, and still going strong.
  • Has a minimum word count of 230.
  • Accepts canons and originals

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