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1After the Tudors 2.0 [if] Empty After the Tudors 2.0 [if] Sun Jul 08, 2012 6:37 am


After the Tudors 2.0 [if] Elizabeth019

The King is dead, long live the... Queen! Edward Tudor, the only male heir of Henry VIII passed away, and left the throne to his elder sister, the Catholic Mary Tudor. Mary is ready to govern the country and to make it prospering and united. However, she doesn't want to rule on her own, but with her husband by her side.

Will the English citizens accept the new Queen and King? Or would they rather want the young Elizabeth on the throne? Can Catholics and Protestants peacefully live together or are bloodshed and civil war in England's future? Can the Cromwells return to their glory? And can England celebrate new royal heirs soon?

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