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1Best Ramen in Konoha [Invite Only/No Kill] Empty Best Ramen in Konoha [Invite Only/No Kill] Fri Aug 02, 2013 11:34 am


Nagare entered the famed establishment with high hopes. He was starving, and hadn't eaten all day. He had finished training yesterday and also had a nice time with Sousetsu, and it was now around 7 PM. The moon hung in the sky as he sat at the small area, and a man greeted him with a large smile. "Hello. What would you like?" Nagare couldn't manage even a forced smile that he usually did, he simply muttered "I'll take your Seafood Ramen, please...and make it a big bowl." The man nodded and retreated to the back room, where the sounds of cooking could be heard.

It certainly smelled worth it. Everyone had been telling Nagare that this little Ramen shop, Ichiraku Ramen, was the epitome of Ramen in the Land of Fire. If they lifted up to the hype and high expectations, he would have even more of a reason to return to Konoha. He was only staying for another week or so, so that he could finish his mission, maybe train some more, and be a bit of a tourist while he could, but he would have to leave back to Kumogakure at the end of the week. Not that he didn't love Kumo, it was his home, just that he hadn't expected Konoha to be this great.

Within minutes, the man returned with a large bowl of steaming ramen, which did something to Nagare. The sight of that bowl made him so happy, he actually had a genuine smile, something that almost never happened to him. He gave the man a quick "thank-you" before grabbing the chopsticks and shoveling a large cluster of noodles into his mouth. Was this what sex felt like? It was like sex. In his mouth. He was a virgin, but not in here. No, he was now having a mouthgasm. The ramen was so delicious, he just couldn't take it, and it almost brought tears to his eyes. "Every meal I've ever eaten was nothing compared to this..." The man gave him a confused look before returning to the back room and washing dishes.


Hungry, that were the prominent and dominant sensation of a dark haired male moving through the less than crowded streets of the village of the leaves. Chartreuse gems sparkling in the moonlight, looking at the couples going about their day, the owner of these eyes wishing they could do the same with their significant other, but alas that wasn't possible for various of reasons. Suppressing such thoughts out of his mind, Kichirou scanned the area looking for any open, and preferably closed restaurant to quiet the growling beast in his stomach. The growling of said beast have even cause some people to look at him funny, one elderly couple just laughed in a joyous manner before continuing on their way, though not before randomly giving the man a Ichiraku Ramen voucher. Of course the green eyed male accepted it, methodically turning the piece of paper over, while raging a mental battle. Should he head to Ichiraku? It was one of the closest establishments that made decent food. But would they even allow him to eat there after making the comment about not liking ramen?

“Welcome to Ichiraku Ramen!” The voice of a female startled Kichirou slightly, having been so engrossed with the internal battle that he didn't noticed his legs carrying to the establishment, seems like they had decided the choice for the male. Acknowledging the female with a nod, green eyes scanned the area, taking note of the few people in the build. That was slightly odd. Usually the place would be packed with people. Where could they possibly be? His musing cut short, after arriving to an open stool beside a black haired male, who had just started eating a bowl of ramen.

"Every meal I've ever eaten was nothing compared to this..."

Kichirou couldn't help but to chuckle at the man's words, which would undoubtedly draw the man's attention towards him. Seems like the man was an avid fan of ramen that or never had the opportunity to eat other, more exotic foods.
“What would you like to have?” The chief asked, knowing exactly who Kichirou was, remembering him from awhile back saying he hated ramen. So it would come to a surprise when Kichirou handed him a voucher for a big Seafood ramen, before nodding and went to make the order. Funny, this would be the second time he made such an order.

Sorry for laughing just now. I just never seen anyone say that about ramen.” He said, extending his hand out towards the man, offering a handshake, which would be firm.

“The name is Taigen Kichirou.”

Just for reference, Kichirou is wearing civilian clothing.


Another guy walked in, and a woman greeted him with a cheery "Welcome to Ichiraku Ramen!" Nagare ignored the noises around him while he slurped in the noodles hungrily. His ravenous cravings were slowly relenting with every bite, and soon he was satisfied and halfway through the bowl in front of him. He would buy another afterwards, of course, but for now....the sound of the man giggling caught his attention, and turned to find the guy was giggling at him. Not a good idea, Nagare hated being laughed at, even for something as trivial as this...he clenched his fist around his chopsticks as the man spoke. "Sorry for laughing just now. I just never seen anyone say that about ramen. The name is Taigen Kichirou." Ramen wasn't some sort of crappy food, it was amazing when made by the right hands. Nagare took a deep breath to keep himself from yelling or being rude before speaking quietly.

"Ramen in Kumogakure no Sato, where I am from, is bland and disgusting. This is heavenly food...but that's aside from the point. I'm Sōseiji, Nagare. It is..." he forced a smile, but his crimson eyes were burning with annoyance. It was how he was, his temper was just easy to set off. "...*ahem* a pleasure to meet you." He finally gave a sigh and let the anger peter out while he finished off his bowl, and offered it to the man who ran the place. "I'll take one more, please. This is quite good." As he waited for his next bowl to arrive, he looked back at Kichirou, now a bit more relaxed but still carrying a frown. He was never the smiling type. His glasses shimmered in the light of the establishment's bright and ornate lanterns. "So tell me, Kichirou, what are you doing in a Ramen Shop if you don't think ramen is wonderful?"


Hungry, maybe that were the reason why the green eyed male seemed oblivious to the tense atmosphere that swept and now linger within the ramen establishment, like a bad rash that one couldn't get rid of. Or maybe the man just didn't care that his words offended the individual beside him. Why should he? Not like the man was dismissing ramen, as if it was the most disgusting food on the planet. No, he just simply stated that he never saw anyone ravenous the dish with so much gusto. Nothing more. Nothing less.

It was truly nothing to get mad about, but by the hell fire that flickered menacing with the now introduced, Soseiji Nagare's orbs, the man were either mad or annoyed at the gambler's statement. Kichirou will undoubtedly be more cautious with his words around this individual, for it was obviously, like the night sky, that Nagare had some angry problem. Best not to piss those type of people off. His ears perked up, metaphorically speaking, when the man introduced himself from being from Kumogakure no Sato – Kichirou's home. The name of his own brought back pleasant memories for the gambler, and he wandered how were all those he left behind were doing? How was his mothers[1]. He haven't heard from either of them in a long time. It took him some will power in now asking the man how things were going in Kumogakure, for such a question might sound suspicious and Kichirou didn't trust this man enough to tell him the reasons why for such a question.

Kichirou shrugged at the question of why he was at the Ramen Shop if he didn't like the food. Obliviously the man misunderstood him from earlier “You misunderstood me. While I'm not the biggest fan of ramen, I do like it every now and than. I was just never raised up or introduced to such a food, my mother was a health nut to put it nicely.” Eyes momentarily becoming glossy at the mention of his true mother[2] before returning back to normal.

Seeing how you are from Kumogakure, I can only assume you are a traveling merchant or a shinobi.” More of a statement than a question. He didn't matter to Kichirou what the man's occupation, for why would it?

“How you enjoying your time in Fire Country?”

  • 1 - Kichirou technically have two mothers. One being biological and the other 'adopted' him.
  • 2 - Kichirou sees his adopted mother to be his true mother. . .


Kichirou went into a period of thought before responding to Nagare's question with a simple shrug. He then explained himself: “You misunderstood me. While I'm not the biggest fan of ramen, I do like it every now and than. I was just never raised up or introduced to such a food, my mother was a health nut to put it nicely. Seeing how you are from Kumogakure, I can only assume you are a traveling merchant or a shinobi. How are you enjoying the Fire Country?” Truthfully, it was a nice fit for Nagare, and he could easily see himself maybe living there in the future. The Land of was only natural that the strongest Katon user in the Land of Lightning found it more fitting here. But no, he wouldn't go ahead and leave Kumogakure with all of the bonds he had made, and the power he had risen to. A Sannin very well couldn't abandon his or her post as one of the three strongest ninja in a village just to go to another village. Nagare would stay, at least until his days as a Sannin were over.

The Sannin turned his attention to the new bowl in front of him, steaming with the smell of fresh fishcakes and smooth noodles. He at a bite and then faced Kichirou. "You're correct, I am a shinobi. I came on mission business from Kumogakure, but as soon as I got here, that attack I got caught up helping in the battle. Other than the fact that missing ninja seem to target this village a lot, I've got to say, it's quite nice. The scenery is breathtaking." Now that Kichirou was ordering as well (using a voucher that Nagare coveted), Nagare figured he may as well strike up a conversation. They'd be sitting together at this little ramen shop, and as nice as silence was to the Sōseiji, most people found it awkward and tense. The conversation wouldn't be much, probably just small talk that he would half-listen to as he ate.

"So, tell me about yourself, Kichirou. Are you a shinobi? I'm guessing yes, because you don't seem very shaken up by the earlier happenings of this week, more specifically the missing ninja's invasion...unless you didn't know about it?"


Kichirou nodded at the ramen chief, the man having just now placed his order a front of him, the aroma of the Seafood soup causing his mouth to water slightly – before being discreetly wiped away before anyone else noticed it. But from the chuckle coming from the chief, seems like he had witness the whole thing. No matter, Kichirou was hungry, so could you blame him? Breaking apart the chopsticks and murmuring a small thank you, before digging into the dish. Being from a relatively rich family, Kichirou were taught to eat with some grace and manner, and that's exactly what the man were doing while consume the food. And the man, grudgingly admitted that the ramen here was indeed tasty, not wonderful, just tasty.
"You're correct, I am a shinobi. I came on mission business from Kumogakure, but as soon as I got here, that attack I got caught up helping in the battle. Other than the fact that missing ninja seem to target this village a lot, I've got to say, it's quite nice. The scenery is breathtaking."
So the man is a shinobi, eh? That was interesting piece of information. Not only that it seemed like he was on a mission before being dragged into the mess that missin-nin made. Yeah, Kichirou knew about that given situation but didn't bother in partcipating in defending the village. Why should he? He was only a lowly genin, a grunt, a pawn, a cannon folder – well for now anyway. Apart of him wonder what was the man angle. Why did he decide to help Konohagakure? What interest did a Raikage have with this village? What would she want from having one of her shinobi help Konoha? Why was he even concern about such trival matters that didn't effect him directly? “Yeah the scenery is breathtaking. I'm just not a fan of the heat.” He stated, after swallowing some noodles, his bowl half empty now.

"So, tell me about yourself, Kichirou. Are you a shinobi? I'm guessing yes, because you don't seem very shaken up by the earlier happenings of this week, more specifically the missing ninja's invasion...unless you didn't know about it?"
So Nagare wanted to know more about him, eh? Should he give the information the man seek. Or just ignore him? No, the man was nice to answer his own questions, so the least Kichirou could do was answer his, right? “Yeah, I'm a shinobi. Nothing more than a grunt.” The word grunt being used in describing a genin “Yeah, that missin-nin did made amok of the village. Luckily not many were lost, or so I have been told from some of my higher ranking friends.” Kichirou stated.

How's Kumogakure?” The words came out before the man even realized it. And Kichirou prayed that Nagare didn't get the wrong idea from such a loaded question. But if push come to shove the man would tell Nagare the truth in why he asked.


Kichirou explained what he liked and didn't like about Konoha, and talked about the invasion for a bit. Soon, he turned his focus to Nagare and asked, "How's Kumogakure?" How was Kumogakure? Nagare wasn't entirely too sure on how to respond. He started slowly, contemplating his answer inbetween short slurps and bites of noodle and fishcake. "Kumogakure is wonderful. It's high altitude and cold temperatures can make some people feel uncomfortable there, but I don't mind it. The weather is nice, sun behind the clouds for the most part. More recently, things there have been changing...Reika appointed Midnight, the former Raikage, as a Sannin, as well as myself. With us and the recent influx of Genin, the village is becoming quite powerful."

Nagare slurped in another cluster of noodles and played with a mussel that floated in the broth. He poked it a few times with a chopstick before turning back to Kichirou. "Have you ever been to Kumogakure? If you haven't, I highly recommend you do, it's a good experience. Come visit me sometime."


Kichirou listen intently to the man's words as he spoke about Kumogakure, unknowingly speaking about the green eyed male's home as well. The gambler, who had just finished off his ramen dish, was happy that everything was going smoothly within Kumogakure. Or at least that what he was being told anyway. For all Kichirou knew the man next to him could be lying. Would he do such a thing? Why wouldn't he? He didn't owe the gambler nothing. So why would Nagare tell him the truth? The self doubting of the man's words beside him cease to exist as Kichirou noticed the man looking at him and apparently asked him a question.

"Have you ever been to Kumogakure? If you haven't, I highly recommend you do, it's a good experience. Come visit me sometime."

Kichirou contemplated the question while ordering a bowl of ramen, seafood to be exact. Should he tell the man beside him the truth? There wasn't any harm in doing so, right? “Yeah, I been to Kumogakure. . . “ his words drawled out as he continued speaking “I was born and raised there. Spent the first sixteen years of my life within the village as a civilian, before I started traveling. “ Chopsticks playing with the bowl full of ramen “I planned on visiting once I get the chance. Have to know if she is alright.” Kichirou didn't bother in specifying who this 'she' was for if Nagare wanted to know he could simply ask. Because for some reason the gambler felt like telling a complete strange truths about him that only one other individual knows. Maybe it's because of the fact that Nagare was from Kumogakre, that he felt comfortable in doing so. Or maybe, just maybe because of his hungry cause him to let his guard down.


"Yeah, I been to Kumogakure. . ." Kichirou said in a low tone. It was a bit cryptic, as if there was some sort of sad back-story to it. Nagare didn't care much to hear the back-story, and he continued to eat as the words came to his ears. "I was born and raised there. Spent the first sixteen years of my life within the village as a civilian, before I started traveling." Ah, there it was. So Kichirou wasn't oblivious to what Kumogakure was like, he knew it just as well as Nagare did. Or maybe not, it seemed like he was far older than sixteen now. He probably hadn't kept up with the happenings there since he had left. Nagare finished off the last bowl and handed it to the man behind the bar, before thumbing through his wallet for Ryo. Kichirou continued his tale as Nagare handed the payment due to the owner.

“I planned on visiting once I get the chance. Have to know if she is alright.” She? Personal pronoun, but there was no mention of a female earlier in the conversation. This guy probably did that on purpose, but Nagare's curiosity was piqued. He urged to ask who the she was, but was also restraining himself, because he was getting tired as a byproduct of the full stomach. The words were on the tip of his tongue, and even if he opened his mouth a little...

"Who is 'she'?" DAMN IT. Why did he ask!? He knew that he didn't want to sit around talking about it. This ramen was messing with him, it was doing something to his brain. He sat back in his stool, as he knew that he would be there longer than he had anticipated.


No sooner had the words left his mouth did the green eyed male went back to consuming the batch of ramen a front of him. While the man didn't particularly care much for the food, he did know that cold ramen tasted terrible. He also used this excuse to break eye contact from Nagare, as he pondered on why he told the man so much about his past. Something that he had tried to keep hidden from others. Would he return back there and investigate to find out more about Taigen Kichirou? And if he did what would he do with such information? Would he keep it to himself or use it to blackmail the gambler? Kichirou didn't know the answer to these questions, and despite his best efforts he couldn't get a positive read on the individual beside him.

Damnit! Right when Nagare told him that he was a shinobi, Kichirou should have kept his mouth shut. But for some reason he couldn't. Maybe cause on a subconscious level the gambler trusted Nagare, sensing no ill intent from the man, and it was this reason why Kichirou were propel to answer Nagare's question. “My mother. Well technically my adopted mother.” the word adopted being used in a very loose manner “My biologically mother was a prostitute who lost me in a game of poker to my adopted mother.” one could easily tell by how he spoke in a nonchalant manner that he carried little for the circumstances that brought his adopted mother into his life and that Kichirou wasn't the one for pity parties and the likes.

Kichirou returned back to the bowl of ramen, finishing it off before paying for the meal and thanking the chief for the meal. He was tempted to order a bottle of sake but seeing how he planned on doing missions tomorrow, he decided against it. And besides the man was tired, evident by him yawning – turning away from Nagare while doing so.


"My mother. Well, technically my adopted mother. My biological mother was a prostitute who lost me in a game of poker to my adopted mother." Silence. Nagare didn't really know how to respond to that, but one thing could be decided from that statement; Kichirou certainly was different than the rest of those that Nagare had met in Konoha. The shinobi gave a turn and yawned while facing away, and Nagare realized that he must have been tired as well. Either that, or he was hinting that he wanted to leave soon. Nagare knew that he himself did, and that was all that mattered in the end.

Nagare stood up and fixed his collar and jacket, brushing off his pants. "I see. Well, Kichirou, I must go now, but make sure that you keep in touch with me. I live in the northwestern area of Kumogakure, feel free to ask around for me if you ever visit. Good bye." he turned and walked away. He may not ever see Kichirou again after that moment, but he had a hunch that even if that was the case, it wouldn't matter. The moment they had just shared, though short-lived and quiet for the most part, was still another friendship made. His feet kicked up dust and leaves with every step down the road, off into the night.

(Exit Thread)

OOC: I'll be leaving back to Kumo soon, so I've gotta start tying up my threads here


Alright. I'll keep that in mind when I visit. Later.” After the words were spoken, Kichirou himself finished off the rest of the ramen before leaving the establishment as well. Tonight were surely an interesting one, he had just planned on relinquishing his hungry. To think he would meet someone from Kumogakure, his home village, was a surprising but welcoming turn of event. As he walked down the street before disappearing in a cloud of leaves. He couldn't help but to wonder what would come of this friendship.


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