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1Learning the ropes [Training, closed] Empty Learning the ropes [Training, closed] Tue Aug 06, 2013 6:51 pm



Ukiyo lifted her head to find several twigs and leaves had made her hair their bed last night. She shook her hair out, scattering the brush and casting it to the ground below. It was sunrise; beams of light filtered through her “ceiling”, making an outline of light on the leaves. Ukiyo yawned and breathed in the crisp, cool air. Dew covered the outer branches of her tree, and birds chirped their morning songs. Ukiyo hummed along with them, and when she had gotten the melody down, began chirping in tempo with them. The birds sped up slightly, a sign of welcoming. Ukiyo kept rhythm and stretched out her arms and legs while in repose on a web of branches. She closed her eyes and pictured the notes dance before her; both chaotic and majestically assembled. She licked her lips and yawned again; the birds’ tune slowing down at the loss of a singer. Ukiyo began to sit up but gave up quickly and rolled over instead. She rested her face on a pillow of leaves, grass, weeds, and dirt. It was comfortable, Ukiyo thought, so much so she fell back asleep for another two hours. When she awoke, the brisk chill of the morning still lingered, though it had gotten notably warmer. Ukiyo forced herself to her feet and crouched in the tree, holding onto branches as she made her way to the ground. Her feet hit the floor and a sharp pain went up her ankle’s tendon, reminding her of the last time she trained.




Ukiyo hobbled over to a group of bushes and sat down, leaning against them. She picked berries and certain leaves from the bush and other nearby shrubbery. As she ate her breakfast, Ukiyo massaged her ankle with some herbs and spit. She turned to see a squirrel rubbing its head against some grass, undoubtedly doing the same thing. She looked down at her ankle and smiled, Just another animal. Ukiyo leaned over towards the squirrel and stretched out a hand slowly. The critter froze, staring at her blankly. Ukiyo wiggled her fingers and closed her eyes, then slowly lowered her body onto the ground into a laying position. The squirrel still didn’t move. It’s tail twitched and nose wriggled. Ukiyo opened her eyes, and as soon as she did, the squirrel took off. Just stay out of my tree please. Last thing I need is another squirrel infestation. I don’t get what they find so appealing about it anyway… Ukiyo rolled over onto her back and stared at the canopy of branches and leaves above. A drop of dew fell square on her forward, and Ukiyo winced. She closed her eyes and shook her head,
“Bleh.” Ukiyo wiped the liquid away with the back of her hand, then stood up and began walking towards the river. She was still in pain, and had to limp most of the way there. Luckily the forest was kind and gave her plenty of support. Soon she arrived at the river, where her first stage of training would take place.




Ukiyo waded into the water, holding onto a branch for support. The water both hurt and soothed her ankle; the powerful current smashing against it while the cold water chilled it to a numb. Ukiyo dunked her head under water, then whipped it back out in a beautiful display of glowing green. The sun reflected off the water that flew off it, giving her an almost rainbow aura. She spat water out her mouth and couldn’t help but laugh. She shook her hand and looked back at the branch she was holding. Time to get serious. Ukiyo made three hand signs, and suddenly two vines began growing from the branch. They wrapped around it as they made their way towards Ukiyo, and when they got to her, wrapped around her hand and arm as well. She let go of the branch and concentrated on the grasp she had on herself with the vines. The current was pulling her with all its might, so Ukiyo had to match that and then some. Neither of her feet were touching the ground anymore; they were both suspended in the water, swirling around with the current. Ukiyo took several quick breaths, then made another hand sign in the direction of the opposite side of the river. A vine began growing from her hand and stretching across. Ukiyo strained herself trying to extend it further, further, further until it finally made it to the other side. She was lucky; there was a tree at the very edge of the river, which she promptly wrapped her vine around. Ukiyo gathered her strength, and courage, and made a hand sign with the hand currently wrapped up in two vines. The vines suddenly snapped and she swung her hand around to the only one remaining. It slacked down the river and dropped her off several meters from where it was connected, but she made it across none the less.




Ukiyo got out of the water and stripped herself of her clothes. She squeezed out as much water as she could from them and the hung them on a tree to dry. She looked down at her body and blushed, Tsk. Animals are naked all the time. I shouldn’t be embarrassed not to where clothes. If anything I should be embarrassed to where clothes. Why can’t I just accept it… Ukiyo rushed to her hide herself behind the tree where her clothes hung. After a few minutes, she retrieved them and redressed. Not done yet. I still have one last test. Ukiyo looked up at the tree she stood below. It was a grand oak, the branches of which were still strong and leaves full. Ukiyo made her hand signs and directed both hands upward. Two vines shot out of them and clung to branches up ahead. Ukiyo took a couple steps back, stretching them out, then pulled as hard as she could both with her muscles and her chakra, slinging herself upwards. The vines unwrapped and dangled below her as she ascended up the tree. When she started to slow down, Ukiyo would whip a vine ahead of her and yank herself up again. She continued this until she made it to the top, where she released the vines and sat on her new perch.


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