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Takeshi woke up to another sunny day. The sun was in his eyes once again, and it messed up the dream he was having. Not to say it was the best dream he ever had, he just didn't want it to end. As he did every day, he dropped down on the floor and began to do push ups. He did one hundred of these push ups, which made his arms feel like jelly by the time he was done. He switched to his back and did sit ups, which when counted, added to one hundred. He continued to do these workouts for another thirty minutes until he was able to smell his on stink. He went into the bathroom and took care of business. While in the shower, he thought about what he was going to do today. He was going to be training with another friend, but to say friend would be a little bit of an overstatement. He never really knew the guy too well, but they were classmates at one point. Oddly enough, the guy was Senju like Owydelu, which made Takeshi think a little bit. Why did he have two friends that were from the Senju clan? It wasn't much a problem, but it was surly a weird oddity. In any case, he had to get ready to get out of the shower. He jumped out of the shower and put on his normal mission cloths, which consisted of a black hoodie, black shinobi pants, with the standard ninja sandals. He walked out of his room and into the main living room. It was there where he was greeted by his mother, with her beautiful red hair. Her hair seemed to be brighter than Takeshi's, which is probably normal. She is after all a pure blooded Uzumaki, or at least that's what Takeshi assumed. In any case, she was there waiting on him in the kitchen.

"Good morning Takeshi, what do you want for breakfast?" She said in an energetic tone with a bright smile on her face. Turning to look at her, Takeshi replied with his request. "I'll just take something light if you don't mind." She raised her eyebrow at what Takeshi said with a neutral look on her face. "Why do you only want something light? Do you have any plans for today?" She said with her voice rising at the end of those statements. Takeshi nodded his head in agreement as he got ready to explain his plans for today. "I'm going to be training with a friend today, we'll probably be gone for the whole day. When we get done, we'll probably go to some restaurant in the area." Takeshi's mother listened to everything he said and nodded. "I'm sure you'll be fine, you've gotten to be so strong, I'm proud of you." She said with another bright smile on her face. She then turned over to the stove and turned it on. She went over to the fridge and got some ingredients for the breakfast. After a short while of waiting, she gave Takeshi his breakfast, which was French toast with syrup. Takeshi ate the food and started on his way out of the door. Before he managed to walk out, his mother gave him a tight bear hug, and then showered him with kisses. At this point, Takeshi was used to all the motherly love she gave him. Takeshi walked outside the house and started on his way to the village gate.

Walking out the house, he saw a few of the smaller kids playing outside. He walked down further down his street which led to the main street. The main street had most of the restaurants, along with some general stores. With all these things came a flood of people trying to go one way or another. Some of them were simple traders that came from outside the village. The would come to Konoha to sell some goods they would make to some of the general stores that was around. Some of the people were part of the village that was just trying to buy something, or just trying to go to work. Takeshi became part of this flood when he walked on to the main street. This way was the fastest way to get to the village main gate. It was also the most crowded, so Takeshi was constantly trying to dodge incoming traffic. Then he would come across those people that liked to hang back and walk at their own pace which started to irritate Takeshi. He had to walk around them while also dodging people who were trying to run into him. So that's what Takeshi had to deal with while trying to walk to the village gate. When he got to the village gate, he had to wait until his request processed which didn't take too long. So he started on his way to the training area that was agreed upon  by both Sousetsu and Takeshi.

Takeshi jumped from branch to branch making his way to the forest that wasn't too far away. They had decided to practice somewhere they could get a little loose, so they wanted to be able to spar each other without too much being in the way. the part of the forest they were going to had a nice clearing they could go hand to hand at if they wanted to. Takeshi drew near the specified location and he could here the forest animals go about their business. He could hear the birds sing their songs in the woods, he could also here some other things he couldn't quite recognize. Takeshi made it to the training area, so he jumped down into the clearing and looked around. He soon realized that he got there before Sousetsu, so he took that chance to do some warm-ups. After he did that, he could feel his blood move up into his head, and after a short dizziness period, he posted himself against a tree with his arms crossed. He took this opportunity to get the lay of the land so he could start to strategize a little bit. He looked at how everything was, the clearing he was at was surrounded by woods, he could probably use them somehow. Though, he knew Sousetsu could use those trees better than he could. Takeshi became lost in his thoughts as he started to think of ways he could use this area to his advantage.

1081/4000 Ninjutsu A-S

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

A new day had begun for Sousetsu as he awoke from his slumber with his usual grogginess, making his head become more dizzy than it would be normally, and bed headed style hair. His eyes were barely open as he mustered up the strength to lift himself from his bed where he then yawned and stretched as his first priority. He scratched his head and looked at the time where he found that it was almost midday. He was always late when it comes to sleeping, exhausted from missions and training for days on end. Today, he had something special planned. A classmate from his ninja academy days had agreed on assisting him with his training this day. It was great to hear from an old friend and feeling that spark of friendship stirring up once again. He moved himself to the restroom of his domain and looked sleepily into the mirror before him. He was more tired than usual. He pulled down his cheeks to look into his eyes thoroughly and stuck out his tongue. After close inspection, he found he wasn't undergoing any sickness and was just a case of lack of sleep. He proceeded to wash his face and brush his teeth before entering the warm temperature of the shower that he had grown accustomed to over the years, which surely woke him up.

As he was finished grooming himself, he made his way back into his room to find the wardrobe full of different attires. He decided to wear an attire consisting of armour emblazoned with the Senju symbol worn over a simple black jumpsuit, with a distinctive white fur collar. This armour which was constructed from numerous blue metal plates, formed into multiple protective guards along his body, in particular: chest, waist, shoulders and upper arms. His most common attire when it came to missions. He usually just wore a fitted black jumpsuit when it came to training but he decided to become more formal with the armour approach. He then made his way to the wall opposite where his weapon was stationed upon. The high frequency blade which stood at three feet and three inches long, black customized handle with silver linings the outer blade. He took the weapon which was sheathed and placed it along his lower back before making his way downstairs for his breakfast.

He made his way down the stairs hastily, launching himself before the final step trying to speed up the process of eating and not leaving his friend to wait for him for too long out in the training area. The Senju made his way to the fridge and took a quick glance of the contents inside. There was not much to go on but finally made the decision of his usual four rounds of toast and apple juice to wash it down. He glanced at pictures he had hung up on the walls around him of the Senju clan members. Some were of his mother and father, while others were close friends of the family. There was also one of just himself accompanied by his mother and father. This picture was his favourite as it brought back the happier memories of his relationship with them. He let out a small sigh while he finished his last round. He guzzled down the remaining liquid in his glass and let out a sigh of relief. The taste of the sweet green apples was still flowing to the back of his throat which he adored, making it his favourite morning beverage to start of his day. He quickly washed the dishes and placed them to the side in order for the suns rays to dry them while he was out of the house and would be ready for use when he returned. Before making his way to the door, Sousetsu glanced at the mirror he had on the hallway wall and ruffled his hair to give it the look that he was used to.

After locking the door to his home behind him he inhaled deeply through his nose, taking in the cool air to fill his lungs and refresh him that much more. The young Senju took note of the weather, it was just another sunny day in the Village hidden in the Leaves. The birds could be heard chirping among the rooftops giving that feeling of serenity and beauty within their voices. The streets were filled with people heading to the markets, their jobs, and aimlessly wandering children whose attention span were not that great. Sousetsu began walking among these people, a few nodded and greeted the shinobi while others were preoccupied by the many sales and looking after their offspring from getting into any trouble or hurting themselves in any way. He passed the many food courts which smelt of luxurious meat and vegetables, cooked to perfection, ready to be served. The heavenly smell of pork had grabbed Sousetsu's attention most of all. He finally made his way to the village gates seeing the two guards, whom they all knew who Sousetsu was, and nodded to the two fellow shinobi who had returned the gesture and allowed him to pass on through.

Sousetsu stationed himself upon the first branch in order to proceed to the whereabouts of his companion. He leaped from branch to branch embracing the cool breeze of the wind as he brushed by the leaves of the many trees. Before long, Sousetsu arrived to the training area in which he agreed on with his old friend from the academy. He had seen the figure of a young man in the not so far distance and waved to him, flagging him down from his current position of nesting against a tree. He approached Takeshi while scanning the area vividly before coming face to face with the young man. "Hello, Takeshi!" Sousetsu spoke becoming more cheerful and bowing for the formal introduction of meeting someone. "I haven't seen you since you were 'yay' high." he continued as he used his hand to gesture around his waist area. The gentle breeze could be tamed and the sounds of the nearby flowing streams could be heard rustling and crashing against the banks that contained it. The wildlife consisting of many insects and birds created the sounds of an orchestral song of the outdoors, giving that peaceful atmosphere that Sousetsu came to love from a young age.

Words: 1077/4000 [Kenjutsu Training A>S]



Takeshi watched as Sousetsu seemly came from out of nowhere. He wore a suit of armor with a black jump suit underneath. So it looked like he was ready for a full out war. The armor itself reminded Takeshi of the old stories about the first ninja wars. At how bulky that type of armor was, which inspired them to make a lighter, more flexible set or armor suitable for a ninja. It made Takeshi almost question Sousetsu as to why he was wearing such a bothersome piece of armor. Besides, this was just a simple spar, so now he had Takeshi looking at what he was wearing. Compared to Sousetsu's gear, Takeshi looked like some lazy bum that by some miracle became a ninja. All of these thoughts circled around Takeshi's mind as Sousetsu waved at him. Takeshi replied with a simple wave back as Sousetsu walked closer. The closer Sousetsu walked towards him, the more he started to plan out how the battle should go. Takeshi didn't know too much about Sousetsu's abilities, other than him being able to use wood release, but that should have been a given. Seeing as too how he had his clan's symbol on the armor he was wearing at the moment. Takeshi was pretty much in the dark, though, he did know that he had to at least somewhat good at kenjutsu by the sword he had with him. In any case, Takeshi would have to be ready for pretty much anything.

When Sousetsu came within conversational distance, not too far but not too close, he opened his mouth to get ready and say something. Hello, Takeshi! he said in an energetic, light hearted tone. He then bowed, which Takeshi thought to be almost random, but in a good way. Hey Sousetsu he said in a calm tone, not quite matching Sousetsu's energetic greeting. I haven't seen you since you were 'yay' high. Takeshi smiled and almost broke out in laughter. Haha, I could say the same about you man. Takeshi then walked up closer to Sousetsu and gave him a handshake. Lets make this a fair fight. Oh, and don't forget, were not out here to kill each other haha. After that, Takeshi walked a bit farther away from Sousetsu to put some distance in between them. He didn't really have a specific stance, so Takeshi just put out both hands and signaled to Sousetsu bring it on. Takeshi then braced himself for any oncoming attack Sousetsu might do. Takeshi had a basic plan of what he would go for, and what he would try to do. He would probably use some of the same strategy he used against Owydelu in their spar. That being, him focusing more on his katon techniques. Takeshi knew that he had that advantage against Sousetsu. However, he knew that he would have to use his chakra sparingly, so he couldn't just rely on his fire.

1081+490=1571/4000 Ninjutsu A-S

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

After they caught up with each other by exchanging greetings, Takeshi approached Sousetsu and shook his hand. Sousetsu, of course, was brought up in a family who treated each other with great formality and mannerisms which was why he had bowed beforehand. The handshake was respectful also but not common with Sousetsu. Nevertheless, he agreed with the handshake by giving his own hand to meet the young Uzimaki's, almost confused at the expression. Upon closer inspection, Takeshi appeared to be a young man of a slender yet average build for his age and stood at almost six foot tall. The red hair really gave away his clan as an Uzumaki member. His clothes consisted of that of an average attire which were mainly black. "Lets make this a fair fight. Oh, and don't forget, were not out here to kill each other." Takeshi continued giving off a small laugh. Sousetsu giggled, keeping his warm smile in tact. Takeshi then began to move to give the two distance in preparations for their upcoming spar. The two came to a battle stance from a distance from one another. Takeshi then used both of his hands to gesture that the Senju would be on the offensive first off to which Sousetsu smiled and happily agreed by nodding. The wind began to blow, brushing against Sousetsu's skin giving that cooling effect to help calm his mind while his hair flailed wildly during the gust. The sun shone brightly and caressed the skin of those it touched.

He slowly withdrew his katana and glanced to his surroundings. The small south forest was the most common place to find Sousetsu and he had grew custom to his surroundings over the years. He usually planned the battles out beforehand as he had many strategies that he had worked on throughout his spare time, reading on books of war and historical battles and finding solutions on how to adapt to certain situations. He became a quick thinker when it came to battles and was eager to find out how is sparring partner fought and his own tactics. Was he a man of intellect? Or was he a man of brawn? Only time could tell between the two fellow shinobi. Sousetsu changed his battle stance to a more offensive matter and began dashing towards his opponent. Being a special Jounin, Sousetsu had been known to be quite agile as he was growing up, equaling the speed of that of one rank higher than himself. He had the same speed and reflexes as a Jounin which often gave him the advantage in his battles and missions throughout his days as a shinobi. Within a few feet of his target, Sousetsu lunched himself into the air to swing down towards his target. It was a little more offensive than needed which really questioned the 'no kill' promise they had but he judged that Takeshi remained transfixed on his whereabouts at all times and could see his attack.

Words: 1576/4000 [Kenjutsu Training A>S]



Takeshi watched as Sousetsu jumped up in the air. He knew that attack would hurt a lot if it landed, it would have been foolish not to dodge it. So Takeshi moved to the side, putting a few feet of distance in between him and Sousetsu. Takeshi didn't want to use a jutsu yet, he wanted to get a feel for Sousetsu's capabilities. Takeshi knew he was good, but he wanted to see how good he was. Takeshi started to run up close to Sousetsu as he began to plan stuff out in his head. He knew that running up close to him could be dangerous, but he needed to find a way to get that sword out of his hand. That was Sousetsu main weapon, and if he could take that away, they would be on an even playing field. He would have to come up with some sort of distraction maybe. Overwhelming him with jutsu would just hurt Takeshi in the long run, and it wouldn't be a smart move. Takeshi came up within Sousetsu's personal space and threw a running punch using the momentum he gathered from running. There probably wasn't much of a chance for that attack to land, so turning around, Takeshi threw another punch aiming straight for Sousetsu face. The punch itself didn't have too much power in it, it was just a simple jab. Takeshi decided to throw another punch, aiming straight for Sousetsu's stomach for the fun of it.

After that last punch, time seemed to slow down. Takeshi ran a list of potential moves he could do through his head. Then, he thought of some things he could do that might work. Maybe he could confuse Sousetsu with  Doppelganger Technique. That would probably buy Takeshi some time, but then what? He wasn't sure on what he could do next. Then he thought of his next move. He could probably use the clones as a distraction, and then use that move. There was not gurantee that it would work, but even so. Soemthing was better than nothing, and hopefully that would put him at least one step closer to knocking that sword out of his hands. Takeshi felt good about his new plan, but there was always the concern of what Sousetsu was going to do. Takeshi knew he had to have some good wood style techniques. There was a good chance he had some of the same moves Owydelu had. So he had to be prepared for those as well. As Takeshi was thinking about all of this, mere seconds was going by.


Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

As Sousetsu was approaching his target from the air, Takeshi sidestepped and cleared some distance between the two leaving the young Senju swing down upon the earth. Sousetsu almost immediately turned to face Takeshi in his battle stance once again with his blade in his hands before him. The young Senju did not yet know of Takeshi's abilities. He was unaware of his elemental affinities and his preferred fighting style. All he knew was that he was an Uzumaki and an old friend with high potential. The sun kissed Sousetsu's skin and gave him a warm sense of energy that ran through his body. He became more prepared and ready for his opponents counter strike. The wind brushed past Sousetsu's hair causing it to wave back and forth in sync with the force. The young Uzumaki began his assault, running towards Sousetsu with great speed and enthusiasm which was exactly what Sousetsu was hoping for in a sparring partner. It was also quite admirable as Sousetsu carried a blade while he was using taijutsu. Before long, Takeshi was within Sousetsu's personal zone and launched a fist with the momentum he had gained from his sprint. Sousetsu bent his body backwards slightly causing Takeshi to proceed further than the initial target but quickly turned back to continue with a quick jab.

The quick jab to Sousetu's face had connected with his jaw which he quickly shook off after his head moved as a reflex from the punch. He then turned to meet another punch to his stomach in which skipped backwards to dodge the attack and create a bit of distance between them. The two squared off for a moment. Sousetsu's eyes met his opponents, he was thinking of his next move or anticipating on what Sousetsu would do first from the look he wore on his face. Sousetsu grinned slightly looking upon his comrade. He then sheathed his sword slowly back into its holster which lay across Sousetu's lower back and raised his fists to proceed with his own taijutsu. "Well, you did say let's make it fair." Sousetsu smirked still holding his grin. He then dashed towards Takeshi and launched his first blow as a left straight punch followed by a right hook and spinned into it to continue with a spinning roundhouse kick with his right leg to the Uzumaki's neck. The sound of the blue metal plates from the Senju armour could be heard as each blow made their way to the fellow shinobi. It may have been a hindrance but was a formal way to represent his clan and protect the young Senju from any fatal blows that could injure him and hinder the training that they agreed to go through.

Words: 2040/4000 [Kenjutsu Training A>S]



Takeshi watched as Sousetsu sheathed his sword. This confused Takeshi, who had just racked his brain on how to take the sword away. This made him wonder if he gave away his plan in some way. That would be somewhat impossible, because there wasn't even enough time to figure it out that fast. No, Sousetsu seemed to have another plan, or maybe some other way he wished to fight. Starting to finally feel the pain in his right hand from stupidly punching Sousetsu's armored stomach. This pain went away rather quickly since he didn't really put too much force in the punch anyway. Not only that, but the less he thought about his hand, and more about what he was going to do now that Sousetsu sheathed his sword. Then, Takeshi could hear Sousetsu speak. He stopped thinking about what he going to do, and put his full attention on Sousetsu as he spoke.  "Well, you did say let's make it fair." After he said that, Takeshi watched as he smirked, which caused him feel heat build up in his stomach. Takeshi was starting to feel his blood begin to boil with anticipation, this mixed in with excitement. Takeshi felt as his senses began to clear up, when he breathed in, it felt as though it was clearer.

Takeshi watched as Sousetsu ran towards him. Staying on his guard, Takeshi kept track of Sousetsu as he ran even closer. Then he saw him ready his left hand for a similar attack Takeshi did himself. Takeshi moved his head to the left in order to dodge it, but was met with right hook shortly afterwards. The connected with his cheek and caused him to become slightly dizzy. In the brief second while he was dizzy, all he heard was the armor that Sousetsu clanking loudly as his next attack came toward him. He managed to shake it off rather quickly, fast enough to block the oncoming kick headed straight for what he guessed his head area. So Takeshi raised his left arm up at a 45 degree with his left hand up where his left ear was. With this, he also raised his left shoulder a bit to help take the kick. Turns out the kick landed in his neck area, even though Takeshi wasn't trying to block this area, he still managed to block the over all kick, even though the force from the kick landed pretty hard.

Takeshi sidestepped from in front of Sousetsu to his right side in order to free himself up from many more attacks, and in attempt to give him some openings Sousetsu might have. Takeshi decided to not to go for anymore body shots, so instead he wanted to focus on the head. Takeshi realized that just throwing simple jabs could pose a problem, and Sousetsu could just start using a few jutsu of his own. So Takeshi thought he should start to mix things up a bit. He threw a quick jab with his left hand towards Sousetsu's face. And then he drew his right hand back to get ready and use a power shot. The power shot however would have a little something else mixed in as well. He let his right fist loose towards Sousetsu's face, but as the fist drew closer to his face, Takeshi used the jutsu Wind Release: Great Breakthrough. If successful, this move would surly give Takeshi a few openings for him to use.



Jutsu Used:

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

The first attack on Takeshi did not connect as he moved from harms way but the right hook made contact with the Special Jounin's cheek causing him winch. As he followed through with a right roundhouse kick it appeared that the majority of the force was intercepted by a raised arm in a defensive manner. Sousetsu could feel the wind beginning to slow down as his assault had came to a brief end. His hair flailed back and forth in aimlessly as Takeshi stepped to the side to give himself a better chance to see an opening. Another jab had made its way to Sousetsu to which he used his right hand to slap the fist away from his face with a hasty movement. Before he had an opportune moment to strike back he was greeted with another fist, but this attack seemed to have more strength behind it judging from his previous attacks. The young Senju crossed his arms in front of his face, intercepting the attack but met something he did not expect. A great force of wind was felt from the hand of the Uzumaki which sent Sousetsu back a few feet before falling backwards and rolling back to position himself with one knee on the ground. He shook his arms trying to rid the sharp pain that shot up through his forearms. 'A ninjutsu attack?' Sousetsu thought to himself.

The wind seemed to have rushed Sousetsu sending him into a brief daze before snapping out of it. The sounds of the nearby wildlife seemed to have fallen on deaf ears to Sousetsu as his head rushed from the assault. Before long, he could things as they once were;  the leaves brushing off one another in the trees and the birds and the insects creating the harmonious orchestral song if nature. The sun was still shining and causing shadows to emerge and give shelter to those who were feeling exceptionally warm. A nearby stream could be heard rushing and crashing against the banks which gave Sousetsu an idea. He slowly made his way to his standing battle stance while grasping his right forearm and rubbing it slightly before readying himself for another attack. "Not bad, Takeshi. Sousetsu said with another grin.

He was unaware of the Uzumaki's ability and that did take him by surprise. He had to think about how he could still fight him with hand to hand without showing that he would be more cautious. He had to make Takeshi feel the same way. He had just the plan and decided to shake his arms one last time before dashing back towards. Upon entering Takeshi's personal space, the blue plated armour could still be heard with the crashing of metal against one another. He threw a straight right punch followed by a left hook. The left hook however, deliberately missed its target by a mere few centimeters and followed through to grab Sousetsu's right forearm. With a short moment of mustering chakra into his arm he pushed the palm forward to Takeshi's chest and let loose a jet of water from a close range. It was his 'Water Release: Water Bowl' technique, a very basic attack for water users but the idea was to show Takeshi that he could combine ninjutsu with his hand to hand comabt also, give them equal terms of hesitation and cautiousness in the fight.

Chakra: 255/270


Words: 2610/4000 [Kenjutsu Training A>S]



Takeshi watched as the plan he just made worked really well. The only thing that surprised him the most was how for Sousetsu actually went. He wasn't expecting him to fly that far back, but it happened. He was flew too far and too fast for him to catch up with him to try something else. Sousetsu managed to quickly recover from the impact, and it looked as if he was planning something. Takeshi took this time to plan something as well, though he was sure of what he wanted to do. He could try some long range fire jutsu, though he wanted to save that for when he needed to do it. After all, that was his biggest advantage over Sousetsu. He had to be smart about what he needed to do instead of just spamming random jutsu. Then Takeshi heard Sousetsu compliment him on his move, Takeshi just smiled. It looked as if Sousetsu wasn't even phased by his attack, and it looked like he was ready to try an attack of his own. So Takeshi readied himself, though he couldn't be sure as to Sousetsu's next move. He watched as Sousetsu ran towards him and Takeshi took a defensive stance, with his hands close to face. Takeshi found Sousetsu in had gotten rather close to him, faster than Takeshi thought he would. Takeshi was about ready to throw a jab out, but he hesitated when he saw that Sousetsu had already threw out his jab. Takeshi, the jab happened too fast, Takeshi could feel his heart beat speed up as he braced himself for the impact as best as he could.

He managed to fight his reflex of closing his eyes, and kept them open to see that Sousetsu missed head. Takeshi didn't have enough time to think of what just happened because he got sent flying backwards by an unexplained force. Before he really knew what happened, all he saw was the blue sky above him. He watched as a bird took flight from a nearby tree. As Takeshi watched this he thought to himself "I always wanted to fly, but not like this..." Then all Takeshi could feel was a blunt pain on the back of his head. He could feel himself moving around with any say so from him. This was the first time this happened to him. Takeshi had never gotten blew back like he did. He felt dizzy and disoriented, he had lost all sense of his direction. He even forgot where he was for a short moment. This was all new to him, he would make it a point to never let this happen to him again, or at least know how to keep himself from landing on his head. He got up from the ground and saw Sousetsu. He took a defensive stance and tried to figure out what just happened. He then felt a wet spot on his shirt that had went through his jacket. He was certain it wasn't there before Sousetsu hit him, so then he figured that the wet spot came from Sousetsu. He didn't know how, but he knew it had to be some kind of jutsu.

Takeshi smiled, Sousetsu managed to hide his movements well enough to give him an opening for the briefest moment. It was now Takeshi's turn to do something. He didn't have a clear idea of what he wanted to do, though, he did have a basic idea as to what he should do. He needed to try and overwhelm Sousetsu, though he knew Taijutsu wouldn't be the answer to that. He had to play it smart, since it he could overwhelm him with jutsu either. Or rather, he could quite possibly do that, but that would lead to some serious problems. Then he realized he was thinking too much about things, so he would just try something. He didn't want to just spend his time thinking about what he should do because Sousetsu would just do something before him. So Takeshi dropped his hands and ran towards Sousetsu at full speed. He then raised his hands and used Doppelganger Technique and made two clones of himself. He made both of them appear in front of him. In synchronization they all dropped there hands and ran full speed towards Sousetsu. From this, he sent the first clone to charge directly into Sousetsu with a strong right punch. While the first clone charged in, the second clone would jump up in the air and come down with a left kick. The real Takeshi would come in with the real punch. If everything worked out as planned, it should work well enough to at least open up some more opportunities to attack.



Jutsu Used:


Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

As the water bowl technique had landed Sousetsu gave off another smile as his technique had landed. The water that had splashed off of him created a glistening light as the suns rays had kissed each fragment of water, which was quite beautiful in Sousetsu's eyes. It was almost as if time stood still or at least slowed so that Sousetsu could embrace it for that little while longer. His attention turned back to Takeshi who he had successfully pinned the Uzumaki to the ground with his feint attack and had noticed a sound of a thud that came from his head when it came in contact with the earth before them. Sousetsu returned to his battle stance as he lay there and tried to make a recovery. He had already began to wonder how the fellow shinobi would react to this and scanned through his list of techniques in his mind on what jutsu would be most effective to use next. After the young Uzumaki had returned to his defensive stance Sousetsu thought that his plan of making them both wary came to fruition. Now neither of them held the upper hand but came to a somewhat chaotic neutral.

He had noticed that Takeshi had found the wet spot located on his chest and the expression his face had told the young Senju that he was unaware of what just happened. Maybe the thud on his head was more serious that it looked? Sousetsu's face returned to a more stern and serious look. The wind came across his hair once again, flailing side to side while the cool breeze across his neck. A smile could be seen from Takeshi. It seemed that he approved of Sousetsu's strategy and so the Senju returned with a smile of his own. Before long, Takeshi began to dropped his hands and then began to rush towards his fellow Leaf shinobi. His hands began to rise and soon performed a hand seal for a technique. Two clones suddenly appeared and ran alongside Takeshi before him. Sousetsu was unsure what type of clones they were. Were they shadow clones? Only time could tell with enough fighting to ensure that they dissipate. He now had two more opponents added on to the initial opponent. The first clone charged with a right straight to his head to which Sousetsu ducked and sidestepped out of harms way. As he ducked he noticed that there was no shadow on this clone and determined it to be a simple doppelganger technique. The second clone had already begun his arial attack to which the young Senju took note that they could hurt Sousetsu in any way and so remained still and searched for the remaining Takeshi who's shadow could be seen thanks to the sun.

The real Takeshi had come into Sousetsu's personal zone with another strong punch. Sousetsu grinned at the fact that mere academy jutsu was used to try and confuse him. With haste, Sousetsu leaped into the air a few feet and placed his foot upon Takeshi's fist and acted as a spring to create a greater distance between then as he flew backwards a few metres. While he was in the air he performed and few hand seals and upon landing, he slammed his hands upon the earth. "Earth Release: Mud Wolves!" Three wolves formed from the earth in a dripping muddy texture. Their eyes glowed yellow and they growled towards Takeshi and his clones. Sousetsu decided to stay back while he sent his mud wolves to go to the offensive for him. Two of the wolves went to the two clones while the remaining one wolf went to Takeshi. As the wolves ran the mud from their bodies trickled off of their bodies but seemed to regenerate almost instantly.  It was one of Sousetsu's favoured moves in terms of distracting the opponents while he performed an assault with either another technique or getting up close and personal with. It's main function was to allow the young Senju time to escape from harm if an opponent seemed to powerful for him, or to lure into a trap.

Chakra: 240/270


Words: 3308/4000 [Kenjutsu Training A>S]



Takeshi face wrinkled up with disapproval as he watched Sousetsu use his hand as a spring board. It was silly of him to think that a simple maneuver such as his would work. He should have done something more than a simple academy level jutsu. Though, he knew that deep down it wouldn't have worked anyway. He needs to learn that his opponents aren't to be underestimated. Takeshi jumped backwards which lead to him doing a backflip in the process. He stuck his landing, and looked up to see Sousetsu weaving some hand seals in midair. He didn't know what jutsu he weaving up there, though it looked like it would cause a little trouble. From where Sousetsu was in the sky, It reminded Takeshi of his last spar with a Senju. Owydelu used a similar tactic, this lead to Takeshi being locked up in a wooden cage. Takeshi didn't know what jutsu Sousetsu was going to use next, though he knew he didn't want to get caught up in a cage. He didn't jump up into the air or anything like that. He instead would bide his time until the last second. He figured that would lead to some form of confusion on Sousetsu's part. He watched as Sousetsu landed back on the ground and slammed his hands down on the ground. Takeshi waited to see if any wooden cages would spring up from the ground, but to his slight surprise, none came out. Instead he was greeted by muddy wolves.

The wolves themselves looked unstable, like they could collapse onto themselves at any moment. From what Takeshi could tell, they seemed to rebuild themselves upon every step they took. Takeshi thought that it looked kind of cool, in a boyish way. He didn't stay on this thought however, especially when he saw two of the wolves go after his clones while one was making his way over to Takeshi. Takeshi knew that the other wolves would soon figure out that the other clones weren't even real, so he had to think of something fast. The spar couldn't go for much longer anyway, Takeshi found himself getting tired, and he knew Sousetsu had to be getting tired himself. That's why he was using the wolves, though that was only guess. Takeshi was going to try and finish this the best way he could do it, without trying to kill Sousetsu of course. Takeshi made a cross with his index and middle finger from both hands. From this he summoned two other real clones of himself on either side of him using Shadow Doppelganger Technique. He could his own chakra reserves shrink dramatically as he did this jutsu. From this, Takeshi and his other three clones jumped into the air. He and his clone on his left grabbed each other's arms. Takeshi then threw his clone toward a tree that was horizontal of himself that was also in the same direction as Sousetsu. Then he grabbed the other clone that was on the right of himself, and threw him down towards Sousetsu. From the force he used to throw his clone toward Sousetsu, he did a backflip in midair, landed on a branch.

The clone that he threw down toward Sousetsu began to make golden chains made form chakra spring out of his palm, in total there was four chains which would hopefully get to Sousetsu before the other clone used its jutsu. From the clone that he threw horizontal of himself that was still in the air, it concentrated its chakra in its throat and lungs. From this it formed a huge firball using Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu that would come land on Sousetsu's head. The real Takeshi watched from the safety of his branch to see if his plan would work.

3370+634=4004/4000 Ninjutsu A to S training complete


Jutsu Used:


Last edited by Takeshi on Sun Jul 28, 2013 3:14 pm; edited 1 time in total

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

As two of the wolves assaulted the two copies, the clones soon dissipated at the point of impact leaving only Takeshi. The remaining wolf hastily made his way to the young Uzumaki in hopes that it would distract him leaving the young Senju to strike. Sousetsu could feel himself becoming more fatigued from the trading blows that he took and hoped that Takeshi felt the same. The chest plate that Sousetsu wore could be seen moving in and out displaying his new and heavier breathing pattern as a result of this. The wolves continued to drip with mud while two remained stationary after attacking the clones, preparing themselves in case of another assault. A trail of mud could be traced from the wolf that was chasing down Takeshi. Before the final wolf could reach, Takeshi preformed a hand seal for another clone technique. Was it more of the academy level jutsu? Or was it a new clone technique? Three clones were summoned around Takeshi and they all leaped into the air before him. The clone to Takeshi's left and Takeshi himself grabbed each others arms. One of which was thrown to a nearby tree before another copy was thrown down and straight towards  Sousetsu.

The force had caused Takeshi to back flip and land on a nearby branch. In all the confusion, Sousetsu had found it quite a difficult task to keep his eyes focused on the many who could attack at any moment. Soon, the clone that appeared closest to Sousetsu had sent fourth four golden chains aiming at Sousetsu. Without any further hesitation, Sousetsu performed a series of hand seals and placed his hands upon the earth before him. "Mokuton: Mokujōheki!" Sousetsu shouted loud and clear. Wooden pillars emerged from the ground from the left and right side of Sousetsu and joined together creating a dome around Sousetsu. He felt the chains come into contact with the wood almost instantly after it was formed. He did know what was about to happen next but did not want to wait to find out. He began to burrow his way underground with his 'Earth Release: Double Suicide Decapitation Technique' and left the dome and made his way to a distance away from the sounds of the vibrations. He heard a loud thud and a sound of crackling. What had happened? He emerged from the ground around ten metres from the wood locking wall technique and had seen that it was on fire. Another ninjutsu that would have been rather dangerous if Sousetsu had been caught with the chains.

He stood tall from the hole in which he emerged from and looked at the clones and Takeshi who stayed at the back free from harms way. it was almost like a runway to get past the clones to get to him. He grinned and shouted down so that his felloow Leaf shinobi could hear him. "This is a technique that I have created, Takeshi. Prepare yourself!" He performed more hand seals and summoned his own technique that he had created in this very forest. "Mizuma no Jutsu!" A large amount of water emerged from the ground and formed four great horses, twice the size of average horses. Their bodies looked like a streaming river and gave off a sound similar also. They immediately took off and charged down a straight path towards the young Uzumaki side by side. They ran over the wooden dome extinguishing the fire and leaving a smoke trail in its place but also breaking it on the impact and continued to charge. It was a long shot from this distance but the time seemed right. He began running alongside the horses but seemed to fast for him to keep up but he kept them within range so that they would not dispel before their point of impact. Sousetsu then sent the wolves who were also occupied while gazing upon the horses, back to the two clones who had created the earlier assault in hopes of keeping them at bay leaving the four horse technique and Sousetsu to fight Takeshi. Sousetsu was beginning to feel the toll on him as his fatigue began to fade more as the techniques were used in succession but still kept his head up high, showing his determination.

Chakra: 180/270


Words: 4025/4000 [Kenjutsu Training A>S]



Takeshi watched as Sousetsu made some more of his beasts from the nature. This must be why the Senju were so powerful, how they were able to just use three elements like that. Either that, or Sousetsu was doing a really good job at connecting with his "roots". Takeshi couldn't believe he just came up with that kind of pun in the heat of battle. He was almost ready to just slap himself because of that, though, he knew that wouldn't have been wise to. The horses themselves looked like something out of one of his comic books. They looked un real, and maybe even something out of a nightmare. That didn't matter because at the moment, it seemed like Takeshi was in a bit of a predicament. Due to his clone jutsu, he was low on chakra and stamina. He could correct this by dispersing the clones, but that would take a while, and he might not be able to make the time needed. Not only that, but Souestsu had three mud wolves and four water horses at his command. Takeshi wasn't all too sure as to what the horses were really capable of, though he could tell they were heading towards Takeshi who was in a branch at the time. He knew the horses had to strong, because they broke through the little dome made out of wood. From his perch, he could also see the wolves trying to get to the clone that made the chains that, at the moment, was at ground level. The clone that made the fireball landed on the branch of the tree that Takeshi was aiming for.

Takeshi's first goal was to try and disperse the clones to get a large chunk of his chakra back. He was to do this, he would possibly gain a huge advantage over Sousetsu if this worked. He need to buy some time so that he could disperse them, and since those horses were quite a ways, Takeshi only really needed to worry about Sousetsu. The real Takeshi formed the same hand seal he made when he created the clones. From this, he jumped from his current branch, to a tree that was on the left side of himself. He landed on the tree's branch while still keeping the same hand seal he made before. After this, he started to concentrate on dispersing the clones. The clone that was in the branch jumped to branch that Takeshi was at to serve as a bodyguard to protect against Sousetsu. The clone at ground level had to deal with the mud wolves. So at he started to back up and away from the wolves who was slowly making their way towards him. The clone looked over to his side to a log that looked light enough to use, he would keep that mind. Takeshi continued to form the hand seal and continued to concentrate on the task at hand, and that was to disperse his clones.



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