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Yoshiro Kuroka

Yoshiro Kuroka

It was the day after a big night the night previous to the brand new day yoshiro spend out on the town mixing with the local villagers in underground bars selling alcohol to almost anyone needless to say he partied long in to the night and over indulged himself drinking causing his head to beat in pain with the slightest sound it was here we found the boy lying on the single bed in his small single apartment his loving fox lying peacefully at his feet taking a nap through the day, As the boy lay hung-over a dam towel over his forehead hazed memories drifted through the boys head piece by piece putting together the full picture of the night before the first of which was how he found the boy wound up in one of these under ground puts to begin with he was strolling the streets shortly after his argument with his father at the mental hospital he wander over to the sky bar to try and get a drink after the refusal of the under age boy he was approached by a shady looking man in his thirty's giving him an option to come with him to a place that over looked i.d's "Ah so that's how I found the under age club" he thought focusing on his memories of the night rather than the anger caused by the confrontation between him and his father earlier in the day.

The young boys fleeting memories passed slowly revealing the full picture to yoshiro it was when he focused that the memories became harder to grasp the boy calms himself with a deep inhale and slow exhale his eyes closed and mind becoming blank he begins to remember a long wooden bar a heavy set bar tender and an empty bottle of scotch behind him surrounded by unfamiliar faces and his only true connection komomi, The mood was filled with joy he could almost hear the sound of the slurred multiple voices singing along to drinking songs smiles plastered across the room suddenly a lasp in the the memory creates darkness and quickly forms a new picture in the boys mind, A woman crying the presence of sorrow in this one area while the room was filled with joy and laughter as the boy sits at the table the two speak but listening to the memory yoshiro is unable to hear the words as he reaches to hold the woman to comfort her the words "That large figure in the woods, It chased me for so long i thought i was going to die" Suddenly the movie like display of distant memories ends into darkness yoshiros eyes open to find himself still lying in his room the light from the sun causing dancing beams of lights to flicker around the room cause by the wind dancing with the single curtain covering the open window.

"A large figure chasing women in the woods" the boy says to himself sitting up in his bed his feet meeting the floor before arising from bed scanning his room over clothing and rubbish surrounding him "What a mess, Komomi wanna help me clean up" He says to his pet his head still painfully beating a side effect from alcohol abuse one he knew to well it was then the young boy noticed his pet limping as she jumped down from his bed slightly hoping with each step "Komomi what's wrong" the young boy says in a depressed voice dropping to his knees to embrace his pet the fox curling into her masters lap allowing him to inspect her, Looking over the fox he immediately notices her left back paw looks damaged "How did that happen" the boy thinks to himself stirring feelings of guilt and sadness lovingly stroking her silky fur trying to remember what happened.

Tears formed as the boy softly pat his injured friend closing his eyes his fox cuddling against his lap peacefully as he drifted of into another hazed memory from the past So much anger and yelling obvious signs of aggression as a blurred figured points and yells un heard words at the kuroka boy within the slowly progressing memory komomi as able to be seen her body defensive barking and nipping at the tall dark figure it was then the figure kicked into the fox with lethal intent the sound of the dog whimpering and crying in pain cause so much anger and hatred he sprints towards the figure creating his sword kazumi in his hands before running his finger down the top of the blade trying to coat it in a new technique that apparently fails instead he springs forth with a single deep swing slicing the figures chest a spray of blood and the figure returning with a forceful swing impacting on the boy and with that the memory ends to nothing but darkness.

"Oh god did i kill that figure last night" the thought popped into yoshiro's head this might be the first time he had actually taken a life for no other reason then his rash anger taking over him the aggression he tried to suppress in the form of his alter personality kuro that he had to accept in order to regain control of his own mind, A life time of bottle Aggression and hatred was a burden that last night proved he couldn't bear the mixed feelings about taking a life filled his soul unsure if he could accept that the figure deserved death for breaking one of his gentleman codes : Animal abuse and terrifying a lady or if the figure deserved to be punished in another form either way the young boy decided then and their he would confirm his death then decide on his feelings about it.

"A tall dark figure in the woods, Komomi I have to go stay here and rest" Yoshiro says awakening from his memory like a dream his fox giving a large yawn before replacing her self in some of the boys dirty laundry returning to her slumber the boys sadness clearing with a smile of his pets resilience "Well I'll be home later" yoshiro speaks once more to his fox before arising and leaving the apartment after getting dressed in his normal attire  heading for the thickest forest in kumogakure just outside of the Arbiter grounds.

Justu being trained A Rank:

(1221/2500 Jutsu Training continued from Fighting a Girl)
1064 Words - Current Thread
2285 / 2500

Last edited by Yoshiro Kuroka on Sun Jul 21, 2013 6:27 am; edited 1 time in total

Yoshiro Kuroka

Yoshiro Kuroka

It took roughly two hours to reach the giant spreading forest reaching for hundreds of kilometers the giant pines and scattered trees made a canopy casting the depths of the forest in a dark shadow the perfect place to elude peoples attention the wind blowing though the stretching woods causing billowing noises creaks and cracks from wood knocking against wood, the distant various howl, grunts and squeaks can be heard from the ambulance of animal life the feeling of thousands of watching hidden eyes come across the young boy as he takes his first step in to the unknown danger that may lie ahead entering the shaded forest beams of light piercing through the parts of the canopy provide enough light for the boy to see around him the shadows only limiting the range of his eye sight to 50 meters.

Trenching through the dense lift litter fallen branches and rocks covering the land escape along with the tightly formed masses of large trees the boy thought of how much his injured pet lying at home awaiting his return would love running around in this sort of setting she would feel right at home here, the image of his blade passing through the figure reminded him of the possibility that his search may be in vein, Looking around at the natural untamed beauty of the forest yoshiro was quickly able to substain his anger and continue his search for the strange illusive figure the boy tracking through the hundreds of kilometers of forests meter by meter still with the unsettling feeling of being watched by still seeing no wild life apart from the odd dear and hare being a shinobi came with the perks of his utter most confidence in his ability and the watchful feeling had no effect over his commitment by still remained on the young boy brain the possibility of an ambush.

Two hours had passed since the boy had entered the forest the rising sun now reaching its peak of the day warming the forest causing a damp wet heat sticking to everything under the protection of the canopy this combined with the night earlier the boy would be severely dehydrated in a matter of hours, he knew he had to find fresh water stopping his trekking and remaining in complete silence the young boy listened to by hear chance the need solace of water as he listened through the silence interrupted by the sounds of animals he can hear the distant crashing of water east of where he was standing "Well that was lucky" the boy proclaimed to himself at the almost impossible chance of hearing water just when he needs it, Trekking through the forest floor once more due east towards the distant sound of cascading water.

Justu being trained A Rank:

2748/ 2500

Yoshiro Kuroka

Yoshiro Kuroka

As yoshiro wondered through the forest towards the sound of water it gave him time to think, The one time that he couldn't bring his fox the one time he could really user her heightened scenes, thinking over the dark and evil things he had done recently cutting 4 gang members limb from limb leaving a blood stained ally, and mainly his father everything he had done from being a kind loving man to the empty shell he visited fixated on killing "I can't become that" he told himself trying to push the thoughts of similarities between the two far from the depths of his mind.

The combination of the sticky wet humid heat, his dehydration and fatigue slowed the boys hike to a zombie like walk each step slowly placed in front of the other the sound of water was getting closer encouraging the boy but without water in the next hour he would not be able to remain consciousness it was then that he heard a maddening chuckle the insane laughter echoed through out the woods, the boy spinning around the spot looking for the source of the sound yelling in a dry cracked voice "Who's there" replied with nothing but the same dark laughter, The panicked boy calmed himself and began searching for another presence unable to feel anyone around him he continued towards the sound of water being masked by the continues insane laughter.

It was a hour of searching that the boy reached the large open spring his slow wonder to the water line followed by falling to his knee's his body face planting him into the water taking several seconds under the water drinking before pulling his head back his long wet hair flicked back creating a small trail of beading water over his head with a large gasp of air yoshiro roll on his back his hair spreads outwards across the moving water almost floating the boy drifting of to sleep napping to recuperate the stamina he had lost through dehydration.

When the young boy awoke the dim lit scene of the sunlight piercing through the canopy creating beams of light had been replaced by a shadowed darkness almost eliminating the range of vision lowering it to 10 meters in front of the boy through the empty darkness a flickering light could be seen in the distance unsure of what it could be it was the only source of light to be seen and with the closing darkness it was a long shot but their might be people up there, By the time yoshiro tracked through the closing darkness the tough terrain making the short walk taking hours the darkness now set the large glowing moon providing little light, Finally reaching the flickering light a large opening connecting to a small cave, Yoshiro looking around found no sign of life and decided to approach the needed warmth of the fire to get him through the night.

Hours passed of the silver haired boy waiting for the person to comeback watching the stars and flames he slowly drifted off sleeping through the night awaking the next morning to find the dear full cooked and still no sign of people, using the opportunity to eat before the camper returned. The boy chewing into a piece of the dear like a savage wolf devouring flesh he can feel a path on the back "Fancy finding you all the way out here yoshi" a deep calming recognizable voice speaks from behind him "Father", Reito walking from behind him and sitting on a nearby rock taking a piece of the dear before chewing into the tender meat "Mmm that's good hey son" Reito says with a warming smile plastered across his face his body and demeanor calm and loving like the father yoshiro remembered from his child hood, Yoshiro was uncased and puzzled by the change and kindness towards his father and the chances of finding him out here was the most puzzling at all "What's he playing at" the boy thought to himself before replying in a soft tone "Yeah I'm starving".

Moments past of a strange awkward yet peaceful silence between the father and son before reito broke the silence "Do you remember when we use to go for forest walks, camping" He paused as he looked around into the beauty of the natural scenery "I've always loved being out here the animals, living of the land, the natural peace it calms the soul, Do you know what I mean yoshi?" the boy was lost for words the father in front of him almost identical from the one of the pasted his brain raced with wonder of what exactly what was going only being able to form the answer "Yeah" the boy lost in a world of a puzzled wonder, His father looking over the speechless boy "What's wrong boy cat got your tongue" Reito bursting in to a short chuckle leading into a full bodied laughter "Father what are you doing out here I saw you a few weeks ago, I don't understand what's going on" Yoshiro said stopping his fathers laughter immediately.

Yoshiros words hitting his fathers ears changed the cool personality to the empty murderer that replaced his father when he lost his battle to insanity "What the FUCK! yoshi, Why bring that up we were having a moment their, WHAT THE FUCKS WRONG WITH YOU!" Reito screams spit flying towards the boy his face showing his murderous rage, Yoshiros father showing fractured personifies jumping between Reito and his true father once yelling peacefully sitting chewing on the dear,Yoshiro was utterly stunned with the sudden transformation his father resembled him in so many ways which petrified the boy, stunned and speechless they returned to the same unsettling silence as before.

Yoshiro finally regaining composure figuring his father must have some how escaped, standing before speaking towards his father read to defend himself if his words cause a violent out burst, His stance on off kendos ready to create his sword and fend off his fathers attacks "Father you didn't answer my question, What's going on how did you get out here, Why are you in control at the moment, TELL ME WHAT"S GOING ON!" Yoshiro said peacefully getting more irate towards the end yelling at his father, Reito jumping up and storming towards the young boy his eye's screening murder "YELL AT ME?, SON IM GOING TO TEACH YOU SOME MANNERS" Reito screamed at the boy creating a large sword in his hand one of his most famous swords Blood Screen, A large thick Nodaci roughly 7 feet long and 3 feet at its widest point, The large towering man now sprinting towards the boy with lethal intent a few feet between them the boy would have little time to react. Reaching into his side pocket he pulls out 4 shrunken tossing the towards his father, easily batted away by a swords man of reito's skill his large sword swung down upon Yoshiro.

Training Ninjutsu B>A

Yoshiro Kuroka

Yoshiro Kuroka

Yoshiro had seconds before his fathers famous nodachi would impact on him the blow would surely be enough to kill the boy, the length of the sword made little chance for the boy to dodge the incoming sword giving him few options the most obvious of which using the academy taught substitution jutsu as the sword cut through yoshiro a puff of smoke across replacing his body with one of the previously thrown shuriken, At this point yoshiro had moments to capitalize on the small amount of confusion caused creating a minute opening, Yoshiro hands meet creating 3 quick seals allowing the use of his raiton jutsu Kuroneko Sochi charging at his father using the short sprint to fabricate his yami no katana to his right hand as the blade appeared he noticed that his sword weighed alot less than normal and upon a glimpse of the sword the shape was vastly different a small black wakazashi replacing his large bamboo sheathed nodachi.

As the tall boy reached his towering slightly confused father he swung at him with lethal intent performing a diagonal slash across his father back, Reito's response time as quick as ever spiraling around on the spot catching the small wakazashis attack with an impressive parry seconds away from the swords impact using his superior strength to push against the boys wakazashi their blades grind against one another as reito inch by inch gains ground against his son "What's wrong yoshi, this new sword of yours looks all deadly like it wants to kill but the problem is you have no strength to wield it" Reito shouts at yoshiro his face inches away from the young boys as their swords remain battling for position like a arm wrestle, Yoshiro using the opportunity to plan his next attack.

Yoshiro could feel the strength of his father pushing down on his sword the immense pressure soon to subdue, Using his blood line he can feel his strength start to grow as he releases his Goin~na, using the sudden burst of strength the boy pushes against his fathers sword with a mighty swing pushing him back over a meter "Oh what was that son" Reito taunts his son with a puzzled look before sprinting back towards his son his sword ready to enter a flurry of attacks, With a quick dash and the bonus of his Kuroneko Sochi the two swordsman meet in a powerful clash the power of their two swords meeting creating a small shock wave booming from each strike meet the men standing toe to toe each attack meet with a defensive response and another attack, It appeared obvious that the two where evenly matched with the addition strength given by the use of Goin~na there duel lasting over 10 minutes before his father retreats gaining distance "What now" Yoshiro thought to himself preparing for one of his fathers jutsu's.

Reitos using the range to his advantage he impaled his nodachi in the ground to gain the use of both hands immediately creating various hand signs, He then starts spewing a large amount of water snaking its way towards the young boy at an incredible speed eventually forming the head of a dragon, Yoshiro darting out of the path of the quickly approaching dragons mouth he notices the moving body of water seams to be chasing him changing direction based on his movements, "Shit" yoshiro thought to himself as he darted through trees and shrubs the water dragon closing in on him with each step, With a large leap of a tree during the chase the boy became airborne being able to see his father holding his hands in a seal of some sort "There a weakness" Yoshiro told himself throwing 2 kunai with his left hand towards his father hoping it breaks his seal before the mouth of the dragon were to catch him.

The incoming kunai force reito to break his hands in order to dodge the incoming projectiles the large mass of moving water losing shape and dropping to the ground as yoshiro falls from the air landing on his two feet. Wasting no time the boy tries for a full frontal attack once more sprinting towards reito with a large horizontal slash to be followed with a flurry of attacks, The sudden break in reitos defensive swings giving yoshiro a slight opportunity taking advantage of the opening the boy quickly lunges with his sword hitting his father piercing into his chest nearly 3 cm before reito was able to defend himself a aggressive horizontal swing down on yoshiro caused him to cease his attack and block the incoming nodachi.

With a quick swing the incoming nodachi is sent of course with a powerful parry in the same fluid movement twisting the sword and swinging the wakashi back across the same direction it came once again impacting on his fathers chest once more leaving a large cutting gash almost 3 inches deep reito dropping to the ground staring over his son with lethal intent before breaking into a large insane chuckle "HaHaHa you got me Yoshi, Come on finish me like a man" Reito screams at the tall boy towering over him "No" Yoshiro says forcing reito's  hand grips the handle of his sword using his last power to attack the boy with a quick lunge bursting into a flurry of attacks much slower than before due to the massive amount of blood loss "This is great yoshi can't you feel it the enjoyment of having a life in your hands" the young easily dodging each attack giving him time to form his last words to his father before his final blow "Reito i will never become like you, Good bye father i will always love you" Yoshiro says with his final swing cutting through the neck of reito instantly killing the man with a large splash of blood.

Yoshiro watched reito as he fell to the ground gargles and choking noises made buy his father slowly drowning on his own blood the look in his eyes slowly fading to an empty soul less stare, The young boys entire body and soul shook realizing that his father had died by his hands dropping to his knees grabbing his bloody lifeless father in a loving embrace losing all his emotions at once bursting into tears "FATHER!" the boy yelled the heart broken cry echoing throughout the forest, Yoshiro sat embarrassing his dead father as the hours past lost in emotion finally regaining composure he looked over his father for a final time before rising to his feet head back though the forest home putting the day behind him but remembering the experience for ever.

2308/3000 training to be continued in a later thread
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