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1--False Eden✣Original Post-Apoc RP Empty --False Eden✣Original Post-Apoc RP Thu Jul 05, 2012 12:30 am


--False Eden✣Original Post-Apoc RP Falseedenad

No one saw it coming. No one dared to even speculate. Human existence had risen to its peak, and in their ignorance they believed themselves akin to the gods they had once worshiped.
--Until disaster struck. The illness swept across the earth with a swift and deadly force. Their precious technology could not cure them. In fear and desperation, the leaders of our country gathered the healthy and isolated them from the world in protective domes. These people became so fearful of contact with the outside that they became small countries with governments all their own.

Four hundred years later, these domes still exist. The humans within them still believe themselves protected and isolated from the world beyond. These citizens of these domes know nothing of the outside world, believing that stepping beyond the dome is a death sentence. They don't know that the world has purged itself of the sickness. They don't know that the earth has reclaimed its lands in splendor and beauty-- that the world beyond their domes is a paradise just waiting to be exposed.

Where will you belong in this world? Are you a captive living in the heart of a tyrant's dome? Or are you a native of the world beyond fear? The possibilities are endless.
Come and join us!!

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