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1Anime Clash Empty Anime Clash Wed Jul 04, 2012 5:42 pm


Anime Clash ACpic
  • All-Anime Crossover RP
  • Boardwide plot with plenty of variability
  • Character/Member driven events
  • No Minimum Word Count
  • Casual and Friendly
  • Several Skins to choose from
All sorts of different Anime Universes are now meshed onto one plane of existence thanks to one magic-wielding young girl, a spell mishap, and Heartless. What new life would YOU create in this new world?
Canon Naruto Locations currently in play (others can be requested) are Sunagakure and Konohakagure. The former seems to be employed by London-Tokyo's Prime Minister (secretly) and the latter is under siege in the Demon Woods.

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