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1Calling the Summit [Reika Only] Empty Calling the Summit [Reika Only] Mon Feb 25, 2013 3:35 am



//OOC: I have permission from Trilby to post these messages in the village.//
The sound of a falcon's heavy wings flapping sounded as the brown-colored bird swiftly landed upon the balcony ledge of the Raikage's Tower. It's right wing was raised to display a message wrapped in the official seal of Konohagakure. The bird would allow whoever approached it to retrieve the letter, though attempting to capture it would result in the bird fleeing with the message still in its possession.

The message reads...

Hachidaime Raikage,
    Due to recent events, the Jyuunidaime Hokage Kenta Inuzuka has been replaced by myself. The time has come for Konohagakure to call for all of the great shinobi village leaders to meet for a summit to discuss the matter of the Hokage's replacement, as well as the events that have led to such actions being taken.

    The Summit will be held in the traditional location, at the Three Wolves Mountain in Iron Country. It will occur on the first of March. Please be in attendance, as it is of the utmost urgency.
The Jyuusandaime Hokage

Upon delivering the message, the bird would give only a screech in response before raising its wings and hastily taking flight once more.

2Calling the Summit [Reika Only] Empty Re: Calling the Summit [Reika Only] Sun Mar 03, 2013 12:50 am


Reika let out a loud, audible yawn. She had pulled an all-nighter....this Kage stuff was hard. Then again, Midnight, her predecessor, had not exactly given her the position gracefully. When she had first entered the office, dusty piles of paperwork greeted her. That was a day ago...she could see past her desk now, at least.

She was awakened by a rapping on the window. A messenger bird...? At this hour? Looking at the clock, she realized that it wasn't too unreasonable....eleven o'clock.

Reika took the bird's scroll, and sent a courtesy reply to...whoever it was. Standard issue, unlike this letter.

“Hachidaime Raikage,
Due to recent events, the Jyuunidaime Hokage Kenta Inuzuka has been replaced by myself. The time has come for Konohagakure to call for all of the great shinobi village leaders to meet for a summit to discuss the matter of the Hokage's replacement, as well as the events that have led to such actions being taken.

The Summit will be held in the traditional location, at the Three Wolves Mountain in Iron Country. It will occur on the first of March. Please be in attendance, as it is of the utmost urgency.”

The Jyuusandaime Hokage

Oh. Well. That was lovely.... It seemed these were troubling times in the world... and Reika was shoved into it all at a rather inopportune time.

"Well...I suppose we'd better get going, then."

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